cadaver dog hits in Irwin home~search warrant served on family home #5

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Just for clarification, the cadaver dog hit was Monday, October 17. The massive search was Wednesday, October 19. Some media reports are claiming that the cadaver hit during the big search, which is not the case.

They did in fact have dogs out Monday. I watched them outside where they were digging on WEdnesday and the one dog was showing signs of something. I watched it enter the vehicles and then they took the camera off when they entered the home with the dogs.
The ones I mentioned that make the ripping sound are the smaller ones with no handle. I've never used the bigger ones. Maybe that is the difference.

The little ones click when the tape is sticking and you are squeezing it. I realized you are not to squeeze until cut time. I forget every time I use it, and rapidly remember due to the clicking. Off brands are worse and the tape rips and sticks to itself like a son of a gun.
Are the warrants normally released so quickly or is this a further attempt to put pressure on the parents and/or get them to turn on each other?
Before a LDT is given they want to know if you had any substance IE medication, alcohol 24 or is it 48 hours before they administer it.

They took hair samples, which can be tested for drugs, but I don't think alcohol - not sure. Drugs stay in the folicle for years.
former bestfriend calls DB an attention hound

"I don't buy it, I know she can turn her cry on like that"

"she has another side of her you just wouldn't want to be around"

-Inside Edition
I'm still trying to find "freshly turned dirt" in the warrants. Anyone see this or know where it came from? TIA.

Pg 4 of warrant-last sentence of 1st paragraph:

"The land includes a garden area with portions of dirt having an appearance of being recently disturbed or overturned."
I think this murder happened before the day in question! I think the going to store to buy wine was part of their plan to stage. I also think JI getting a job overnight was planned too, also calling the neighbor to come over and drink wine was part of the alibi process.


I just may have to agree with your theory and jump off the dad is innocent fence. I am just so angry now. :banghead::furious:
Please God let this baby be found today.

I was trying to understand why DB made the comment that when she checked on Lisa that night she was standing up in her crib.... now I see...she is making a definate statementthat Lisa was in her CRIB that night... Not in DB's bedroom...There is something weird about her changing the time that she saw Lisa too...MOO
Yes! Glow worms - very close to my heart. My kids are grown and I still have their "wormies" packed away. My son wouldn't go to sleep without "wormie" and there were a few nights that I had to get in the car and drive over to grammies to get it for him (he'd left it there during the day).

Just makes my heart hurt!

And, I am now officially off the fence and picking out the splinters.

DB just need to give it up NOW. Bring that baby home and lay her to rest properly.

Makes my heart sink. :( They were a new item when my children first got them and they couldn't sleep without them. The Glo Worms got lots of love from my little ones. Washed them many times...

This news of the dogs hitting is very upsetting.
You know LE has never cleared JI either! I believe because without a body they cannot place a time of death. Her death could have happened the day before or even a few days before. JI is suspect, LE might have enough to arrest but they need more to point to which one, DB or JI, or Both! The body will reveal that. MOO

Wasn't she at a birthday party on Sunday, Oct. 2? There were photos shared from that event, too.
We have to be prepared for the fact this may not be an accident. Seeing the change in DBs attitude from the sweet, heartbroken woman who first spoke about her baby, I have the feeling she could have had a "bad moment" with poor impulse control, due to the fact she wanted to be free of this sick baby and drink with her neighbor.

By her own admission, she NEVER checked the baby again after 6:40PM, that was an hour after JI went to work. The baby was sick. She never checked her again. Not good, by anyone's standards. MOO
The little ones click when the tape is sticking and you are squeezing it. I realized you are not to squeeze until cut time. I forget every time I use it, and rapidly remember due to the clicking. Off brands are worse and the tape rips and sticks to itself like a son of a gun.

I agree that this is a strong possiblity of what made the clicking sound the boys were reported to have heard.

I know this because for the past 10 years, every other year I have sent care packages monthly to Iraq. JMHO
So help me....................

If this baby is found with black garbage bags and tape and..................

I will Scream...................!!!!! :cry:

If you believe in 1 + 1 = 2 theories, as I do, I'm afraid this is exactly what we will find. :rose: :(
They took hair samples, which can be tested for drugs, but I don't think alcohol - not sure. Drugs stay in the folicle for years.

I also don't think hair can be tested for alcohol.
I have always been concerned about how "high" the baby mattress was in the crib. Normally by 11 months, that mattress is down as low as it can go.
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