Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

What gets me is there is a few $100k floating around-and the A's didn't buy the property outright and then bring someone else in to do their bidding of a memorial?

Respectfully snipped....

OMG...that makes me think, "what if, what if..." :banghead:

Tho the BKH website did claim:

24) Is Bring Kids Home Related to any of the Case Principals?
We have no relationship to any principal party or attorney involved in the Caylee Case and no obligation to provide funds to these principals. We are looking to build memorials in other states, on a case-by-case basis.

But...who is a "Case Principal?" Are CA and GA case principals? Or do they mean KC?

Who are the 'partners' they reference on their website?

Oh, I have dozens upon dozens of questions....
Respectfully snipped....

OMG...that makes me think, "what if, what if..." :banghead:

Tho the BKH website did claim:

But...who is a "Case Principal?" Are CA and GA case principals? Or do they mean KC?

Who are the 'partners' they reference on their website?

Oh, I have dozens upon dozens of questions....

Makes one really wonder who those principal 'stockholders' are. this would go back to how much of a % of that $500,000 was 'donated' and will be 'donated' right back. I think it is Ma and Pa A since they control the Caylee name, not to mention if it wasn't for their daughter bla bla...

I also have many questions. The one that stands out today is - Why, if OCA and her parents are on the outs, why has she not stopped any of this foundation activity and use of Caylee's name? I just bet she is a silent partner:maddening:. She is Still allowing her parents to use her daughters likeness and name because she needs money too, but knows nobody would donate to her-she can't make her own money because she is being sued by a lot of people, not forgetting the IRS on this either. If she was so angry with them, you'd think she'd be the one to put a kabash on everything. This is why I call BS on this smoke and mirror story about her not being in contact with either parent, bet me they are supporting her. More hush money far as I'm concerned. One huge game of fraud.:banghead:
I suspect NOTHING will ever be built on this particular spot of ground because of an inability to secure a building permit. One of the toughest approval processes for a permit in Florida is from the Water Management Board. Low lying wet lands are zealously guarded by these district boards for a good reason. They are one of the principle collection points for our underground aquifier where, virtually, all of Florida's potable water originates. With the surrounding density of homes, I would tend to believe that if this spot of ground was buildable, it would already have a house on it.

The days of filling in a swamp in Florida for some type of construction project are pretty much a thing of the past.

the St John's River Management District has a lot of say regarding development of a parcel of land.
Was it ever confirmed 500,000 was donated? and the Jeep?

I keep hearing, but I don't think I've ever seen anything in writing.

I did notice on BKH's page at one time, they were hoping to get other 501c3 involved. Isn't that what the A's are?

Does anyone else remember seeing that?

Here it is
Was it ever confirmed 500,000 was donated? and the Jeep?

I keep hearing, but I don't think I've ever seen anything in writing.

I did notice on BKH's page at one time, they were hoping to get other 501c3 involved. Isn't that what the A's are?

Does anyone else remember seeing that?

Here it is

Well, I have no idea whether or not Dr. Phil actually donated the money.

Caylee's Fund Foundation is a private foundation and supposedly will be a 501C3 org.

In a release, the show added: “The couple will derive no income from Caylee’s Fund, which will be a federally sanctioned 501 (c) (3) intending ..............

So supposedly they've applied for 501C3 status?

The Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation (still functioning, apparently) is a 501c3.
Respectfully snipped....

OMG...that makes me think, "what if, what if..." :banghead:

Tho the BKH website did claim:

But...who is a "Case Principal?" Are CA and GA case principals? Or do they mean KC?

Who are the 'partners' they reference on their website?

Oh, I have dozens upon dozens of questions....

I think the only partner they have so far is DelValle's for profit TBC Productions. Kind of nicely ties in with the "free" counseling at the site, to be followed up with paid counseling by DelValle Website advertised at 75 bucks a pop.
I think the only partner they have so far is DelValle's for profit TBC Productions. Kind of nicely ties in with the "free" counseling at the site, to be followed up with paid counseling by DelValle Website advertised at 75 bucks a pop.

Would that be legal? Don't counselors have to work under the direction of a psychologist?
Was it ever confirmed 500,000 was donated? and the Jeep?

I keep hearing, but I don't think I've ever seen anything in writing.

I did notice on BKH's page at one time, they were hoping to get other 501c3 involved. Isn't that what the A's are?

Does anyone else remember seeing that?

Here it is

I will have to find the local story on this(from the L.A. area). Apparently, Dr. Phil productions did not just hand $500,000 to the A's, this came by way of one of his Foundations and he probably got a tax write off or whatever one calls it when one donates a certain amount every year from one charity to another-something along the lines of how a telethon works-one pledges a certain amount each quarter or each year until the promised amount is paid in full. The Jeep story was also confirmed to have come from one of the many sponsors of the Dr. Phil show in the FL. area. It's just happenstance this sponsor is also a friend of Dr. P's.

There are just too many hands in the pie for this little endeavor of a memorial park for Caylee. I wouldn't doubt those people who whisked the A's off to the Bahamas as another 'sponsor' of said project. Everybody in big business needs those tax breaks.
Would that be legal? Don't counselors have to work under the direction of a psychologist?

No where on BKH does it say what type of counseling so I guess that is the loophole.
For all we know it could be on how to feed your parakeet or some motivational talk or pseudo religious mumbo jumbo a la televangelists.
From BKH

From TBC Productions

And on TBC, I have no clue what a licensed counselor for the juvenile justice system in Fla is or if it even exists and/or requires state licensing in Fla. Maybe another WS member can enlighten me.

This part from link above sounds especially damaging to a person seeking help if DelValle is an unqualified individual.

He is also available for all mental health needs.
No where on BKH does it say what type of counseling so I guess that is the loophole.
For all we know it could be on how to feed your parakeet or some motivational talk or pseudo religious mumbo jumbo a la televangelists.
From BKH

From TBC Productions

And on TBC, I have no clue what a licensed counselor for the juvenile justice system in Fla is or if it even exists and/or requires state licensing in Fla. Maybe another WS member can enlighten me.

Thanks for this link to TBC. Sounds like he is trying to say he is a professional advocate of families with problems. It sounds like this guy is a jack of all trades, willing to hire his own self out for counseling sessions. Very good-lol. Love how his point presentation reads. It is almost as if there are a bunch of nudnicks floating around, not knowing what their role is as the parental unit of a family. He's going to save the world one way or another, but only if you fill his coffers. He makes it sound like 90% of the world is as dense as a couple of his supporters as far as being a good parent goes and how to manage a family with unruly children. Sorry to inform him, but there are pro. counselors already out there, there is also boot camps and juvie, not to mention the old tried and true method of good old punishment and a good, but firm conversation if a child gets out of hand. I wonder why it took him 3 years to crawl out from his rock to 'help the A's. Golden goose opportunity, Ride the popular coattail to riches. How choice. :floorlaugh:
Thanks for this link to TBC. Sounds like he is trying to say he is a professional advocate of families with problems. It sounds like this guy is a jack of all trades, willing to hire his own self out for counseling sessions. Very good-lol. Love how his point presentation reads. It is almost as if there are a bunch of nudnicks floating around, not knowing what their role is as the parental unit of a family. He's going to save the world one way or another, but only if you fill his coffers. He makes it sound like 90% of the world is as dense as a couple of his supporters as far as being a good parent goes and how to manage a family with unruly children. Sorry to inform him, but there are pro. counselors already out there, there is also boot camps and juvie, not to mention the old tried and true method of good old punishment and a good, but firm conversation if a child gets out of hand. I wonder why it took him 3 years to crawl out from his rock to 'help the A's. Golden goose opportunity, Ride the popular coattail to riches. How choice. :floorlaugh:

:seeya:Yep a real jack of all trades. Besides being director of BKH and a counselor, he is also a Reverend, performs weddings, Personal development coach, Amway product salesman, certified practitioner in Neurogistics and the proud owner of three Doctorates plus a Master and Bachelor degree.
All that according to his website. Quite a remarkable person.:floorlaugh: And all that at only 75 bucks an hour.
His office wall must be full.
I seriously don't understand why organizations are coming forward to build an expensive memorial park for a drowning victim. I mean, if it were at a beach where many people drowned each year because of some sort of problem that the city refused to address, I could understand the motivation. But, according to JB and the Pinellas 12, Caylee drowned in the pool in the A's backyard and SOMEHOW ended up in the swampland down the road where she was allowed to decompose and be torn apart by animals. Why in the world would they build a memorial at that site? What exactly are they trying to memorialize? What good do they hope to bring about with the building of this memorial site? Better pool safety? Better parental attention? I'm confused! I sure wish someone down there in FL would try to find this out. I just don't get it. How many children drown in FL each year? Is there a memorial somewhere for all of them?
:seeya:Yep a real jack of all trades. Besides being director of BKH and a counselor, he is also a Reverend, performs weddings, Personal development coach, Amway product salesman, certified practitioner in Neurogistics and the proud owner of three Doctorates plus a Master and Bachelor degree.
All that according to his website. Quite a remarkable person.:floorlaugh: And all that at only 75 bucks an hour.
His office wall must be full.

But what we want to know is, is he licensed through the State of Florida as a doctor, or as a professional counselor. Is he affilated with a church, if not, why not? If he has all these degrees and has enough education to counsel people why would he associate himself with a charity whose "scheme" to get a foot in the door to collect money starts with selling bricks. If he were a true counselor wouldn't he know that this memorial for missing children has nothing to do with Caylee being dumped in that lot and abandoned by her mother because if you want to believe the drowning story you have to believe KC put Caylee there.

Two sets of his volunteers have been affected by BKH and unless ED is counselling them now then he has basically turned his back on the very people he should now be trying to help (according to who he professes himself to be). So who is he really? Is he a professional who is trying to help those in need in the community or is he looking to raise money for a site the HOA and general community around this site just do not want in their neighborhood. Somehow the two jobs ED has taken on conflict with one another. He can't do both. jmo
But what we want to know is, is he licensed through the State of Florida as a doctor, or as a professional counselor. Is he affilated with a church, if not, why not? If he has all these degrees and has enough education to counsel people why would he associate himself with a charity whose "scheme" to get a foot in the door to collect money starts with selling bricks. If he were a true counselor wouldn't he know that this memorial for missing children has nothing to do with Caylee being dumped in that lot and abandoned by her mother because if you want to believe the drowning story you have to believe KC put Caylee there.

Two sets of his volunteers have been affected by BKH and unless ED is counselling them now then he has basically turned his back on the very people he should now be trying to help (according to who he professes himself to be). So who is he really? Is he a professional who is trying to help those in need in the community or is he looking to raise money for a site the HOA and general community around this site just do not want in their neighborhood. Somehow the two jobs ED has taken on conflict with one another. He can't do both. jmo

Excellent points!
I must say, the more info I read on this organization, the more this image will not leave my head. Snake Oil...JMO.
But what we want to know is, is he licensed through the State of Florida as a doctor, or as a professional counselor. Is he affilated with a church, if not, why not? If he has all these degrees and has enough education to counsel people why would he associate himself with a charity whose "scheme" to get a foot in the door to collect money starts with selling bricks. If he were a true counselor wouldn't he know that this memorial for missing children has nothing to do with Caylee being dumped in that lot and abandoned by her mother because if you want to believe the drowning story you have to believe KC put Caylee there.

Two sets of his volunteers have been affected by BKH and unless ED is counselling them now then he has basically turned his back on the very people he should now be trying to help (according to who he professes himself to be). So who is he really? Is he a professional who is trying to help those in need in the community or is he looking to raise money for a site the HOA and general community around this site just do not want in their neighborhood. Somehow the two jobs ED has taken on conflict with one another. He can't do both. jmo

Very true! It is painfully obvious that the A's and so many others are intentionally trying to profit from a tragedy. I have not seen ONE thing done by any of these people that would appear to be an honest effort to help others. What have the A's done? How many foundations is it now? 2? 3? A foundation for grandparents rights when they did nothing to protect Caylee when they clearly knew that she was in the hands of their unstable daughter? CA can say what she wants in front of the cameras, but her "My Caylee Is Missing" post says it all. She knew what was going on and didnt try to do anything until it was too late. And even then she made veiled threats. This isn't someone who should advise others on grandparents rights, imo. A foundation for missing children? They know nothing of missing children. Caylee drowned in a pool and was dumped like garbage. How does that qualify them to assist with missing children? They didn't even search for her when they didn't know what happened, and were trying to thwart others efforts every step of the way. Build a memorial? For what? An accident that didn't even happen at that spot? I've seen people leave flowers and crosses at sites where a car crash occured and a loved one was killed, but raising money to erect a memorial is something I've never seen. Maybe they should do it in their backyard. That would seem more fitting to me. jmo
But what we want to know is, is he licensed through the State of Florida as a doctor, or as a professional counselor. Is he affilated with a church, if not, why not? If he has all these degrees and has enough education to counsel people why would he associate himself with a charity whose "scheme" to get a foot in the door to collect money starts with selling bricks. If he were a true counselor wouldn't he know that this memorial for missing children has nothing to do with Caylee being dumped in that lot and abandoned by her mother because if you want to believe the drowning story you have to believe KC put Caylee there.

Two sets of his volunteers have been affected by BKH and unless ED is counselling them now then he has basically turned his back on the very people he should now be trying to help (according to who he professes himself to be). So who is he really? Is he a professional who is trying to help those in need in the community or is he looking to raise money for a site the HOA and general community around this site just do not want in their neighborhood. Somehow the two jobs ED has taken on conflict with one another. He can't do both. jmo

If he is licensed in the State of Florida, I can't find it. And I've searched every place I know of. Haven't found a church he's affiliated with either. Not that it isn't there, just that I can't find one. I'm still searching tho.

All I know is he started hanging around the site after Caylee's remains were found, offering prayers with those who were coming around at that time. Then he attached himself to BKH and became a volunteer/Florida Director.

I also can't find that TBC Productions Inc is incorporated in the State of Florida. But if he's located here and doing business here and claims it's incorporated, then he should be registered. Still searching that too.

He also claims to be a licensed counselor with the Juvenile Justice System here in FL. I haven't found that yet either, but perhaps they don't post names online for security reasons. That's all I can think of. Perhaps a call to them will reveal more info.
If he is licensed in the State of Florida, I can't find it. And I've searched every place I know of. Haven't found a church he's affiliated with either. Not that it isn't there, just that I can't find one. I'm still searching tho.

All I know is he started hanging around the site after Caylee's remains were found, offering prayers with those who were coming around at that time. Then he attached himself to BKH and became a volunteer/Florida Director.

I also can't find that TBC Productions Inc is incorporated in the State of Florida. But if he's located here and doing business here and claims it's incorporated, then he should be registered. Still searching that too.

He also claims to be a licensed counselor with the Juvenile Justice System here in FL. I haven't found that yet either, but perhaps they don't post names online for security reasons. That's all I can think of. Perhaps a call to them will reveal more info.

Fictitious Name Detail
Fictitious Name
Filing Information
Registration Number G11000080092
Filed Date 08/11/2011
Expiration Date 12/31/2016
Current Owners 1
Total Pages 1
Events Filed NONE
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FEI/EIN Number: N/A
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08/11/2011 -- Fictitious Name Filing VALLE BROWN ANA
Two things come to my mind reading everyone's posts.
1. ED's claim of being a counselor.
Maybe he got himself all excited about making a lot of $$$$ through counseling some of the Anthony's. Pro-Bono of course. Ya know sorta like Conrad Murray style. I of course have no idea if he counseled any of the Anthony's or not. Does seem to me that anyone who had an ounce of morals jumped off that wagon before the Anthony's could charm their way into money making schemes.
2. Why build a memorial when Caylee's room is now a shrine. I realize that CA dosen't want people trapsing through her house, but as desperate as they seem to want $$$$ and have the attitude that Caylee was just a shell maybe thay could rent a small place and fix it up just like Caylee's room and then we would see just how much people don't want anything to do with these twisted people.
Yeah, so there is nothing pure about these shams and truely wish someone could take out a full page ad in the newspapers and tell the Anthony's to knock it off.
But what we want to know is, is he licensed through the State of Florida as a doctor, or as a professional counselor. Is he affilated with a church, if not, why not? If he has all these degrees and has enough education to counsel people why would he associate himself with a charity whose "scheme" to get a foot in the door to collect money starts with selling bricks. If he were a true counselor wouldn't he know that this memorial for missing children has nothing to do with Caylee being dumped in that lot and abandoned by her mother because if you want to believe the drowning story you have to believe KC put Caylee there.

Two sets of his volunteers have been affected by BKH and unless ED is counselling them now then he has basically turned his back on the very people he should now be trying to help (according to who he professes himself to be). So who is he really? Is he a professional who is trying to help those in need in the community or is he looking to raise money for a site the HOA and general community around this site just do not want in their neighborhood. Somehow the two jobs ED has taken on conflict with one another. He can't do both. jmo

If he is a counselor, he should have hopped on the A's wagon 3 years ago when some serious help was needed for them both. A counselor who hangs around people who like to be destructive ie: hammers, water hoses, hands around necks, nasty attitudes, mouths running amok :waitasec: Let's see, which would be more beneficial selling bricks for $80 a pop or trying to help some pretty outrageous parents :crazy:
Fictitious Name Detail
Fictitious Name
Filing Information
Registration Number G11000080092
Filed Date 08/11/2011
Expiration Date 12/31/2016
Current Owners 1
Total Pages 1
Events Filed NONE
Mailing Address
Owner Information
FEI/EIN Number: N/A
Document Number: NONE
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08/11/2011 -- Fictitious Name Filing VALLE BROWN ANA

Thanks! I saw this but forgot about it 'cause I was checking for incorporation. But note that it is just a Fictitious Name filing and not an incorporation filing. Hmmm. There is a difference, I think...not positive. And he's advertising on his site that TBC is inc.

I see that he just filed this on 8/11/11.

ETA: No FEI/EIN number either.

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