WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 7

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What sort of parenting choices was her own mother making? Sure marry that boy, you can drive a car now...sounds good. Bye!

More evidence, in my opinion, that JB was in control of that relationship....just as I think she was in control of her relationship with SM.
I'm new here, but I've been following this story since thread #1.

I had a thought, and I don't think I've seen anyone else mention this so far: is it possible that "Armand" is a sugar daddy?
They can be made private. She posted on the flickr help page awhile back about that.

and nope, still works for me:

Thank you so much, Miziree, for this answer! I'm curious about keeping these things public. Perhaps it's cultural -- that she doesn't know that a lot of people put these sites in a private forum rather than public (then again, she's been in the US for quite a while -- since before flickr and facebook ever existed). I'm just wondering if she kept them public for a reason. Wasn't there something about her not wanting some "friend" to see certain photos on flickr? If so, she knows they can be made private but chose to keep them public. That says something to me.
More evidence, in my opinion, that JB was in control of that relationship....just as I think she was in control of her relationship with SM.

ITA! SMs declaration supported it as well. Said she would blast her mother and mom would totally dismiss it and not even mention it the next time JB called for support. Another enabler. Shes such a vicitim, that JB. :banghead:

Don't bother looking on my account. I don't really care what she did when she was 16.

That's what I would normally say. But given what we NOW know, this earlier incident factors into what could have been an early warning on her mental illness and/or personality disorders.

Both Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar can include stealing for narcissistic supply as a component. it's also a sign of entitlement, and we now see MANY signs of entitlement in Julia's ongoing behaviors.
I'm new here, but I've been following this story since thread #1.

I had a thought, and I don't think I've seen anyone else mention this so far: is it possible that "Armand" is a sugar daddy?

Welcome to WS Cinnabar! :welcome:
Just tossing out some possibilities...

Wonder if she had an overnight date with Sugar Daddy Saturday night, came home Sunday to find Sky unwell.


Wonder if Sugar Daddy is a medical professional, and instead of actually heading to the hospital, she was heading to meet Sugar Daddy for help. If Sugar Daddy is married, his house wouldn't work...


Wonder if Sugar Daddy is currently paying to put her and Mama up (isn't mom not at her place either?) Wonder if Sugar Daddy is paying for lawyer.


I can't see a sugar daddy type assisting her in getting her kids secretly out of the country (unless he's in luuuuuurve.) She'd eventually follow the kids, and one would think sugar daddy would want to keep his...er...employee here, so he can keep getting what he's paying for.

All that being said, alleged Sugar Daddy (or Daddies) may not exist. Just throwing spaghetti against the wall. :crazy:
There are cases of US children being internationally abducted by way of Canada but iirc in those cases the children already had passports. I wonder how easily it would have been for JB to obtain passports for the children without dads permission. I realize we've discussed why she would secret one and not the other. Perhaps she was expecting to meet a Russian/Ukranian man and flee with her daughter at another time? Maybe and probably a stretch, but after seeing the link to that sugar daddy 'dating' site, I wouldn't put anything past this woman.


I'm not sure about going out of US. but..

I was at the DMV here in Washington the other day and picked up the "Enhanced driver's licence/ID" booklet it says,
Minors under 16 are exempt and will only be required to present a certified birth certificate or other citizenship document for re-entry into the US.

They do list cbp.gov to learn more about travel requirements.
Quotes from SM (doesn't sound like a domestic batterer to me; if anything JB sounds vengeful, punitive, and retaliatory -- why else file when he's already paid the past due amount? And, uh, what exactly was she doing to support the children financially at that time? I sincerely hope his words at the end, there, don't come back to haunt him.

Julia filed a motion to show cause early last year claiming Solomon was in contempt due to falling behind in his child support payments. He claims the reason for being behind had to do with the economy and lack of business at their family-owned store.

Solomon said Julia was aware he was behind and that the payment was coming. He was caught up with his payments to Julia at the time of his declaration, he states. He says, “It was unnecessary, and as I have demonstrated, I paid the past due amount.”

He wrote that Julia knows the store as well as he does and said, “She knows what I said is the truth; however; she is so vile and hateful at this stage, that she had to resort to filing the contempt action against me.”

He followed that statement with, “The reference to Julia’s spiteful behavior is not meant as a vulgar insult. I know that Julia is trying very hard to convince this court that she is not ill. She even has her closest friends, SJ and SO, assist her with declarations, as she has done with her mother. However, they are not doing her any favors by slamming me as a vicious, selfish, and incompetent person and father. What they are saying is actually quite far from the truth.”

Solomon said, “Every time someone steps in on her behalf as a ‘friend,’ they are endangering not only our children, but Julia as well.”
Exactly. I keep saying there is more to this whole "thing".

Would CPS have MM go thru an exam to make sure she hasn't been molested?

No kidding. Puts that whole "put his finger in my pee pee" in a whole new light, huh? I really hope that isn't the case. :(

I have to go back and catch up. . .but wholly cow! She has a profile on a sugar baby sight?! :eek:

I noticed on her profile she forgot. . .raging mental illness. Just sayin. . .
I'm new here, but I've been following this story since thread #1.

I had a thought, and I don't think I've seen anyone else mention this so far: is it possible that "Armand" is a sugar daddy?

I can't go back and listen this moment. Can anyone tell me if they are 100% certain it's "Armand?". Could it be something that sounds like "Armand"?
Thank you so much, Miziree, for this answer! I'm curious about keeping these things public. Perhaps it's cultural -- that she doesn't know that a lot of people put these sites in a private forum rather than public (then again, she's been in the US for quite a while -- since before flickr and facebook ever existed). I'm just wondering if she kept them public for a reason. Wasn't there something about her not wanting some "friend" to see certain photos on flickr? If so, she knows they can be made private but chose to keep them public. That says something to me.

Could be. She was told how to make them private by the members and several told her that her pictures were public. That was why she was asking, yes. She did say it was a "she" that she didn't want the photo's to be viewed by. There could be many more, it is possible. MOO
^above^ BBM and underlined for emphasis.. Except she really did exactly this.. In her last of the four completely false claims of abuse filed against Solomon in 12/10 she stated that he physically abused both Sky and MM as well as sexually abused MM.. Complete with Julia inflicting wounds/bruises on each of tue children which she photographed and stated were evidence of dad's physical abuse on his kids. It was this filing of the worst of her false allegations that caused Solomon to have last seen his CHILDREM on 12/10/2010. Due to the extensive investigating that must be done when allegations such as this are made.. Of course it finally was deemed as all the other claims to be 100% false and that SM had never harmed his children. But it took all these months of time away from his kids.. It was the 11hour mediation 3days before Sky disappeared when it was finally established that daddy could be reunited with his kids slowly.. Sky was gone 3 days later IMO most likely meaning that 12/10/2010 was the last time this daddy would ever see his "little dude", his son, Sky..

This woman is beyond mentally Ill IMO.. First and foremost she is evil.. Jmo, tho!
Touche' -
she didn't beat them for the sole purpose of taking photos for proof... and place them on a public forum...
I share your opinion.
She's got her insanity defense and plans to use that card.
2003- Julia and Solomon were married

Spring 2010- *Julia was threatening extreme harm to herself as well as telling that she was having reoccurring dreams of harming the children, specifically strangling Sky. At this point SM called in authorities who after meeting with Julia in the home they decided it best she be taken in for 3 days to Navos Institution for an involuntary commitment of 72hours..
*Important here to note* that after the 3day involuntary commitment that Julia, herself agreed she needed help and voluntary was checked into UofW for battery of tests and professional help. Julia during here stay at UofW stated that she wanted help.

I snipped the above quote from SmoothOperator's post. Great job on putting things in order because this case is all over the place!

I wanted to address her "voluntary" admission. From my experiences with patients who are given a mandatory 72 hour commitment ( I work as a first responder and with other patients as well) I would say her "voluntary" admission was basically involuntary. Here is how that works.

Basically a patient is free to go after 3 days per law but staff members/doctors will usually advise those who need further treatment that while they can choose to go, that the hospital/doctors can (and will) get a court order to lengthen the stay. They advise the patient to voluntarily commit themselves by saying "you can choose to stay and are free to leave at anytime of your own will or you can choose to go now and we will get a court order and you will NOT be able to leave and will lose your right to decide anything for yourself".

So the patient is basically forced to commit themselves or risk getting a court order against them which will keep them from making any choices for themselves. Also, they could have used the custody battle to convince her to stay saying that voluntarily getting help would be much better than having them commit her against her will. The patient then knows they have to play the game and act like they want help and cooperate to be able to get out.

Also, patients are often miraculously "cured" right about the time that their insurance coverage period is up. I've seen that a LOT! I hope that wasn't the case with her because if so, then the hospital contributed to this horrific event by putting profits over patient health.

Not saying that this is how it went for her or how it is everywhere but in my experience, it happens a lot. Sad but true.
I had been thinking the same thing...I wonder if all the pictures weren't just to fight against pappa -and once she, "won" she didn't need to keep up the postings....?

There's one thing I don't "get", if any of you know, I would appreciate some insight. ---the picture of Sky shown a lot is of him in the gray hoodie sitting in a car seat, with aqua blue and black striped sweats... well, the missing poster said that THAT was what he was wearing when he disappeared.
So I was just wondering when that picture was taken...was that picture taken that morning? Did the Mom take it before she...[I won't go there...]

For the life of me... it's just too weird that there would be a recent picture of him wearing what he was wearing the day of disappearance.

I think that pappa and local supporters should canvas HEAVILY the neighborhoods of all family and known friends -speak to their neighbors (if legally allowed to do that, i.e. pass out fliers door to door, put up posters in ALL places she would frequent (PCC market, she shopped at Trader Joe's, etc....), just every place familiar to her and anyone who could possibly be helping her hide him. If someone is helping her, then seems possible it can only be a select few people -she allegedly did not leave home often due to her illness/rituals, so I can imagine that she doesn't have any, "new friends/contacts" in her life.

In one pic it's clearly a mini van/SUV and there is an elderly? man? behind Sky loading up the van? so I think not. ~not 100% sure tho.
I'm going to close this thread for now and will start you a new one, so hang on.


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