Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

LG--I often think about that friend that said Casey called her and said that she wanted to go to the hospital, stating that she was losing her mind or something. Having a breakdown. And then the next day the friend talked to her and said that Casey acted as if the conversation never happened and claimed to be fine.

iirc, OCA said that to her friend Annie Downing

I think it was actually Lee's friend, Michele Murphy, that reported FCA had told about wanting to be committed.
It was actually FCA's friend Annie. I posted the link earlier of the Interview Annie had with LE.
Considering that I'm bipolar, I must disagreed. I also have two small children that regardless of how my mood is I take care of them. Those that are bipolar regardless if we are medicated have mania and depression. This depression can be extremely deep when not medicated. We tend to retreat into ourself with hopelessness. It's a very dark place to be in. On the flip side, we also have mania where we feel "on top of the world." You cannot have one without the other if you are truly bipolar. In my mania state, I was still always responsible regarding my children; in fact more so. In other words, I don't go out and party 24/7 while my children are left behind. So far, the only symptoms I've seen from Casey is her "I'm on top of the world" complex. Granted I've only seen her on TV but I think we can admit she's had enough TV time to have seen both sides of bipolar. We don't stay in the mania state that long. In other words, if she really was bipolar she would eventually crash. By the looks of her extreme Grandiose mood I'd say she would crash HARD if in fact she were bipolar. I'm not going to psycho analyze her, but she's not bipolar.

I appreciate your reply from your experience, and I agree with you that she most likely is not bipolar. I have a young adult child who is, and it is a mood disorder, pure and simple, although a very serious mood disorder.

FCA sure does fit the definition of personality disorder to a T though.
LG--I often think about that friend that said Casey called her and said that she wanted to go to the hospital, stating that she was losing her mind or something. Having a breakdown. And then the next day the friend talked to her and said that Casey acted as if the conversation never happened and claimed to be fine.
Bravo posted a link earlier - this is what Annie said in her interview:
"In late 2006 or early 2007 Casey visited Annie at work and told her she need to talk to someone. Casey said “she needed to get away and felt like she was having a breakdown.” Casey didn’t tell Annie what caused the breakdown, but said she wanted to go to “an institution” and that Caylee could stay with Cindy. Annie called her later that night, Casey said she’d talked to her mother and she was fine."
I have a close relative who is a bipolar mix, which means he has a bit of schizo in him and a lot of paranoia. The later two have progressed as he ages. Meds are not doing the trick and they are very heavy meds. What has been noticed about him is that he use to get very manic and did things like gamble and drink. Suicide has been attempted but failed thank God on several occasions. He has been more depressed than manic When depressed it is very deep. He is more harm to himself than anyone else except for on time when it appeared to others he wanted to hurt me. I know there are several different classes of by polar but I don't beleve this is what KC has. As I read here it seems there are more cases of this disorder than I ever believed. I do know others with this condition and I have noticed that they are impulsive, sometimes selfish and reckless when manic and they seem to enjoy that phase of the condition.Lying seems to be part of his bipolar. He lies to get others to do things for and to get attention. I know he is a lonely soul even though my husband helps try to help him sort things out. He is in his 60's and can not figure out a darn thing on his own. May I add also he can be very stubborn and refuse to do the things that might help him.
I think it was actually Lee's friend, Michele Murphy, that reported FCA had told about wanting to be committed.

Hi Oakley, I may be wrong but I think Michele was the one who spoke to her on the phone, famous first call for TL's number.:seeya:
Hi Oakley, I may be wrong but I think Michele was the one who spoke to her on the phone, famous first call for TL's number.:seeya:

I believe that the person that spoke to Casey when she was demanding Tony's number is "Christina" and she was Casey's friend not Lee's.
Michele Murphy was Lee's friend and Casey did call her and have a conversation about feeling like she needed to be committed.
Christina was the friend on the telephone when Casey called home to get TonyL's know, the "waste, huge waste" convo.
MM stated in her deposition that Casey had called her....and she (MM) was worried about her because of the way Casey was talking. When she (MM) called her back later to check on her....Casey was all like "oh, I'm fine. I talked to my Mom and everything is good now" or some horse hockey like that. Just another attempt of manipulation by FCA.

ETA: I believe in the timeframe of this conversation, Cindy was probably pressuring Casey about not having a job, not staying home with Caylee, know, that she was a "bad mother"...and Casey was bucking having her feet held to the fire. Then I'm sure it all blew over as Casey probably did what Casey does best....lie.
Michele Murphy was Lee's friend and Casey did call her and have a conversation about feeling like she needed to be committed.
Christina was the friend on the telephone when Casey called home to get TonyL's know, the "waste, huge waste" convo.
MM stated in her deposition that Casey had called her....and she (MM) was worried about her because of the way Casey was talking. When she (MM) called her back later to check on her....Casey was all like "oh, I'm fine. I talked to my Mom and everything is good now" or some horse hockey like that. Just another attempt of manipulation by FCA.

ETA: I believe in the timeframe of this conversation, Cindy was probably pressuring Casey about not having a job, not staying home with Caylee, know, that she was a "bad mother"...and Casey was bucking having her feet held to the fire. Then I'm sure it all blew over as Casey probably did what Casey does best....lie.

Thanks TO for clearing that up. So much time gone by and so many players (real and imaginary) to keep track of, it's hard to keep it all straight.
Michele Murphy was Lee's friend and Casey did call her and have a conversation about feeling like she needed to be committed.
Christina was the friend on the telephone when Casey called home to get TonyL's know, the "waste, huge waste" convo.
MM stated in her deposition that Casey had called her....and she (MM) was worried about her because of the way Casey was talking. When she (MM) called her back later to check on her....Casey was all like "oh, I'm fine. I talked to my Mom and everything is good now" or some horse hockey like that. Just another attempt of manipulation by FCA.

ETA: I believe in the timeframe of this conversation, Cindy was probably pressuring Casey about not having a job, not staying home with Caylee, know, that she was a "bad mother"...and Casey was bucking having her feet held to the fire. Then I'm sure it all blew over as Casey probably did what Casey does best....lie.

I remember the conversation you describe above but it was with her friend Annie Downing...
Narcissists can have short episodes of psychosis, and I've always thought Casey to be NPD with a few episodes of psychosis, made worse by alcohol. That and the choice of being evil.

I agree. Thinking back on what Dr. Danziger said about being puzzled by her cheerfulness, considering the fact that she was in jail, even if she were innocent, I think NPD makes the most sense, IMHO. Even someone with antisocial personality disorder would probably show her negative emotions about being locked up. Forget why she's locked up--just the fact of being locked up would upset just about anyone, with any kind of issues. But Casey gets attention while locked up. She's got all the doctors and lawyers coming to listen to her; she's got the guards giving her special attention. It makes perfect sense that someone with NPD would be happy in jail, as long as she was getting that attention fix.
I agree. Thinking back on what Dr. Danziger said about being puzzled by her cheerfulness, considering the fact that she was in jail, even if she were innocent, I think NPD makes the most sense, IMHO. Even someone with antisocial personality disorder would probably show her negative emotions about being locked up. Forget why she's locked up--just the fact of being locked up would upset just about anyone, with any kind of issues. But Casey gets attention while locked up. She's got all the doctors and lawyers coming to listen to her; she's got the guards giving her special attention. It makes perfect sense that someone with NPD would be happy in jail, as long as she was getting that attention fix.

Casey has no conscience, she is incapable of emotion. She acted upset about being locked up, and during the trial she had a range of (mostly fake), emotions, but they were all about her - poor me me me. She feels nothing, she feigns whatever emotion she feels will net her the most return...IMO.
Considering that I'm bipolar, I must disagreed. I also have two small children that regardless of how my mood is I take care of them. Those that are bipolar regardless if we are medicated have mania and depression. This depression can be extremely deep when not medicated. We tend to retreat into ourself with hopelessness. It's a very dark place to be in. On the flip side, we also have mania where we feel "on top of the world." You cannot have one without the other if you are truly bipolar. In my mania state, I was still always responsible regarding my children; in fact more so. In other words, I don't go out and party 24/7 while my children are left behind. So far, the only symptoms I've seen from Casey is her "I'm on top of the world" complex. Granted I've only seen her on TV but I think we can admit she's had enough TV time to have seen both sides of bipolar. We don't stay in the mania state that long. In other words, if she really was bipolar she would eventually crash. By the looks of her extreme Grandiose mood I'd say she would crash HARD if in fact she were bipolar. I'm not going to psycho analyze her, but she's not bipolar.

My dear RDW...Thanks for your reply and I am elated that you do take meds and are accountable. Yes you can live a full and healthy life with bipolar. Sounds like you are great
I am sure you will agree that it often takes a long time to get bipolar analyzed, and sometimes they call it bipolar and it is not, while other times they don’t call it bipolar only to find out much later that it is.
You will most likely also agree that not all Bipolar is the same. My daughter is bipolar and I have been involved with NAMI (which you may know is the biggest national org) I took courses, and was asked to teach it. I have been in support groups where parents talk of things that make other parents thank god that their case load is more manageable, and I have been in the hospital and seen things that do not need to be embellished on here.
I for one cannot imagine going dancing while your child is missing, or throwing my father under the bus after he had helped me, as GA has definitely helped clean up that mess. IMO her behavior is not evil, it is void of emotion. And self absorbed. Is that normal I say not.
Perhaps my memory is groggy but when surfing this thread and watching a YT video of FCA's jail house tape, in the side bar one of the video's headline states 'Mom tried to put missing toddler up for adoption' so I click on it and I was watching it and it made me furious that the prosecution didn't bring this up at trial, or did they? That is where my memory has faded a bit. I don't remember anyone on the prosecutions side bringing up that FCA tried to give Caylee up for adoption before she was born, here is the clip from AP.
[ame=""]Mom Tried to Put Missing Toddler Up for Adoption - YouTube[/ame]

IMO, adding this part would've add fuel to the prosecutions fire to really lock in FCA's lies and partying and to show to the jury that FCA never wanted Caylee. We know that FCA would constantly drop Caylee of with Cindy at her job, leave Caylee at home with Cindy and George, leave Caylee unattended when FCA and Caylee would be at T.L's apartment. I think when you figure out FCA's lies, it all leads back to, where was Caylee? Well we could all rule out that Caylee wasn't with FCA and Caylee was certainly not with 'zanny' and we know that Caylee wasn't with Cindy and George because they hadn't seen Caylee in weeks and then 31 days, so where was Caylee? She sure as heck wasn't 'missing', she was dead. Sorry for the rant, FCA is indeed pure evil, there's no exceptions or excuses but just a cold, heartless, evil women who steps on everyone to get what she wants, regardless who she hurts.
She could be bipolar, who knows, but that's no excuse for her behavior, and it doesn't explain why she is such a . . . unusual person.

pomegranate; (I love pomegranates) :) HI,
I agree that being bipolar is not an excuse, many of them do live healthy lives and do take meds.
However, it is also known that many of them when not on meds have killed.
this is not news.
Also it does explain why she acts so unusual.
BUT it is not acceptable and getting help instead of being in denial, would make it safe for her to be in public. I do think that those people ant be trusted NOT to do it again.
Have we ever seen any evidence of the manic depression crashes? I have three close relatives with bi-polar and it's almost impossible to haul out of one, which normally lasts a lot longer than the highs, without any medication.

We actually only saw what was offered to us, and her tantrums we did not see.
But her behavior or lack of emotion for anything other than herself we have seen. I have a bipolar daughter and am involved in a couple of organizations. YES I have seen more then I will talk about, and IMHO while bipolar is not easy to diagnose, she does not seem normal, and she does seem bipolar. But even if I was a Dr. I could not diagnose from long distance. I am not a Dr. but have much understanding and this I can say for sure. They are not all the same! And while I have one daughter, I have seen many cases and taken several mental health courses, seminars, been to many support groups with many who’s cases were all different.
We also have a thread here at WS on bipolar and if you read it -it will show you they are basically different cases with few similarities.
We actually only saw what was offered to us, and her tantrums we did not see.
But her behavior or lack of emotion for anything other than herself we have seen. I have a bipolar daughter and am involved in a couple of organizations. YES I have seen more then I will talk about, and IMHO while bipolar is not easy to diagnose, she does not seem normal, and she does seem bipolar. But even if I was a Dr. I could not diagnose from long distance. I am not a Dr. but have much understanding and this I can say for sure. They are not all the same! And while I have one daughter, I have seen many cases and taken several mental health courses, seminars, been to many support groups with many who’s cases were all different.
We also have a thread here at WS on bipolar and if you read it -it will show you they are basically different cases with few similarities.

Appreciate the suggestion of the thread but after 20 years of my mother and other relatives I'm up to here with bi-polar - no offense. Plus even though I'm no longer young - I'm still beating off doctors who believe I'm an interesting specimen based on my genetic history not my behavior and want me into various university labs so they can test and observe me. I believe I'll just carry on.

I'm having a hard time believing OCA is bi-polar after spending three years in jail where her guards said she was "always pleasant, cooperative and interactive", but not interested enough to research more.

At one time I had a huge interest in mental illnesses and the treatment of them. However the quality of psychiatrists who treat people who are suffering from these illness is so "off the charts" of common sense, logic and sympathy - I said "enough" one day.
Today, I was reading at Fox News website and there's a blog from Dr. Keith Ablow. Actually, It's an "I TOLD YOU SO" blog. He read the psych reports/depos and is now claiming he told us so!

There is a email addy where you can write to Ablow as I intend on doing as soon as my tummy feels better.

Just an FYI for y'all.

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