court in recess until 3/13/2012 general discussion thread

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I'm very confused here about the timeline of events and when TLM actually became the focus of the investigation. According to the above article:

"Woodstock police Det. Const. Sean Kelly got a call from Tara McDonald a few days after the girl disappeared, he told court Thursday. McDonald identified the mystery woman with Tori in the video as “Terri” and provided other information."

If that was LE's big lead that identified TLM, then ...
  • Why did TM say after the arrests that LE told her she was their "main suspect"?
  • Why did LE go to the trouble and expense of setting up the limo sting for Tara 15 days after the abduction on April 23?
  • Why didn't LE have MTR on their radar the moment he and TLM were in contact from jail and have him followed?
  • Why did it take LE weeks just to question MTR?

There are too many discrepancies here. I'm finding it hard to believe that TLM was considered a serious suspect until not long before she actually confessed. I think (and this is JMO) that LE is trying to make themselves sound more competent than they were at the time.

Respectfully snipped..

If that was LE's big lead that identified TLM, then ...

  • [*]Why did TM say after the arrests that LE told her she was their "main suspect"?

    [*]Why did LE go to the trouble and expense of setting up the limo sting for Tara 15 days after the abduction on April 23?

  • Why didn't LE have MTR on their radar the moment he and TLM were in contact from jail and have him followed?
  • Why did it take LE weeks just to question MTR?



  • BBM

    Possilbly, TM was still a suspect to LE, they maybe believed there was more of a connection then TM was admitting to, that she or JG had set this up with TLM
    for some bizzare reason, hence their belief up until TLM's confession that Tori could still be alive. The limo sting could of been set up because they believed TM knew more then she was saying. Using the offer of money to lure out those involved, thinking maybe it was all set up as a scam for money.
So, who is going to get the reward money, TM or these folks (or someone else)?

"She said that could have been her in the video because the day before (the abduction) she had been walking with a dog around the school area and some little girls had been talking to her and petting her dog," said next-door neighbour Jessica McDonald, 30.

"The day that Tori was abducted, she said it could have been her on the surveillance because she was talking with a little girl and the little girl kept asking her where was her dog"[/QUOTE]

JMO Im leaning towards the drug debt. The dog breeding story helped lead Tori to walk away willingly. This was planned out!!!!
McClintic came to the door and agreed to be interviewed about Tori. Arrested on the outstanding warrant, she was taken to the station and asked to bring along any white jackets she had. She brought a white cloth blazer and a pink ski jacket.

McClintic was doing her clumsy best to avoid being considered a suspect: Not only did she not have a similar white jacket as the mystery woman in the video. but she also told the detective while she'd recently cut her hair - everyone knew the kidnapper had long hair - it was only because she'd got gum in it. She even showed Kelly her shorn locks in the bathroom garbage can, with the gum still attached.

As if she were a five-year-old who couldn't keep gum in her mouth. The alarm bells must have been ringing for him.

McClintic also seemed to be trying to establish an alibi. She told Kelly on the afternoon Tori went missing, she was at Community Employment Services looking for work. Following up on her information, he confirmed she'd signed in there at 2:19 p.m.

But Tori was seen with the white-coated woman one hour and 13 minutes later.

I'm very confused here about the timeline of events and when TLM actually became the focus of the investigation. According to the above article:

"Woodstock police Det. Const. Sean Kelly got a call from Tara McDonald a few days after the girl disappeared, he told court Thursday. McDonald identified the mystery woman with Tori in the video as “Terri” and provided other information."

If that was LE's big lead that identified TLM, then ...
  • Why did TM say after the arrests that LE told her she was their "main suspect"?
  • Why did LE go to the trouble and expense of setting up the limo sting for Tara 15 days after the abduction on April 23?
  • Why didn't LE have MTR on their radar the moment he and TLM were in contact from jail and have him followed?
  • Why did it take LE weeks just to question MTR?

There are too many discrepancies here. I'm finding it hard to believe that TLM was considered a serious suspect until not long before she actually confessed. I think (and this is JMO) that LE is trying to make themselves sound more competent than they were at the time.


IMO there were parallel investigations going on. We just saw the TM one in real time because she was on TV every day. It took them some time to set up the "perp walk" with both TM, TLM and other women they likely received tips on IMO. Does anyone remember when that "reenactment" took place?

I believe this is another case of "you don't know who you're friends are" also. <modsnip> I know he has not been found guilty nor innocent yet, but things are not looking good for MR thus far. Even his defense "seems" lost in how to shed a "shadow of a doubt" so far. None of their cross examinations (if any, have been brief and unproductive),have gotten them anywhere. I realize there is much more to come in this trial but wouldn't you think if he's such a great lawyer, he would ask more questions on cross exam? If anything you would think he could have tore into TM and made her look more involved, especially "if" there was some big drug debt. I guess he will just have to wait to present his theory during closing arguments, based on what MR told him happened. I just cannot see him getting off <modsnip> If that's the case I would say he's done for. I bet TLM will be honest on the stand as she wants to earn "Brownie points" to use in 12 years from now. As to whether the jurors will believe her is another thing but there is too much solid evidence even now, they would not need TLM's testimony. The Crown just wants the jurors to hear the full story from someone who was witness to everything that happened that day from the time Tori was taken until she was murdered. <modsnip> JMHO.
IMO there were parallel investigations going on. We just saw the TM one in real time because she was on TV every day. It took them some time to set up the "perp walk" with both TM, TLM and other women they likely received tips on IMO. Does anyone remember when that "reenactment" took place?


Wasn't the reenactment done April 12 or 13 when TLM was taken in the first time? TM was asked to go in also within a day or two of TLM. I'm not certain but I believe it was pretty early in the investigation.
IMO there were parallel investigations going on. We just saw the TM one in real time because she was on TV every day. It took them some time to set up the "perp walk" with both TM, TLM and other women they likely received tips on IMO. Does anyone remember when that "reenactment" took place?


If memory servers me, it was a Sunday & something was going on that day an event or something that maybe TM showed up late or something that had to do with Rod. It may have been raining as well. Maybe that will trigger someones memory. Also, film crews were late to try and tape that/or couldn't but something was going on first. Sorry that's all I can remember.
IMO there were parallel investigations going on. We just saw the TM one in real time because she was on TV every day. It took them some time to set up the "perp walk" with both TM, TLM and other women they likely received tips on IMO. Does anyone remember when that "reenactment" took place?


I believe it was the 18th AFTER the parade, sorry no link. It's late for me but I will do a quick search if not...maybe someone can in the morning?
I believe it was the 18th AFTER the parade, sorry no link. It's late for me but I will do a quick search if not...maybe someone can in the morning?

Closest I can find is "a few weeks before" this article was published on May 20, 2009.

Their best piece of evidence was the few seconds of grainy videotape, and a few weeks ago, as it dawned upon them that Tara McDonald might well be an odd and troubled duck but she wasn't the woman in that tape, detectives asked about a half-dozen women to come and walk for them.

Does anyone else find it strange that there is no mention whatsoever of any of Rafferty's family or friends being in the court room? I just find that incredibly strange.
Hello websleuthers,
This is the general discussion thread for the LONG weekend break in testimony. Before posting please take a moment to review the rules that are posted here in the forum... especially the part about the zero tolerance policy.

Due to the publication ban we are going to discuss only what has been testified to in court thus far.

Please remember to post responsibly and when posting an opinion to include your moos, jmhoos, and :moo: s.

Per tweets out of the courtroom, The Crown will continue its' case with testimony from TLM on Tuesday.

This includes any and all information that was given in opening statements. The information was published in MSM and that means it is discussable at WS. If the Crown was still banning that info, it wouldn't have been published.


I had not realised that Tori's case was at trial!

I watched her story unfold from the day she went missing. :(

Daily press conferences by Tara and Rodney - with much accompanying insinuation by some, that Tara was involved.

Was a heartbreaking story.

No matter how many times I follow a story like Tori's, the incomprehensibilty of the crimes towards children does not lessen.
Does anyone else find it strange that there is no mention whatsoever of any of Rafferty's family or friends being in the court room? I just find that incredibly strange.

Rafferty trial Day 4

Mike Knoll: @Guest: according to Rafferty's lawyer Dirk Derstine, no.
Comment From Guest
Have any of Rafferty's family members been in court?


RaffertyLFP: Here's much of the geographic evidence presented in court yesterday: [via Twitter]
Mike Knoll: It could be a very quick day. One police officer will testify and then the trial will be on break until next Tuesday when Terri-Lynne McClintic will take the stand.
Comment From Kyle W
Whats the schedual for today?

A child is gone: At 6: 04 p.m. on April 8, 2009, when Tori Stafford was first reported missing, the words rang like a fire alarm throughout the Woodstock Police Department.

The small department - and indeed the southwestern Ontario city of about 35,000 - rose as one to meet the challenge, there being nothing like a missing child to galvanize the best in people.

None of this is surprising, but what is telling is how raw the wounds remain, even almost three years later.
Does anyone else find it strange that there is no mention whatsoever of any of Rafferty's family or friends being in the court room? I just find that incredibly strange.

They have remained out of the spotlight during this whole case, perhaps they are there and the media has no idea who they are.
TLM's hair:


Her hair looks reddish in the photo. I guess she dyed it before she cut it. JMO
Already, however, there have been significant fluctuations in evidence presented here and the agreed statement of facts entered at McClintic&#8217;s trial, details that remain under a publication ban and not yet revealed to the jury.

They will be.

I guess DiManno thinks TLM lied at her hearing. I do too. I don't think it will matter in MR's case. JMO
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