trial thread: 3/15/2012

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AM980 London ‏ @AM980News
Tori Stafford had to live it, we’re being asked only to listen. Why graphic testimony matters

There was no one around in a rural area of M.F. to hear Tori's screams, and cries for help, on April 8th 2009.

She has an audience now, and should not be ignored.

Tori had to live it, we're being asked only to listen

Wow, good article!
Not only that, but it was said that she got these shoes the year before. There is no blood, no dirt, no wear. They look brand new. I often suspect that some of the photos LE gives to the media show items identical to what they have stored in the evidence room and not the actual items seized. But that's JMO.


Yeah, and no wear!! Maybe you're right, maybe these are just dummy shoes.
I thought about that too but these shoes look brand new with no mud or staining from being exposed to the elements, nothing. I find that weird. JMO

Looking at the material of the shoes, I could see them actually looking cleaner after having spent some time in snow and rain. And since the murder took place with a garbage bag over the victim, would there have been much blood on the ground or on anyone's shoes?


Yeah, and no wear!! Maybe you're right, maybe these are just dummy shoes.

These are supposed to be year old rather unique to TLM shoes so I don't think they'd be showing dummy evidence to a jury.

I wonder if they had drugged Victoria and that is why they were able to take the risks they did in driving through the parking lot at Home Depot, etc. I have to wonder why the Crown hasn't asked her this?! She may have been passed out under that coat so they really had nothing to worry about?!
These are supposed to be year old rather unique to TLM shoes so I don't think they'd be showing dummy evidence to a jury.


I mean to say of course dummies to the public :) But you must admit there is no wear on the shoes either.
He will deny saying it anyways, so we will never know!

Regarding the house with the single mom. TLM supposedly led LE to it. And I assume they checked with the occupant to verify that she knew MR. Now how would TLM be able to do that if that part of the story isn't true? He just randomly drove around town and pointed out the houses of his single mom friends for fun? And parked in front of them long enough for TLM to remember which ones they were? Well unfortunately she couldn't lead them to the second one.

I hope that single mom is going to testify to knowing MR and how, as freaked out as I'm sure she would be about it all.

Looking at the material of the shoes, I could see them actually looking cleaner after having spent some time in snow and rain. And since the murder took place with a garbage bag over the victim, would there have been much blood on the ground or on anyone's shoes?


She said there was blood and he wiped up with her coat. Would that have only been from the rape? I have to think there was blood spatter. JMO
There is a different angle view of her shoes here, there is wear on the inside heel part.
In the PDF file, you can see:

Page 1: Terri-Lynne McClintic’s debit transaction record from the night she met Micheal Rafferty.

Page 2-4: Shots from the Super 8 Motel, where McClintic and Rafferty went to have sex.

Page 5-7: Shots of McClintic’s mother’s cell phone, which she used to contact Rafferty. His name in contact was “Mike Tzs Man”, McClintic’s mother calls her “T”.

Page 8: Aerial shot of Woodstock the crown used to have McClintic explain to the jury where key events in the case happened. OSPS is Oliver Stephens Public School. CASS is College Avenue Secondary School. CCRH is Caressant Care Retirement Home.

Page 9: A home in Woodstock McClintic told the court looks like one Rafferty told her he knew the layout of, and, according to McClintic he could easily “take someone”.

Page 10: A school McClintic told the court she and Rafferty drove by.

Page 11: An overhead shot of Woodstock, pointing out places McClintic went on April 8th, 2009.

Page 12: The Community Care Employment Centre. McClintic used the computer there.

Page 13-14: A Facebook message McClintic sent from the Community Care Employment Centre.

Page 15-16: More aerial shots of Woodstock.

Page 17-22: Photos taken from the area McClintic said she waited for a chid to come out of Oliver Stephens Public School.

Page 23-24: Shots of the Caressant Care Retirement Home parking lot.

Page 25-27: Overhead shots of Woodstock, and a map of the 401 between Woodstock and Guelph.

Page 28: Photo of the home in Guelph Rafferty bought percocets from. McClintic said she and Tori waited in the car.

Page 29-36: Shots from the security camera at the Guelph Home Depot. McClintic purchased a hammer and garbage bags.

Page 37: McClintic’s drawing of the scene of the sexual assault and murder of Tori Stafford.

Page 38: McClintic’s second drawing of the crime scene. McClintic was trying to help police find Tori’s body.

Page 39: An artist’s rendition of the house near the crime scene.

Page 40-41: Shots of the area where McClintic and Rafferty threw away their shoes.

Page 42-44: Photos of the shoes McClintic threw away after Tori was murdered.

Page 45-47: McClintic’s drawing of the knife she says Rafferty told her to use to cut portions of his back seat out. Then a picture of a similar looking knife. McClintic says Rafferty told her to throw the parts of the back seat out the window as they drove on the 401.

Page 48: Starlight Variety. Not far from McClintic’s Woodstock home. Rafferty dropped her off there after they returned from Cambridge.

Page 49-50: Photos of McClintic’s former home in Woodstock.

Page 51: A photo of the telephone pole Rafferty left hair dye next too. He wanted McClintic to change her appearance.

Page 52-58: Photos from inside McClintic’s former home. Includes pictures of the box of hair dye and the shoes, sweater and shorts she says Rafferty gave her after Tori was killed.

Page 59: A missing persons flier with Tori’s photo on it. McClintic said she helped hand them out in Woodstock while Tori was considered missing.

Page 60-63: Images from McClintic’s notebook. Includes her notes on what to tell the police if she is questioned about Tori. She told the court the ideas in the book were Rafferty’s.

Page 64: A note to Rafferty written by McClintic.

Page 65: More notes McClintic made on what to tell the police if she was interviewed
Home depot video surveillance. It looks like the same shoes to me. JMO

Some were wondering if these are the shoes worn by TLM or if they are an identical pair for media release pics. All you can see in the video is that she is wearing white and blue shoes.

Looking back through the evidence pics, many items are tagged with an evidence number...I don't see one on these shoes. The knife, hair dye and a couple other pics show tags.
I can't believe they released the photo of the house of the single mom. wow. JMO

ETA I suppose this info was released with her permission. JMO

She said there was blood and he wiped up with her coat. Would that have only been from the rape? I have to think there was blood spatter. JMO

Read from Bottom up: ‏ @AM980_Court
The garbage bag only covered Toris head. McClintic says Tori made a gurgling noise inside the garbage bag.

13 Mar ‏ @AM980_Court
McClintic says she hit Tori with the hammer three times. She is crying on the stand and not speaking.

13 Mar ‏ @AM980_Court
McClintic hit Tori with the hammer after the garbage bag was put on her head. Gowdey asks how many times. McClintic breaks down.

13 Mar ‏ @AM980_Court
McClintic says a garbage bag from the trunk was placed on Tori s head.

Sorry to be graphic again, but this explains why there may not have been blood splatter. Again, sorry to post this again.

She said there was blood and he wiped up with her coat. Would that have only been from the rape? I have to think there was blood spatter. JMO

That's how I understood it Matou. One of those tweets was pretty graphic. I had to stop reading for a while after that. :(

ETA: Meaning the blood clean up was from the rape. The tweet specified what area of his body he was cleaning.

I can't believe they released the photo of the house of the single mom. wow. JMO

ETA I suppose this info was released with her permission. JMO

Good chance she moved?

There is a different angle view of her shoes here, there is wear on the inside heel part.

In the link above, there is a pic of 2 pairs of shoes with evidence tags of what looks like mens shoes, both appear to be the same size.

The pdf states that this pic of the 2 pairs of shoes (#54) states that
# 52-58: Photos from inside McClintic’s former home. Includes pictures of the box of hair dye and the shoes, sweater and shorts she says Rafferty gave her after Tori was killed.

Im puzzled, if TLM threw away the blue and white shoes, she would have the shoes that MR gave her to wear, but why would she have yet another pair in her possession that were gathered as evidence????? Are these the ones that MR was wearing, why would she have them?

Also a pic of a white American Eagle shirt, I wonder if this is the white shirt that MR was wearing or one that MR gave TLM to wear??
#9 is the housing complex where Tara used to live, although, those may not be any of the ones she lived in. It's rent to income geared housing too, so probably several single mothers live there.

or is it the supposed single mom's home???

Tara is a single mom. (but I think she lived in a unit facing Fyfe Ave, I think the ones pictured in the evidence photo faces Parkinson Rd.)

Tara is a single mom. (but I think she lived in a unit facing Fyfe Ave, the ones pictured in the evidence photo faces Parkinson Rd.

I know TM is a single mom.

I found my answer in the pdf for the said pic

Page 9: A home in Woodstock McClintic told the court looks like one Rafferty told her he knew the layout of, and, according to McClintic he could easily “take someone”.
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