17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #10

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OMG Lawrence O'Donnell just said they asked GZ's lawyer for medical records and they do not have them.....WOW IMO JMHO and all that

Bet he never saw a doctor!
Have I missed something in these pages of threads. As far as I know GZ never id himself to the dispatch as the NW, he wasn't on patrol at the time supposedly according to his brother he was headed the store, he was acting as a concerned citizen at the time of this incident.
Neighborhood Watch doesn't patrol, at least I don't!
He also kept going on about how it was too dark to tell who was where, apparently including clothing colors.


He said he saw when he turned into the light........this tit for tat is getting a little ridiculous. :banghead:

Within a couple of seconds after the shots, one of the men "was walking toward where I was watching, and I could see him a little bit clearer. Could see that it was a Hispanic man. He didn't appear hurt or anything else."

Where are the reports that saw the fight from beginning to end, and not just halfway through?

In my opinion, the most problematic portion of that fight for Mr. Zimmerman is not going to be the beginning or the middle, but rather the end.

An end, that no matter your opinion of contributing circumstances, found a body lying face down in the grass with it's feet on, and perpendicular to, a sidewalk that Mr. Zimmerman has claimed his head was being bashed against while HIS body laid in the grass! What's Zimmerman going to say, that this kid was bashing his head using his FEET?

That's gonna be a tough nut for a defense attorney to crack.
Goodnight all.

I'm going to bed with the same opinion I had last night.

Self defense.

But, with every bit of evidence released, I do try to look at it objectively.

I pray for both families tonight. Neither family will ever be the same again.

Rest in peace Trayvon.

Nite all. :seeya:
GZ's voice sounds slow and slurry in the 911 tape. Is this his normal speech pattern?

I don't know but many people noted this and Zimmerman was not given drug or alcohol tests that night, apparently.
Not hardly. He wasn't acting in neighborhood watch capacity that night.

He as just being a citizen, :what: I guess in this county citizens are supposed to mind their own business :)
and then when something bad happens everyone wants to know where all the witnesses are? :what:
We want heroes but we don’t.
We want stand up citizens but we don’t
CITEZEN George had a right to watch his neighborhood too.
I think the most important thing that come out of the witness tonight was that GZ did not appear injured when he got up...and he did not hesitate about saying that.

He didn't appear to be injured in that surveilance tape either... And for someone who was, according to his brother, just one blow away from having to wear a diaper and having to be spoon fed he was walking pretty damn straight in that video too... I certainly didn't detect GZ experiencing any equilibrium problems .. JMHO
Just curious....

Does the state of Florida require a Concealed Carry Permit? Just wondering why GZ was packing when he was heading to the store?
Then why did he call it in?? :waitasec:
I'm not trying to be confrontational in saying this, but I've called the police non-emergency number for weird stuff around the neighborhood before, and I'm not even aware of a NWP around here.

I think it's hard to un-blur the line between when he can say he was or wasn't acting in that capacity, as it's really supposed to be an "anytime" kind of thing... But it also makes me wonder if when he volunteered to do this, if it meant he had to be considered NWP from then on, and relinquished all rights as a normal civilian and resident of the neighborhood.

Even if he wasn't acting in any "official" capacity that night, he still could have called in what he believed to be a suspicious person lurking around the neighborhood.

And I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for my brash response earlier. I did not mean any offense with it; that's just one of a few things that keeps being repeated and won't really change any of the outcomes of that night. I don't think anyone disagrees that he violated several recommendations made by most NWPs.
Goodnight all.

I'm going to bed with the same opinion I had last night.

Self defense.

But, with every bit of evidence released, I do try to look at it objectively.

I pray for both families tonight. Neither family will ever be the same again.

Rest in peace Trayvon.

Nite all. :seeya:
And I'm not afraid to restate my opinion on this brand new thread, that I think George Zimmerman is a racist vigilante <modsnip>
Have I missed something in these pages of threads. As far as I know GZ never id himself to the dispatch as the NW, he wasn't on patrol at the time supposedly according to his brother he was headed the store, he was acting as a concerned citizen at the time of this incident.
He is the only member of the watch. He is the Captain. He called in the report sitting in his car just like a Captain would do.
He didn't appear to be injured in that surveilance tape either... And for someone who was, according to his brother, just one blow away from having to wear a diaper and having to be spoon fed he was walking pretty damn straight in that video too... JMHO

Well, then, he didn't appear to be drunk either.
In an article I read (have no idea which one) they said TM told someone he wanted to be a pilot because there weren't that many black pilots. jmo

And for all we know he could have been the next Sullenberger!
Tulessa, here's something that you may find helpful in trying to understand the legal aspect of the case. Richard Hornsby spells out the legal angle of this case on his blog. Here's a link.


Thank you ,off to read it. :)

ETA, I had read this and I keep going back to what he wrote below.......... color me corn-fused lol :)

In deciding whether a defendant was justified in the use of deadly force, you must judge him by the circumstances by which he was surrounded at the time the force was used. The danger facing the defendant need not have been actual; however, to justify the use of deadly force, the appearance of danger must have been so real, that a reasonably cautious and prudent person under the same circumstances would have believed that the danger could be avoided only through the use of that force.
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