17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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Yep, the only thing that could exonerate the Homeowner's Association is if Zimmerman signed the rules stating that he understood he wasn't supposed to carry a gun or follow other residents around.

From what we know so far, it would seem the Neighborhood Watch in that particular development was possibly under the control of Zimmerman and maybe a few friends of his, and they were sort of making up their own rules while ignoring whatever the local authorities had told him. That's just my perception of things. :twocents:

respectfully, I believe that this is a substantial overstatement. While that would certainly help the HOA's case, it is not essential to its defense, imo.
Ironic part of all this is Zimmerman is not an owner therefore not even part of the HOA. Zimmerman is a renter so any action against the HOA will not affect him one iota.

jmo, imo and all that jazz

Yeah, and I'm sure his landlord will love him for that, LOL. So it might affect him when he is asked to leave the neighborhood.

I think Zimmerman has more problems than housing at the moment anyway. JMOO
Well, if I were her I'd be hanging a 'For Sale' sign ASAP (assuming she's an owner vs. renter). The possible HOA suit would just be one of the many reasons. JMO

Well it might be hard to sell anything in that condo complex if people are expecting a lawsuit.
That is not what BG said. You have to listen to the tape again. What she said was that he was only a short distance from home and he WOULD have been on his porch. It is hard to understand her because she is upset but that is what she was saying. We all know TM was not on his porch. jmo
No. I listened again.

"He was bored. That's why he went to the store. He was on his way home. I'm living down here. He was sitting on the porch. And this man killed him?"

Unless you are watching a different interview than the one posted by Papa, I'll just 'ATD' on this one. :twocents:
Homeowner association could be sued in Martin case

snippets from article;

If Trayvon Martin's family sues over his death, they might not target George Zimmerman but instead the homeowners association of the neighborhood where the shooting happened and Zimmerman lived.

Plus, lawyers say, Exhibit A would be a newsletter sent by the association to residents in February, the same month as the shooting. It said Zimmerman was the go-to person for residents who had been the victims of a crime.

Under the heading "Neighborhood Watch," the newsletter's message recommended that residents first call police and then "please contact our Captain, George Zimmerman ... so he can be aware and help address the issue with other residents."

That seeming endorsement of Zimmerman exposes the 7-year-old association to possible legal action by Martin's parents, homeowners association attorneys said.

By designating Zimmerman the neighborhood watch captain in the newsletter, the homeowners association "is stuck" if it's sued, said Justin Clark, an attorney based in Longwood, Fla., whose practice includes real estate law.

"So, if you're going to send out a newsletter saying, `Hey, he is the captain. Whatever he says goes,' You have now basically rented a free police officer for your neighborhood," Clark said. "He certainly took on that role with the homeowners association, and it seems to me that they recognized that."

Who would pay in the event of such a lawsuit would probably be determined by the type of insurance coverage the association has, Clark said. Some policies may be wide enough to cover Zimmerman's actions. If there is no policy or the policy in place is very narrow in its coverage, homeowners likely would have to pay out of their own pockets through higher monthly assessment fees because most associations don't have very deep reserves, he said. He noted that policies typically cover about $1 million.
No. I listened again.

"He was bored. That's why he went to the store. He was on his way home. I'm living down here. He was sitting on the porch. And this man killed him?"

Unless you are watching a different interview than the one posted by Papa, I'll just 'ATD' on this one. :twocents:

I think she was kind of rambling. At some point of time TM was sitting on the porch, I don't think she meant he was sitting on the porch when he was killed.

Zimmerman faces a grand jury on April 12. His HOA community allegedly assigned him the role of community watchman. Even if “stand-your-ground” law absolves Zimmerman in a criminal trial, he and his HOA likely won’t escape a civil suit for negligence.

If Zimmerman was named watch captain and there are questions about the HOA exercising due diligence in preparing Zimmerman for his role as a community representative, specifically as a Neighborhood Watch leader, negligence can easily make a civil case.
There is a "bad" significance to "grills", yes. Fashions often communicate something. For example, the "preppie" look of the late 80's communicated I am part of the conservative establishment and want to be rich, those little baby hair barettes high school girls used to wear communicate I'm a really cute little girl, and grills are considered "tough". Like a rebel flag decal on the back of a pick up truck. They're a warning.
Grillz are to show financial status in the hip hop world just like diamond studded medallions. It's jewelry. It's called "Bling". The more gold, platinum and diamonds you wear, the more status you have.
A lot of rappers pose with their top lip up in a sneer so you can see their Grillz.

It's saying "I have so much money I even have gold or diamonds in my mouth." A man named Paul Wall ( who is White) is famous for making Grillz for a lot of the major hip hop artists. http://www.grillsbypaulwall.com/

Kids who listen to hip hop like to emulate the fashions of their favorite artists, just like kids that listen to Justin Beiber have that ridiculous bang hanging over half their faces, just like skaters wear skinny jeans (that sag in the butt and show the top of their boxers and like the hip hop genre who wear saggy, loose pants. They are all fashion trends.

It doesn't make them bad kids. It doesn't mean they are going to break a law. They shouldn't be considered disposable because of what they wear.
respectfully, I believe that this is a substantial overstatement. While that would certainly help the HOA's case, it is not essential to its defense, imo.

I'm just going by what I'm reading today. I'll try to ask my daughter later, since she is in Law School, but it's hard to see why they wouldn't be liable if Zimmerman felt he was working on behalf of the development.

In fact, now that you mention it, I find it odd that they would make someone a captain who wasn't a homeowner, but that's just me.

A woman told the NY TImes she helped to set up a program there and told them the rules, which.

The HOA also touted Zimmerman as Patrol Captain in a newsletter.


Documents obtained by The Associated Press showed that The Retreat at Twin Lakes officially listed Zimmerman as the neighborhood watch “captain” in their newsletter, indicating that they condoned the role he took on in the neighborhood.

The newsletter advised residents to first call the Sanford police then “please contact our Captain, George Zimmerman … so he can be aware and help address the issue with other residents.”
respectfully, I believe that this is a substantial overstatement. While that would certainly help the HOA's case, it is not essential to its defense, imo.

Hi Karmady,
Are you saying that even with some sort of memo of understanding, Z's behavior as a volunteer security guard will still put the Board/Owners/Association at risk? If so, that makes sense.

Forty-four days after unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin was shot in Sanford, Fla., all sides await a decision on whether there will be charges for neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who fired the fatal shot.

The case was expected to be taken up as early as Tuesday by a grand jury.

But special prosecutor Angela Corey said Monday she will not bring the case before a grand jury.

More at link.
George Zimmerman Lawyer Cites 'Shaken Baby Syndrome' As Defense

SANFORD, Fla., April 6 (Reuters) - "Shaken Baby Syndrome" was cited on Friday in the defense of George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Florida, man who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in a case that has sparked a widespread public outcry.

Hal Uhrig, a lawyer and former Gainesville, Florida, police officer who recently joined Zimmerman's defense team, cited in a TV interview the brain damage that can seriously injure or kill an infant.

His point, which has been made before, was that Zimmerman contends he shot Martin in self defense and feared for his life after the 17-year-old attacked him and began pounding his head into the concrete pavement of a gated community on a rainy evening in Sanford on Feb. 26.

But Uhrig's choice of words, and use of a recognized sign of child abuse to defend a 28-year-old man who killed a kid, seemed likely to raise more than just a few eyebrows.


:what: Is this what GZ will use for a defense? Are the attorney's gearing up just in case of an arrest...but to use Shaken Baby Syndrome is so farrrrr off the mark...dude refused medical treatment...he didn't take that ambulance to the hospital...was walking fine going into the police station..but he now has brain damage along with a broken nose? Any other injuries???? Mr. Attorney...but you're not trying this case in the media, now are you???

Such a familiar ring to that, not trying the case in the media...but always yapping..:maddening:

Just one more day....:please:

IMO he absolutely did not claim that GZ is now suffering from SBS or any other brain injury, nor did he suggest GZ will be claiming SBS as a defense.

HU cited SBS as one well-known cause of serious or fatal head injury without obvious external signs, in justifying GZ's right to defend himself under the SYG law. It was in answer to a question about whether GZ had used excessive force, considering that his injuries don't appear dramatic in the LE video that was released. HU responded that it is widely known that a person can be seriously or fatally injured without visible ghastly injuries; that GZ did have reason to fear for his life when his head was hitting the ground.

He gave another example or two as well, but some in the media swooped down on the words "Shaken Baby Syndrome" for maximum misleading hype, JMO.
If I'm not mistaken, you'd have to show that the HOA was liable in some manner. If he was "well briefed on neighborhood watch guidelines", then the HOA did what they were supposed to do, and Zimmerman acted on his own. To put it another way...

If Zimmerman crashed into another car on common HOA grounds (while "patrolling" as he was told not to do), would Zimmerman be solely liable, or would the victim be able to sue the HOA for the incident Zimmerman was liable for?

I can't believe he HOA is now a target. Just unbelievable the lengths people go to for revenge. Has it even been established that he was acting as a neighborhood watch person that night?

Getting even?

Why not seeking justice?

I can't for the life of me understand how everyone isn't outraged that an unarmed teen was shot and killed by someone who had no authority to do so!
I can't understand this..

It so appears GZ was too over the top, took that CW program as a reason to harass and accuse innocent people who GZ deemed 'suspicious'...Had I lived in that community, I'd think GZ was the problem, not the solution to all these alleged break ins...he's not a cop. he's not trained, his judgement seems flawed for he has a violent streak...A violent man who was able to obtain a CWP....is a danger and will continue to be a danger if he's not taken into custody....:maddening:

I swear...I just don't understand the thought process of some...:banghead:

And as frustrated and baffled as we are, imagine how horrified and frightened you would be if you were the parent of a black child and lived in this state -- or any state.
So does this mean Angela Corey is not going to make a decision as to whether or not GZ should be arrested? Anyone know how closely connected she is to Norm Wolfinger? JMHO.
BBM: Just FYI in case anyone didn't know:


The original prosecutor in the case, Norm Wolfinger, called for the grand jury last month. But as police and prosecutors' handling of Trayvon Martin's killing came under criticism, Wolfinger stepped aside.

Special prosecutor Angela Corey stepped in to replace Wolfinger. Corey has said she's never had to use a grand jury to decide on charges in an alleged justifiable-homicide case, CNN reports.

That's because if Zimmerman's claim that he shot the unarmed 17-year-old in self-defense is upheld by prosecutors, a judge or a jury, Florida's so-called stand your ground law would protect him from a lawsuit. But his clearance or acquittal wouldn't stop Martin's parents from suing The Retreat at Twin Lakes homeowners association — and its insurance policies and assets would make it a much more lucrative target than Zimmerman, even if he is eventually convicted of a crime.

Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/...n-could-be-sued-trayvon-martins#ixzz1rZhAHGU8
Like a gold grill? I've never in my life met a white woman with a grill! I have got to get out more!

I've never met ANYONE with one! I'm buried, absolutely buried in the UK!
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