17 y/o Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #20

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If your chid was Trayvon what would they have done???????
If my child was walking home from a convenience store on a sunday night with their skittles and tea----if they were being followed and eyed by an unknown man in a car, their initial thought would not be that they were going to be robbed----they would think this guy is a pervert. They would have felt they were in danger of being abducted!!!!! They too would have walked faster.....they wouldn't run initialy. They would save their energy to run for their lives later. What would trigger them to run- the guy stopping and getting out of his car...Thay would imply emminent danger to them. And, if they lost sight of the stranger but he suddenly appeared on the sidewalk in front of them------they would punch him in the nose or in the balls and they woiuld try to run like hell!!!!!! They would probably also scream help or fire!!!!! They would do this because I taught them to do this.
So why is everyone dising Trayvon for protecting himself. If the car was a police car my kids would have responded to questions but they wouldn't get too close until they had seen an ID. If the car was labeled NW they would have responded verbally but they still wouldn't get too close. Ki8dnappers have impersonated people of authority before -----why children would want an ID-----I taught them this. So you can't have it both ways. If we teach our children to be leery of strangers.....why would Trayon approach a stranger????????


Had Trayvon lived, he sure could have used the SYG law...his GF shed light on his 'fear', that fateful night...He knew he was being followed, I just wish he would have made his own 911 call to report that...I haven't heard anything more on if TM called 911 himself..but I really wish he did...
Well if everyone had to use rubber bullets, stun guns or pepper spray, except LE. I think the death rate amongst young teens and kids would drop dramatically. We have other means lets use them.

the problem with that is that people who want a gun will get one.

over here no one can have a gun except certain types of rifles for hunting blah blah you have to apply for this that and another and store them a certain way...and even most police dont have them.

yes, the POLICE dont even have them except for certain teams.

there was a mass shooting in cumbria a year or two ago (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10219655), a fella went a bit postal with his rifle...there were plenty of cops around who were able to do nothing because they were not armed and he was....they said if the police had been armed and able to contain him, three more people would have lived...

then you get this kinda thing....http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...l-shooting-Thusha-5-paralysed-waist-down.html

so okay I grant you there is less gun crime here and more knifing etc but the ones who want a gun get one while the police for the most part are almost useless through no fault of their own.
I think the opinion of the person who stated that (I heard it somewhere on news too) was incorrect. The prosecutor stated in a number of interviews that she had NEVER used a GJ for a murder case, and I would guess that in her long experience she has previously dealt with a murder one charge.


Only The Grand Jury is used to get a premeditated or 1st degree murder charge...ACory can charge on her own and go for manslaughter or less...but a true bill indictment must come down from The Grand Jury on the higher levels of murder...Possibly one of our attorneys can weigh in...
In the end it comes down to, (IMO) no matter how many black friends you have: If you see a black stranger walking, doing nothing in particular and your automatic first thought is, "that man is here, he is black, he must be up to no good because no blacks should be allowed to walk these streets without my express permission, I must call the cops to get rid of him although there is no evidence that he's committing no crimes that I can tell, except that he's black and he's in my neighborhood"... then you're a racist.

Friends are people you are familiar with and you may have overcome your prejudices with them, being confronted with the evidence that they're quite nice, but if it's a stranger you don't have anything to work with except your subconscious attitudes.

There are black people living in the residences, ¨they have children, they have relatives, they have black friends coming over. Some of the white people have black friends and relatives visiting them. GZ had no valid reason to think every black person is a burglar until proven otherwise but he did.

So, do you think if Zimmerman had encountered the young man up close and determined the young man was white or hispanic, Zimmerman would have apologized and told him to go on about his business?

One major question stands out in this situation...eight minutes between when Zimmerman called 911 and when Trayvon was shot...with a running head start a few hundred yards from Brandy Green's home, why didn't Tray make it there safely?
In the end it comes down to, (IMO) no matter how many black friends you have: If you see a black stranger walking, doing nothing in particular and your automatic first thought is, "that man is here, he is black, he must be up to no good because no blacks should be allowed to walk these streets without my express permission, I must call the cops to get rid of him although there is no evidence that he's committing no crimes that I can tell, except that he's black and he's in my neighborhood"... then you're a racist.

Friends are people you are familiar with and you may have overcome your prejudices with them, being confronted with the evidence that they're quite nice, but if it's a stranger you don't have anything to work with except your subconscious attitudes.

There are black people living in the residences, ¨they have children, they have relatives, they have black friends coming over. Some of the white people have black friends and relatives visiting them. GZ had no valid reason to think every black person is a burglar until proven otherwise but he did.

people can put the racism or not thing to rest very easily :)


I dont recall if the demo or another test is the racism one but you cant fake this test. if you have subconscious racism you'll quickly find out.

(my results about two years ago were a slight automatic preference for blacks over whites, I have no reason to think that's changed :D)

eta yes the racism one is one you dont have to sign up for

I wish the same could be said for the Zimmerman family. My daughter is almost the same age as GZ - it would be horrible to hear someone like Jackson say she had chased someone down with a gun and murdered them in cold blood - not to mention the death threats and congress people standing in front of signs calling him a murderer and a racist vigilante - it would have been better to let the SA do her job. JMO:moo:

I'm not sure I follow your comment?
So, do you think if Zimmerman had encountered the young man up close and determined the young man was white or hispanic, Zimmerman would have apologized and told him to go on about his business?

One major question stands out in this situation...eight minutes between when Zimmerman called 911 and when Trayvon was shot...with a running head start a few hundred yards from Brandy Green's home, why didn't Tray make it there safely?

Well, I don't know. Just because you're a racist doesn't mean you can't be a troublemaker with your own kind as well.
What race were the police officer and the girlfriend he fought with?
So, do you think if Zimmerman had encountered the young man up close and determined the young man was white or hispanic, Zimmerman would have apologized and told him to go on about his business?

One major question stands out in this situation...eight minutes between when Zimmerman called 911 and when Trayvon was shot...with a running head start a few hundred yards from Brandy Green's home, why didn't Tray make it there safely?


Due to GZ heading him off at the pass....

I believe GZ ran straight into TM..all the while setting it up on the 911 call when GZ stated, he's staring at me, he's headed towards me....I call it BS and he did this to set up his own actions...I also believe his intent was not to let another *advertiser censored**hole get away...set up in his first 911 call....
Wow do I remember that like it was yesterday!!!

Sleeping with a fireplace poker next to me. Looking all around and running to my car in the mornings.

Pure terror.

And I live in the small town where it all got started. Where he was a peeping Tom and cutting up kids in the cemetery.

Feels good to know he's in Angola.

Imagine what life was like for a home health nurse! I once pulled into a stranger's driveway because a white truck seemed to be following me. The homeowner asked if he could help me and I told him why I was there. Fortunately the white truck kept going. We were to travel to very isolated areas at night and I once asked a state policeman what would happen if someone tried to flag me down by standing in the middle of the street and I didn't stop. He replied: 'nothing'!

Due to GZ heading him off at the pass....

I believe GZ ran straight into TM..all the while setting it up on the 911 call when GZ stated, he's staring at me, he's headed towards me....I call it BS and he did this to set up his own actions...I also believe his intent was not to let another *advertiser censored**hole get away...set up in his first 911 call....

I'm not convinced Mr Zimmerman set it up, I think instead that Mr Zimmerman has a streak of the dramatics in his veins. I think he liked to play cop. He made the situation dramatic to the 911 operator to make himself seem the ever vigilent hero type. I think he stalked Mr Martin because he wanted to corner the perp he'd allegedly caught as if to show LE, when they arrived, that he 'Super George' was their equal but when Mr Martin refused to obey George's authoritiiii he lost control, anger took over, a fight ensued as Mr Martin tried to fight for his life, and Mr Zimmerman fired his weapon.
And with that circular reasoning, we are back to why GZ followed him in the first place and why was GZ carrying a gun in direct opposition to the rules of NW?


GZ had a license to carry, I didn't think it was confirmed that he was officially on NW duty when this occurred. I don't know that GZ was still following him either. I'm back to why TM attacked GZ in the first place ? If GZ had been following him that closely, TM would have known that GZ was on the phone with LE. Why didn't TM just wait for the cops to show up to report this injustice ? Unless he wanted to show GZ who the real man was ?
GZ had a license to carry, I didn't think it was confirmed that he was officially on NW duty when this occurred. I don't know that GZ was still following him either. I'm back to why TM attacked GZ in the first place ? If GZ had been following him that closely, TM would have known that GZ was on the phone with LE. Why didn't TM just wait for the cops to show up to report this injustice ? Unless he wanted to show GZ who the real man was ?

GZ needs to explain why he stalked and accosted this young man, especially after calling the LE. TM had every right to fight for his life vs an attacker.
In vlpate's defense unless you went to the actual website you would not necessary see the foundation described exactly that way and articles out there did seem to infer that the money would be used by the family for exspenses.[

From several weeks ago:


Just FYI: Per Justice for Trayvon website donations currently at $21,129

Call me crazy, but I just don't have a problem with people donating to the Martins under these circumstances. After all, they haven't admitted to killing anyone lately. It's understandable that they would have trouble working a regular job right now.

Do you think folks (TM side) are going to get really mad if she decides to 'only' go for a manslaughter charge?

Personally I think a lot of people will and even more so if they cannot even get a conviction on that.
GZ had a license to carry, I didn't think it was confirmed that he was officially on NW duty when this occurred. I don't know that GZ was still following him either. I'm back to why TM attacked GZ in the first place ? If GZ had been following him that closely, TM would have known that GZ was on the phone with LE. Why didn't TM just wait for the cops to show up to report this injustice ? Unless he wanted to show GZ who the real man was ?

Please remember that we have nothing other than GZ's word that TM attacked him first.

Now we're blaming the victim for not paying closer attention to GZ's phone conversation?
I'm not convinced Mr Zimmerman set it up, I think instead that Mr Zimmerman has a streak of the dramatics in his veins. I think he liked to play cop. He made the situation dramatic to the 911 operator to make himself seem the ever vigilent hero type. I think he stalked Mr Martin because he wanted to corner the perp he'd allegedly caught as if to show LE, when they arrived, that he 'Super George' was their equal but when Mr Martin refused to obey George's authoritiiii he lost control, anger took over, a fight ensued as Mr Martin tried to fight for his life, and Mr Zimmerman fired his weapon.

I didn't think the 911 calls sounded dramatic.
Call me crazy, but I just don't have a problem with people donating to the Martins under these circumstances. After all, they haven't admitted to killing anyone lately. It's understandable that they would have trouble working a regular job right now.


I didn't say I had a problem with it, only providing a link since velouria kept asking for one.
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