Trial Thread 7 May 2012 - Closing Arguments, Defense then the Crown

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Hmmm...Rafferty's Mother's picture was there earlier this morning.
She has dark shoulder length hair and was quite tanned in the pic

I looked to find it for you but it has disappeared robynhood

Her pics are everywhere. Just use Google.
He may have had drug drop offs in the area or other personal errands? MOO/JMO

Except he was BBMing and texting into the early morning hours the night before. Awfully early for a guy with no job and nothing better to do to get up early to ??. Oh yeah, he didn't want to bother telling the jury what he was doing up that early.

LindaNguyenPN #Raffety's mother, Deborah Murphy, tells media that her son is not guilty of #ToriStafford's murder

........IMO what do others think of this....My opinion ...why and how does she come to this conclusion are the thoughts crossing my mind????....Why did she not take the STAND and tell the JURY why her son called her after the murder was committed ???..MR's .blackberry phone records said he called home! ...puzzled ???>>>>>>..robynhood


One does not volunteer to take the stand, but has to be called upon by either the Crown or the defence. If she was not subpoenaed to do so, it can only mean that anything she had to say about that phone call was of no use to either side. I doubt he confessed to anything to his mother that evening. Whatever he said obviously had little bearing on his guilt or innocence and would not support or refute any evidence.

Of what importance is it that MR's mother is there or not?

Anyone needing a reason for her to stay away from the trial need look no further than the media swarming her today in search of gossip .

Media would better serve the public if they spent more time worrying about presenting the facts accurately.

Of what importance is it that MR's mother is there or not?

Anyone needing a reason for her to stay away from the trial need look no further than the media swarming her today in search of gossip .

Media would better serve the public if they spent more time worrying about presenting the facts accurately.


Many people on this forum felt that MR mother not being in court spoke volume. MR to be guilty in his mothers eyes.What does it say now knowing she was there this week and supports his no guilt?
Please don't ask me to find those posts as they are hard to find past postings.
...I can not see any pics of MR"s mother ????...looked on that thread ???that was mentoned by reporter link posted here ????

Does anyone see them ...if they can KINDLY tell me where and # frame as I was always curious about his FAMILY????...ty robynhood...???

Rafferty's Mother


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I think the amazing thing to me if I was a juror is to hear that the defense lawyer does not seem to have a definitive answer on what happened that day from his own client. So if he has to resort to the fact that there are multiple scenarios that might have been true, it says to me that he has not heard ONE scenario from his own client that makes enough sense to present and account for all the evidence.

I believe he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with from his client.

After the CA trial, I am actually impressed that the defence is not insulting our intelligence by insisting that VS was murdered over a gang/drug debt. He threw it out there only. I admire him for that. He is trying to get the jury to believe that TLM was not completely truthful and it is not going to work. JMO
I think the amazing thing to me if I was a juror is to hear that the defense lawyer does not seem to have a definitive answer on what happened that day from his own client. So if he has to resort to the fact that there are multiple scenarios that might have been true, it says to me that he has not heard ONE scenario from his own client that makes enough sense to present and account for all the evidence.

I believe he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with from his client.

The defence does not have to prove his client's innocence. The Crown has to prove his guilt ... beyond a reasonable doubt. The defence's only job is to cast doubt on the Crown's version of events, which is exactly what he has been doing.‏@AM980_Court
He says all accused are presumed innocent. That is not a gift bestowed on Michael Rafferty. All Canadians enjoy that right.

James Armstrong‏@jamesarmstrong7
Second principal "onus of proof" crown must prove their case not the defence.‏@AM980_Court
He says presumption of innocence only goes away if the crown proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

London Free Press‏@RaffertyLFP
Destine says defense does not have to prove anything or call witnesses - onus all on Crown

everyone take a deep breath and take your hands out of the snark jar....please! When posting please leave the dusting of snark out of your posts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but leave the snark in the jar.
After the CA trial, I am actually impressed that the defence is not insulting our intelligence by insisting that VS was murdered over a gang/drug debt. He threw it out there only. I admire him for that. He is trying to get the jury to believe that TLM was not completely truthful and it is not going to work. JMO

It's not over yet :/
and why was MTR driving around this particular school early in the morning, Derstine?

I really don't believe that was therefore I am not going to believe that he was and even if there was the remote possibility that it was his car..well are certain streets in that tiny town off limits??...I drove pass two schools this morning and actually I drove pass them twice...once going and once coming back ...I guess I'm on a video somewhere also... just saying...JMO
Maybe you could replace it with a cookie jar. Or a bowl of beer nuts.
the accused needs to be proven guilty not prove his innocence.
MR IS innocent until proven guilty.

Even if the defence did not put up a big fight to prove his innocence, it comes down to the crown to prove he is not innocent of Kidnapping, Rape and Murder. That he intended to do those 3 crimes.
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