Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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If don't think anyone is game to admit to seeing any of the BC cars on the where is the lovely poster that saw the Prado? Hope she hasn't been scared off!

Was the captiva released also, anybody know?
Agreed. Canoeing is so peaceful. You see magic things like goannas and baby birds. It is the inland version of snorkeling which is my favorite thing.

... not in Far North Queensland ... you would see big croc mouths wide open :floorlaugh:
Hmmmm Trooper.....maybe that was the night as it was forecast to rain for a few days, we were expecting good rain too. Maybe that was the catalyst in a premeditated and preplanned murder as in relation to the disposal of the body? Can anyone remember if it was raining that night?
Hey Lou.... I think that your theory about RG road is quite clever. There was screams heard from there which have yet to be explained and IMO are super super important in this investigation. More so than has been talked about if you ask me. Anyway, as you say, it makes a lot of sense that the guilty party would be abhorrent to going down the same road. NICE WORK!

Not only would the killer avoid rafting ground road to avoid dealing with their gullt (if that was the crimescene,) but more importantly, to save his arse by NOT being seen on rafting ground road.
If don't think anyone is game to admit to seeing any of the BC cars on the where is the lovely poster that saw the Prado? Hope she hasn't been scared off!

I'd be scared too.....Mention a car...and some poster might think....DANGER DANGER....Willough is going to attack vehicle registration number "SETTLED".....Best contact them, before she pulls out her knife and attacks

(rolling eyes)
Sensational claims by local councillor Paul Tully on his blog

Not sure of the link will work as I'm posting this from an iPad.

He is stating that QPS are seeking immunity from prosecution for an accessory to give evidence.

No idea where this chap gets his info from but if true, could be the reason the investigation appears to have stalled.

Detect - Is this the Paul Tully post you were referring to?
Hmmmm Trooper.....maybe that was the night as it was forecast to rain for a few days, we were expecting good rain too. Maybe that was the catalyst in a premeditated and preplanned murder as in relation to the disposal of the body? Can anyone remember if it was raining that night?

good point! hadn't thought of that. Have long wondered if there was truth in the premeditation rumour, and if so, why bring it forward a month? Heavy rain is certainly one catalyst! I"m with the previous poster that keeps wondering "why THAT particular night?" Can't wait to find out...if ever.
No it is rumour. And also, where is the car wash? I can't picture where it is and I drive on the roundabout every day - anyone? Will be v embarrassed if one is there somewhere, shows how attentive I am......

And when you find it - tell me! I've driven around that roundabout thousands of times and not seen the carwash ( but I wasn't aware that there was a camera there either!)
GBC has 2 vehicles.
Det Supt Mark Ainsworth in charge.
Allison was found under Kholo Bridge.
Allison did go to hairdresser.
They have 3 children.

The house was declared a crime scene
Dept Sup Ainsworth refused to comment on wether GBC was a suspect
The QPS treated the case as an unlawful homicide from well before Alisson's body was located
The QPS said that Alisson knew her killer
The QPS said that the murderer may have had an accomplice
ABC and GBCs vehicles were impounded and only one released in the last week (the prado)
NGBs house and shed was searched and lots of material incl laptop and computer were taken
I can't imagine the killer taking the car to a car wash afterwards, way too risky with the chance of witnesses

This made me start thinking about what there would be to clean. I've been picturing muddy boots, car etc; but from memory it has been said it was quite dry before that night.

Then I was thinking about inside the car, and if it is true she was killed via manual strangulation, I thought there would be very little to clean inside either (as Allisons hair etc would have already been in the car).

But then I remembered something that happens after death that I hadn't given much thought to. It's a fairly sensitive thought, so those that are easily offended do not click on the link, but points 7 & 8 are what I'm alluding to. If this occurred in the car, it could have made what was to be a clean process rather messy. Keep in mind police knew fairly early on that Allison had met with foul play.
GBC has 2 vehicles.
Det Supt Mark Ainsworth in charge.
Allison was found under Kholo Bridge.
Allison did go to hairdresser.
They have 3 children.
GBC had mistress
ABC knEw about mistress
GBC knows how to amp it up for cameras when he chooses
Hmmmm Trooper.....maybe that was the night as it was forecast to rain for a few days, we were expecting good rain too. Maybe that was the catalyst in a premeditated and preplanned murder as in relation to the disposal of the body? Can anyone remember if it was raining that night?

Someone {who I later found out was a criminal} told me years ago that it's not good to commit crimes in rainy weather... too much chance of footprints and tyremarks being left. He said if you were to PLAN one you would wait til it was dry. Unless ofcourse it was unplanned...

Ofcourse, not being a criminal myself, I don't know if this is correct.
How do you turn the annoying intruders off?
Easy enough... depending what search engine you use you need to find the appropriate for it. I use a couple of different search engines, amongst them, Firefox and it's as Add On...

I don't use Internet Explorer, but those who use Internet Exploder..

Some people don't mind the ads, others know how to ignore them, but interesting how in relation to Allison's case, the inclusion of the 'Beyond Blues' advert on some of the news articles about Allison caused some distress to a couple of posters.

It's easy to read into such an ad where it can be seen to give off an impression that the news site was backing up claims (subtly), that Allison was depressed and needed help. Not literally, but it goes to show the 'power' some ads have when inserted in strategetic places. More so, if the add flickers about trying to get your attention over the article you are reading.
This made me start thinking about what there would be to clean. I've been picturing muddy boots, car etc; but from memory it has been said it was quite dry before that night.

Then I was thinking about inside the car, and if it is true she was killed via manual strangulation, I thought there would be very little to clean inside either (as Allisons hair etc would have already been in the car).

But then I remembered something that happens after death that I hadn't given much thought to. It's a fairly sensitive thought, so those that are easily offended do not click on the link, but points 7 & 8 are what I'm alluding to. If this occurred in the car, it could have made what was to be a clean process rather messy. Keep in mind police knew fairly early on that Allison had met with foul play.

Interesting point. If ABC was murdered in a vehicle or placed in a vehicle soon after death then you would expect there to be evidence of that.
there was no moon that night, I believe..

Actually, I hadnt really considered the weather factor at all. Except in the effect it has on people. Heat, cold, etc. Now I have to re think it through!.
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