Armchair psych profile and personal background

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Please don't include me in the "everyone". I echo Jun Lin's mom's description of him. A monster. I don't need to know anything more

Sorry, I don't know why you would read what everyone says about it if you weren't curious yourself. If he's a monster and you know it, none of any of this should matter right?
Sorry, I don't know why you would read what everyone says about it if you weren't curious yourself. If he's a monster and you know it, none of any of this should matter right?

I'm here for the victim and to ensure he and his family get justice. Right. It doesn't matter because he's going to trial and he will get convicted despite his admirers and fans. This was a heinous, horrific crime.
Originally Posted by sinwonderland
I must be a monster.

I do plan on writing Luka Magnotta. I'm not a 'fan', I'm not 'in love'. I want to know what you all are wanting to know. I'm just gonna try to go to the source and ask for it. Maybe I still won't find out but it's worth a couple of stamps to try.

Well, one never knows unless they try. I'm not really sure what you would get out of him. He's savvy with regards to letter writing and those seeking to milk information. He posted videos about the Moor murders shortly before he killed Lin Jun. Those videos are replete with how persons tried to get information from the convicted criminals and their correspondences with others. I find it hard to believe he will ever confess or provide his explanations as to "why". I suspect he may want to intentionally withhold information as to keep letters coming in the mail and reporters visiting him in jail. Keeping it a mystery would likely keep him saught after. Add to all this, what the heck will you be able to believe in anything he writes? It's a quagmire of pathology, I think the best shot is going to be with someone who befriends him and has years of correspondence. Collecting a large volumn of his thoughts and writings overtime may provide the best chance to glean some valuable info. JMO
They must be monsters..
We dare not imagine how much suffering Jun underwent, how much horror he felt on the day he was murdered one month ago. He was such a kind and caring person. Anytime we saw his photos tears sprouted from our eyes. We wept and wept until our tears were exhausted, our voices were choked and we could not get a word out. Our lovely son, poor child, where are you now? Where are you? Your mom and dad miss you. We miss you very much, so much…"

That was absolutely heart-breaking. His poor mother.
I'm married with a little boy, I'm nearly 30 years old. I'm not some obsessed teenage girl.

I would think playing to his narcissism and/or pandering to his being a victim...without being too obvious could create doors of opportunity. Approaching him as a supporter who thinks he was framed could be a good starting point. He sees himself as irresistable, extremely goodlooking, a victim of his childhood who "made it", and a killer. I don't think he will admit to the killer part, he will probably report those posts as part of the framing. You may want to describe having a traumatic childhood and going through rough/impoverished times...You may want to describe as being bi or bi-curious at some point later on...I just don't think that being a supporter of being framed would be enough for him, you have to join him in some way with regards to the sexy stud delusion he sees himself as....He would so love a letter to include your favorite photos of him....nauseating but I fully believe it.
That was absolutely heart-breaking. His poor mother.
Agreed, that is heartbreaking. My oldest brother was killed in an accident when he was only 26 and my mom had a full-blown nervous breakdown. Had it gone down like this I doubt she would have continued on with her life.

Lawyers face tough job defending 'Canadian Psycho'

By Judi Rever (AFP) – 2 hours ago ....

"As soon as you conclude that a person is not psychotic, that he is a psychopath or a person suffering from antisocial personality, the insanity plea has no hope of working," Parent said.

Others agree that Magnotta's alleged actions appear to have been too orderly and calculated to amount to psychosis ...
I doubt any of us is here to judge others who wish to contact him whilst he's in prison (or in 'the holding tank'). We are ALL curious about what created this monster.

I just want to be certain that those who choose to contact him REMAIN SAFE. PLEASE......BE SAFE, BE AWARE OF WHAT HE'S DONE AND OF WHAT HE'S CAPABLE. REMEMER LIN JUN........:please:

I must be a monster.

I do plan on writing Luka Magnotta. I'm not a 'fan', I'm not 'in love'. I want to know what you all are wanting to know. I'm just gonna try to go to the source and ask for it. Maybe I still won't find out but it's worth a couple of stamps to try.

His is "charming" and will play on your sympathies. You won't get inside of him but, be a pawn in his game. Experts don't recommend doing it. I'd be careful not to use your home address but, a P.O. box instead.
And back to pathology/sociopathy - does anyone here remember the murder of the Eaton relative in Toronto many years ago? She befriended a 17-year-old boy who was clearly disturbed. (She didn't know it at the time that he was mentally ill, I don't think). She lived in an upscale area of Toronto and she even gave him a key to her place so he could 'get away from things' when he wanted to do so.

BUT, there's a HUGE difference between this young man and LRM. This young man felt something bad was about to happen with his mental illness. He went to Toronto General Hospital for help - they said he'd be OK and sent him on his way.:maddening:

Shortly after the hospital visit, the Eaton woman was found stabbed to death in her bathtub.

He pleaded insanity and to this day he's incarcerated in The Hospital For The Criminally Insane in Penetanguishene.

I'm pointing out this case because this young man KNEW he was about to lose control and commit a horrible crime. LRM is not in the same category.

Sorry, I don't know why you would read what everyone says about it if you weren't curious yourself. If he's a monster and you know it, none of any of this should matter right?

We are all "curious" about this maniac. Some of us wish to LEARN more about the human condition. That said, I certainly don't want to lay eyes on him......ever. It's helpful to learn about what created this maniac so (perhaps) one day we'll eradicate this kind of evil. Hopefully..............:please:
Yes (tried forced span 9th grade like spelling, commas bored me!)

Best way is ADD s*** - if we were face to face you would find me wildly fas verbily, articulate bright - same on paper with a pen. Cant spell - but my hand could keep up with my brain my typing does not so it is disjointed

folks i know and email like in personal life just read em and get it

you and have discussed this in terms of how I am hitting them (everyone on the board)
it is mentally fatiguing , ( I envsion you all just typing away!)
for me to make a reasonably perfect typed deal , first spell check then there is like one word (brain speed) missing but makes it totally , really not understandable for folks not used to the decifer my typing spelling issues does that make sense?
i comes before g but not after r bu tonly if g is before s and when r is before p pls .. b o r i n g
give me a pen and paper and I can write

type ugh.....

does that

i am here...& i am cracking up! i luv this dudes posts!! CARIIS is awesum! :rocker:
previous notion by another poster: this young man KNEW he was about to lose control and commit a horrible crime. LRM is not in the same category.
He LM was posting online for months - all the bad things he WAS doing, and was gonna do. All cries , imo, for help, stop me , i am losing my brakes.

When nothing happened , it got to where he did what he did "I told you all, noone listened, well everyone says I say nothing true/ever --- well here is the video"....
previous notion by another poster: this young man KNEW he was about to lose control and commit a horrible crime. LRM is not in the same category.
He LM was posting online for months - all the bad things he WAS doing, and was gonna do. All cries , imo, for help, stop me , i am losing my brakes.

When nothing happened , it got to where he did what he did "I told you all, noone listened, well everyone says I say nothing true/ever --- well here is the video"....

I'm "that other poster". And posting online and GOING TO A HOSPITAL FOR HELP are two different things.

And yes, you're right about LRM "doing what he did". He's horrific.

I'm about to give up here...............:banghead:
I agree . He has done horrible things indeed
And back to pathology/sociopathy - does anyone here remember the murder of the Eaton relative in Toronto many years ago? She befriended a 17-year-old boy who was clearly disturbed. (She didn't know it at the time that he was mentally ill, I don't think). She lived in an upscale area of Toronto and she even gave him a key to her place so he could 'get away from things' when he wanted to do so.

BUT, there's a HUGE difference between this young man and LRM. This young man felt something bad was about to happen with his mental illness. He went to Toronto General Hospital for help - they said he'd be OK and sent him on his way.:maddening:

Shortly after the hospital visit, the Eaton woman was found stabbed to death in her bathtub.

He pleaded insanity and to this day he's incarcerated in The Hospital For The Criminally Insane in Penetanguishene.

I'm pointing out this case because this young man KNEW he was about to lose control and commit a horrible crime. LRM is not in the same category.


Sigh... I know the area well.
Nancy Eaton's killer wants more privileges

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 | 3:39 PM ET

CBC News

A psychiatric hearing is underway for Andrew Leyshon-Hughes, the killer of the department store heiress Nancy Eaton.
In 1985, Eaton was found stabbed to death in her Farnham Street apartment in the Yonge-St.Clair area.

Hughes was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.

Add. I see much info about this case has been removed or something.. however this link has lots of detail, much of which can be related in ways to the LM case.
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