LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #39

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Ok pretty sure you guys r going nite nite now. I'm from the west, so my clock is different.
Sweet dreams all!

I'm in the EAST but my "clock" is on Hawaii time!
You do NOT have to have a twic card to do land jobs or jobs within a certain number of miles of the coast. He was a mechanic of some kind and if he had any "connections" it was IMO probably within whatever companies who hired him because IMO it would require some favoritism and special treatment that he only be assigned to do work within auch and such miles from the coast.....usually transportation is done by boat and a twic card is not required.
.... BOAT ....indicates close to the coast. Helicopters usually used to fly people out way way out in the gulf. From the best of my understanding you do not need a twic card to work offshore. You just need a twic card to work outside of "federal waters" because you're not technically leaving the country til you are outside federal waters.
.....surely someone else knows more about this than I do and can elaborate more than I can.......

Just my 2 cents

Good God! He got his TWIC card while he was incarcerated? Well -- if that is true -- he had connections. That would be interesting because in order to get a TWIC card you are fingerprinted with all ten fingerprints electronically. I have a hard time believing this is true -- but if it is -- then he would have had to have been on a work release program -- which means no one was watching him except sporadically and that means -- as I have said all along --ANYthing is possible...or any murder/rape could have been him anywhere in the U.S. I wonder if about this time wardens and L/E are beginning to type up their resumes and look for different positions--cause --looks like -- the fat lady has not sang quite yet.

Upon further consideration -- if I was in charge of BSL during his imprisonment and I had let him loose upon society in a work release program and he was responsible for committing crime(s) during that time -- I would have gone back and recreated the finest resume possible for him -- all the programs he had completed, what a wonderful person/fine character he was -- all in a CYA program for myself. Is that possible? Does anyone else find it a bit unusual that a serial rapist/killer such as BSL was such a model prisoner? Makes me wonder who exactly was doing that creative writing.....hmmmm....
You do NOT have to have a twic card to do land jobs or jobs within a certain number of miles of the coast. He was a mechanic of some kind and if he had any "connections" it was IMO probably within whatever companies who hired him because IMO it would require some favoritism and special treatment that he only be assigned to do work within auch and such miles from the coast.....usually transportation is done by boat and a twic card is not required.
.... BOAT ....indicates close to the coast. Helicopters usually used to fly people out way way out in the gulf. From the best of my understanding you do not need a twic card to work offshore. You just need a twic card to work outside of "federal waters" because you're not technically leaving the country til you are outside federal waters.
.....surely someone else knows more about this than I do and can elaborate more than I can.......

Just my 2 cents

I read somewhere his job was 100 miles out. I'll look for a link.

I don't see an MSM link.

Here are the rules bout waivers
pg 23 & 24

If he was leaving from a port he had to have one to get back in.
it looks like espionage
conspiracy and treason are the only REAL disqualifiers.

the jail has parole programs where they work offshore...
That story really bothers me. CH is being so vague... IMO she needed to name a couple instances of stalking. Just his moving across the street could have many explanations. KATC put a big "stalking" headline up, but the article doesn't go far enough to justify the headline, speaking as an ex-newspaper editor. Either the reporter did a lame job, or CH refused to give more detail.

Either way, I am taking CH with a big grain of salt. There's a history there that has not been adequately explained. CH is going to play a big role in the Lisa Pate case, I predict. What role, I don't know.... but all roads lead to her back yard.
Katc used the parts of the interview they wanted to. NOT the whole interview she gave. So if it wasn't explanatory enough blame katc not her. She wasn't happy with the outcome either.

So IMO. It's the second option "or the reporter did a lame job"
Katc used the parts of the interview they wanted to. NOT the whole interview she gave. So if it wasn't explanatory enough blame katc not her. She wasn't happy with the outcome either.

So IMO. It's the second option "or the reporter did a lame job"
Just from looking at this list of deaths in the area and the sleuthing I have done, there are TOO MANY people that knew each other that died that year!

:what: It's scary to me.

And I'd bet there are a few that have not been named on social media sites that I don't know about!
I'm just saying that the headline promised something that the story didn't deliver. Not trying to crucify her, either. I will say that I have read a lot of rumors attacking her, so she must be pretty controversial up in Church Point - fair or not.

That's small town jealousy for the moat part and if you are reading cp topix which I am only mentioning because websleuths is mentioned there, some of the info provides by a family member there claiming to be the family member of a passenger who died is claiming to be the family member of a passenger other than the one who did die.

Just goes to show how and why topix can not be trusted as a reliable source for valid info at all!

So if that's where you get any info....consider the source!

Glad to see i'm not the only one bothered by that interview. I agree CH was extremely vague. Not to mention her comment at the end where she hopes he rots in hell. That's a very strong statement. If he was that evil she should have done something. JMO

She did do something way back in 99 and katc did make posts on their fb page about how they would not be reporting any stories that didn't have police reports to back them up. There were police reports to back up ch's story. She hopes he rots in hell because she holds him responsible for the death of her loved one that died in the accident. She blames him for the accident. Which supports her claims that he threatened and intimidated her. IMO katc would have had to make the entire hour long news all about that one interview and that they edited into whatever they wanted to. She wanted to remain annonymous Ans she dis not want her picture shown either.
She did do something way back in 99 and katc did make posts on their fb page about how they would not be reporting any stories that didn't have police reports to back them up. There were police reports to back up ch's story. She hopes he Rita in hell because she holds him responsible for the death of her loved one that died in the accident. She blames him for the accident. Which supports her claims that he threatened and intimidated her. IMO katc would have had to make the entire hour long news all about that one interview and that they edited into whatever they wanted to. She wanted to remain annonymous Ans she dis not want her picture shown either.

Makes sense to me! He had already threatened the girl he raped that he would burn her house down with her family in it! ~ and that was in April!
Her police report must have disappeared with the warrant for the battery on his wife!

There is a reason people in the area won't speak on camera.
They know better. It's pure evil
Maybe she had been holding back some info???
her husband died last year. She has a young daughter.
When BSL got arrested she might have decided she is
tired of living in fear???

I'd think the death of a spouse would change the way
she looked at the world to some extent.
All ~moo
Well on any case I think its worthy of some speculating that IF he indeed dis stalk her, MAYBE ITEMS FOUND INSIDE HIS HOME BELONGED TO CH, and maybe she wana questioned about him again lately and yes IMO, if I were in that situation I would feel a whole lot safer speaking what I knew if the person who had threatened and intimidated me was behind bars. Notice ch was brought up way back in thread 37 way before she was on katc so people have been associating her with LP and bsl since way back in 99...
For 13 years now. So IMO hearing that he was locked up again and IMO considering the anger she must feel for him would prompt her to do what ahw could to keep him there!

Just my own speculation
Well on any case I think its worthy of some speculating that IF he indeed dis stalk her, MAYBE ITEMS FOUND INSIDE HIS HOME BELONGED TO CH, and maybe she wana questioned about him again lately and yes IMO, if I were in that situation I would feel a whole lot safer speaking what I knew if the person who had threatened and intimidated me was behind bars. Notice ch was brought up way back in thread 37 way before she was on katc so people have been associating her with LP and bsl since way back in 99...
For 13 years now. So IMO hearing that he was locked up again and IMO considering the anger she must feel for him would prompt her to do what ahw could to keep him there!

Just my own speculation

If it were me... (THANK GOSH it's not!) I'd feel extra vulnerable right now!
A mom does whatever is necessary to protect her children!! Even more so when her spouse is deceased!
I believe her.

I think I get why the murder happened and I do
see a motive for BSL killing LP.
It will come forward at some point.
I think I'll be "dead on" (no pun intended)

Until then I can wait.
Yes I recall being called out on this particular board with respect to additional footage. Then simply shook my head when it was made known. I truly don't think people understand how much our regular lives are recorded :)
are you the one from uhm-teen threads ago that was saying something about surveillance or asking about the truck
.....and were asked to either post it or don't talk about it. Was that YOU? I'm just curious if you are the same one I remember.
Makes sense to me! He had already threatened the girl he raped that he would burn her house down with her family in it! ~ and that was in April!
Her police report must have disappeared with the warrant for the battery on his wife!

There is a reason people in the area won't speak on camera.
They know better. It's pure evil
because town gossip and jealousy has followed that poor girl for over a decade. I assure you that the same people who competed in the pageant with her and lost to her still talk about her. She was the town beauty queen and they failed to mention practically a genius and if I'm not mistaken graduated like first or second in her class. She's a very SMART girl....she has always been quite popular and adored by most which IMo makes some people jealous....made some bad decisions regarding the company she kept and that's how she ended up associated with bsl at all...and she's been dealt a really bad hand a time or two but played it very well.....but all in all very beautiful girl very intelligent girl and these days all about being mommy.
No indication of foul play. Really?! Her tooth is knocked out, her head is swollen, and her face is red and swollen. Unless she was in a car accident, something was certainly foul!

No-one ever said CP had the brightest and finest PD. You get what you pay for. A few years back a guy was handcuffed in the front seat of a CP patrol car where a gun was left. The guy committed suicide right there in the PD car!
They need to pay CP officers there a higher salary so they can hirer people with more education. IMO.
There is a reason people in the area won't speak on camera.
They know better. It's pure evil

There's a lot of things that go on in small towns that are not fair. People
with money and connections get away with things that others don't. It is passed down from family to family who to trust and not trust. I bet the more people would dig, the more they would find out. What 'connections' did BSL have besides an uncle who was an officer? What relationship does CH have with Attorney L. Paul Gianfala? Or Gianfalal and Son oilfield/welding/machine shop?or Amber Higgenbotham, municipal clerk?
People in these parts know that money talks as does connections. The good 'ole boys network is alive and well. Many people here are kin to one another by birth or marriage. And many can't afford to lose the jobs that they have.

These is a lot of drug use in CP as well. Some CP locals have told me there is a persons house there where known drug activity has gone on for years, several people have died in the house, and nothing is done about it. Maybe a CP local on here can elaborate. I live in Lafayette but worked in CP for a few years.
are you the one from uhm-teen threads ago that was saying something about surveillance or asking about the truck
.....and were asked to either post it or don't talk about it. Was that YOU? I'm just curious if you are the same one I remember.

No, that was Miabella.
I've been reading these threads for about a week now. I'm no detective. I have no professional training. I'm just a mother of two college students whose heart strings were pulled when an innocent girl was stolen from this world. This girl could have been my daughter. Every person in Louisiana has some sort of tie with that school. You either went there, your child goes there, or your neighbor's child goes there. What happened is horrific, and I have tried to wrap my head around it as best I can.

The absolute strength of the Shunick family amazes me. I don't know how they are able to do what they have and continue to do. The thought of not knowing where my child is takes my breath away, and they are living this nightmare.

I think of LP's children. My heart hurts for them, because I think of my own children. I can only hope they know that even though she made mistakes, she was their mother, and that they truly realize there is no force on earth greater than a mother's love. I would hope they know they were more than likely her last thoughts.

I also have a son. I try to put myself in the shoes of BSL's mother. I cannot fathom the horror this poor woman is living right now. I can only imagine she's torn between trying to figure how this could have happened, heartbreak over the loss of her son, guilt for the pain of others and outright disgust for the crime(s).

My heart breaks for her, as well.

There are no answers that will come soon enough, but based on just sitting back and reading, linking to different sources and studying what's been said, I'm afraid we can't see the forest for the trees with this. I don't believe BSL to be a criminal genius. In fact, I believe he works more on convenience and opportunity than anything else.

I truly believe the placement of LP's body was a move made strictly because he knew the occcupant of the house had just died and it made a perfect hiding place. Nothing more. I don't believe the accident had anything to do at all with the murder of LP, other than the fact that CH was involved and she claims to have been stalked by him.

I'm not impressed with her or anything she has said. She just seems shady to me, as if she has an axe to grind with the community in general. It's almost as if she's seeking justification for her own poor judgment in life through this.

I think if we all take a step back and think of what simple location would have been convenient to BSL of May 19th, we will find Mickey there.

I have to trust that LE has good evidence. I believe they always keep an ace in the hole, just in case they need it at trial.

With that, I don't really know what else to say. My heart just hurts. If any one of these youngs lives was my child, I honestly don't know what I'd do.

Thanks for giving me a place to spill my heart. I am so grateful to have found a group of people who seems to be as gripped to this as me.
I'm sorry but even without any additional info CH's story has a funny ring to it to me. What's to stop BL from getting someone to harm her that is outside? Or getting someone inside now to harm her in the future. Or if he escapes?
I seriously question the motive for this public stalking report. if you are fearful
of someone, why not just go to the LPD and tell them? Supposedly she had reported it to CPPD.
Welcome, Geaux Tigers! Wonderful first post. Thank you for sharing your insight with us. You expressed it beautifully, as only a mother could. As one, myself, I share your sentiments. Mickey is part of a tragedy which has touched so many lives. Like tossing a shell in the bayou, the circle grows wider and wider. Where will it end?
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