CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #9

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LE made it pretty clear, to me at least, tonight, with the FB statement that he had been "ruled out". What more could they say?
Sorry was about 15 pages behind (still about 7 or 8 behind) when I learned of the WY perp being caught and posted my thoughts. Now that I'm catching up more I see that you guys are annoyed with this topic :blushing: i apologize and moving on... can't keep up. need to be in bed, have classes tomorrow bright and early but trying so hard to catch up!!

Same here. Often I will quote and reply to a post that I read on about Page 16 or so but my post doesn't show up until Page 25 or so...long after the topic has changed or change of topic has been suggested by a mod.

The body was found at approximately:
18444 W. 82nd Ave., Arvada, CO
LE made it pretty clear, to me at least, tonight, with the FB statement that he had been "ruled out".

About 4 hours ago, the FBI stated that they had not released the identify of the arrested man.
Originally Posted by Dr. Know? View Post
My apologies in advance but I came in late. I know Jessica's street name, could someone post the addresses to where the backpack & where her body was found. Actually the road for where she was found. Please & thank you. I'm just looking at something.

Backpack was found near corner of Andrew Way and Alpha Ct. in Superior, CO. Her body was found near 82nd Street in Arvada...not sure if there is an approximate address for that location.
It was in the Pattridge Park Open space. Mapquest it and you can see about where the area she was found in if you zoom and pan. You can see the shack.
I think people are really reaching, with trying to connect the pervert in custody, with the killer of Jessica, via pictures and what not. Especially with the FED's, ruling him out. The guys who go to college for years, to study these creeps. The guys who are actively investigating, and have whatever evidence they may have on hand. If they say he is ruled out. That's good enough for me.

I just think the connecions are extremely weak, at best, and it reminds me of people on the LISK forum forcing ridiculously weak connections to try and connect the person they want to be the killer. It doesn't work like that.

I find it hard to believe this guy, who appears to be a serial pedophile(assuming its true he had pictures of lots and lots of pics of little girls). I think its an extreme reach to think he is going to escalate to the level of violents he did to Jessica. Especially within days of just abducting, molesting and releasing a little girl.

Maybe I am missing something, but think about this.. If he was by chance in Colorado, where could he possibly be alone for hours to not only do whatever he did to Jessica while alive. But to then cut her body up, have the supplies to not only cut her up, but to also transport her remains. This takes a lot of time to do this. I just don't see it.

On top of that, I am pretty sure by this time, the feds have run a full and completely timeline on where he was and where he went. When you stay at most hotels, atleast the ones I have stayed out you typically not only need ID, but a credit card. We are talking about the feds, I am pretty sure if they had any sort of evidence, and any sort of reason to believe this man is the man they are looking for this thing would be a wrap, and would of already connected the dots. Especially the amount of man hours and money being poured into finding Jessica's killer, I am 100% certain they habe thoroughly check him, and as they said cleared him.

So pictures of nature in which a lot of photographers take, and similarities to nature area Jessica was found in, seems like weak, forced evidence. If you even consider evidece. The fact that he is a pedophiles who abducted a little girl and molested her, in another state isn't even a coincedence. I challange anyone to take a look at a RSO site, and look how many each of you have around your area. It's frightening, but I have no doubt most willows have multiple offenders within a couple miles of their home.

I live in Phoenix in a somewhat upper middle class area. I have 39 offenders within 8 miles of my home.
Well, it seems pretty official to me. It's the Official Westminster Police Facebook page with a posting by the Official Westminster Police "poster".

"Westminster PD The FBI has been able to rule out the Wyoming abductor in our case."

By the way, one does not have to have a Facebook account to read at that page.
Westminster Police has said over and over, unless it comes from them, it's not to be considered necessarily truthful. In this case, it comes as an official statement from the Westminster Police.
About 4 hours ago, the FBI stated that they had not released the identify of the arrested man.

But the press (and WS members) figured it out as he is the only person listed on the jail website with a $2mil bail being held for Wyoming.
If he left the backpack at 8 PM Saturday evening, he had enough time.

The Cody girl was abducted around 3:45pm on MONDAY. It was Columbus Day and there wasn't any school that day.

There would have been plenty of time. The timeline can't be the reason he is ruled out. I'm thinking he either has a solid alibi for Friday-Sunday OR they've pulled his credit card charges, cell phone records, etc. They seem to be fairly convinced that Jessica's killer is a local to her area, but this guy could be considered a past local... :waitasec:
I am curious, do the houses in the Rock Creek subdivision come with built-in geiger counters, or does the homeowner have to supply their own?
About 4 hours ago, the FBI stated that they had not released the identify of the arrested man.

Yea, but it doesn't take a rocket-scientist-FBI-Agent to figure out who they have in custody. It's pretty obvious. :rocker:
If you read Pat Browns facebook she has posted some very interesting things on it.
It is hunting season here, but for elk (I think) The division of wildlife here issues "tags" based on location. The hunter when approved for a tag then can hunt for the approved animal onthe tag. So, I would think that there would be a list of approved hunters in the state during that weekend. The tags are for specific dates/animal/location within the state.
Hope that helps, CynD

Is there a place close to there where people hunt moose? I noticed that rifle season for them started a few days before Jessica was abducted, and wondered if it might have been done by someone who was supposed to be at his cabin hunting over the weekend. As bad as it sounds, he may have gutted a moose and used the blood/remains to cover up what he did to her. It might have been easier to just dispose of her body in the area where he was hunting, but it would make it too easy to point at him.
What??? The guy in the blue car isn't the superior alpha male named Andrew who also happens to be a Quaker???? :floorlaugh:

Jessica's backpack was found in Superior, off Alpha Rd.

<edit> sorry, new to the forum, still trying to find my way around. I understand what you mean now.
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