CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #19

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I doubt they had his DNA; would they even ask teens at that point?

I read in one article that investigators did not include minors in the DNA canvass. Unfortunately I can't find the article now that I'm looking for it again.
Could it mean that they went to HS with him, and this year were at college with him?

You can take classes at ACC while you are still in high school. Sometimes they will do an entire course at the high school, for which students get college credit (such as a language ... there is a foreign lang. offered at a local high school that is a freshman-level college course. you have to pay tuition for it, too, but it is taught at the high school).

Or, you can just take classes in addition to your HS courses, to get a jump start. Here is the program he was said to be in:

I don't know which it is, the press could have misunderstood something. (naw, that never happens)
Wtf who is it? Is there more than 1 set of remains? Who else could he have abducted & killed? How long have these remains been under his house? Jesus. Omg.

Maybe they just meant the other remains of Jessica. :(
Just a few comments on post i have read trying catch up quickly and then rush off for DD's bday party. My apoligies for not recalling which mdmbers posts i am commenting upon or quotintig those posts.

I think the booking photo is unsettling,partly because we know his crimes and partly because of the angle at which he is holding his head (three whtes in the eyes - any interested new folks who don't understand this reference can do a search here at ws for the thread about this phonomenon or a longer term member can fill you in). I do not think the is anything inherently evil looking about him, although his actions certainly were.

As a mother, my heart breaks for this young man's mother. How very diffiult this must be for her. A poster asked in the last thread if we are mothers could or would turn our child in and if we would fear our child. Yes, yes and no.

I would attempt to get my child to do the right thing himself. I would assist him in getting a lawyer if possible, to facilitate the surrender. If my child refused i would make the needed call to LE. I do not think i would fear for my own safety but if i did it would not deter me from doing what was necessary.

I agree with posters who say he looks haggard and resigned in his booking photo. This is not a cocky, LE taunting guy in my opinion. This is a kid who is scared, resigned and worried. Lack of sleep is apparent, at least to me.

Wish i had more time to discuss this huge development in jeessica's case but hope to be on later.
I have been unable to locate a facebook page for the suspect which is quite surprising considering his age but then again, I think he was a loner and probably created one using an alias.

Still searching.....

has a myspace page, but it is private
This means that if her mother answered that phone call from the school, it was still too late.

As awful as it is, if this is true, I am glad that Jessica was killed right away, rather than having to undergo torture and terror for hours or days before her death. I am also thinking this *might* mean there was no sexual motive, as he has not been charged with sexual assault, as far as I know. Of course, right now we are only going on what he supposedly told them, and who knows if it's even true.

Channel 4 News just stated Jessica's remains found in home.
I do think this is his first time; a seasoned killer would not be running to his mother to confess, IMO.

I really hope you're right, one victim is horrific enough. I don't know what the circumstances were behind his "confession" though (meaning perhaps she cornered him because she was putting the pieces together).

Given the nature of the crime, the placement, everything, he either had the whole thing created in his head ahead of time or it wasn't his first experience. MOO.
While I do believe at this point that it is likely that the remains under the home are that of little jessica ... I will say that I absolutely understand gngr-snap's line of thought regarding serial killer.. This individual absolutely imo is displaying very specific traits imo that would be consistent with that of serial killers.. The disposal of only part of the remains in an open space while taking home with him and therefor keeping with him part of the remains of his victim..

Imo there is definite psychological thought processes that compelled him to want to keep with him part of his victim..
I do think this is his first time; a seasoned killer would not be running to his mother to confess, IMO.

I agree. I think Jessica was his human "experiment". He may have experimented on animals before taking a human life. :(
JMV reporting that
KCNC is reporting suspect told police human remains are in his crawlspace!!
Do they need to ask? There are other ways to get DNA. If the tips pointed to him, they got his DNA, imo.

But we don't know that they had tips pointing to him, do we?
This means that if her mother answered that phone call from the school, it was still too late.

And THAT is a scary thought - for all of us. Especially those of us with kids... :(

Sigg came from a troubled home that included divorce and many run-ins with the police.

Sigg’s father, Robert Sigg, has a long arrest history, including multiple DUIs, assault, domestic violence and drug-dealing arrests.

Robert Sigg has also been involved in numerous civil actions, most recently he was convicted in 2006 for involvement in a mortgage fraud scheme after he was arrested by the FBI.

Sigg’s mother filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in May

I can't help but think... So much of what AstroKitty said was spot on. I suspect she's in the right classes at school for her degree. Nothing's wasted. Great job AK!
I don't agree. The loss of a precious child is much worse. Besides, I feel that on *some level* the parents (or close family/relations) of criminals are complicit. if your kid kills someone, something has gone terribly wrong in the child's upbringing or life situation and has not had the support or resources to deal with it effectively.

The parents of a murderer also lose their child, either to death penalty or imprisonment, and definitely lose the child they thought they had. I do not even want to address the idea of parents being complicit, because I think that is terribly, terribly unfair.

If I heard correctly on HLN, LE released his photo for a particular purpose and it is for people to come forward not only for Colorado but surrounding states. He had a vehicle. Recreational activity for this freak may not have been bar hopping and dancing at clubs.

A friend was quoted on HLN this afternoon and said they frequently went camping with him..wonder where that was!
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