2012.11.26 Nancy Grace - AZlawyer Interviewed

Strawberry, let us know what he says after listening to the link to tricia's show that you tweeted nim!

I don't think I tweeted him the link to the show. I did tweet him the link to the Computer Searches thread but he had already taped the show.
Oooo Brad Conway! Doesn't think blaming GA would not have gone over well. Says this would have gone over better than chloroform as a theory. Says Casey is a liar but not smart enough to concoct chloroform but is smart enough to duct tape Caylee. :(

I totally agreed with everything Conway said.

I'm not saying that this info definetly would have changed the verdict, but I do believe the jury could have digested the fact that CASEY googled fool-proof suffocation on the same day that Caylee was last seen easier than they could digest the chloroform science.

Both were completely relevant, I just think one would have been much easier for THAT jury, in particular, to grasp.
I totally agreed with everything Conway said.

I'm not saying that this info definetly would have changed the verdict, but I do believe the jury could have digested the fact that CASEY googled fool-proof suffocation on the same day that Caylee was last seen easier than they could digest the chloroform science.

Both were completely relevant, I just think one would have been much easier for THAT jury, in particular, to grasp.

Yes I agree too! It seems like NG forgot that BC resigned before the trial LOL.
fool-proof suffocation
cold, calculating words that gives me the chills.
If I was FCA parents or brother (insurance money?) I would not sleep at night!
They could be next someday...........she got away with murder once.
who keeps FCA now? house? money? clothes?
Anyone else notice several new pictures of the Anthony family on tonight's NG?
Casey as a young girl, Casey & Lee as children and one of George and Cindy's wedding (I think).
And the crazy heifer can't spell for *****

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Anyone else notice several new pictures of the Anthony family on tonight's NG?
Casey as a young girl, Casey & Lee as children and one of George and Cindy's wedding (I think).

Noticed it immediately, wonder who offered those up?
Anyone else notice several new pictures of the Anthony family on tonight's NG?
Casey as a young girl, Casey & Lee as children and one of George and Cindy's wedding (I think).

No! Was that at the beginning? I missed the beginning.
No, it was better than 1/2 way through the segment. Pictures I have never seen. :waitasec:

I didn't see Nancy Grace tonight but I have seen a picture of a very young GA and CA before and various pictures of FCA and LA as children online. It may have been along with the Dr. Phil stuff.
I totally agreed with everything Conway said.

I'm not saying that this info definetly would have changed the verdict, but I do believe the jury could have digested the fact that CASEY googled fool-proof suffocation on the same day that Caylee was last seen easier than they could digest the chloroform science.

Both were completely relevant, I just think one would have been much easier for THAT jury, in particular, to grasp.

THIS. Exactly Beach. As usual I completely agree with you.

BTW long time no "see" :seeya:

This new development breaks my heart. It's a shame it wasn't presented. But I'm not sure this particular jury would have convicted her as Beach said above even if this new evidence was presented. I'm not sure anything would have made this "special" jury convict Casey.

But more than anything I knew Casey murdered Caylee then and I'm 120% sure she INTENTIONALLY meant to murder her now.
AZ you did fabulous tonight. Great job!

On another note isn't it just like her to search fool-proof suffication. Who does that? Wouldn't a "normal" crazy person just type in suffocation or how to suffocate etc.? It's so like her. The entire family has such odd speech patterns and vocabulary usage.
Anyone else notice several new pictures of the Anthony family on tonight's NG?
Casey as a young girl, Casey & Lee as children and one of George and Cindy's wedding (I think).

I thought I've seen every picture possible. I know for sure I've never seen that specific one of her and Lee. I've also never seen that specific wedding picture of the A's.
AZ you did fabulous tonight. Great job!

On another note isn't it just like her to search fool-proof suffication. Who does that? Wouldn't a "normal" crazy person just type in suffocation or how to suffocate etc.? It's so like her. The entire family has such odd speech patterns and vocabulary usage.

Lol... Great point... Their vocab/word choice annoyed me so much. And they all used big words, all the time... So smart! Goes right along with their personality disorders, imo...

Some favs... "Absolutely"... "But, at the same time"... "Obviously"... "MY nanny"... "And as I told mom yesterday, and the police, and the psychologist, and Jose, and Tony, and, and ,and"..... Bah!!! The last one was one of my personal favs. Like, if she said she told someone about it the day before, then it must be true. Right... The list goes on and on...

Loved Nancy Grace tonight... AZ did great!

All jmo.
I thought I've seen every picture possible. I know for sure I've never seen that specific one of her and Lee. I've also never seen that specific wedding picture of the A's.

I noticed that. Wonder how much they paid for those?
Oooo Brad Conway! Doesn't think blaming GA would not have gone over well. Says this would have gone over better than chloroform as a theory. Says Casey is a liar but not smart enough to concoct chloroform but is smart enough to duct tape Caylee. :(

In all of this we've never found out where she got the chloroform from. She didn't order it online. She probably couldn't have made it on her own. I looked up making chloroform on the internet and it led to some Youtube videos and it's a hard process that you need some science classroom stuff for.

Did she have a friend give it to her? Like the guy who had "win her over with chloroform" on his facebook (?) page? I think if she bought it at a store somebody would have come forward because getting it requires some paperwork IIRC.

Sorry to be a downer....
I don't see NG giving credit to Websleuths but to A Web Sleuth
Good thing Websleuths.com comes up First when I do a search on web sleuth

She called it crimesleuths. I looked that up on Google and Websleuths came up. Fortunately, there is no Crimesleuths site. She is aware of us because she mentioned Websleuths when a FBI document stating that Lee wasn't the father was released. IIRC, she said something like "I thought that was a crazy theory only talked about on Websleuths." I think she doesn't like us because we don't like her abrasive style.

What! The investigator says she was never asked to conduct a search for "suffocation"? How about getting ALL the data and going over it with a fine tooth comb????

I always thought that the prosecution looked at everything on a hard drive for a trial.

No duty to give evidence against the client???????????????????????????????

If the defense and prosecution are given the exact same evidence the defense doesn't need to point things out to the prosecution. They'd be stupid to do that. It's a battle of wits. The state usually has the upper hand because they can get things tested that would cost the defense a lot of money to do.
Wouldn't this be the fault of the computer forensic person and not the sheriff's office? I seem to recall a man and a woman as being computer forensic experts, hired by the prosecution, that were involved. I don't remember the sheriff's office being responsible for checking the computer history for searches.
Wouldn't this be the fault of the computer forensic person and not the sheriff's office? I seem to recall a man and a woman as being computer forensic experts, hired by the prosecution, that were involved. I don't remember the sheriff's office being responsible for checking the computer history for searches.

The computer forensics experts were from the sheriff's office.
OMG AZL what an inspiration you are! Thank you for your contributions to this case, this forum, to Caylee and to me personally. My last midterms loom. I'm tired. I have five more months of law school, then the bar. This has really lifted my spirits!!!! Although having this information for the trial would have been optimal, I'm inspired by your patience and tenacity. Thank you.

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