Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #15

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I can't believe it's been 4 years. I cried then and I cry now. What a beautiful little girl you were, Caylee Marie.

It still feels like it was yesterday to me. I don't know why, maybe because it was so horrific what poor Caylee had to go through. Just unimaginable!!
It still feels like it was yesterday to me. I don't know why, maybe because it was so horrific what poor Caylee had to go through. Just unimaginable!!
I didn't want to believe it. I didn't think she was alive...not after they found evidence of chloroform in the trunk, but hold out hope...even a little bit. Hopes were dashed that day...and I didn't think I could hate another human being as much as I did her mother at that moment...knowing she was left like trash on the side of the road.
I didn't want to believe it. I didn't think she was alive...not after they found evidence of chloroform in the trunk, but hold out hope...even a little bit. Hopes were dashed that day...and I didn't think I could hate another human being as much as I did her mother at that moment...knowing she was left like trash on the side of the road.

And even then there was that little nagging doubt in my head..murder, rage attack, or accident? Accident didn't ring true but the thought of a fit of rage was a possibility. Now I am 100 percent positive she googled how to kill her baby as if she were looking up a recipe...and did it. And went to the movies. I am 100 percent sure.
Interesting. And you are correct, the brains of antisocial people do look different under a brain scan. The part of the brain that controls our emotions/empathy looks different (smaller) and does not "light up" as much. But that does not mean the 100% they were born that way.

A persons brain can be changed by many things. It is developing until we are 26 years old. (although it can change after that too)

For example, they have found that people that suffer from PTSD a particular part of their brain has changed in response to the stress, trauma, and violence that they witnessed.. (this can happen with abuse as well. Very much so) It is why they tend to be more hyper-vigilant. The brain does something called "pruning" (totally fascinating) and up until a certain age, it will respond to your emotions and literally keep or get rid of what it thinks that you need.

So, a person (not speaking of Casey here) that grew up in war ridden country or in a house with chronic domestic violence, their brain will prune what it thinks that person needs or doesn't need. (more like what that person is using most) In this kind of case, the brain makes the area in the brain needed for alertness more pronounced (hyper-viglance) because it thinks we need it to survive.

Same thing with people who meditate professionally or even minimally. Their brains look totally different than those of us that do not. They are lit up like Christmas trees. So much activity!

Our brains are so complex and fascinating, and those in science are learning more and more about them all of the time. Up until pretty recently, it wasn't possible to study a live brain, it had to be done on corpses which can only tell you so much. With technology what it is now, they can study the brain in its active state and they know so much more because of it.

All of the research is interesting, but there is still no empirical research or definitive proof that anyone is "born" a sociopath or a "bad seed." What you said is true, it is sometimes a combination of both biological AND environmental causes, or created solely by environment and socialization. Nothing is absolute. It is the same reason that two siblings can grow up in the same house and in the same environment and be totally different. It's not because they are born that way, it is because each persons unique innateness and personalities will react with their environments in different ways.

You bring up some very impressive points - and there is also no empirical research or definitive proof to say that they are not born a bad seed.

While environment controls much, genetics plays just as strong a role. It is not unusual to meet siblings who were separated form birth using the same hand gestures, making the same facial expressions and voice inflections, walking etc as their siblings if you meet them 20 years later.

While we can speculate, even those who have studied sociopaths for years have differing opinions. I believe all those experts would agree a sociopath cannot be "cured".
That is her. Looks like it is venturing out into the public domain. I cannot wait for the day that someone throws a drink right in her face.
That is her. Looks like it is venturing out into the public domain. I cannot wait for the day that someone throws a drink right in her face.

No mistaking her! My 16 year old wore a beret just like that to a concert this weekend. Excuse me while I go burn it.
One of the comments asked if that was Marinade Dave with her! LOL
I do understand everyone who marvels at Cindy's mind-boggling level of apparent denial.

:cool: However, count me among those who don't buy it for a second:

... that Cindy wasn't covering for FCA all along
... that Cindy really believed FCA was working, while the whole time FCA was stealing her blind.
... that Cindy honestly believed that Casey was "bloated" or had a "tumor"
... that Cindy ever for one second bought FCA's stories about Zanny babysitting Caylee for free and even purchasing Caylee her own car seat, wardrobe, toys, etc.
... that Cindy really believed the smell of her missing granddaughter's decomposing body was from "rotting pizza."
... that Cindy ever believed Caylee was alive after July 15.
... that Cindy swallowed the "digging up bamboo" explanation about FCA borrowing the neighbor's shovel.
... that Cindy really thought FCA was "an excellent mother" deserving of the "mother of the year" award.

I could go on.

Naw. Not everyone is as cynical as me, but I simply can't attribute that stuff to denial; not from this lady who was seeking custody of her granddaughter and told FCA's friends her daughter was a liar, a thief, and a sociopath. JMO

You bring up some very impressive points - and there is also no empirical research or definitive proof to say that they are not born a bad seed.

While environment controls much, genetics plays just as strong a role. It is not unusual to meet siblings who were separated form birth using the same hand gestures, making the same facial expressions and voice inflections, walking etc as their siblings if you meet them 20 years later.

While we can speculate, even those who have studied sociopaths for years have differing opinions. I believe all those experts would agree a sociopath cannot be "cured".

There is so much empirical evidence that points more to environment than genetic determinism. So much. I have to weed through it all of the time for school. There are reams of it.

Hand gestures, voice inflections, and physical traits are not the same thing as sociopathy and lack of empathy. Those are definitely more a long genetic lines, the latter are learned.

Sociopathy, personality disorders, pathology, lack of empathy....those things are behavioral and they are learned and shaped by environmental factors. We are not born with them. Other than the most primal reactions to hunger and need for touch and eye contact,behavior is learned, we are not born with complex behavior patterns or a complex personality. We go through very predictable stages of development. Baby should be reaching. Baby should be gurgling. Baby should be crawling. Baby should be walking. It is what happens in response to their needs that matters. Does their mother pick them up when they cry? Does she feed them when they are hungry. Does she hold them enough, talk to them enough, look in their eyes enough. A unique innateness exists yes, but it is not fleshed out yet. That is socialization.

I respect your right to a differing opinion but we will have to agree to disagree. Anything but a mixture of biological and sociological factors or just socialization, flies in the face of everything that I have learned and utilize in the field of social work and in the realm of psychology and helping people.

I have never personally heard one psychologist say say that their antisocial client was just "born that way." All of the ones that I have met, been taught by, or worked with would scoff at the idea. Are there papers questioning it? For sure. As there should be. We should always question what we think we already know. Is there empirical research proving it? No. There are no absolutes, such as a person being born evil. Usually the "evil" response is a way of us trying to understand the unthinkable. It must be "evil" because it is unexplainable. For me, it is easy to see how Casey's personality was shaped and evolved into what it is today.

Lets just say, that if the small snippet of her parents behavior that was on display for the past 4 years is an indication of what went on in that house daily, then I am hardly surprised.

What baby could be evil before they have learned to walk, talk, attach, empathize, love, or hate? As it is, children cannot be diagnosed with a major personality disorder. It is unethical. Not only are their brains not fully developed yet, but they are still developing socially. Genetics do not determine behavior especially deviant behavior, more than environment and socialization.
CALL ME CYNICAL AND WHISTLE DIXIE, but anyone else feel this was set up to take the focus off CAYLEE today and back on the felon?

You would think the person taking the picture would of took more than one...or word would get around and many would take pictures, unless the PI stopped them.
You would think the person taking the picture would of took more than one...or word would get around and many would take pictures, unless the PI stopped them.

They are probably marketing the rest.

:furious: I hate them all. Sorry, but I do. :furious:
Notice she's hiding her ears. Those atennaes are a dead give away.
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