GUILTY PA - Christina Regusters for kidnap, rape of 5yo girl, Philadelphia, 14 Jan 2013 - #2

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I know its hard to do but we have to remember that "sexual assault" is a vague description. It encompasses a broad spectrum of acts, anywhere from someone exposing themselves to mutilating rape. That said... I have new speculation. What if this was an act of FGM for the purpose of some twisted child *advertiser censored*, I know it may sound far fetched but it would explain the shock of the LE. (please don't throw food yet). In my experience (with victims of child *advertiser censored*) the things that are being done are far beyond most peoples comprehension. Some sadistic perps even take requests from those that 'subscribe' to their sights. It is BIG business!
here are some stats

"The ages for these minors range from teenagers all the way down to infants. In the last decade the abuse images have gotten a lot more explicit and lot more brutal."*advertiser censored**advertiser censored*-computers_N.htm
I thought about that too- but I still think I'd carry her with her head on my shoulder style, because you can move more swiftly and carefully and still cover them with a light blanket easily.

I'm a small woman, though, so it may be less of an issue for taller/bigger people. A 5 year old is 60% my size, so it is a struggle to try and carry them in that position at that age. It may be something that's a non-issue to most others.
I'm not caught up yet and I got a few things to add on different subjects so I'm gonna jump off here. I'll forget most if I go on reading :waitasec: I took notice to the way our girl was being carried too because my reaction would have been for me to pick her up and put her head on my shoulder and neck so I could communicate with her. Especially if I was gonna cover her and carry her through a crowd. When our girl went back to the hospital a few days later, her mother had Mr Kline as a representative by then and it seemed to me the Philadelphia police were very protective of the family leaving the hospital and stood vigil at the South Philadelphia home she was brought to recover. I started wondering maybe it wasn't the best idea to leave the hospital in the first place, it was just an action the family had in their effort to protect their child and our girls injuries were attended to with tests, a kit done, and the small cut under her lip tended to so her other injuries were psychological. Then the use of the word heinous started be used by every office and group leaders in Philadelphia.
Something else I noticed is the video of Mimi Ramsey, the 14 year old who went missing the same day in the same 'hood last name is Ramsey-Jones. It makes me crazy that I can't tell if she even has an investigation going on to find her!
This just doesn't strike me as a case where child *advertiser censored* was the goal.
Why target a specific child? Why let the child go so quickly?
I don't think the child escaped-five year olds don't escape (even police said that). So they let her go.
After something was done, that according to police might not allow this child to ever return to normal.
I think that theory of FGM would fit all of the above better.
Jumping in again without being caught up I wanted to add that in my opinion Mr. Myers our citizen hero, did not carry our child anywhere, he covered her with his coat and rubbed her because she was so cold and told her 'I called 911 they're coming, they're coming'. He did pick her up over the fence.
"I just wanted to do the same thing someone would have done for my child. I have a 5-year-old daughter," Myers said. "When I picked her up, she just reminded me of my daughter so much because she was the same size."

He comforted the little girl until police arrived.

Good point Maureen, picked up does not necessarily mean carried. Thank goodness this man was walking nearby. I can't get over how lucky that was for little N.
I lean toward that, also. I don't have a link handy, but I think an injury such as a perforated colon, or fistula, for example, might not have been immediately apparent.

One possibility is as unthinkable as the other, and either could (should) provoke strong emotional reactions from any human being with the least trace of compassion. The outrage coming from local officials is particularly disturbing because it suggests that the assault exceeded the pale of even the worst big city, violent crimes that occur daily in large urban communities. (Among cities with populations of 500K or more, Philadelphia ranked number 6 in crime for 2011-2012.

As a resident of another large city where crime is prevalent, such expressions as we've heard from Mayor Nutter, Senator Williams, and Captain Darby are rare occurrences, and that's alarming. I'd be interested to hear from locals who can tell us if they recall similar declarations from this mayor and police department in response to other violent crimes.
In my opinion it is not unusual to see the mayor's office and other city leaders speak out about a crime that is getting a lot of media attention. They are all very passionate people and work hard for the city but Philadelphia has a terrible crime rate. I am starting to think the use of the word heinous relates to the brutality of a sex crime and not mutilation or I'm hoping anyway. One reason is because if the crime was ritualistic practice or however you want to reference it, what is a light skinned possibly white 30 something male in sweat pants and a long sleeve blue T-shirt have anything to do with this?
There are many light skinned Muslims. I'm not sure when the victim saw this man. What was said about him specifically other than his description?
Why would a man having a light complexion and wearing sweat pants rule anything out?
I am very confused by that idea. He wasn't out in public.
Do Muslim men not wear sweat pants at home?
Didn't mean to start a whole thing about the light guy with sweatpants with my question. I know very little about American Muslim's, ultra conservative traditional ones who I would perceive as more a closed, onto themselves cultural group, or more casual, assimilated into the melting pot variety, or those who are born American as opposed to those who originated elsewhere.

That was the reason for my question, it is not meant disrespectfully.

I simply find the darkskinned possibly pregnant female with her very traditional garb juxtaposed with some lightskinned, possibly white male in sweat pants and odd pairing. That is why I was asking, is that odd? or am I just really naive or uninformed to find it so?
She was out in public, whereas male was at home. So I wouldn't expect him to wear traditional clothing inside the home.
Light skinned also doesn't make it clear whether he was Caucasian, or light skinned African-American (or other ethnicity).
The woman being sought has been described as a dark-skinned black woman in her late 20s, standing 5' 5" to 5' 8" tall, with a thin build and possibly pregnant. Police say she told the child her name was Rashida.

The man being sought is described as a light-skinned, possibly white, man in his mid-thirties with short brown hair. The girl told police he was wearing sweat pants and a blue long-sleeved t-shirt.
I guess the description doesn't fit for me because in my mind if this was a FGM done to a specific child for whatever reason I would expect more pomp and circumstance in the procedure. It just doesn't make sense in my mind to target a certain child and then take her to a random house and basically operate on her, stuff her under a bed in a t-shirt, feed her then fall asleep so a third person (young female) is able to blindfold her and drop her inside the playground fence and tell her to run and call police. To me that sounds like a sex crime, I just imagine it would go down differently releasing her if it were the other. But no matter what the factual events are from leaving school to being found in the park it is all very bizarre.
Some people may do a double take when they learn that Muslim men have a dress code as well. Some men take their dress code lightly. Some think the women’s code is more important and thus spend their lives lecturing various women about what to wear and what not to wear. These men need to seriously understand that disobedience to Allah is disobedience to Allah whether you are a man or a woman.

The following are some rules related to men’s dress in Islam as well as some pictures of traditional islamic clothing for men. Some of these apply to women as well (which I will mark with an *).

SO my question about garb and males is not completely off the wall, simply me being uninformed. But boy this case is teaching me a lot I never knew before.
The description of the light skinned man comes from the victim, right?

The victim is a pretty dark skinned 5 year old. At that age, children tend to describe other people based on what they know and how THEY look. "Tall" to a 5 year old could be 5'2". So "light skinned" to a dark skinned child could mean a whole host of non-northern-Euro ethnicities. As a child about her age, I didn't believe that a man at my school was African American because he was lighter skinned then the southern Italians in my family.

Just food for thought.
my confusion is about what is considered acceptable garb for practicing traditional Muslim American males.

We hear much about the proper covering of females. I just wasn't' sure if males had certain rules according to Islam about their own garb or appearance and the females do.

The garb of the female seemed unusual when placed next the clothing described on the male suspect.

I am in no way suggesting that white males are not Muslim (I have a coworker who is but we don't discuss religion at work) or that light skinned people aren't Muslim.

sigh. I am taking a break.
sigh. I am taking a break.

My comment wasn't intended in ANY way as disrespectful to anyone's opinion. I was just pointing out that at her age, perception and description is very subjective.
Trying to find a scenario that makes sense. First the news reports she got into a car. Then they retract and say no car.
I am leaning towards *advertiser censored* perp who is going to try to make money from his crime against 'N" I said it before she is a beautiful child, I think she was picked for her beauty. Moo
What is FGM? Been gone awhile. Still catching up.
Trying to find a scenario that makes sense. First the news reports she got into a car. Then they retract and say no car.
I am leaning towards *advertiser censored* perp who is going to try to make money from his crime against 'N" I said it before she is a beautiful child, I think she was picked for her beauty. Moo

There are many beautiful children. This child was specifically targeted for some reason-police even said so. Also the perp appeared to have a lot of inside information: such as name of the child, where (what classroom) to go to get the child, that the child was in school (considering she was out sick the previous days). Possibly that there was a substitute teacher that day (would regular teacher recognize the mother?) I just don't see why a *advertiser censored* maker would go to all this trouble.
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