Trial break: The State vs Jodi Arias; trial resumes 4 February 2013

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Travis' bedroom door was locked when LE arrived on the scene.

Sorry, I mis spoke. The door was locked until his friends arrived, concerned about Travis. His rommate then unlocked his bedroom door, discovered the body and called LE. Apparantly the murderer locked his bedroom door.
I'm just thinking she was trying to catch the dog and he kept running under the furniture. jmo

Smart dog, he just witnessed a murder. Kind of like mine here, they see me clip one dogs nails, I turn around they're all gone.. in hiding..
Do I dare say I have the book?

Cancun is not in there.

They went to the Albuquerque balloon festival, I believe. That is in there.

Didn't realize JA had a photo album on her myspace with photos of many places they visited.
Travis' bedroom door was locked when LE arrived on the scene.

The roommates unlocked the door and found his body. Bedroom doors were open when LE arrived. Front door was locked the first night when the roommate got home after 8pm. He had to use the garage code to get into the house. Normally the front door was left unlocked. jmo
Yes! That makes total sense!

I think that is it exactly.

But what is that all about?

Her wanting to be Travis doesn't make sense to me. I hope someone can explain this further.
How could they prove TA did not know?

california laws are very strict when it comes to recording phone calls - there has to be a recorded permission on the tape to make it legal - so unless the laws change because it is interstate i just don't know how they can get it into evidence??
Her wanting to be Travis doesn't make sense to me. I hope someone can explain this further.

Soul sucker because they have no inner core. No sense of self. No sense of who they are or what it is to be human.

I wish someone could come up with something from literature or mythology that would capture it. I bet it has been written about so we can understand the analogy easily.
california laws are very strict when it comes to recording phone calls - there has to be a recorded permission on the tape to make it legal - so unless the laws change because it is interstate i just don't know how they can get it into evidence??

I keep praying this is the case. Imagine the humiliation of T's family and the zero, zip, nada amount of actual information it will produce for the DT. It just seems like cruel and unusual punishment as a revenge for charging Jodi.

The fact that they already detailed it in OS should be illegal, considering they aren't allowed to enter it.
Her wanting to be Travis doesn't make sense to me. I hope someone can explain this further.

This is not it--Hydra. But an example of something out there that may show us Jodi

[ame=""]Lernaean Hydra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I wanted to follow up on some discussion about Cluster B disorders-- personality disorders. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual) is the "bible" for diagnosing psych/ mental health conditions and disorders. Broadly speaking, psych/ mental health disorders are broken down into Axis I and Axis II disorders. This is relevant to our discussions here in that typically only Axis I disorders are recognized by the criminal justice system as being a factor in "mental insanity" pleas. Axis I disorders are things like major schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, etc. versus personality disorders of Axis II, such as histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, etc. To attempt to simplify further, for many Axis I disorders, there are medications which may "restore" to person to a condition of sanity, if they are found unfit to stand trial due to mental defect/ disease. Zinah Jennings (mother of missing toddler Amir Jennings), and Levi Aron, who butchered the Jewish child Leiby Kletzky, have both been found to be suffering from serious Axis I disorders, and ordered to take medication, as well as being incarcerated in a psych facility.

In contrast, Axis II disorders are typically not something someone can take medication for and "get well". Axis II disorders in the old version of the DSM also included mental retardation (the previous MEDICAL definition-- don't throw tomatoes at me for this term in this context). However, the courts HAVE viewed diminished cognitive capacity (ie, mental retardation) as a factor in criminal liablity-- differently under different circumstances. (Attorneys can elaborate further here.) I can't recall if mental retardation was reclassified to an Axis I in the new DSM-V, but it's not relevant to Jodi Arias, so I'll move on.

The bottom line is that almost everyone in prison has some kind of personality "disorder" that contributed to them committing crimes. Many are compulsive liars, many are antisocial, many are histrionic and narcissistic. The criminal justice system typically views these conditions as perhaps an explanation, but not a legal justification for their crimes.Same as being high on drugs when committing a crime-- the drug use is seen as a voluntary behavior that explains what happened, not a justification that would render them immune or legally not guilty, or not eligible to receive charges and stand trial.

Personality disorders are widely felt among the mental health community as not "curable" in the traditional sense of what we perceive as a cure. At best, we can "train" individuals with personality disorders thru talk therapy to behave in a more socially acceptable way, but there is no magic pill we can give them to change their thinking. (Like we can with someone who is hallucinating.)

I'm not a psych/ mental health expert, but as a health professional, I do know my way around the DSM a little bit. I hope this helps to explain why Cluster B, or Axis II disorders (personality disorders) are not really relevant to the guilt phase of trial, but might be relevant as mitigating factors in the penalty phase of a trial. Cluster B/ Axis II disorders almost never qualify a defendant for "not guilty by reason of insanity".

Thank you so much for this post. I enjoyed reading it!
My notes from the court minutes are disorganized and unreadable but some time ago Dr. Janeen Demarte was listed as a (potential) state rebuttal witness. One of her specialties is Forensic Psychology.

Looks like she would rebutt Alyce, that is if Juan hasn't flipped Alyce's testimony enough.

Dr. Demarte's profile:

I like her already, I hope the state calls her to testify.
I personally see absolutely zero upside for Jodi to testify. There IS no possible justification (no matter what she says she thought), and she will have to stick to the story her DT has already floated. That story is already out.
What good would telling yet another unbelievable story do for her? Then she will still be subject to cross examination, which would rip her to shreds.
The jury already knows she is a liar trying to save her own life, and have already heard the most plausible defense possible - even if it is fabrication.

This is not to be argumentative, because I agree with you. I don't think she will testify. Between Juan and jury questions, even she would crumble. But if she did, I don't think she would have to come up with a new unbelievable story. She has gotten very good at telling the one the DT is presenting in court. Since learning that Jodi had to kill Travis in self defense, her entire prison ward has rallied around her, holding up "Free Jodi":


And boy, Phoenix TV reporter Troy Hayden sure did appear to be become swayed (and smitten!):

Troy Hayden's report - An Exclusive Look at Jodi Arias' Life Behind Bars

JMO :)
I am insanely curious to know the conversations between JA and her attorneys.
Does anyone think she tells them the truth?
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