Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

One other thing - I think Jodi really did have some fognesia about the stabbing. I say that because: 1. When she tells the intruder story she never is able to give any details about the stabbing; 2. She asked how many times Travis was stabbed - I think she may remember stabbing him but doesn't remember the extent of it; 3. She keeps asking about photos - at one point she wants to see pictures of where everything was after the fact -- of course this could be Jodi wanting to see what they had, but if she remembered everything, she would know these things and would be able to formulate her story around what happened; 4. When she first starts talking about the killing she said it was all such a blur and makes simular comments a number of times. I really get a strong impression that it was a blur and she does not have a crystal clear memory of what happened. Not that it has any bearing on her guilt IMO

Hello--first post!

I haven't read the entire thread yet, but I wanted to jump in and say that I agree with this: some of the killing was probably a blur to Jodi. This isn't to say that she didn't form memories or that she wasn't fishing for details to construct a lie about the intruders, only that I really believe she couldn't/can't remember all of it, except perhaps in a dream-like way. After all, the killing itself shows an abnormal state of mind, under the influence of rage and goodness knows what else ...
Is there any way to find out if Jodi gets benzos (like Xanax) while she's in the courtroom?
The jail employee that was interviewed, said the meds they are able to carry "on their person" are only over the counter drugs. Any prescription meds would have to be taken under supervision.
I've heard the name of a migraine drug listed here - is it interferon? Something like that. Is that a prescription med? Are most meds that deal successfully with migraines prescription?

What I want to find out is who prescribed the meds she was taking earlier!! Since Samuels can't prescribe, she had to have been seeing someone else. Was it someone within the jail?? They have a staff of counselors and other docs there. But that would fly in the face of Arias' testimony on the stand that she has never had professional help.
Maybe that's just a another lie.
The jail employee that was interviewed, said the meds they are able to carry "on their person" are only over the counter drugs. Any prescription meds would have to be taken under supervision.
I've heard the name of a migraine drug listed here - is it interferon? Something like that. Is that a prescription med? Are most meds that deal successfully with migraines prescription?

What I want to find out is who prescribed the meds she was taking earlier!! Since Samuels can't prescribe, she had to have been seeing someone else. Was it someone within the jail?? They have a staff of counselors and other docs there. But that would fly in the face of Arias' testimony on the stand that she has never had professional help.
Maybe that's just a another lie.

Imitrex, and yes, that's prescription, although there are OTC products with migraine relief as well.
You've found a treasure of good peeps and good info. I'm glad you joined.
I asked my daughter how painful a Brazilian was and she said pluck a nose hair and multiply it a thousand times. OUCH it hurts like hell and I used tweezers.
LOL! She also says it would be natural for her hair to be found there, as in dontchaknow I lived there for months. Det Flores says something like "Travis has had his house cleaned several times since you left."

She didn't worry about her hair. Remember she told Det Flores "I can explain the hair" because she had all her lies/alibis ready to go.

She got tripped up by a follicle.
Yeah...she can explain the long BROWN hair found in the blood at the scene? She says the neighbors wouldn't have recognized her because they only knew her as a Platinum Blonde. So if the hair was from before, it would have been blonde, not brown. LOL.
Speaking of theatrics, did anyone else feel like there should have been some sort of profound sound effect the first time DF actually mentioned Juan Martinez by name? Perhaps a single toll from a very large bell, or even a fanfare or some sort of horror movie screeching effect.

DF had already mentioned JM as "the prosecutor", but when he said his actual name, I almost got chills. She had NO IDEA about JM's tenacity, thoroughness and encyclopedic knowledge of the case, not to mention his utter immunity to her dubious charms.
Oh clanging jail door from Law and Order? :?
Her brown hair was stuck in the dried crime scene blood. Last time she was at Travis' place prior to that, her hair was platinum blonde.
Your post just made me think - I wonder if it's possible to tell from the hair they found, how long since it had been dyed. I would think if it was freshly died, there would be zero outgrowth.
Yeah...she can explain the long BROWN hair found in the blood at the scene? She says the neighbors wouldn't have recognized her because they only knew her as a Platinum Blonde. So if the hair was from before, it would have been blonde, not brown. LOL.
And another one bites the dust. Good catch.
You've found a treasure of good peeps and good info. I'm glad you joined.

Thank you JusticeJunkie!

I have watched most of the trial and I've been reading here for weeks now.
A few observations (watching video 17 as I type this)...

Flores actually put the idea in Jodi's head about someone else committing the crime. It was frustrating every time he asked her about that day, she would go silent. Once he brought up someone else killing Travis, Jodi started telling her story. You can see her making it up as she went along.

The biggest thing I got out of all these videos is that this woman is definitely mentally ill. Not in the "she's crazy" mode, but actually really and truly mentally ill. Her behaviors are abnormal. She just doesn't "act" like a normal person. I know we have all diagnosed her with being a sociopath, a psychopath, narcissistic, etc., but she is definitely one of those or something else. Hopefully JM has an expert up his sleeve to tell us which. We certainly didn't get it from mumbo jumbo Samuels or Alvie PhD.

Damn, that woman is frustrating, I need a tranq!
Sump'ins not right with that girl alrighty.
I listen to that on video it sounds like after her giggle she says still got you brat.

don't know if Travis ever called her a brat. not saying I can read the killer mind. but the giggle made me speculate if she was saying something that Travis would say to her.. like you killed me but i still got you for my murder. she did the same thing when she explained why she smiled on her mug shot

When she was on the stand testifying about her parents, she did say that her and her brother would get hit with wooden spoons when they were being "brats". Not sure if that is her word, or her parent's word...

I too wondered if that was a message for Travis... something to the effect of, I may be sitting here arrested, but I still got you... which, coupled with that giggle, is beyond disturbing!

I kind of feel like I'm watching the movie Paranormal Activity with these videos.
Yeah...she can explain the long BROWN hair found in the blood at the scene? She says the neighbors wouldn't have recognized her because they only knew her as a Platinum Blonde. So if the hair was from before, it would have been blonde, not brown. LOL.

That totally jumped out at me too! She tripped herself up on that, as well as gave a little insight to a portion of her premeditated plan... that nobody would recognize her with the hair color change... She seemed stupified that the neighbors could have possibly seen her there.
Travis met Jodi and it seems that at first, they were a normal couple, and by that I mean that they felt mutual attraction, and Travis had no reason to think that Jodi would never be suitable "wife material."

They only date for 5 months--meaning that at the time of their breakup, either Travis saw Jodi as something not attractive. Or, if we believe Jodi, because Travis was flirting/dating other women.

Their whole "dating relationship" was long distance--Mesa to Palm Desert/Yreka/??? (I can't remember where she lived during this time. Did she move out of the house she shared with DB?)

AFTER BREAKING UP Jodi moves to Mesa. This is clearly obsessive, stalking, controlling behavior by Jodi. Nobody wants to see their ex after a breakup.

It's even worse because she never gets a job after she moves to Mesa. She's broke. And not working. Not a good plan. Her emotional dependence on Travis must have been boiling over. Added to that strain: she is a narcissist, so she never admits to people she's living a lie.

from Tape 1:
"...if you want to call it our official breakup… shortly thereafter it’s like we were still seeing each other."

The entire time after Jodi moves must have been a nightmare for Travis. This nightmare didn't even end after she moved back to Yreka.

I think that after this move away from Travis and Mesa, Jodi was filled with rage and anger. She wanted it to work when she moved, post-breakup with Travis. It didn't. Even with her more aggressive sexuality, Travis wasn't interested.

She was so filled with rage, she started plotting his murder.

It makes me wonder what else Travis found unsuitable in Jodi. They could have seen a Bishop and confessed the sex and then gotten married. Something else was wrong. Jodi PRETENDED to go along with the casual sex because that was the only thing she had with Travis.
That totally jumped out at me too! She tripped herself up on that, as well as gave a little insight to a portion of her premeditated plan... that nobody would recognize her with the hair color change... She seemed stupified that the neighbors could have possibly seen her there.

I agree.. that really threw her off her game for a minute.
I don't think she would have called Travis a brat. She had a lot of anger towards him and what she'd likely call him I can't type here. I think she thought she was beating the detective. The detective had been very calm and almost kind to JA. She would call the detective a less putrid name such as a brat.

That's a good possibility too with the detective, didn't think of that. Thanks
One tip to fool the polygraph is to clench your anal sphincter muscle while lying and it will show a truthful response. I don't know if Jodi knew that, but we all know that she knows how to UNclench her sphincter. :what:

You might be thinking of the Valsalva maneuver. This is an attempt at exhalation against a closed airway (like straining while on the toilet). This increases intrathoracic pressure. This causes a decrease in the person's pulse rate and venous return (and is the most frequent cause of why granny is found down in the toilet stall). This might slow a person's pulse and decrease venous return to the heart, but the polygraph has other measures such as respiration and skin conductivity.

No, I was thinking of the item I had linked to. Sorry, but I found myself laughing at the "Valsalva maneuver" -- it sounds like a wrestling move, like the Sleeper. Poor granny Valsalva. I'd hate to have a maneuver like that named after me. :facepalm:

BTW, thanks for clearing up the narcolepsy thing. I was going to chime in on the same point, but you got there first. :thumbsup:
Video 10 around the 19 min mark....she almost admits he didn't know she was taking pictures of him in the shower. She tells the detective that he was private about his showers despite their intimacy in bed. The lady detective said are you telling me those pictures were taken without his consent? And JA said I'm just saying that whoever took those pictures must have...I mean it's hard for me to imagine because, I got pictures of him once shaving and he was weird about THAT.

I think she wasn't going to admit to it, I think she was still trying to convince the detective that "whoever took those pictures..." and the lady cuts her off in mid sentence, telling her it's when you say things like that that I know I was wrong about you, you are cold hearted, and JA just sits there in shock that her misdirection ploy didn't work, her arms are stretched out on the table for the longest time. It's about this time, though, that I think she finally realizes the jig is up, and shortly thereafter asks to speak to Flores again. Anything to get that woman out of the room!

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