trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #130

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Oh boy. I just joined websleuths. I'm totally absorbed in this trial- but only on TV so far. I have so many questions and I guess I found where to get answers.
like what the heck did ALV say to Samantha?
and what is up with juror #5?
Another puzzlement: When The other shrink was on the stand , he often looked over to JW and on at least one occasion I saw her shaking her head, very obviously guiding his answer.Recently someone on either Dr. Drew or Nancy Grace, someone said there was a u tube showing her gesturing to this witness. The legal commentators seemd to think this was improper. Has there been any further discussion on this?
I must say I was worried about this witness at first but it seems as though (to continue with the fairy taletheme) she's like the witch in the wizard of oz...melting....right before your eyes.
welcome!!!! :cheer:
We have Jodi saying under oath that Travis broke her finger - a major point for domestic violence...on the other hand if it was a cut tendon (which she claimed with the stranger murder scene) then its proof that it was not done by Travis. If you lie under oath about one thing the jury can discount her entire testimony. By the looks of that finger it really does look like she cut her tendon - my husband cut is pinky on a faulty machine at work 30 years ago and to this day it looks just like Jodi's bent finger and he cannot straighten it all.

she never got it seen so even SHE doesn't know what happened to it. she can say it was broken but where's the xray proving it?

oh, she didn't get it seen because they hook you up to a polygraph at the ER when you come in with an injured finger, so she COULDN'T go there!! they would've known about TA's abuse!

the whole thing's ridiculous. i think the jury gets it.
I am getting so tired of these talking heads saying JM is to aggressive and he could turn off some of the jurors!! Seriously what do you all think??

Mmm, I don't think it's so much a turn off for the jurors as it gives ALV an excuse for not answering coherently and/or they tune out -- he's done MUCH better today. When he gets really riled up, his questions start becoming more about the back and forth between the two of them and less about getting her to admit she may be wrong in her diagnosis. Ultimately, that's what needs to be the focus, not the Quien Es Mas Macho going on -- my two pennies ;)
Oh boy. I just joined websleuths. I'm totally absorbed in this trial- but only on TV so far. I have so many questions and I guess I found where to get answers.
like what the heck did ALV say to Samantha?
and what is up with juror #5?
Another puzzlement: When The other shrink was on the stand , he often looked over to JW and on at least one occasion I saw her shaking her head, very obviously guiding his answer.Recently someone on either Dr. Drew or Nancy Grace, someone said there was a u tube showing her gesturing to this witness. The legal commentators seemd to think this was improper. Has there been any further discussion on this?
I must say I was worried about this witness at first but it seems as though (to continue with the fairy taletheme) she's like the witch in the wizard of oz...melting....right before your eyes.

And she got lost on the way and found herself on the I40...

Every time I hear reference to one of the California highways it makes me think of the Saturday Night Live skit The Californians. Cracks me up :)
From the WAT tweet:

WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Just met some of our amazing followers out here while waiting to be let in. Always nice to meet you guys. :) #jodiarias

as of 3 mins ago, still waiting for the courtroom to open
I'm off to play Text Twist. Give me a zap on my stun belt when we're back.
And she got lost on the way and found herself on the I40...

...and then she started singing in an eerie way,
"I've been eating little green apples...
I think maybe...
a little nap'll
do me good...."

..swerving ever so gracefully off the Hoover cars are opt to do....

DANG...the last part was pure fiction....
And she was grinding and making out just a few hours afterwards---and the DV expert tried to say that was a 'normal' response.

Normal and this type of behavior are mutually exclusive worlds. Either ALV is the most clueless person ever or she is flat out lying. I can't decide.

This is revolting behavior, but totally appropriate for a psychotic murdering sludgebucket like the defendant. :puke:
Welcome to the zoo given your name, are you old-fashioned? Just curious, seems to be a hot topic today...

Fun Fact: IQ tests were developed after Albert Einstein's death, so his IQ is not known or recorded.

Given that, both statements only exist in an 'alternate reality.'


Thanks for the welcome. I guess you could say I'm old fashioned. Let me put it this way, anal sex has never come up in one of my conversations before.

I participated in a study on the reliability of IQ tests when I was in college back in the early 70's. Can the questions really be fair if you were raised in a backwoods cabin without education vs. middle stream America? I took 3 different tests, I scored a 170 on one, a 120 on one and an 80 on the other. Of course it's obvious the most accurate test was the one on which I scored a 170.
A view from outside the courtroom - WAT


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i'd think now that 'cutting green apples' was added, the jury HAS to know! LOL.

typical JA. they weren't just 'apples.' they were GREEN apples.

probably bought them at the store......the one on the corner...well, across the street and on the corner....the northeast corner.....they were on sale......

... not the Seven Eleven - the fruit market - the one Travis liked to shop at ...
The issue is whether or not it's a broken bone that healed the wrong way or a sevhe look of the injury is very consistent with a severed tendon. As for it being a broken bone, I'd imagine that only a VERY severe brake to the bone could cause that kind of regrowth. Such an injury would have been very noticeable (very swollen) and very painful. It is highly unlikely that she would have declined medical attention for such an injury. It's not a suspicious injury and could have been easily explained as an accident without arousing any serious suspicions.

Jodi told Flores she cut her finger...two of them on her left hand...I wish the jurors could see that if they have not.
While we there anyone that can explain to me how things get discussed in court, but aren't admitted to evidence?

And why any and ALL interrogation tapes aren't admitted to evidence??

It makes no sense to me and I would like to understand. If the answer isn't too terribly complicated anyway...LOL!
i'd think now that 'cutting green apples' was added, the jury HAS to know! LOL.

typical JA. they weren't just 'apples.' they were GREEN apples.

probably bought them at the store......the one on the corner...well, across the street and on the corner....the northeast corner.....they were on sale......

:floorlaugh: Priceless!
Oh boy. I just joined websleuths. I'm totally absorbed in this trial- but only on TV so far. I have so many questions and I guess I found where to get answers.
like what the heck did ALV say to Samantha?
and what is up with juror #5?
Another puzzlement: When The other shrink was on the stand , he often looked over to JW and on at least one occasion I saw her shaking her head, very obviously guiding his answer.Recently someone on either Dr. Drew or Nancy Grace, someone said there was a u tube showing her gesturing to this witness. The legal commentators seemd to think this was improper. Has there been any further discussion on this?
I must say I was worried about this witness at first but it seems as though (to continue with the fairy taletheme) she's like the witch in the wizard of oz...melting....right before your eyes.

Welcome to the zoo gillygrl :seeya: She is a great witness for Juan's case, I don't know why so many people have issues with her :rocker:
Oh boy. I just joined websleuths. I'm totally absorbed in this trial- but only on TV so far. I have so many questions and I guess I found where to get answers.
like what the heck did ALV say to Samantha?
and what is up with juror #5?
Another puzzlement: When The other shrink was on the stand , he often looked over to JW and on at least one occasion I saw her shaking her head, very obviously guiding his answer.Recently someone on either Dr. Drew or Nancy Grace, someone said there was a u tube showing her gesturing to this witness. The legal commentators seemd to think this was improper. Has there been any further discussion on this?
I must say I was worried about this witness at first but it seems as though (to continue with the fairy taletheme) she's like the witch in the wizard of oz...melting....right before your eyes.

WELCOME! You're going to become addicted to this board if you are following the trial.

I'm not sure anyone knows for sure what ALV said to Samantha. Juror #5 was kicked off and we don't know why. She appeared in court the next day but then decided to just watch from home so as not to attract attention away from the trial. And yes, it's been confirmed that the defense team has been coaching their witnesses, and coached Jodi herself. Lots of signals, although now it seems they are more blatant about it - actual head nods and such. Nurmi at least tried to be stealthy about it. It IS improper but this judge - oh the judge, she is another basket of annoying altogether...
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