trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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I hope Ms. Willmott is watching NG right now.

Lenore Walker still uses the criteria.

Katie Cool Lady, please text this to the VA , Juan Martinez said he does not watch TV on this case, but boy this is just too good to be true. He could get Ms. Walker to come in to testify. At the very least he needs to know that JW is off her rocker with her assertions today of how she tried to discredit his witness with this Lenore Walker stuff. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I'm sure someone on his staff is on this, but just in case.
after lurking here for several months, i've finally made myself a profile and am so excited to start posting here!

i have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder for 8 years now and have yet to kill anybody ;] joking aside, i was glad that dr. demarte touched on her being borderline, as i have had a suspicion that she was borderline since i started researching this case. i'm anxious to see how it pans out![/QUO


Love your humbleness and willingness to share about your BPD! I'm sure all of us will love to hear what you have to share regarding JA and this diagnosis as well as your experience and treatment.
I have had honest to God ,please kill me now and take away the pain, even air hurts my skin , migraines since I was 13. Preventatives do not work for me. They do not work for everyone. THAT being said...

JA seems like a person who calls a headache a migraine so she can use it to her advantage. You don't just POOF get a migraine. There are warning signs and as others have said she could not have sat there with her coloring book.

I noticed the past two days she has been taking her glasses off and on quite often. I honestly do not think (if she needs them) that they are the right prescription and even worse if she doesn't need them, they could be causing a headache. I do not believe, however, she has had such a debilitating migraine that she could not have stayed in the courtroom if given medication.

I used to take this but what it did to me was prolong the aura. And the aura was unpleasant in itself.

I stopped getting migraines when I got divorced. Never had another one!


And you lost at least 180lbs to boot! lol

The aura is freaky. I just don't believe she has migraines. I'm sure she has headaches and probably bad ones but if she had migraines, she wouldn't be able to sit in that brightly lit courtroom without passing out, lol.
We've all seen the video of Travis coming up on Dr Drew, I'm sure it's on YouTube.
after lurking here for several months, i've finally made myself a profile and am so excited to start posting here!

i have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder for 8 years now and have yet to kill anybody ;] joking aside, i was glad that dr. demarte touched on her being borderline, as i have had a suspicion that she was borderline since i started researching this case. i'm anxious to see how it pans out!

I noticed the past two days she has been taking her glasses off and on quite often. I honestly do not think (if she needs them) that they are the right prescription and even worse if she doesn't need them, they could be causing a headache. I do not believe, however, she has had such a debilitating migraine that she could not have stayed in the courtroom if given medication.


Good point. I need bi focals and refuse to get them so I do get headachy from taking my glasses off to read. But those aren't migraines.

Lenore Walker on NG:

NG: "If Jodi Arias was lying about Travis Alexander abusing her, could she still be a battered woman?"

LW: "Sure. Battered women lie all the time. That's how they stay alive, that's how they deal with the shame. Lying is not new for battered women. But it isn't just whether or not someone is a battered woman that's important in these cases, as you well know, Nancy. It doesn't give them a free pass just because they are a battered woman. It is really used only to help us understand whether of not they were in fear of what was happening - that they would be seriously harmed or killed at the time they commit a homicide. So that's what we have to look at AND THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M HEARING IN THIS TRIAL!!!"

I can predict JD making this common sensical point in the days to come!
Im confused. I heard that court was cancelled for today but didnt hear why. Isnt it just speculation that Jodi is sick? And, if so, isnt it also speclation that she has a migraine?

Yes, court was ended early today. The judge cited an "issue". The rest is purely speculation! The end.
Here's what made no sense at all to me today----> JW questioned Dr. D about a test that Dr. Samuels had given Jodi and asked her if she had reviewed the questions . She said she had. Then JW start babbling about the test being copyrighted so the questions wouldn't get out to the public because if everyone knew the questions, the test wouldn't be valid anymore. So far, she makes sense. But then she asks Dr. D if she went over the questions and answers with Juan Martinez and she said yes they looked at them together. Keep in mind, while JW is questioning Dr D., she's holding the form with the questions on them and referring to them and waving them around. So here's where she lost me-----she then asks Dr. D why she would share these questions with the prosecutor when he isn't a psychologist since they are copyrighted. Sooooo--what the heck was she doing with the questions then. She isn't a psychologist either.

I think Copyrighted and keeping things secret are two different things, too. For example, Coke has a copyrighted and secret formula. No one can see the formula. Anne Rice Rice has copyrighted novels read by millions. Just because it's copyrighted doesn't mean it's secret.

I do understand the concept of the test makers not wanting the questions to get out, but that's a separate issue from copyright, isn't it? I just don't know the word for it. "secret patent?" I don't know.

Plus, in a murder case, I'm not sure why the expert is not allowed to see the questions on a test given to the accused? Why can't the prosecutor see it? JW wants them to write into the makers to get permission to view the test?

If so, did Dr. Samuel get permission to divulge the questions to Jodi or JW? Somehow, I think not.
Some may disagree with NGs methods but I really have to give her 3 snaps for her guest tonight, nothing short of WOW!
When you tell someone even blinking hurts, people think you're kidding. It's like a vice around your head. Just horrible.

Some have to go in for Demerol shots and even then, it just takes the edge off so you don't try to jump out of the window.

I've always been under the impression that those suffering from a severe migraine cannot stand light, and as you said, blinking even hurts. Wouldn't she have had her head down on the desk? Wouldn't she have shown some sign of problem besides covering her mouth as if she were going to vomit?
o/t but I have migraines and use maxalt and swear by it. I get the floaters and everything. sucks :(

Jodi does not look like she is sick though - she looks like worried.

Maxalt works well for me, too! :seeya:

TO Panthera: Migraines can present different symptoms for different people.
Travis, you have another Angel. Lenore Walker on the line. You just can't make this stuff up! Steven, Tanisha, Sam.......justice is coming friends. Justice is coming!!
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