weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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I'm confused! I thought your original post indicated that HLN was talking about an engagement ring yet showing a picture of Travis pointing to the CTR ring. If that isn't the case, then please disregard my theory involving the CTR ring and why Travis may have agreed to see Jodi. He simply could have taken it off to clean the floors. Jodi claimed he was doing that during her visit and the roommates also reported that furniture on the main level had been moved, yet not put back in place. I hate to say anything negative about these roommates, but if had been me, I would have thought it STRANGE that Travis had gone to Cancun without his cell phone, laptop, watch and ring (especially one that he always wore). How many red flags do you need?????[/QUOTE]

BBM: Which is why the testimony from DrD calling bullchit on Jodi coming out of her "fog" 4-5 hours later, seeing a little blood her hands and leaping to the conclusion "I knew I killed him."

My point is those roomies didn't see/smell strange things and leap to the conclusion that Travis was hurt much less murdered in his room. In the same way that Jodi could not have come out of her fog and said what she said. The brain does not compute that way, according to DrD.

BTW, I don't believe that DrD used the word fog ever in her testimony.
BBM - I suspect one is more likely to survive a bear attack over a tiger attack (i.e. the Champawatat tigress killed over 200 people before being driven out of Nepal). Tigers mean to kill. Bears are more inclined to react in protection. :D

I think we're trying to project sophistication onto a question that was really just the juror's best use of what they considered interchangeable examples.
I really think if she could kill Juan, she would. That is how psycho she is. She has put all her anger of being locked up, all that anger and hatred, into Juan. She has taken it from Travis and put it onto Juan now. You can definately see it in her tense jaw, in her expressions, and in the way she sometimes looks over at him to see when he's writing something down.

Then, on the other hand, with her "protector" Wilmott she is exactly opposite - making sweet faces, looking lovingly at her, sharing jokes with her, being her "assistant lawyer." I really feel as though she feels like Wilmott is her mom. Psycho, that's all I can say.

That is a basic symptomology of a low-functioning BPD. To them, you're either all good or all bad.....no shades of grey. Then combine it with rage and some comorbidity, and you have voila! = JA.

But here is the catch---> my prediction is that JA will turn on Wilm*tt and Nurm* and we may get to see it when the verdict is announced OR we'll read about the hateful mail she sends them, or interviews from jail where she tries to angrily ruin them.

When they lock her away, it will not be the end of us hearing about JA.

Ugh. :banghead:
I don't see logically how real things attributed to JA are too prejudicial. It's like saying to a jury, we want you to determine guilt or innocence but we're going to keep you from knowing what you need to know to do so. You jurors cannot know the facts but everyone else on the planet can.

Originally Posted by Curious in Indiana
And here I am in the middle of the two opinions, wondering why didn't JM ask Dr. D to expand on the 7 out of 10 elevations.

Even on the CA case, I felt the prosecutor had much more and just believed the jury would find her guilty and sentence her to death. I know the jury was wrong and all that. But still.

What stops the prosecutor from putting everything out there for the jury to see? I really believe they should have do that. Was it JM's decision or is it the judge? In any case, I don't think we have seen all the evidence.
On the subject of too prejudicial, maybe one of our legal sleuthers would be kind enough to briefly discuss the legality of why there is "too prejudicial" in law??... beyond the common sense definition
Jodi is guilty. She already admitted it. It wasn't self defense. She is a very mentally deranged person. I have believed she was guilty since hearing on the news years ago that a man was stabbed by his girlfriend 29 times, had his throat slit, and was shot in the head. I thought, OMG, how sick can this girl be? There is NO reason, no excuse to overcome that.

After all these weeks of trial, and this week of Dr. d's testimony, I am finding I have more questions than answers. And NONE of it comes from the defense team.

I keep wondering why the judge has kept so much testimony out of this trial? Why is so much prejudicial? Are they all, I mean ALL trying to get a lesser charge for Jodi?

I love, love JM. He is brilliant. But so much testimony has been left out. Why? The jurors are intelligent. But now after Dr. D, and the only diagnosis of BPD, how does a jury sentence her to death?

I too think there is a juror, maybe more than one, who has questions. Don't misunderstand, I believe 1000% she will be found guilty of premediated, first degree murder. And she will be punished for her crime.

Jodi may receive LWOP. In the end, she will have to answer to God. I would like to believe she would become repentant and remorseful and apologize to Travis' family and friends, and the people of Arizona, for the denials, the lies and the slaughter, all she has put them through.

You make some very good points. I think the defense has definately done a good job of putting their exact thoughts out in front of the jury, basically doing the thinking for them so they don't have to try to figure anything out. But Juan has been less this way, part of it from jumping from point to point, so I really hope he puts everything together in rebuttal and closing. I also think he wants the jurors to think for themselve, and not be confined to ONE way of how the crime was committed, b/c then maybe some people will be thinking of a DIFFERENT way, and it will end with a hung jury. He wants to focus on the big picture, not the EXACT way everything happened on June 4, which no one knows and prob will never know.

What makes me absolutely livid, and I hope the jurors feel the same way, is that the person who can answer ALL the questions is the one sitting there who was on the stand for 18 days. She has all the answers But she refused to give it to them - she refused to tell the truth. I hope it bothers them that they have so many questions, and yet the person who could have given it to them LIED straight to their faces.
She had owned a car, though, and the registration could still be in her wallet along with all the other forgotten stuff, like we all do (or at least I do!).

But you reminded me of one of the rather odd things JA said to Det. Flores during his interrogation of her:

Jodi: They got my driver’s license. It has a P.O. Box on it. And they got my registration from my purse, which was the purse I was using at the time, which has my parent’s address on it.

I still can't figure out why she said that part I bolded above. What other purse would she have had with her but the one she was using at the time? Maybe to explain why her registration wasn't in the purse she had when they arrested her? I find it a constant struggle to figure out why she says what she says.

I think she took advantage of her 'outstanding' vocabulary skills to add in peculiar and out of context details, such as your bolded, to draw the questioner's attention away from the subject at hand.

She did it throughout her interrogation and testimony, and I believe she also did it with Travis when he was particularly annoyed at her.

Commonly known as 'Baffle them with Bull****'

This reminds me, I have always been curious as to why she suddenly said "You're so weird anyway" to Det. Flores when he pointed out a lie detector test might help her, not him.

After hearing Dr. DM describe the rapid switch from love to hate, and back again, as one of the BPD characteristics, I realised that she thought she had been winning Flores over until he made that comment. At that point, he was deemed Jodi Enemy Number One.
Me, too.

There are many reasons why people commit crimes. Sometimes I have had empathy for (ok, Les Misérables notwithstanding, lol) a few criminals who've explained why they felt it was necessary to do XYZ. I don't agree but I get why it was done or at least understand the reasoning behind it. Again, I don't condone it.

Having said that, while I understand and accept everyone's right to a defense, there is no reason on God's green earth for sexual assault and child molestation. Sure, some are public defenders and they're assigned the cases but JW advertises on her website that she's tried and won serious felony charges that include sexual assault and child molestation.

I don't respect her and my contempt for her runneth over.

Flame away.

Since you brought up child molestation and sexual assault, I will go off topic and say IMO, those people are worse than JA. There should be some far away island, no trees, no food, and they should dump them there. NO ONE should molest or sexually abuse and often murder a child and then go to prison. They should be exiled, no help, no food, no way out. I wold send CA there too.
Too bad the defense is too inept to present a competent challenge.

Do you think you could do any better?
The defense is stuck with a fantasy story made up by an ill person. What do you expect them to do? They are doing the best they can with what they got. On the other hand the prosecution has it on easy street. Do you think it is JM is the only person that can crack this case open? <mod snip>
This makes perfect sense. So WHY couldn't, why didn't, JM introduce this evidence early on?!!!

Probably because he couldn't do anything more than speculate as to the contents of the May 26th phone calls. We know something set Travis off in a big way at that time, but we don't know what -- and Jodi isn't going to tell us (not that at this point we could believe her no matter what she said.) It would have been very nice to be able to present a precipitant event to the jury, but there was no solid foundation. Even were he able to prove she had stolen the ring (and absent of her own statement regarding that there is no basis for fact there), he wouldn't have been able to tie that to her trip to Mesa without some corroborating evidence (such as a text message) from Travis or JA.

That is a basic symptomology of a low-functioning BPD. To them, you're either all good or all bad.....no shades of grey. Then combine it with rage and some comorbidity, and you have voila! = JA.

But here is the catch---> my prediction is that JA will turn on Wilm*tt and Nurm* and we may get to see it when the verdict is announced OR we'll read about the hateful mail she sends them, or interviews from jail where she tries to angrily ruin them.

When they lock her away, it will not be the end of us hearing about JA.

Ugh. :banghead:

yes. Once they "abandon' her like a hot potato, I predict some interesting behavior.
It doesn't take a professional of any kind to see this person does not suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Watch how she responds to a juror's question about taking us through the 'traumatic' event. It's as if she's telling us which path she took when she walked her dog in the park.

It seems the only thing bothering her about the "traumatic event", is that she doesn't screw up her script she copied from Alyce's continuum.

Video starts at correct time - if not, it's at 9:47. It ends whenever you feel nauseated by her calculated, scripted lying - 9:48 perhaps :)


If anyone blew this case for Jodi, it's Jodi herself when she stepped up to the witness box. True meaning of Borderline Personality Disorder.
Probably because he couldn't do anything more than speculate as to the contents of the May 26th phone calls. We know something set Travis off in a big way at that time, but we don't know what -- and Jodi isn't going to tell us (not that at this point we could believe her no matter what she said.) It would have been very nice to be able to present a precipitant event to the jury, but there was no solid foundation. Even were he able to prove she had stolen the ring (and absent of her own statement regarding that there is no basis for fact there), he wouldn't have been able to tie that to her trip to Mesa without some corroborating evidence (such as a text message) from Travis or JA.


there's another big gap we don't know about-----were there NO texts, emails or phone calls between them after may 26? none until june 2? if there were, what's in THOSE that we're not being allowed to see?

it seems impossible, as much as she called him, that she would have left him alone for that long.
I have to keep reminding myself that jurors haven't had a discussion about the case yet. Can you imagine the day of deliberations? Bet they are busting to talk!:woohoo:

The jury I believe will have a verdict ready within twelve hours is my guess.
I think by now they have already made up their minds and just want to go back to their normal lives.
By the time Juan is done with his closing arguments the jury will have the full picture and Juan's closing will just be icing on the cake.
Even if there is a juror that is not the brightest bunny in the bush it shouldn't take long for the other jurors to point out the reality of the crime to them and the mountain of evidence against her.
At worst might be the arguing over LWOP or DP.
Then Jodi can move into her new mansion and meet all the nice people housed there.
That should get her fear factor raised to high, not like the club med she's staying at now.
Can you give more information about how to locate this twitter conversation please? I looked up on twitter but couldn't find anything related to this case. Thank you!

Chris Highes testified in a hearing without the jury that Nurmi called Sky and told her he had original letters from Travis to Jodi about his pedophilia. He LIED to her. Nurmi knew already that those letters were forged. Sky was so horrified because she did not think Nurmi would lie, him being an attorney, and she emailed a friend about it. Then when Nurmi realized he might have the Hughes on Jodi's side, he subpoenaed them as witnesses. Chris Hughes called Nurmi a liar in court. He sure did. :)
Does anyone recall the name of the woman who was a friend of Travis's who committed suicide after her divorce?
ITA with everything you wrote here.

If there is anyone there who doesn't believe this is murder one after the stalking, the gas cans, the cell phone turned off, the car rental from Redding, the hair dying, the upside down license plate, the theft of the gun w/ the caliber matching the bullet taken from TA's head, the 29 stab wounds, the near decapitation, the shot to the head, the change of weapons, the defendant's hand print in a mixture of her blood and the blood of TA, the hair stuck in blood, the efforts to clean the crime scene, the photos she deleted from the camera that was thrown in the washer, the removal of the weapons from the scene, hooking up with RB after the murder....

Sending a dead man an email, a text, a phone call, sending TA's grandmother 20 irises, lying to the police and a 1000 other things, if after ALL that, a juror doesn't get it? Nothing will help.

If there is actually someone in that group who could be that unintelligent, oblivious and COMPLETELY void of ANY measure of common sense, there is no recourse on earth to obtain justice for anyone. Ever.

Yes! A million times yes.

Everything you listed here is why I don't quite understand the worry about some of the juror questions for Dr. Demarte. After rebuttal and closing arguments, when Juan has brought it back to premeditation and the actual crime, what Demarte, Sumuels or ALV said is not going to matter one bit. The crime scene photos, gas cans and the gun are all anyone should need to find her guilty of Murder 1. :twocents:
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