trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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So was thinking again about Jodi dragging Travis back to the shower.

I still can't fathom how she physically did this? Part of me thinks there was a 3rd party involved. What do you guys think?
I think this is how she hurt her shoulder. She has a shoulder she said was injured by being slammed or some such drivel, I think she hurt it dragging his dead body around.
No third party IMO. JA is stronger than she looks (maybe not now but back then). She had taken some martial arts classes as well. Plus the floor was wet, easy to drag on a wet floor. She was probably physically exhausted afterwards though.JMO:seeya:

I was thinking she may have rolled him onto a sheet, for the dragging part. He would've been MUCH easier to drag, while pulling him. Also, never underestimate the super-human strength of a crazy person, with adrenaline rushing through their veins. Make no mistake, she LOVED EVERY SECOND of murdering him. I have NO DOUBTS about this. I just hope she gets convicted of murder 1. She and her crime are HEINOUS. maybe it has been discussed/explained, but I missed it.

Why aren't the tire slashing incidents being brought up? Is it widely known that Arias did this but nothing was proven or filed with police?

To me, this is an extremely damning piece of crucial information. Drives home the stalking behavior and also shows how poor little, meek Jodi was adept at using knives.

As an unproven allegation, it would be extremely prejudicial and the judge correctly excluded it.

What I did find interesting was when ALV was on the stand the testimony turned to "stalking behavior" and whether Travis was afraid of Jodi. JM mentioned "the question we've discussed" to the judge, and was quickly able to get an admission from the witness that he was fearful. I don't know if this has been discussed already, but I had the impression that he was trying to get the slashed tires back in.

My reasoning was that ALV certainly knew about the tire slashing incident, and even though she didn't have to reference it directly, she knew or should have known that it would create fear. For her to deny that Travis was afraid of Jodi would be a lie since HE believed she did it, and the prosecution MIGHT be able to bring the tire slashing in to impeach ALV. Instead of digging in her heels, ALV went along with JM's assertion that Travis was extremely afraid of Jodi and "the question" was never asked.
IMHO no, no 3rd person. JA would have thrown that 3rd person under the bus so fast.

Also, never underestimate adrenalin.

I bet that toned Tesoro IT witness could have done the job without water or adrenalin.
Until yesterday I believed the BS story of Travis not being affectionate in public. It appears we was very affectionate to JA, it makes me sick the more I learn of him the more I see he was a very good man whom JA brought the worst out of him. She is pure evil.
IMHO no, no 3rd person. JA would have thrown that 3rd person under the bus so fast.

Also, never underestimate adrenalin.

Agree. And yes we have all heard stories of incredible feats performed when adrenaline is pumping. Years ago when I worked in Institutions I have witnessed 100 lb. clients "on the rip" as we called it causing 200 lb. male employees to be carried out on backboards.
When this trial is over Nurmi will go back to advertising in the yellow pages Let him go back to defending what hes use to. Without them he would have to call it quits and retreat into his lazy boy.

Deanna was awesome. She showed the real Travis and how he treated women respectfully. She showed how a real relationship works between a good man and a good woman. She proved just how rotten Jodi Arias is.

:rockon: She sure did !

And no doubt, it had to be very difficult for her, especially having to put up with Nurmi's unnecessary bull questions !

Huh...I have a different take on Jodi's verbal intelligence....I was re-watching a couple of her days on cross with Juan, noticed that when she let her "smart lawyer" guard down for a mnute we would see the REAL JODI - quotes: "he's full of crap" referring to Ryan Burns, and my favorite "well when you have **** on your face..."

You are so right. I've noticed when she talks, she spews the big words but every now and then something will pop out that sounds surprisingly unpolished. Someday I'd love to go back through all those big words and count the times they were used incorrectly. She and Casey Anthony definitely have that in common.
I was thinking she may have rolled him onto a sheet, for the dragging part. He would've been MUCH easier to drag, while pulling him. Also, never underestimate the super-human strength of a crazy person, with adrenaline rushing through their veins. Make no mistake, she LOVED EVERY SECOND of murdering him. I have NO DOUBTS about this. I just hope she gets convicted of murder 1. She and her crime are HEINOUS.

Plus there was blood everywhere which would have made the floor slippery.
I haven't finished listening to yesterday's testimony, but if Nurmi was able to ask things like "Did Travis ever call you a *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored*, three hole wonder" etc, Juan should have asked things like "Did you ever invade Travis's privacy by stealing his passwords, did you ever show up to his house unannounced, did you ever stalk him, slash his tires, spy on him?". Basically to drive home the point that Travis used language like that only because he was dealing with a psychopath who did crazy things that would make any normal person furious! Maybe I just need to keep listening.
I have been thinking about the camera thing, and had kind of light bulb moment, which is prob not so light-bulbish cause I'm sure someone on here has said it before but....putting the camera in the washer was her plan all along...however I think her plan originally was for the murder to occur earlier than it really happened (maybe she couldn't get Travis in the shower "on time"?), so therefore she thought she would have time to stay for the washer load to finish. I don't know. Then she was gonna take the camera back out and put it BACK IN ITS CASE, put the case back up neat and tidy in its orginal place...thinking no one would ever know the camera was even involved. This must have been her original plan. Anyway, turns out her time was running out, so she went along with the first part of her plan which was to put it in the washer to get all the DNA off, b/c at the time she didn't have time to make another plan.
I believe she had EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of the murder planned the aftermath of it she did EVERYTHING SHE HAD PLANNED b/c she had gone over the steps in her head over and over again. She didn't know how to re-adjust b/c this was her plan and she wasn't smart enough to re-formulate it at the time.
The only problem I see is that the State really is putting up concrete barriers to every alternative route for a lesser.

Gas cans nix crime of passion. Crime of passion refutes self-defense. Gas cans prove premeditated murder. Self-defense has been shredded. The defense is backed into a corner now - unless Nurmi can pull out a Pulitzer worthy closing, I think the jury were working on the nails in Jodi's coffin today. The last little puzzle pieces.
And she lied directly to the jury. I can't see that as anything but very, very bad. Her fate is in their hands and she played them like puppets. They aren't going to forget that.

To me, I guess it doesn't really matter what ploy the defense plays next. The jury learned nearly everything they needed clarified in order to reach a guilty verdict today alone almost.


Sorry to interrupt the flow of the posts but wanted to make a comment. (catching up here)

Great post BritsKate! I bolded the part I wanted to comment on. I think that Nurmi and Wilmott will split the closing argument. I don't think their closing argument will be convincing to the jury after Wilmott came close to a total meltdown (so unprofessional) with Dr. DeMarte the other day and Nurmi's complete abuse of Deanna Reid yesterday.

I'm betting on a guilty of murder one verdict. The only thing left up in the air for this jury is whether it will be LWOP or Death. I hope it will be death because that is what Travis' family wants and I do as well.

You are so right. I've noticed when she talks, she spews the big words but every now and then something will pop out that sounds surprisingly unpolished. Someday I'd love to go back through all those big words and count the times they were used incorrectly. She and Casey Anthony definitely have that in common.

"Unsurrendered Will," and all that. The talent may be there, but one must be willing to submit to education and correction in order to fully develop potential. Narcissists are unwilling to subordinate their sense of perfection and are thus notorious for repeating behaviors which are patently foolish to outside observers. She would probably make corrections to word usage only if stung by a criticism or remark from someone she felt was an authority -- and given that she does not grant that designation lightly and takes great pains to avoid being in the company of anyone who might make her feel even the slightest bit inadequate, such corrections would be few and far between.

It's such a pleasure to read here...I had the trial on yesterday but the threads here move so fast - quickity quick quick quick! While I wish they'd get on with it at least the later start time lets us catch up here.

I think this morning's hearing has to do with sub-rebuttal witnesses the DT wants to bring in?

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

This constant scribbling that JA is up to - who knows, it may be a 'calming' technique she's been told to do. Hey, she may be working on updating her journals, and including her version of what's going on at the trial, thinking she'll write a book afterward. Or perhaps she'll get a prison degree in psych like Samuels and ALV. I also think she thinks her scribbling is a diss to whomever is testifying for the prosecution, that's how self deluded she is. She gave Deanna the oddest stare down though when Deanna was speaking about Napoleon - not sure what that was about.

Deanna did a fine job yesterday, that can't be said enough. She's a better person than I am for sure, because after Nurmi's comment yesterday I would have been very tempted to retort. I can't think his treatment of her did him any favors.

Can't wait for the bank person to testify, that'll be awesome!
Good Morning fellow WSers. Yesterday was, for me, the second worst day of the trial. Not only was I uber angry but sick at my stomach. There is a special place in hell for KN. Please don't tell me he was only doing his job. Why didn't JW do the questioning of Deanna? Because, IMO, KN gets off on sexual questioning and by him doing the questioning it seemed even more salacious. I actually expected to see him start drooling at any moment. I stopped posting because I knew I would get TO'd or banned. What he did to Deanna and Travis' siblings yesterday went far beyond 'his job.' I was so upset that I called a friend, a well known defense attorney (who I never ask legal questions unless I am desperate) and asked him his opinion about KN's questioning of Deanna. He didn't see it, so I emailed him the link to watch. After watching it, he called me and agreed with me and us, that this was not only cruel and inhuman. It did more harm to his case than any good that could have come from it. He offended every female on the jury, in the court room and in the watching audience. He offend males who could relate to Deanne being their wife, daughter, girlfriend, niece etc. He offended every Morman in the world. And he once again escalated the general personna that defense attorneys are scum bags (his words not mine). He said there was an acceptable way these questions could have been asked that might be offensive to some, but not to the masses. I felt better knowing that even someone like my friend was offended by KN.
Who out there thinks it was JA who tried to access TA's laptop at 4 pm on June 4, only to be "locked out" because she didn't know his new password?!? She looked quite interested in that line of questioning with the computer expert yesterday. Perhaps THIS expert was not the one who assessed that... :twocents:

I do believe it was Jodi on that computer for 18 minutes. Not sure she was locked out however because someone did access that video. I'm in the camp of Travis did not know she was coming, he did not "guilt her" nor did he invite her. She snuck into his house and most likely into his bed.

I do not believe she parked in the driveway, went through the garage with neither Travis or the dog realizing someone was coming in. I do not believe she stood in the doorway and watched him without him knowing it or the dog knowing it either. She entered without invitation, she most likely did check his computer and possibly his phone as well, which might have been the only thing locked.
I wont be listening to Nurmis and Wilmers closing argument. They are way to annoying.
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