Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #9 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I understand that and started my comment with that clarification. But my point is, why is an affluent "team" being assembled for someone on our tax dollar? I was a jury member for a felony case with a court-appointed defense attorney and he was good, but not the best.

Because you don't want him screaming about having a crappy lawyer assigned to him in a few years down the line after the case has become old news then have some big time high profile defense attorney take the case pro bono and get him off on a technicality.
Just think too big a story NOT to get death penality, IMO

they could let it go easy, it's in a non death penalty state, he faces state murder charges down the road that are enough to put him away for life. better to get to info out of him if there is any to be had. you put him on death row you win a minor battle in a very big war. you keep him alive you have a source you could milk for years
IMO, the amount of info they got from DT...they would have gotten all of this without him even talking, writing, etc. He hasn't given them anything that they wouldn't have found anyway. Don't know why there is such an effort to take someone so violent alive. Somebody had to say it. Now, we get to pay these lawyers and like others have said, we get to pay for the next 60-70 years to keep this creep alive.
Apparently the female DNA sample was found on one of the two exploded pressure cooker bombs.

Seems like that would be a stretch to prove it got there by a perp rather than a victim. Even if ruling out all female victims involved, then they still have to prove KT's DNA is there (if it is) due to her actively making the bomb (as opposed to handling a pressure cooker).

No wonder her lawyer agreed to the DNA testing. It's far likelier to clear her client than incriminate her. (Proving by a negative, if no DNA match is found--at least in the public's mind.)

Was there a pressure cooker bomb that exploded partially during the shootout with LE? Could it be that one had the DNA?
Was there a pressure cooker bomb that exploded partially during the shootout with LE? Could it be that one had the DNA?
yeah you could see the burn marks on the street the following morning. from what I remember it did't work real well, it came apart when he threw it, still detonated but without the pressure build up it just kinda went pfoomp instead of bang...
yeah you could see the burn marks on the street the following morning. from what I remember it did't work real well, it came apart when he threw it, still detonated but without the pressure build up it just kinda went pfoomp instead of bang...

Hopefully that is the one with the female DNA. The bombs that exploded at the marathon had to have multiple DNA samples everywhere.
Hopefully that is the one with the female DNA. The bombs that exploded at the marathon had to have multiple DNA samples everywhere.
it has to be, or I imagine it would from a piece of shrapnel they know for a fact hadn't been in contact with a victim.

there's probably a bit of that around all three sites. like the lid the found on the roof, or like you said the one form the street fight
No not yet.

News is now that star attorney Judie Clark has joined DT's defence team to get the death penalty off the table. (on CNN AC 360)

Figured that would be the strategy. They have to try.
Was there a pressure cooker bomb that exploded partially during the shootout with LE? Could it be that one had the DNA?

Yes .. I believe it was fully detonated, but with no other innocent victims in proximity, that should certainly narrow the potential sources of any female DNA.
I understand that and started my comment with that clarification. But my point is, why is an affluent "team" being assembled for someone on our tax dollar? I was a jury member for a felony case with a court-appointed defense attorney and he was good, but not the best.

I'm thinking b/c in the end, it's most cost-effective to provide "adequate" counsel--saves on appeals problems later.

Here's the formal, lengthier version (which basically says the same): this is from the 1998 "FEDERAL DEATH PENALTY CASES: RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE COST AND QUALITY OF DEFENSE REPRESENTATION" --

In Part II of this report, the Subcommittee recommends additional steps designed to contain and reduce the cost of capital defense representation. In the death penalty area in particular, cost-effectiveness is inseparable from high quality representation: assuring appropriate resources for the defense at the trial stage minimizes the risk of time-consuming and expensive post-conviction litigation later on. Therefore, in addition to recommendations designed to monitor and limit expenditures, the Subcommittee has proposed a number of measures intended to assure the appointment of well-qualified counsel and to make other improvements in the delivery of defense services.

(And then those are specifically listed over the span of several pages.)
Was there a pressure cooker bomb that exploded partially during the shootout with LE? Could it be that one had the DNA?

Yes .. I believe it was fully detonated, but with no other innocent victims in proximity, that should certainly narrow the potential sources of any female DNA.

The one with the female DNA was said to be one of the 2 pressure cooker bombs that exploded at the marathon. (Link in prior post): http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9328861&postcount=952
Katie vs. Ms. Russell

Funny how KRT's lawyers keep using "Katie", sounds like the all-american girl-next door, rather that the more formal "Katherine" or Ms. Russell. DeLuca was quick to mention she goes by Russell now. I guess Mrs. Tsarnaev sounds much worse than Katie. Trying to distance her from him.
As far as I can tell, they didn't get anything useful out of him.
I agree, I don't know why they put so much effort into capturing him alive.
The one with the female DNA was said to be one of the 2 pressure cooker bombs that exploded at the marathon. (Link in prior post): http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9328861&postcount=952

I have two different schools of thought on this:

1) if she lived there or even hung out there, chances are she cooked. Or at least tried to straighten up and may have handled the pressure cooker.

2) how do you get your DNA on a pressure cooker? They didn't say fingerprint, they said DNA. Blood? Saliva? Makes it sound more like maybe a nearby victim than the wife. :(
The one with the female DNA was said to be one of the 2 pressure cooker bombs that exploded at the marathon. (Link in prior post): http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9328861&postcount=952

That post links to the article which states:

Law enforcement officials said they took a DNA sample Monday from Tamerlan's wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, to compare to female DNA found on a piece of pressure cooker used to make one of the bombs.

I have two different schools of thought on this:

1) if she lived there or even hung out there, chances are she cooked. Or at least tried to straighten up and may have handled the pressure cooker.

2) how do you get your DNA on a pressure cooker? They didn't say fingerprint, they said DNA. Blood? Saliva? Makes it sound more like maybe a nearby victim than the wife. :(

Touch DNA is epithelial cells (skin).
As far as I can tell, they didn't get anything useful out of him.
I agree, I don't know why they put so much effort into capturing him alive.

IMO a big waste!
I'll look at your links. Thanks for sharing.

Do you really think the FBI would lie about having him on video dropping the backpack? I don't. They'll have to show it eventually and they know that. They are not gonna show the public their evidence. The only reason we saw the photos at all was for identifying purposes when they were still "on the run".
And all that unfolded after the bombings? Again, on video in a shoot out in the street.

I do think its an open and shut case.
I believe that 100%.

Well, for one, I'm not sure (from the extraordinarily sketchy media accounts) exactly what they've said is on the tape. Add to that the fact that I don't know (really) whether what they say is on that tape is actually ON that tape--not a matter of lying, but they could be 'inferring' based on what they think the tape shows, and a court of law could rip that apart. It's not as simple as whether I "believe" LE or not--it's that some things really don't become crystal clear until dragged out in court (if then).
As far as I can tell, they didn't get anything useful out of him.
I agree, I don't know why they put so much effort into capturing him alive.

Because this is America it's how we are... you know innocent until proven guilty and all that nonsense written into the constitution.

if they killed him and a compatriot let off a few more bombs after the fact you'd be upset about that too. It's all good to be critical in hindsight but not very realistic
IMO, the amount of info they got from DT...they would have gotten all of this without him even talking, writing, etc. He hasn't given them anything that they wouldn't have found anyway. Don't know why there is such an effort to take someone so violent alive. Somebody had to say it. Now, we get to pay these lawyers and like others have said, we get to pay for the next 60-70 years to keep this creep alive.

While I hate that $$ is being spent on a "team" to defend him, I wanted him taken alive primarily because I believe everything about this would have been deemed a "conspiracy"... it's already bad enough, as is. Without him in custody the spin would be even worse. JMO (which is subject to fluctuate ;))
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