Sievers Sidebar #2

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The teaser was somthing about shocking connections between MS and JR and i bet it will be the wedding photos lol yawn....

JRR's connections with both men.
It may be about what we think we heard or misheard in Charles R. interview. I'm still not convinced we are misunderstanding what we think we hear.
JRR's connections with both men.
It may be about what we think we heard or misheard in Charles R. interview. I'm still not convinced we are misunderstanding what we think we hear.

And I did my transcribing penance for nothing then? Pffffft :giggle:

ETA post #398
Thanks everyone for all the helpful info. The house plan was very helpful. I couldn't quite nail down the set-up of the home.

I am still slogging through everything, but I have a few more questions. Have either CWW or JRR been extradited to FL yet? I know MS hasn't been arrested (which honestly floors me), I'm just not current on where things are with CWW and JRR.

Also, does anyone know the history between CWW and MS? My goodness! Maybe I am an oddball and just don't know how to form proper friendships. I find it quite fascinating, behaviorally speaking, that they kept in such close contact even prior to, what seems to be the hatching of this nefarious tragedy. "Brother from an "other" mother", indeed.

Lastly, have the children been in contact with TS' side of the family? Is the welfare of these children being monitored by anyone other than MS? I caught some headlines, while dashing through, that MS went to court but the judge didn't remove the girls from the home. Is that correct? Has there been follow-up to that (not sure when the hearing occurred)?

It seems like the more I read or see, the more questions I have. I apologize if all of this has been discussed. I promise that I really am trying to catch up on my own...just need a little current event info. TIA!

CWW was booked into Lee County Jail 10.15.2016.
JRR is serving a 6 month federal sentence for violation of parole. Then he will be transferred to FL. His release date on his federal time is 2.22.2016 and then we will follow him to FL. Whether he will show up as Lee County Jail inmate immediately or 6-8 weeks later remains to be seen. (I asked AZLawyer in her thread if JRR might follow the same 6-8 week transfer timeline and the answer is he might.)

If you're using a conventional browser, you can sort Dr. Sievers forum by the thread titles. Click on the underlined Title (next to Thread Starter) at the top of the column. You will then see some threads in a chronological date order, a timeline of sorts. CWW has had several date stamped threads as he moved through the process of getting him to Florida.

CWW & MS met in high school and you can find a wealth of info, including photos of both of them as teenagers with hair, in the CWW: Charged with 2nd degree murder thread.

We have an entire thread on the children and the DCF. Correct, the judge ruled the possibility that MS might be arrested is not enough to remove the children.

These are short answers but do read in those threads for all the details.

ETA: My apologies, the photo of CWW & MS with hair is in the Evidence connecting JR, CWW and or MS thread:
And I did my transcribing penance for nothing then? Pffffft :giggle:

No, that was most definitely needed. I want to be convinced we are misunderstanding because ..... that'd be easiest to understand. But it just wasn't that clear to me.
I am aware that is very common practice for professionals (lawyer, doctor, judge, etc etc) to often use an avenue to shield that they are on an anti-anxiety / depression drug.

More often done through a doctor who only accepts cash and has little to no paper trail. Alternatively, having the drug written in someone else's name.. risky but done.

unfortunately, this all goes to the sad inherent stigma that comes with these medications,, which are very commonly taken (with no stigma).

The implication is that there is 'something' wrong with the person who takes the meds.. Just like in trial, one of the first questions is to inquire what meds a defendant / victim may be on,, --the same implication,, something is 'wrong' with this person.

Many professionals will not risk this and seek alternative routes.

It's just dumb because of a medicine is prescribed to person B but person A takes it, then person B is distributing.

Plus, if person A is in a wreck or something and the medicine is found in her system, person A is in trouble...

I don't think many people do this. All you have to do is ask a doc friend of yours to call in something for you.

I know a judge who is in a high elected position now and he made clear to all that he went to rehab a few years ago for alcoholism. I assume he is on anti depressants now, because that sure is better than self-medicating through alcohol.
Ok, I have been thinking about this and reading about this since TS was brutally murdered. She was my doctor here in Florida for over 5 years. She was amazing.
IF she was ADDICTED to pot, then why was she always ~~every time I saw her~~Peppy and clear minded and clear eyed and compassionate and thinking clearly and willing
to spend as much time with me as it took. Her makeup and hair was always done and I remember thinking how beautiful her skin was etc. She didn't look like a drug addict or someone that was depressed to me in ANY way shape or form. Let me tell you, I know people first hand and they cannot function like she did! Although from everything that they say about Mark not being able to get out of bed and looking at his disgusting office etc. and not paying bills etc.... That does tell me that maybe he is a drug addict and depressed individual!

At Christmas last year
she talked to me about how she made Christmas sugar cookies with her girls and that she made the "BEST" sugar cookies ever! She was so proud of her girls and talked about them all the time.
It broke my heart as a mom to think that this year they didn't make those cookies with their mom and that memory will only be that~~a memory.

You cannot possibly be "Depressed", " A pot addict", "Have a sex addiction" (Oh, and have a low sex drive at the same time) and everything else that they are trying to portray her to be and have that kind of Drive to help people. She was a true professional. I managed a Cardiac unit for years and I dealt with many egos with 17 Cardiologists and 5 Cardiac Surgeons. BUT~~it was the best time of my life working with these doctors who made a
difference in many lives. This is what Teresa Sievers did. Yes, I can imagine that she could speak up and say her mind. She could be short sometimes~~not with patients~~but with those that were dragging their feet because she was running 24-7.

Bottom line~~there is something rotten in Denmark doesn't compute.....

So I don't understand why LS is saying these things about her friend. Is she in with MS? Did I hear that he paid for her son's wedding? I thought I read that somewhere. Regardless, how can she
dis on her friend when she was brutally murdered. NO ONE NO MATTER WHAT ~~DESERVES THAT
Ok, I have been thinking about this and reading about this since TS was brutally murdered. She was my doctor here in Florida for over 5 years. She was amazing.
IF she was ADDICTED to pot, then why was she always ~~every time I saw her~~Peppy and clear minded and clear eyed and compassionate and thinking clearly and willing
to spend as much time with me as it took. Her makeup and hair was always done and I remember thinking how beautiful her skin was etc. She didn't look like a drug addict or someone that was depressed to me in ANY way shape or form. Let me tell you, I know people first hand and they cannot function like she did! Although from everything that they say about Mark not being able to get out of bed and looking at his disgusting office etc. and not paying bills etc.... That does tell me that maybe he is a drug addict and depressed individual!

At Christmas last year
she talked to me about how she made Christmas sugar cookies with her girls and that she made the "BEST" sugar cookies ever! She was so proud of her girls and talked about them all the time.
It broke my heart as a mom to think that this year they didn't make those cookies with their mom and that memory will only be that~~a memory.

You cannot possibly be "Depressed", " A pot addict", "Have a sex addiction" (Oh, and have a low sex drive at the same time) and everything else that they are trying to portray her to be and have that kind of Drive to help people. She was a true professional. I managed a Cardiac unit for years and I dealt with many egos with 17 Cardiologists and 5 Cardiac Surgeons. BUT~~it was the best time of my life working with these doctors who made a
difference in many lives. This is what Teresa Sievers did. Yes, I can imagine that she could speak up and say her mind. She could be short sometimes~~not with patients~~but with those that were dragging their feet because she was running 24-7.

Bottom line~~there is something rotten in Denmark doesn't compute.....

So I don't understand why LS is saying these things about her friend. Is she in with MS? Did I hear that he paid for her son's wedding? I thought I read that somewhere. Regardless, how can she
dis on her friend when she was brutally murdered. NO ONE NO MATTER WHAT ~~DESERVES THAT

Her sister said she smoked pot!
Went to reputable persons to buy it!
IF we learn that LS wasn't involved- and LE certainly isn't going to tip their hand at this point- then I will have to believe she was manipulated and bamboozled by Mark Sievers too. What if much of what LS says are things that Mark Sievers shared with her on the down low?

In her interview with LE he asks her how often she would go to their home (MS and TS) she says "our children were homeschool{ed} so "I" get the kids together often."

This statement leads me to believe SHE was the homeschooler and that SHE would get them together with the Siever's girls and we all know who the "homeschooling" parent was on the Siever's end- it was Mark. Did she and Mark get together during the day(s) with the children?

My best guess is yes and I get the impression Mark drove Teresa crazy but not Lenka Spiska.

We will see.
sherribear- Just for clarification it was a different mother and son Mark paid for the wedding- NOT Lenka. She has 2 daughters and I believe they are fairly young.
Re Lubinski's statements in that article: What difference does it make if JL can confirm the GPS was his?

What matters is that (1) it was found in CWW's possession, (2) it had been from CWW's home to JRR's home to the Sievers home at the time of the murder and back again, and (3) it had been linked to JRR's email account and device during that trip.
Thank you ~~but there is a difference in smoking pot and being addicted to pot. JMO
I have two sisters. One in particular that I am extremely close to who happens to lives 900 miles away. There is nothing in this world that we don't know about each other. We tell each other EVERYTHING. And I'm talking the good the bad and the ugly. There is no judgment. We put them in the "vault" (thank you Seinfeld) and there is no key or combination to our vault. My point is I knew she was very unhappy in her marriage for at least 4 years, and was divorcing her now ex-husband two years before he did. When she finally told our family, I was just as surprised as they were. :shush: NOT

This was one of the reasons that I was one of the very few members here
who was thinking/hoping/praying that MS was not guilty.
NOT anymore, once the documents were released it was game over

Before they were however, AL seemed to think very highly of MS and his love (cough cough) for TS, as well as their marriage.
It seems to me that TS didn't confide in anyone, but chose to keep a lot of her/their problems to herself. Perhaps even questioning them over and over for months or years at a time. Sadly, it seems she carried a lot around on her own small shoulders.

Some things I'm about to say next had to weigh heavily on TS's mind, as she might have felt stuck between a rock and a hard place with MS.

My sis also happens to live in Florida. Without giving too much away, her circumstances are somewhat similar to the Sievers' to a point. Sis has a very lucrative job. Her ex HAD a very good job too, but was fired some years ago. After ex lost his job, my sis took a promotion within the same corporation. It meant more money, which they now needed, BUT more responsibilities and a 2 hour commute to work each day to and from = more time away from her children.
They decided he would stay home with the young kids until they were old enough to start school. BIG MISTAKE it didn't happen. He never even tried to get a job.
He would take care of everything at home, including finances.
I will tell you some things that are not in the vault. First of all, while married, they did take out a second mortgage, he went on disability. The kids were older when she finally divorced him.

Ex receives 3,000 (give or take) a month on Disability. The way it works with the kids is they (combined) receive half of what ex gets. It's supposed to help cover the amount of money for the care of the kids IF he was still working. So half of 3k is 1,500. Since there are 2 kids, each gets a check in their name only of $750. If there was one child, they would get 1,500. In others words if one turns 18, payments stop. BUT the remaining child would get the full $1,500. (half)

Divorce was brutal on my sis.
1. She had to buy him out to keep home.
2. She had to pay 2nd. mortgage
3. Although he gets $4,500 a month, she still has to pay him spousal support. (not sure how long)
4. Even though they have shared custody, she still has to pay him child support.
5. Most of the time kids want to stay with dad, as he was the one who was home with them while my sis worked her arse off to provide for the family. When it's her time to have them, they hardly ever want to come :frown: This has devastated her.

Bottom line, he ends up clearing MORE money than she does every month, and my sister is now in big time debt. She had to take out a loan to pay him 1/2 of the home value to stay in it. She did refinance 1st and 2nd mortgage, but her payments are astronomical.

There are more things I could add, but this is already too long.

Interesting that he said that processing DNA and Dog Dander takes a long time. I've never heard of dog dander in a case!

He goes into hormone therapy and not a traditional marriage......

This would be a good one to put in the media thread also!

And he said things with gps, wi-fi, texting, etc. of digital background for this case has never been done before.
I like her. I thought it was a great interview with interesting tid bits! Thanks for sharing!
I don't believe it for one second because it sounds like TS would not risk the legal issues of fraduently prescribing drugs for someone else and then taking them. Several doctors I know are perfectly clear that they are on ADs and such: neurotransmitter issues are medical issues. I find doctors don't have a stigma about these things.

I call BS on this.

IMO - again, I did not know TS, however, AL said that TS had a very healthy diet, no GMO, dairy or gluten and she was a vegetarian. She also exercised regularly.

So basically, she ate healthy, exercised, yet wasn't happy so she prescribed pills in MS's name and then took them? I'm not buying that. As a holistic doctor, wouldn't she have tried several different supplements before a prescription anti-depressant? I call BS, and I don't mean MS's Mom either.

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