Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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No he does not Minazoe- he's a psychopath- and I have no qualms saying it was budding as a youth.

That was a gleeful smile at times on the DP show- he was NOT nervous. I believe my own eyes (thank you very much) and this has been a long time coming.

Burke smiled as well- gleeful, cat ate the canary smiles in his 9 and 11 year old videos. He didn't feel love for his sister. He hated her- IMOO and finally got rid of her, by accident or on purpose- take your pick it was the outcome he wanted- I have no doubt because of his behavior NOW, as an almost 30 year old man.

Whenever someone suggests that a child can't form the intent to kill, I remember this movie: The Bad Seed. The theme of the film was mentioned frequently during the Jodi Arias case/trial.


It was patently obvious from his childhood interviews with LE and with Dr. Phil that Burke is a troubled soul. He desperately needed help as a youngster, and in their extreme efforts to project the image of a perfect family, his parents failed to seek appropriate treatment for their son. Instead, it seems that Patsy and John turned to books to help resolve the serious issues that plagued their troubled boy. :moo:
I can't believe I am saying this. But I changed my theory based on the evidence and information provided on tonight's show.

I’m watching The Case of JonBenet Ramsey, which I think we all have been hoping for, for 20 years. Probably the best analysis of the case I have seen so far and I have learned new things from this show along with the Dr. Phil interview on Burke Ramsey. I think I am swaying more and more towards the Burke Ramsey did it theory, which I dismissed early on.

The Dr. Phil interview really perturbed me. Burke is not only socially awkward, but he made some unbelievable statements and some statements that were really bizarre. In addition to his inappropriate smiles and looking down when asked certain question, His lack of empathy for his sister was evident. He flat out lied when asked if he had ever read the ransom note in it's entirety. This kid is almost 30 years old and he has never read the note? He said he stops on page 1 and can't get through anymore?

The biggest revelation is that Burke Ramsey admits to being up that night and sneaking down to play with his Christmas toys. HUGE admission! His prints are on the bowl of pineapple. He also admitted to hitting JonBenet on the head once before with a golf club hard enough to cause a mark on her chin. The bowl of pineapple was found on the table and the flashlight was found on the kitchen countertop.

Dr. Werner Spitz lines up that flashlight perfectly with the head wound, and now I have no doubts that is the object that struck her. NONE at all.

If it's clear that Patsy Ramsey said in the background of the 911 tape, What did you do? That then removes her as the killer and places the blame on John or Burke. The 911 operator also states she heard Patsy say, We called 911, now what? This whole event is being orchestrated by John.

Furthermore when both John and Pasty state they did not kill JonBenet, it is convincing to everyone including the Linguist. That leaves one person left, and the convincing fact from Dr. Spitz called in a 10 year old boy to inflict the same type of wound to a skull as JonBenet was. The wound was almost an exact match! Also JonBenet was hit on the side of the head. I now can convincingly draw a conclusion that Burke woke in the middle of the night, perhaps woke JonBenet as well to play with their presents, both ate Pineapple, and at some point an altercation took place and Burke struck JonBenet with the flashlight to the side of the head.

Burke's reactions or non reactions on Dr. Phil and his odd behavior tells me something is not right with this child. His statements to the child psychologists about 'it's time to move on', and his disconnect and unsympathetic reactions to her murder disturb me. His reconstruction of what he thinks happened by raising his hand and bringing it down, also is suspicious along with him not identifying the pineapple when he is shown the photo, all show he is hiding something. This biggest factor for me, is that Burke Ramsey admitted to being up that night. The cover up was a joint effort on behalf of Patsy and John, which only makes sense why they covered for each other. When asked to draw a picture of his family, he drew his mom, dad and himself, not JonBenet. I think this child was jealous of his sister, the attention she received. I now view his as the likely culprit. Since the 911 call and ransom note cannot be dismissed as evidence, there is no sense in discussing any intruder theory, it doesn't exist.

I say there is ample evidence to make an arrest in this case. I now think Burke Ramsey is the culprit. This is now the only thing that makes sense on why both Patsy and John united to protect him. His interview with Dr. Phil and the interview with the child psychologist were very telling. And HI to all the old gang! Boy it's been years! It's sad we are still talking about this after all this time. If anything positive has come out of this case, is that JonBenet's murder was a wakeup call to police and investigators everywhere, and that NO ONE, not even wealthy people should be above the law.

I believe the theory elaborated above comports nicely with the known facts and serves to explain a lot of heretofore puzzles.

I wish to advance a theory of JBR that I think is quite plausible. It explains why both JR and PR vehemently voiced their innocence – TRUE. Why they could pass a lie detector test (of marginal value anyway) why they held together for the duration of the crisis and on until Patsy' death. Why they zealously guarded and shielded BR, and why JR now is a pitched PR war defending the naivety and innocence of BR whom many of public viewers see with a sense of horror – despite Dr Phil McGraw's pious “expert” explanations of a boy suffering from normal “nerves” It outlines a fairly detailed version of exactly what happened in the Ramsey home Dec 25, 2016 and more or less why.

It accounts for the seeming “bizarre behavior” of JR, PR, the virtual sequestration of Burke Ramsey for some 20 years. The version connects a lot of dots in a coherent whole. However there a number of forensic details that do not nicely fit into this scenario but because an enormous of amount of details and household items involved in this case are either not known, cannot be known, have been altered, or have disappeared depicting this crime as actually happened is in a word IMPOSSIBLE.

We can only offer assorted hypothesis and see how they withstand scrutiny, uncontested evidence, logical crime analysis including rational human behavior and motivation.

It is true that highly unlilely things are indeed highly unlikely but not quite IMPOSSIBLE. Many assertions could theoretical occur but they are simply highly improbable. Occam's Razor dictates that the explanation that is the simplest most straight forward that can account for known factors is the one to TENTATIVELY accept until such time an hypothesis is advanced consisting of greater elegance and explanatory power. That is when one hypothesis is “temporary” jettisoned” and the new better hypothesis sits in the proverbial driver's seat until it too becomes dethroned.

It is indeed possible that 2 equally elegant hypotheses are advanced which are capable of cogently connecting all admitted “dots” and it becomes nearly impossible to declare one a winner over the other you are left with all to freguent occurance of 2 equally powerful explanations(faiths, ideologies, models) where choice boils down to an act of faith.

A Theory of the JBR Murder: A Brief Outline and Introduction
Genre: This belongs to RDI Camp and rejects the IDI Camp

1. Burke and JBR had some sort of interaction on the night of Dec 25, 1996. Eating pineapple and cream was a part of this interaction. JBR probably did something or said something that enraged Burke. One could surmise any number of small acts that Burke took deep offense at. This rage of course assumes that Burke had overtime developed a deep sense of jealousy and loathing towards JBR, which is entirely plausible.
2. Burke had at hand the flashlight and smashed JBR head as an initial hostile act. The effect of the head blow caused a profound altered mental consciousness- contusion concussion disorientation. The initial blow would set into motion the effects of severe brain blunt trauma which might very well lead to loss of consciousness altogether. But nonetheless JBR was alive with a heart beat and breathing.
3. The next act is highly speculative and is obviously arguable. Burke could be disconcerted by a severely injured JBR and out of panic opts to press on. OR Burke still in a fit of rage continues an unremitting assault on his lifelong nemesis. So he finds nearby cord, and proceeds to strangulate her. The wood garrote we know was NOT an instrument used in bringing about strangulation. The wooden garrote was an afterthought that was inserted into the cord ligature around her neck. The paintbrush was also nearby and an artifact. The knot tying business is not that complex or perplexing. We are told Burke played with rope before. JR was a navy man and a sailor obviously adept at knot tying especially nautical knots. It is entirely likely JR taught Burke the art of knot tying. So the garrote – rope ligature assembly affixed to the JBR body was not terribly complicated and showed 2 different types of knots – the formation of which did not require a huge amount of skill or foreknowledge.
4. As an added symbolic act of rage and disgust Burke took a piece of paintbrush stick and traumatize JBR vagina and entroiitus. This was a symbolic gesture and not necessarily as a deliberate staging activity designed to frustrate a future investigation.
5. The paired abrasion marks on JBR's right side of head and right low back could very well have been created bt Kohar's postulate of the model train track piece possessing metal struts used to connect the individual pieces. 2 individual strikes with this device toward JBR could have occurred at any time during this physical mayhem.
6. The final result at the end of this phase of “conflagration” was one single female body with a head blow, a cord strangulation compounded by the addition of a confounding add-on, the robed wood garrote, and a garnishment of metal probe marks.
7. It is unlikely this violent confrontation took place at the kitchen or around the table. It is more likely Burke and JBR proceeded downstairs to his hobby room. This is where the assault occurred and where JR undoubtedly to his horror witnessed the carnage.
8. JR quickly reasoned that he and PR could not confront nor defend the unmitigated disaster of a model son mutilating his model pageant champion beauty. There would be NO recovery from the removal of his supreme social standing in Boulder with this incident emblazoned on every paper in the USA. Plus the fallout from General Dynamics and his billion dollar business empire was incalculable. JR anticipated the prospects of enjoying the trappings of a charming social heaven to an abrupt journey into Hell - a Dante Journey from Heaven to Hell – all in the flash of a moment.
9. What to do? What to do?
10. Cover up.
11. Murdered girl/daughter was a fact. But who might do this if not JR, PR or even BR. Easy, a robbery gone bad. But that is a hard one. Robbery is one thing but why a little girl and not the defending mother or father.
12. Next. How about an abduction. A weirdo stalks JBR and seeks to kidnap here. That is not a bad starting point.
13. BUT, the problem is targeting JBR in particular is easy and plausible, especially wheb added with the intent of extracting a ransom. However, I have a MAJOR problem of having a dead kidnap victim on hand.
14. So, I start with the claim of kidnap. JBR is gone. Snatched. Next, JBR needs to be indeed gone. Therefore, I will need to prepare the body as if a murder, indeed the head blow, the rope and accouterments are just fine, JR probably had no awareness of the vaginal penetration.
15. JR prepares the early steps of staging a kidnapping. First mode of entry: Downstairs window is a thought. Entry – open window, move a suite case under the window.
16. It is highly likely that the suitcase served many purposes as the staging scene was in development and was in actual process.
17. The hand rope, the face tape, were stage artifacts. The panties probably entered the staging ensemble a bit later.
18. Some of the forensic evidence including fibers, animal fibers, were due in part to contamination and also problematic because a great number of objects used in preparing the abduction ensemble were subsequently removed by the JR during Dec 26 and even later by family taken away in golf cart and loads of boxes as the Ramsey's freely roamed the house in their preparation to move out while the police proceeded with the crime investigation.
19. DNA traces were either contaminants or internationally introduced. I suspect even the single “pubic hair” was a plant engineered by JR and obtained when JR went to the Denver Airport or during his assorted absences BUT it was a late stage afterthought.
20. The Train Room was tidied up, since little if any blood was produced ( vexing problem requiring a side discussion). The body was washed down to insure no fingerprints or inculpating fluids fragments. Ramsey mostly likely did know anything about the head-wound so a flashlight may or may not have been an object of keen attention. It is likely though that, in due course, JR extracted a nearly complete account of Burke's activities including an account of the instruments and objects used. So by late AM Dec 26 JR knew what had happened, largely how it happened, where it happened and what objects were used at it happened. So JR had an accurate inventory of the crime elements and developed a scenario that included items that necessitated immediate removal/ disposal PLUS elements that needed insertion to lend credence of abduction that went bad.
21. I would surmise that JR decided that the crime to simulate entailed 1) an abduction occurred 2) JBR snatched and taken out of house 3) JBR body is subsequently discovered at a location soon to be decided.
22. JBR planned on bundling the body, suitcase may have been a part of this, spiriting the body out of the house into the car, finding a spot to dump the body, ridding of any ancillary evidence and returning home to handle negotiations with abductors.
23. Eventually the proverbial ransom note had to be constructed. The content and construction was almost entirely a JR concoction – with PR acting as scribe and commentator.
24. JR mayhave planned on obtaining money and making a delivery to the abductors - $118,000 chosen because JR had it on hand, and could easily afford to part with it.
25. Time was running out.
26. Ransom note construction practice and final production took over 1 hour.
27. Strategically JR et al opted to set into motion the “plan” at around 5:30AM. When the police and friends arrived JR' s plan would succeed or fail based on unknown circumstances.
28. JR early loitering in the basement after police arrived – was him doing last minute cleanup preparation work – hide JRB in wine cellar, finish any tidying up, last look around.
29. Arnt's observation that she lost contact with JR for over an hour – 10:30 – Noon. She noticed an abrupt change in mood and demeanor in him- preoccupied, distant, nervous, non communicative with Patsy friends or police; exactly OPPOSITE of a parent who had just learned their child had been abducted. JR now knew his original plan was in serious jeopardy. He had no reasonably plan to spirit JBR body out and deposit her elsewhere. So now what?
30. I have a claim abductors entered the house, claimed to have stolen off with JBR, but now JR was confronted with the following problems – abductors did NOT call as promised. Explainable. BUT, there is a dead JBR in the house that sooner or later is going to be discovered. JR has NO IDEA what the likelihood of kidnappers entering a strange house, kidnapping a family member, write a ransom note outlining precisely what to do and when to do it, IN THE HOUSE where the felony was committed, PLUS killing the victim AND leaving the body within the very house where the felony was committed, and then cleanly disappearing without a trace? ANSWER – at or close to ZERO PERCENT in the history crime record keeping.
31. JR began to engage in hard thinking so as to explain a botched kidnapping in the JR house – a horrendous murder – an entry and an exit of “foreign faction”, “ a pervert”, “ a stranger”, “an insider” - ALL under the very nose of intelligent alert upstanding members of Boulder without nary a strange sound, a cry, or the accidental awakening of 3 different household members all located within less than 25 yards or where all of this happened. The JR PR machine would of course claim “strange things happen” - so they do! But this one, if anybody believes it, must go down in the Guinness Book of WorldRecords.

The subsequent events of BPD assessment, the JR mobilization of a network of key members making up the Ramsey Myth Construction Team, the legal, PR strategic/tactical maneuvering, the political rivalry of the BPD/BDA Division are well documented elsewhere
OMG! I am watching a 2013 episode of Law & Order: Special Victims unit called "Born Psychopath". Here's the plot summary: The detectives deal with a 10-year-old boy who is displaying extreme psychopathic behavior.

The disturbed child has hurt his 5-year-old sister several times, including pushing her down a flight of stairs, and he cuts his mother with a large knife. The program is on USA.

ETA: I watched the rest of the episode and recalled having seen it previously (probably several times, actually :D). Favorite show. By the end of the episode, the kid has drowned a neighbor's dog in their bathtub, bound and gagged the boy to whom the dog belonged. He ties his sister up in her bed and starts a fire in their apartment hoping to watch her "melt from the inside out" but there was too much smoke for him to watch. The 10-year-old boy then takes a little boy into a play tunnel and holds a gun to his head, threatening to shoot the boy if anyone tries to get to him. Over-the-top episode, but I suppose it's possible for a "bad seed" psychopathic child to do these things. :moo:
I believe the theory elaborated above comports nicely with the known facts and serves to explain a lot of heretofore puzzles.

I wish to advance a theory of JBR that I think is quite plausible. It explains why both JR and PR vehemently voiced their innocence – TRUE. Why they could pass a lie detector test (of marginal value anyway) why they held together for the duration of the crisis and on until Patsy' death. Why they zealously guarded and shielded BR, and why JR now is a pitched PR war defending the naivety and innocence of BR whom many of public viewers see with a sense of horror – despite Dr Phil McGraw's pious “expert” explanations of a boy suffering from normal “nerves” It outlines a fairly detailed version of exactly what happened in the Ramsey home Dec 25, 2016 and more or less why.

It accounts for the seeming “bizarre behavior” of JR, PR, the virtual sequestration of Burke Ramsey for some 20 years. The version connects a lot of dots in a coherent whole. However there a number of forensic details that do not nicely fit into this scenario but because an enormous of amount of details and household items involved in this case are either not known, cannot be known, have been altered, or have disappeared depicting this crime as actually happened is in a word IMPOSSIBLE.

We can only offer assorted hypothesis and see how they withstand scrutiny, uncontested evidence, logical crime analysis including rational human behavior and motivation.

It is true that highly unlilely things are indeed highly unlikely but not quite IMPOSSIBLE. Many assertions could theoretical occur but they are simply highly improbable. Occam's Razor dictates that the explanation that is the simplest most straight forward that can account for known factors is the one to TENTATIVELY accept until such time an hypothesis is advanced consisting of greater elegance and explanatory power. That is when one hypothesis is “temporary” jettisoned” and the new better hypothesis sits in the proverbial driver's seat until it too becomes dethroned.

It is indeed possible that 2 equally elegant hypotheses are advanced which are capable of cogently connecting all admitted “dots” and it becomes nearly impossible to declare one a winner over the other you are left with all to freguent occurance of 2 equally powerful explanations(faiths, ideologies, models) where choice boils down to an act of faith.

A Theory of the JBR Murder: A Brief Outline and Introduction
Genre: This belongs to RDI Camp and rejects the IDI Camp

1. Burke and JBR had some sort of interaction on the night of Dec 25, 1996. Eating pineapple and cream was a part of this interaction. JBR probably did something or said something that enraged Burke. One could surmise any number of small acts that Burke took deep offense at. This rage of course assumes that Burke had overtime developed a deep sense of jealousy and loathing towards JBR, which is entirely plausible.
2. Burke had at hand the flashlight and smashed JBR head as an initial hostile act. The effect of the head blow caused a profound altered mental consciousness- contusion concussion disorientation. The initial blow would set into motion the effects of severe brain blunt trauma which might very well lead to loss of consciousness altogether. But nonetheless JBR was alive with a heart beat and breathing.
3. The next act is highly speculative and is obviously arguable. Burke could be disconcerted by a severely injured JBR and out of panic opts to press on. OR Burke still in a fit of rage continues an unremitting assault on his lifelong nemesis. So he finds nearby cord, and proceeds to strangulate her. The wood garrote we know was NOT an instrument used in bringing about strangulation. The wooden garrote was an afterthought that was inserted into the cord ligature around her neck. The paintbrush was also nearby and an artifact. The knot tying business is not that complex or perplexing. We are told Burke played with rope before. JR was a navy man and a sailor obviously adept at knot tying especially nautical knots. It is entirely likely JR taught Burke the art of knot tying. So the garrote – rope ligature assembly affixed to the JBR body was not terribly complicated and showed 2 different types of knots – the formation of which did not require a huge amount of skill or foreknowledge.
4. As an added symbolic act of rage and disgust Burke took a piece of paintbrush stick and traumatize JBR vagina and entroiitus. This was a symbolic gesture and not necessarily as a deliberate staging activity designed to frustrate a future investigation.
5. The paired abrasion marks on JBR's right side of head and right low back could very well have been created bt Kohar's postulate of the model train track piece possessing metal struts used to connect the individual pieces. 2 individual strikes with this device toward JBR could have occurred at any time during this physical mayhem.
6. The final result at the end of this phase of “conflagration” was one single female body with a head blow, a cord strangulation compounded by the addition of a confounding add-on, the robed wood garrote, and a garnishment of metal probe marks.
7. It is unlikely this violent confrontation took place at the kitchen or around the table. It is more likely Burke and JBR proceeded downstairs to his hobby room. This is where the assault occurred and where JR undoubtedly to his horror witnessed the carnage.
8. JR quickly reasoned that he and PR could not confront nor defend the unmitigated disaster of a model son mutilating his model pageant champion beauty. There would be NO recovery from the removal of his supreme social standing in Boulder with this incident emblazoned on every paper in the USA. Plus the fallout from General Dynamics and his billion dollar business empire was incalculable. JR anticipated the prospects of enjoying the trappings of a charming social heaven to an abrupt journey into Hell - a Dante Journey from Heaven to Hell – all in the flash of a moment.
9. What to do? What to do?
10. Cover up.
11. Murdered girl/daughter was a fact. But who might do this if not JR, PR or even BR. Easy, a robbery gone bad. But that is a hard one. Robbery is one thing but why a little girl and not the defending mother or father.
12. Next. How about an abduction. A weirdo stalks JBR and seeks to kidnap here. That is not a bad starting point.
13. BUT, the problem is targeting JBR in particular is easy and plausible, especially wheb added with the intent of extracting a ransom. However, I have a MAJOR problem of having a dead kidnap victim on hand.
14. So, I start with the claim of kidnap. JBR is gone. Snatched. Next, JBR needs to be indeed gone. Therefore, I will need to prepare the body as if a murder, indeed the head blow, the rope and accouterments are just fine, JR probably had no awareness of the vaginal penetration.
15. JR prepares the early steps of staging a kidnapping. First mode of entry: Downstairs window is a thought. Entry – open window, move a suite case under the window.
16. It is highly likely that the suitcase served many purposes as the staging scene was in development and was in actual process.
17. The hand rope, the face tape, were stage artifacts. The panties probably entered the staging ensemble a bit later.
18. Some of the forensic evidence including fibers, animal fibers, were due in part to contamination and also problematic because a great number of objects used in preparing the abduction ensemble were subsequently removed by the JR during Dec 26 and even later by family taken away in golf cart and loads of boxes as the Ramsey's freely roamed the house in their preparation to move out while the police proceeded with the crime investigation.
19. DNA traces were either contaminants or internationally introduced. I suspect even the single “pubic hair” was a plant engineered by JR and obtained when JR went to the Denver Airport or during his assorted absences BUT it was a late stage afterthought.
20. The Train Room was tidied up, since little if any blood was produced ( vexing problem requiring a side discussion). The body was washed down to insure no fingerprints or inculpating fluids fragments. Ramsey mostly likely did know anything about the head-wound so a flashlight may or may not have been an object of keen attention. It is likely though that, in due course, JR extracted a nearly complete account of Burke's activities including an account of the instruments and objects used. So by late AM Dec 26 JR knew what had happened, largely how it happened, where it happened and what objects were used at it happened. So JR had an accurate inventory of the crime elements and developed a scenario that included items that necessitated immediate removal/ disposal PLUS elements that needed insertion to lend credence of abduction that went bad.
21. I would surmise that JR decided that the crime to simulate entailed 1) an abduction occurred 2) JBR snatched and taken out of house 3) JBR body is subsequently discovered at a location soon to be decided.
22. JBR planned on bundling the body, suitcase may have been a part of this, spiriting the body out of the house into the car, finding a spot to dump the body, ridding of any ancillary evidence and returning home to handle negotiations with abductors.
23. Eventually the proverbial ransom note had to be constructed. The content and construction was almost entirely a JR concoction – with PR acting as scribe and commentator.
24. JR mayhave planned on obtaining money and making a delivery to the abductors - $118,000 chosen because JR had it on hand, and could easily afford to part with it.
25. Time was running out.
26. Ransom note construction practice and final production took over 1 hour.
27. Strategically JR et al opted to set into motion the “plan” at around 5:30AM. When the police and friends arrived JR' s plan would succeed or fail based on unknown circumstances.
28. JR early loitering in the basement after police arrived – was him doing last minute cleanup preparation work – hide JRB in wine cellar, finish any tidying up, last look around.
29. Arnt's observation that she lost contact with JR for over an hour – 10:30 – Noon. She noticed an abrupt change in mood and demeanor in him- preoccupied, distant, nervous, non communicative with Patsy friends or police; exactly OPPOSITE of a parent who had just learned their child had been abducted. JR now knew his original plan was in serious jeopardy. He had no reasonably plan to spirit JBR body out and deposit her elsewhere. So now what?
30. I have a claim abductors entered the house, claimed to have stolen off with JBR, but now JR was confronted with the following problems – abductors did NOT call as promised. Explainable. BUT, there is a dead JBR in the house that sooner or later is going to be discovered. JR has NO IDEA what the likelihood of kidnappers entering a strange house, kidnapping a family member, write a ransom note outlining precisely what to do and when to do it, IN THE HOUSE where the felony was committed, PLUS killing the victim AND leaving the body within the very house where the felony was committed, and then cleanly disappearing without a trace? ANSWER – at or close to ZERO PERCENT in the history crime record keeping.
31. JR began to engage in hard thinking so as to explain a botched kidnapping in the JR house – a horrendous murder – an entry and an exit of “foreign faction”, “ a pervert”, “ a stranger”, “an insider” - ALL under the very nose of intelligent alert upstanding members of Boulder without nary a strange sound, a cry, or the accidental awakening of 3 different household members all located within less than 25 yards or where all of this happened. The JR PR machine would of course claim “strange things happen” - so they do! But this one, if anybody believes it, must go down in the Guinness Book of WorldRecords.

The subsequent events of BPD assessment, the JR mobilization of a network of key members making up the Ramsey Myth Construction Team, the legal, PR strategic/tactical maneuvering, the political rivalry of the BPD/BDA Division are well documented elsewhere

With a few maybes and some qualifications if might have happened so.

On 3. You seem to multiply objects beyond necessity a simpler explanation is that BR manually strangled Jonbenet inducing a coma, the rest is staging to mask this behavior. The latter accounts for the forensic evidence whereas 3. does not.

If two theories offer an explanation for the same events then they can be compared where they can be shown to be false, failing the latter test means either one or both is not testable. e.g. Freudian psychology is not testable.

Zeno - Sorry if I misread but when do you think JR planned on getting the body out of the house and what went wrong there?
My theory of BDI states JR discovers the carnage and spends hours plotting a plausible cover up including getting the body out of the house to be later discovered. His initial plan is thwarted by BPD is
E officer Arndt. He is left with a really awkward mess to defend
He did all he could
He spirited Burk out and hid him for 20 years
He emptied the house of lots of material. I.e. Sneakers. Patsy clothes
He goes to Denver Airport and who knows where to procure "a pubic hair" DNA
SPENDS the early AM OF Dec 26 busy busy in the basement
The head wound has never been adequately fully explained
My hunch is the nature and role of the head wound have been seriously misrepresented. In part by coroner by Crryl Wecht
And other "experts"
Easy answer
JR machine. Including Lucien Wood , JR PR firm were creating an alternate reality
That is
IDI. and JR PR etc totally innocent
BPD corrupt incompetent rash judgement
BDA dept cool rational heads. I.e. Controllable by Lucien and his lieutenants
JR family vilified persecuted by BPD and media

Story = JR story an American tragedy

This is a precise recipe for how elite rich men can buy their way out of crime + earn $ by book media royalties by showing the world of his victimhood
Dr Phil Show was a total farce
Lucien Wood is McGraws private attorney leading a$500 m defamation lawsuit
Wood cuts a deal with McGraw to make JR and BR look good innocent and persecuted
McGraw pays JR $ for exclusive
McGrW ratings go way up
Wood gets national exposure. $ for his Atlanta law firm

It was a win win win mendacio phony lovefest
Dr Phil Show was a total farce
Lucien Wood is McGraws private attorney leading a$500 m defamation lawsuit
Wood cuts a deal with McGraw to make JR and BR look good innocent and persecuted
McGraw pays JR $ for exclusive
McGrW ratings go way up
Wood gets national exposure. $ for his Atlanta law firm

It was a win win win mendacio phony lovefest

Except that more people than ever believe Burke murdered his sister. Although somehow I think he'll find that to be a good tradeoff and laugh all the way to the bank.
Just a friendly reminder: this thread is for reactions to the Dr Phil program and the discussion that ensues from that. Fully fleshed out, detailed theories of how you think this crime went down should be posted to the Members' Theories thread (one of the sticky threads at the top of the main JBR page).

These threads were organized this way many years ago so that folks wishing to discuss specific topics could do so without having to sift through unrelated posts. We can't always avoid getting off topic, but wanted to share this protocol and hopefully keep these threads on point.

All that said, your posts are great and should be heard! Let's just try to honor the rules set forth by the owners of this site. Thank you!!!
Dr Phil Show was a total farce
Lucien Wood is McGraws private attorney leading a$500 m defamation lawsuit
Wood cuts a deal with McGraw to make JR and BR look good innocent and persecuted
McGraw pays JR $ for exclusive
McGrW ratings go way up
Wood gets national exposure. $ for his Atlanta law firm

It was a win win win mendacio phony lovefest

This is totally speculative. According to this site, JR and BR are totally guilty of brutally murdering Jonbenet
You know I really liked DR Phil until this. I did feel he was making fun of us for thinking Burke did it. As if he'd never heard of a 9 year old boy ever doing such a thing. Unless he resides under a rock he knows darn well 9 year olds are capable.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Tapatalk
I believe the theory elaborated above comports nicely with the known facts and serves to explain a lot of heretofore puzzles.

I wish to advance a theory of JBR that I think is quite plausible. It explains why both JR and PR vehemently voiced their innocence – TRUE. Why they could pass a lie detector test (of marginal value anyway) why they held together for the duration of the crisis and on until Patsy' death. Why they zealously guarded and shielded BR, and why JR now is a pitched PR war defending the naivety and innocence of BR whom many of public viewers see with a sense of horror – despite Dr Phil McGraw's pious “expert” explanations of a boy suffering from normal “nerves” It outlines a fairly detailed version of exactly what happened in the Ramsey home Dec 25, 2016 and more or less why.

It accounts for the seeming “bizarre behavior” of JR, PR, the virtual sequestration of Burke Ramsey for some 20 years. The version connects a lot of dots in a coherent whole. However there a number of forensic details that do not nicely fit into this scenario but because an enormous of amount of details and household items involved in this case are either not known, cannot be known, have been altered, or have disappeared depicting this crime as actually happened is in a word IMPOSSIBLE.

We can only offer assorted hypothesis and see how they withstand scrutiny, uncontested evidence, logical crime analysis including rational human behavior and motivation.

It is true that highly unlilely things are indeed highly unlikely but not quite IMPOSSIBLE. Many assertions could theoretical occur but they are simply highly improbable. Occam's Razor dictates that the explanation that is the simplest most straight forward that can account for known factors is the one to TENTATIVELY accept until such time an hypothesis is advanced consisting of greater elegance and explanatory power. That is when one hypothesis is “temporary” jettisoned” and the new better hypothesis sits in the proverbial driver's seat until it too becomes dethroned.

It is indeed possible that 2 equally elegant hypotheses are advanced which are capable of cogently connecting all admitted “dots” and it becomes nearly impossible to declare one a winner over the other you are left with all to freguent occurance of 2 equally powerful explanations(faiths, ideologies, models) where choice boils down to an act of faith.

A Theory of the JBR Murder: A Brief Outline and Introduction
Genre: This belongs to RDI Camp and rejects the IDI Camp

1. Burke and JBR had some sort of interaction on the night of Dec 25, 1996. Eating pineapple and cream was a part of this interaction. JBR probably did something or said something that enraged Burke. One could surmise any number of small acts that Burke took deep offense at. This rage of course assumes that Burke had overtime developed a deep sense of jealousy and loathing towards JBR, which is entirely plausible.
2. Burke had at hand the flashlight and smashed JBR head as an initial hostile act. The effect of the head blow caused a profound altered mental consciousness- contusion concussion disorientation. The initial blow would set into motion the effects of severe brain blunt trauma which might very well lead to loss of consciousness altogether. But nonetheless JBR was alive with a heart beat and breathing.
3. The next act is highly speculative and is obviously arguable. Burke could be disconcerted by a severely injured JBR and out of panic opts to press on. OR Burke still in a fit of rage continues an unremitting assault on his lifelong nemesis. So he finds nearby cord, and proceeds to strangulate her. The wood garrote we know was NOT an instrument used in bringing about strangulation. The wooden garrote was an afterthought that was inserted into the cord ligature around her neck. The paintbrush was also nearby and an artifact. The knot tying business is not that complex or perplexing. We are told Burke played with rope before. JR was a navy man and a sailor obviously adept at knot tying especially nautical knots. It is entirely likely JR taught Burke the art of knot tying. So the garrote – rope ligature assembly affixed to the JBR body was not terribly complicated and showed 2 different types of knots – the formation of which did not require a huge amount of skill or foreknowledge.
4. As an added symbolic act of rage and disgust Burke took a piece of paintbrush stick and traumatize JBR vagina and entroiitus. This was a symbolic gesture and not necessarily as a deliberate staging activity designed to frustrate a future investigation.
5. The paired abrasion marks on JBR's right side of head and right low back could very well have been created bt Kohar's postulate of the model train track piece possessing metal struts used to connect the individual pieces. 2 individual strikes with this device toward JBR could have occurred at any time during this physical mayhem.
6. The final result at the end of this phase of “conflagration” was one single female body with a head blow, a cord strangulation compounded by the addition of a confounding add-on, the robed wood garrote, and a garnishment of metal probe marks.
7. It is unlikely this violent confrontation took place at the kitchen or around the table. It is more likely Burke and JBR proceeded downstairs to his hobby room. This is where the assault occurred and where JR undoubtedly to his horror witnessed the carnage.
8. JR quickly reasoned that he and PR could not confront nor defend the unmitigated disaster of a model son mutilating his model pageant champion beauty. There would be NO recovery from the removal of his supreme social standing in Boulder with this incident emblazoned on every paper in the USA. Plus the fallout from General Dynamics and his billion dollar business empire was incalculable. JR anticipated the prospects of enjoying the trappings of a charming social heaven to an abrupt journey into Hell - a Dante Journey from Heaven to Hell – all in the flash of a moment.
9. What to do? What to do?
10. Cover up.
11. Murdered girl/daughter was a fact. But who might do this if not JR, PR or even BR. Easy, a robbery gone bad. But that is a hard one. Robbery is one thing but why a little girl and not the defending mother or father.
12. Next. How about an abduction. A weirdo stalks JBR and seeks to kidnap here. That is not a bad starting point.
13. BUT, the problem is targeting JBR in particular is easy and plausible, especially wheb added with the intent of extracting a ransom. However, I have a MAJOR problem of having a dead kidnap victim on hand.
14. So, I start with the claim of kidnap. JBR is gone. Snatched. Next, JBR needs to be indeed gone. Therefore, I will need to prepare the body as if a murder, indeed the head blow, the rope and accouterments are just fine, JR probably had no awareness of the vaginal penetration.
15. JR prepares the early steps of staging a kidnapping. First mode of entry: Downstairs window is a thought. Entry – open window, move a suite case under the window.
16. It is highly likely that the suitcase served many purposes as the staging scene was in development and was in actual process.
17. The hand rope, the face tape, were stage artifacts. The panties probably entered the staging ensemble a bit later.
18. Some of the forensic evidence including fibers, animal fibers, were due in part to contamination and also problematic because a great number of objects used in preparing the abduction ensemble were subsequently removed by the JR during Dec 26 and even later by family taken away in golf cart and loads of boxes as the Ramsey's freely roamed the house in their preparation to move out while the police proceeded with the crime investigation.
19. DNA traces were either contaminants or internationally introduced. I suspect even the single “pubic hair” was a plant engineered by JR and obtained when JR went to the Denver Airport or during his assorted absences BUT it was a late stage afterthought.
20. The Train Room was tidied up, since little if any blood was produced ( vexing problem requiring a side discussion). The body was washed down to insure no fingerprints or inculpating fluids fragments. Ramsey mostly likely did know anything about the head-wound so a flashlight may or may not have been an object of keen attention. It is likely though that, in due course, JR extracted a nearly complete account of Burke's activities including an account of the instruments and objects used. So by late AM Dec 26 JR knew what had happened, largely how it happened, where it happened and what objects were used at it happened. So JR had an accurate inventory of the crime elements and developed a scenario that included items that necessitated immediate removal/ disposal PLUS elements that needed insertion to lend credence of abduction that went bad.
21. I would surmise that JR decided that the crime to simulate entailed 1) an abduction occurred 2) JBR snatched and taken out of house 3) JBR body is subsequently discovered at a location soon to be decided.
22. JBR planned on bundling the body, suitcase may have been a part of this, spiriting the body out of the house into the car, finding a spot to dump the body, ridding of any ancillary evidence and returning home to handle negotiations with abductors.
23. Eventually the proverbial ransom note had to be constructed. The content and construction was almost entirely a JR concoction – with PR acting as scribe and commentator.
24. JR mayhave planned on obtaining money and making a delivery to the abductors - $118,000 chosen because JR had it on hand, and could easily afford to part with it.
25. Time was running out.
26. Ransom note construction practice and final production took over 1 hour.
27. Strategically JR et al opted to set into motion the “plan” at around 5:30AM. When the police and friends arrived JR' s plan would succeed or fail based on unknown circumstances.
28. JR early loitering in the basement after police arrived – was him doing last minute cleanup preparation work – hide JRB in wine cellar, finish any tidying up, last look around.
29. Arnt's observation that she lost contact with JR for over an hour – 10:30 – Noon. She noticed an abrupt change in mood and demeanor in him- preoccupied, distant, nervous, non communicative with Patsy friends or police; exactly OPPOSITE of a parent who had just learned their child had been abducted. JR now knew his original plan was in serious jeopardy. He had no reasonably plan to spirit JBR body out and deposit her elsewhere. So now what?
30. I have a claim abductors entered the house, claimed to have stolen off with JBR, but now JR was confronted with the following problems – abductors did NOT call as promised. Explainable. BUT, there is a dead JBR in the house that sooner or later is going to be discovered. JR has NO IDEA what the likelihood of kidnappers entering a strange house, kidnapping a family member, write a ransom note outlining precisely what to do and when to do it, IN THE HOUSE where the felony was committed, PLUS killing the victim AND leaving the body within the very house where the felony was committed, and then cleanly disappearing without a trace? ANSWER – at or close to ZERO PERCENT in the history crime record keeping.
31. JR began to engage in hard thinking so as to explain a botched kidnapping in the JR house – a horrendous murder – an entry and an exit of “foreign faction”, “ a pervert”, “ a stranger”, “an insider” - ALL under the very nose of intelligent alert upstanding members of Boulder without nary a strange sound, a cry, or the accidental awakening of 3 different household members all located within less than 25 yards or where all of this happened. The JR PR machine would of course claim “strange things happen” - so they do! But this one, if anybody believes it, must go down in the Guinness Book of WorldRecords.

The subsequent events of BPD assessment, the JR mobilization of a network of key members making up the Ramsey Myth Construction Team, the legal, PR strategic/tactical maneuvering, the political rivalry of the BPD/BDA Division are well documented elsewhere

I agree with a lot of what you said... I envisage a few differences though:

I feel that BR went down to play with a Christmas toy; decided to make himself a bowl of pineapple (the bowl is still very full in the pictures, why would a supposed intruder lure JBR with pineapple and then only allow her to have some of it- that's risking a tantrum regardless of who it is), something interrupted the pineapple feast-- JBR came and took some without asking? BR may have resented having to share things (including parental affection) with his sister, and there may have been a disagreement earlier (speculating). He becomes angry and grabs the flashlight to hit her. Perhaps he hit her there or she ran somewhere else (to her bedroom? My sister and I would always run to our bedrooms when the other was chasing out of annoyance, and try to hold the door closed); BR still angry reaches her room and hits her with the flashlight (accounting for the massive head wound-- it wouldn't have cause the major bruising of the brain if it occurred post-mortem).

Here, he may have used his hands to begin strangling her. Realising she is lifeless, BR goes to his room (or maybe there is a piece of train set in JBR's room?) and grabs something he thinks is sharp to see if she responds.Meanwhile, JBR's body has involuntarily evacuated and caused wetting and soiling (accounting for the "bed accident" and the urine stained longjohns.

At this stage, BR may have intended to go and tell on his sister for soiling (thinking that she will be ok and get into trouble, and that no one will realise that he had attacked her). Parents come to check JBR after he tells them she has soiled/wet her bed. They probably went over to try and wake her, and tell him to go to his room and not come out until he is told. Meanwhile, the incriminating unfinished bowl of pineapple is forgotten about and remains out. PR doesn't know about it (or JBR eating any) to clean up because she didn't fix it (fingerprints probably from putting it away)- the large spoon might have been the only clean spoon BR could find in the messy kitchen; and the amount of pineapple seems like what a greedy/hungry child would dish up (more than they could probably eat anyway).

At this stage they probably realise that she is not breathing and see bruising on her neck. Maybe they even tried to resuscitate her (being generous), or maybe they saw the flashlight and felt her head and realised how badly her head was injured. (If BR only hit her head and didn't do the strangling, perhaps PR or JR did as what they considered an act of mercy, believing she would be free from suffering... or out of vanity, and fear that if she recovered, she would have severe brain damage and require high levels of care/ be unable to be the perfect pageant princess again).

BR may not even realise that she had died at this stage. Parents clean her up (accounting for transfer of fibres-- they may have used items from the wash basket/ off the floor-- as they'd been visiting and holding parties etc, it is likely they picked up DNA and hair on clothing they had worn), because the last thing they would want is their pageant princess being found with soiled pants (I think this also accounts for the brand new, wrong sized undies-- if as reported, every underwear in her drawer were soiled, they would look for a new package to preserve her dignity as such- being found with clean undies; isn't the cliche "put on clean undies in case you're hit by a bus"?). To cover for the strangulation, one of them created the device to make it more dramatic.

They decide to stage a kidnapping to protect the family from shame and decide to hide JBR until they can move her (either because a car leaving in the middle of the night would be suspicious or maybe PR hadn't made up her mind about where JBR was to go, because I see her as being very attached to JBR and not agreeing easily to just dumping he somewhere).

I think that PR wrote the note, probably even using her non-dominant hand (which would have taken even longer than say the 20-30 plus minutes with a dominant hand as timed on the CBS doco) while JR possibly took her down to the basement from her bedroom (this would account for the garland fragment in her hair too) and maybe intended to put her in the suitcase and take her somewhere that way (once PR agreed). As mentioned, they likely thought that during the night it would have looked unusual for a family member's car to drive away during the early hours. He probably intended to wait until it was extra busy (or was waiting for PR consent) and maybe even borrow a visitor's car. He might have planned to say the suitcase was to put the money into, and that he was going to get it/ or maybe he did intend to put the suitcase out the broken window.... however, when he disappeared at 10.30am, it would have been around 10- 12 hours after death and rigor mortis would have been well set in-- which he may not have expected, and would have prevented him from bending her limbs etc... which would explain his demeanour; he was stressed because the body was still in the house, which stood to blow a hole in the story.

As for the 911 call-- yes I could hear the phrases in the enhanced version. I think maybe the Rs told BR that a separate incident had occurred and JBR had been taken. Maybe at 9 he didn't make the connection. Maybe he did assume she was ok after he had hit her and told their parents, and assumed that coincidentally someone else had come in. He was 9, probably not able to make the connection. Might explain why he remained and continued asking questions after JR said "we're not speaking to you"- ordinarily if someone said that, you'd leave them until they approached you (or I would); then he may have overheard 'ransom note' and asked about it "what did you find?". Maybe this was the first time they had even seen him since the night before, which would explain why PR said "what have you done"- a rhetorical rather than needing an answer.

The Doctor Phil interview bothers me, the little bits that I've seen, because of the smirk. Doctor Phil specifically says he wasn't diagnosed with anything, and that it was just anxiety. I have anxiety and I don't smirk/ smile when I'm being interviewed (but then I guess people react differently). I do agree that it did him no favours.
I agree with a lot of what you said... I envisage a few differences though:

I feel that BR went down to play with a Christmas toy; decided to make himself a bowl of pineapple (the bowl is still very full in the pictures, why would a supposed intruder lure JBR with pineapple and then only allow her to have some of it- that's risking a tantrum regardless of who it is), something interrupted the pineapple feast-- JBR came and took some without asking? BR may have resented having to share things (including parental affection) with his sister, and there may have been a disagreement earlier (speculating). He becomes angry and grabs the flashlight to hit her. Perhaps he hit her there or she ran somewhere else (to her bedroom? My sister and I would always run to our bedrooms when the other was chasing out of annoyance, and try to hold the door closed); BR still angry reaches her room and hits her with the flashlight (accounting for the massive head wound-- it wouldn't have cause the major bruising of the brain if it occurred post-mortem).

Here, he may have used his hands to begin strangling her. Realising she is lifeless, BR goes to his room (or maybe there is a piece of train set in JBR's room?) and grabs something he thinks is sharp to see if she responds.Meanwhile, JBR's body has involuntarily evacuated and caused wetting and soiling (accounting for the "bed accident" and the urine stained longjohns.

At this stage, BR may have intended to go and tell on his sister for soiling (thinking that she will be ok and get into trouble, and that no one will realise that he had attacked her). Parents come to check JBR after he tells them she has soiled/wet her bed. They probably went over to try and wake her, and tell him to go to his room and not come out until he is told. Meanwhile, the incriminating unfinished bowl of pineapple is forgotten about and remains out. PR doesn't know about it (or JBR eating any) to clean up because she didn't fix it (fingerprints probably from putting it away)- the large spoon might have been the only clean spoon BR could find in the messy kitchen; and the amount of pineapple seems like what a greedy/hungry child would dish up (more than they could probably eat anyway).

At this stage they probably realise that she is not breathing and see bruising on her neck. Maybe they even tried to resuscitate her (being generous), or maybe they saw the flashlight and felt her head and realised how badly her head was injured. (If BR only hit her head and didn't do the strangling, perhaps PR or JR did as what they considered an act of mercy, believing she would be free from suffering... or out of vanity, and fear that if she recovered, she would have severe brain damage and require high levels of care/ be unable to be the perfect pageant princess again).

BR may not even realise that she had died at this stage. Parents clean her up (accounting for transfer of fibres-- they may have used items from the wash basket/ off the floor-- as they'd been visiting and holding parties etc, it is likely they picked up DNA and hair on clothing they had worn), because the last thing they would want is their pageant princess being found with soiled pants (I think this also accounts for the brand new, wrong sized undies-- if as reported, every underwear in her drawer were soiled, they would look for a new package to preserve her dignity as such- being found with clean undies; isn't the cliche "put on clean undies in case you're hit by a bus"?). To cover for the strangulation, one of them created the device to make it more dramatic.

They decide to stage a kidnapping to protect the family from shame and decide to hide JBR until they can move her (either because a car leaving in the middle of the night would be suspicious or maybe PR hadn't made up her mind about where JBR was to go, because I see her as being very attached to JBR and not agreeing easily to just dumping he somewhere).

I think that PR wrote the note, probably even using her non-dominant hand (which would have taken even longer than say the 20-30 plus minutes with a dominant hand as timed on the CBS doco) while JR possibly took her down to the basement from her bedroom (this would account for the garland fragment in her hair too) and maybe intended to put her in the suitcase and take her somewhere that way (once PR agreed). As mentioned, they likely thought that during the night it would have looked unusual for a family member's car to drive away during the early hours. He probably intended to wait until it was extra busy (or was waiting for PR consent) and maybe even borrow a visitor's car. He might have planned to say the suitcase was to put the money into, and that he was going to get it/ or maybe he did intend to put the suitcase out the broken window.... however, when he disappeared at 10.30am, it would have been around 10- 12 hours after death and rigor mortis would have been well set in-- which he may not have expected, and would have prevented him from bending her limbs etc... which would explain his demeanour; he was stressed because the body was still in the house, which stood to blow a hole in the story.

As for the 911 call-- yes I could hear the phrases in the enhanced version. I think maybe the Rs told BR that a separate incident had occurred and JBR had been taken. Maybe at 9 he didn't make the connection. Maybe he did assume she was ok after he had hit her and told their parents, and assumed that coincidentally someone else had come in. He was 9, probably not able to make the connection. Might explain why he remained and continued asking questions after JR said "we're not speaking to you"- ordinarily if someone said that, you'd leave them until they approached you (or I would); then he may have overheard 'ransom note' and asked about it "what did you find?". Maybe this was the first time they had even seen him since the night before, which would explain why PR said "what have you done"- a rhetorical rather than needing an answer.

The Doctor Phil interview bothers me, the little bits that I've seen, because of the smirk. Doctor Phil specifically says he wasn't diagnosed with anything, and that it was just anxiety. I have anxiety and I don't smirk/ smile when I'm being interviewed (but then I guess people react differently). I do agree that it did him no favours.

Anxiety manifests in different ways in different people
I too felt like a bad child being chastised by Dr Phil , and vowed to never watch him again. Not that I was a regular viewer, but did watch him for time to time . He's been wearing very thin on me since the Anthony's and now after the butt chewing he gave us all I am so over him.
A good friend of mine watches him everyday and called me yesterday ( she was strictly IDI , until Dr Phil and CBS and now is a BDI )
She told me to tune in and watch how he was with Teri Hormon ( Kyrons stepmother ) he sure didn't play softball with her like he did with Burke ...he is so in the Ramsey's and Lin Woods pocket it makes me sick ...even my friend who is a huge fan of his and a former IDI thought so and told me to watch it ...he disgusts me .
The rest of his interview with Teri airs today .
I too felt like a bad child being chastised by Dr Phil , and vowed to never watch him again. Not that I was a regular viewer, but did watch him for time to time . He's been wearing very thin on me since the Anthony's and now after the butt chewing he gave us all I am so over him.
A good friend of mine watches him everyday and called me yesterday ( she was strictly IDI , until Dr Phil and CBS and now is a BDI )
She told me to tune in and watch how he was with Teri Hormon ( Kyrons stepmother ) he sure didn't play softball with her like he did with Burke ...he is so in the Ramsey's and Lin Woods pocket it makes me sick ...even my friend who is a huge fan of his and a former IDI thought so and told me to watch it ...he disgusts me .

BBM. Yes, he is. I wonder why?
I too felt like a bad child being chastised by Dr Phil , and vowed to never watch him again. Not that I was a regular viewer, but did watch him for time to time . He's been wearing very thin on me since the Anthony's and now after the butt chewing he gave us all I am so over him.
A good friend of mine watches him everyday and called me yesterday ( she was strictly IDI , until Dr Phil and CBS and now is a BDI )
She told me to tune in and watch how he was with Teri Hormon ( Kyrons stepmother ) he sure didn't play softball with her like he did with Burke ...he is so in the Ramsey's and Lin Woods pocket it makes me sick ...even my friend who is a huge fan of his and a former IDI thought so and told me to watch it ...he disgusts me .
The rest of his interview with Teri airs today .

Cubbeegirl I am right there with you. I never thought much of DP but I watch those 4 shows due to the topic. Honestly, DP did not disappoint me. I knew he would handle BP with kit gloves being LW was his own attorney. What I don't understand is how in the world they thought interviewing BR would do any good for the case or him? If you have kept your mouth shut for 20 years, CBS show or no CBS show, I would have stayed quiet. "Getting out ahead" of the CBS show just swayed people that BDI with his behavior (no matter how DP put a spin on it) and DP going easy on him compared to all his other interviews. THEN for DP to chastised his viewing audience for voicing their thoughts. Shame on him! He did try to make us all feel stupid. But guess what we are all smarter than DP and he just made himself look more stupid. IMHO.
My theory of BDI states JR discovers the carnage and spends hours plotting a plausible cover up including getting the body out of the house to be later discovered. His initial plan is thwarted by BPD is
E officer Arndt. He is left with a really awkward mess to defend
He did all he could
He spirited Burk out and hid him for 20 years
He emptied the house of lots of material. I.e. Sneakers. Patsy clothes
He goes to Denver Airport and who knows where to procure "a pubic hair" DNA
SPENDS the early AM OF Dec 26 busy busy in the basement

If he was going to remove the body he would have done it before daylight the night of the murder. First of all, obviously he'd have a better chance of not being seen removing the body at night, plus he'd have the time to bury or hide her in a woods or whatever. Secondly, they wouldn't have to stage the scene at the house if there is no body. Any evidence to do with the body would not implicate them either, as long as the body was never found or found much later after decomposition. When the call from the kidnappers didn't come at 10am, it would begin to be assumed by the police that something went wrong and JB had been killed. That is, of course, if the authorities bought the kidnapping scenario at all, but in any case, it looks better for the Ramsey's if JB was not found in the house along with a ransom note that makes no sense because there was no kidnapping.

I see no logical possibility that his plan would have been to try and remove the body AFTER the police were there and it was daylight? He would have to assume that the police would have done their own search and found JB very quickly. The BP's incompetence is not something he could have expected. No, once the phone call was made he had to assume they were going to find the body.
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