GUILTY SC - Nine killed in Emanuel AME Church shooting, Charleston, 2015; Dylann Roof GUILTY #3

I'm anti-death penalty. That said, I look forward to the future, when we don't need to be giving this particular life form any more personal attention, or, spending tax dollars on his appeals. Better that he should rot in a Super Max the rest of his miserable life, rather than become a martyr for his cause. It would be a whole lot cheaper for all of us.
Chad K. Mills ‏@ChadKMills 5m5 minutes ago
Right now, family members begin addressing the media after #DylannRoof was sentenced to death. @wis10 #RoofTrial #sctweets


The Post and Courier Retweeted
Brooks Brunson ‏@readthebrooks 5m5 minutes ago
Join in on @postandcourier Facebook live now for statement from Melvin Graham, brother of Cynthia Hurd #rooftrial #chsnews



Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 4m4 minutes ago
Melvin Graham speaks to media in the garden. He's the brother of Cynthia Graham Hurd. #chsnews #RoofTrial



The Post and Courier Retweeted
Abigail Darlington ‏@A_Big_Gail 5m5 minutes ago
Graham said death penalty is difficult, "but in this case it was just so obvious" #RoofTrial

Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 4m4 minutes ago
"This wasn't just a killing, this was an execution," Graham says about the #MotherEmanuel shooting. #chsnews #RoofTrial

Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 3m3 minutes ago
Graham says Roof is "believing the lie that's been told about African Americans," on Roof's closing argument. #chsnews #RoofTrial

The Post and Courier ‏@postandcourier 5m5 minutes ago
Melvin Graham on Dylann Roof: "He's believing the lie that's been told about African Americans forever." WATCH: .

Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 3m3 minutes ago
Graham believes Roof was radicalized, but not in the way most people think. #chsnews #RoofTrial

The Post and Courier Retweeted
Abigail Darlington ‏@A_Big_Gail 5m5 minutes ago
"He was radicalized... and he felt he had to act on it just like any other terrorist" - Melvin Graham on #DylannRoof #rooftrial

Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 3m3 minutes ago
Graham doesn't feel that Roof suffers from a mental defect. #chsnews #RoofTrial

Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 2m2 minutes ago
Graham says Roof had a "simple opportunity to get up and walk away." #chsnews #RoofTrial

The Post and Courier ‏@postandcourier 4m4 minutes ago
Asked if he's forgiven Dylann Roof for murdering his sister, Melvin Graham says, "I'm a work in progress." #RoofTrial #chsnews

The Post and Courier Retweeted
Abigail Darlington ‏@A_Big_Gail 5m5 minutes ago
Graham wouldn't have supported life in prison. Said #DylannRoof made conscious decision to open fire that night. #rooftrial

The Post and Courier Retweeted
Caitlin Byrd ‏@MaryCaitlinByrd 5m5 minutes ago
Caitlin Byrd Retweeted Abigail Darlington
.@splcenter says that Roof "represents the modern face of domestic terrorism: the extremist who acts alone after being radicalized online."


Karina Bolster ‏@KRBolster 2m2 minutes ago
Court official says Melvin Graham is the only family member of a victim we'll be hearing from today. #chsnews #RoofTrial
he Post and Courier Retweeted
Andrew Knapp ‏@offlede 4m4 minutes ago
Statement from Attorney General @LorettaLynch on Dylann Roof death verdict. #RoofTrial


The Post and Courier Retweeted
Abigail Darlington ‏@A_Big_Gail 3m3 minutes ago
Statement from family of #DylannRoof after he was sentenced to death. #RoofTrial


The Post and Courier Retweeted
Jennifer Berry Hawes ‏@JenBerryHawes 6m6 minutes ago
From #DylannRoof family: "We want to express our sympathy to all of the families who were so grievously hurt by Dylann Roof’s actions."
Jim Krasula ‏@jimkrasulacbs 3m3 minutes ago
Setting sun on church near #DylannRoof federal courthouse trial



See you tomorrow for sentencing. I have to make dinner. :facepalm:

There is nothing surprising to this --except 5.2 million dollar taxpayer bill what a waste

May make many feel better- it is meaningless - we all knew iths was gonna be the sentence

he has already displayed his willingness to play with the system - he will not be put to death he is young
what a farce
I've always found Hitler worship by white supremacists to be not only offensive but ironic as well. Do these dummies not realize how much they and their families would have most likely suffered under a Nazi regime? It wasn't exactly the free, democratic society that I imagine racists prefer to exist in. Hitler and Co. murdered indiscriminately, "ethnic cleansing" (ugh) was a component of a larger plan to create the "perfect society" - if you or a loved one were suspected of being say, intellectually or physically disabled, homosexual, not 100% on board with the regime, or just somehow not the ideal Aryan then extermination took place (no trials or appeals of course).

Anyway, Roof has some nerve with his asinine requests to censor mention of the very belief system that was at the core of this horrific crime.

Clicking the "Thanks" button was not enuff, MsMtOlympus -- very, very fine post. Thanks for your so-true words. Yes, indeed, the very idea of one twisted, dark, evil, hateful mind to make his own "perfect" world.
Not surprised in the least. There was never a question in my mind. Even putting aside the utter heinousness and inhumanity of his crime, never even apologized and said in his closing he still feels he was right and had to do what he did and he is still an unrepentant, evil racist. Why would any jury give him life after that? Now, on to his state trial, where I expect the same outcome.
He has got everything he wanted....he had lawyers and represented himslf, now wants new trial, new lawyers so he can do the same again? No way.

I am surprised i thought there would be a hold out but I approve of the verdict...death.

Now on to the next trial for him. Will he represent himself? Same lawyers?

RIght? I would love to hear his logic here because so far, there isn't any. He got to put on the defense he wanted in his sentencing, which wasn't much of one, and ignored his attorneys' advice. What exactly does he want a do-over for?
Roof has asked court to appoint new lawyers and to ask for a new trial. Judge is disinclined, but will consider the motion. (from CourtChatter )

If I was the judge this is how my careful consideration would go down

1 second to 2 seconds in - Did he really just ask me for a new trial?

3 seconds to 4 seconds in - yes he did just ask me that

5 seconds to 8 seconds in - Pondering if there is any reason why he deserves a new trial

9 seconds in - Give him his answer = NO
SBM for focus...

I think I read the same article you're talking about and it was the most disturbing thing I've ever read in my life!! The article I read described a child so incredibly malevolent and manipulative that using the term "disturbing" is actually a gross understatement.

ETA - this is the article I'm referring to:

"By the time he turned 5, Michael had developed an uncanny ability to switch from full-blown anger to moments of pure rationality or calculated charm — a facility that Anne describes as deeply unsettling. “You never know when you’re going to see a proper emotion,” she said. She recalled one argument, over a homework assignment, when Michael shrieked and wept as she tried to reason with him. “I said: ‘Michael, remember the brainstorming we did yesterday? All you have to do is take your thoughts from that and turn them into sentences, and you’re done!’ He’s still screaming bloody murder, so I say, ‘Michael, I thought we brainstormed so we could avoid all this drama today.’ He stopped dead, in the middle of the screaming, turned to me and said in this flat, adult voice, ‘Well, you didn’t think that through very clearly then, did you?’"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I remember this article! It is chilling.
RIght? I would love to hear his logic here because so far, there isn't any. He got to put on the defense he wanted in his sentencing, which wasn't much of one, and ignored his attorneys' advice. What exactly does he want a do-over for?


Exactly. He got exactly what he wanted for his defense which is one of his rights.

His own original attorneys I am sure tried to talk him out of it and he elected to do it his way. So he got a fair trial exactly what he wanted in his way.

If he does not like the verdict then that is just too bad.
The verdict is just the final result of a trial and should have no bearing on whether he got a fair trial which he did IMO.

Unless there was some grave error somewhere along the way that is identified then I see no reason a second chance should be given to him.

He sure didnt give his victims any second chances so IMO the court should not give him second chances just because he does not like the verdict.
This is interesting in his statements. He is basically telling us that he could kill people again.

I think the jury got it right. Protect society from this evil person.

""You may remember in my confession I said I had to do it. I guess that's not really true. I didn't have to do it, no one made me do it. What I meant when I said that was I felt like I had to do it and I still feel like I had to do it."
I remember this article! It is chilling.

Indeed it is. Very scary.

I pray the families and friends affected by this horrible incident find a measure of healing with the sentencing.

Are they going to release the trial (all the infomration>)now or hold off until the state one- which IMO a further waste of money

Kinda surprised it seems like people are surprised?
RIght? I would love to hear his logic here because so far, there isn't any. He got to put on the defense he wanted in his sentencing, which wasn't much of one, and ignored his attorneys' advice. What exactly does he want a do-over for?

He might have done that to do this?
Not that he deserves a retrial, and I cannot come up with any logical reasoning for that ---- but I would be curious if he would do things any different. If not, what would even be the point? And how would different lawyers be any better if he is not going to let them do their job? Did he not get a,ong with these guys, or would he not get along with ANY attorneys he might be assigned?

Why did none of his family ever come to court (other than one day, when Mom had her heart attach episode)? Even if I believed my child was guilty, I think I would be there every day --- I would want to know exactly what occurred and why.

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