Norway Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018

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I just want to thank everyone here for the translations/updates. (Sort of O/T) I had the great privilege of spending a summer in Denmark as an exchange student when I was in high school, and it still ranks as one of the greatest experiences of my life- so to all you Scandinavians and participants- Tak! (sorry if I misspelled that)!
I'm very curious as to how this will turn out!
Ancilla Twitterfeed

Ancilla‏ @ncilla

#FindArjen update; it’s a month now since he has gone missing. Physical search for him and his belongings has stopped. Police is still investigating the tips that came in and digital traces. Hope that he will be found gets smaller every day


In the news article @ZaZara mention from some one states that she may have seen him the 21. august at Fauske. It was a man with ponytail, remarkable face and outdoor clothing (dark top/jacket) and a bag at a grocery store early daytime. The police have talked with one of the conductors at the train to Rognan they think he took. They have searched the cabin close to where his kayak and other objects where found. The ping is done at the base station in Fauske area about 10.00 the evening of 20. august. The area includes the place where his kayak was found and the cabin is.

The newspaper states that it was a leather bag with his ID and some change who was found ca. 50 meter from land. The police still search the information about the cargo ship, although the ship went straight to Bremen. And because of the strict norwegian laws about filming in shops etc., it is too late see them now ( the films is only accessable for 7 days.). So the last confirmed sight of him is at the hotel reception 20.august.

In the police states that of of the main questions is where the rest of his luggage is? IF he went out in the kayak from Rognan took he with him everything? Or is it stored somewhere else? Police is not sure the kayak was in the two big bags he had with him when he checked out of the hotel. And the cargo ship was too far away from Vikeså that the mobil would ping there if he where on the ship. The Dutch police officers travelled back to Netherlands today, but they will still cooperate and search in both countries.

About that leather bag with the ID that was found. I read some tweets from Tarjei Abelsen who made the picture that goes with the article. Is he a reporter? His twitterbio says researcher well, aren't we all? However, IMHO he may well be a reporter, or connected with the newpaper for research.

This is what he tells on twitter, in reply to questions:

Tarjei Abelsen on Twitter

I have published it(link, but not open): leather case for belt with two pockets, one with Norwegian money and second with ID: name and picture. Not know exactly What document it was.
Tarjei Abelsen on Twitter

Would be interesting to know indeed. They dont even want to confirm officially that they found his ID, but I talked to the fisherman that found it.

Local guy found it because of still ocean. It was floating deep, and he fished it up with a net. Opened it and saw immediatly who it was and called the police. They asked him to jump into land and wait for them. The same night they find the kayak when searching the area.

using boat and he think he saw it only because it came withe the strong current, close to his boat. most likely not visible from land, this was 50-100 meters from land.


This was a lucky find indeed .....

I wonder, if the case came with the strong current, why would LE search the bushes near where the kayak was found? If there is a strong current, the place where the kayak and the paddle where found is per definition not the starting point.

This is one of many brainscratch questions that I have. I have a feeling that the timing does not add up. If a wallet is floating near point X on day Y, it must have come from somewhere. The current has a certain speed.
Assuming that the wallet was still in possession of Arjen Kamphuis on August 20 and knowing that the wallet was found near Kvænflåget on September 12, what distance might it have covered between August 20 en September 12 based on the speed of the current?

I really wonder if it would take over 3 weeks from Rognan to Kvænflåget with a strong current.

Seems like I have a lot of catching up to do here!

I also agree with you Zazara about the many questions that rise with all new founds that there were made
About the water and curent I do not know,that is tricky.A fisherman or locals would know more about how the underwater flows and if there are many whirls/vortex there?
I always grew up with the warning always to be careful when you go swimming in places like that because it can be
treacherous,kayaking too.Better safe then sorry and it is weird (I also agree) that he did not rent one...also safer with gps,idd!

About the phone,I did read that he had 2,one for his work and one dat correct?
Can any one confirm this? Was it mentioned here before?
Seems like I have a lot of catching up to do here!

I also agree with you Zazara about the many questions that rise with all new founds that there were made
About the water and curent I do not know,that is tricky.A fisherman or locals would know more about how the underwater flows and if there are many whirls/vortex there?
I always grew up with the warning always to be careful when you go swimming in places like that because it can be
treacherous,kayaking too.Better safe then sorry and it is weird (I also agree) that he did not rent one...also safer with gps,idd!

About the phone,I did read that he had 2,one for his work and one dat correct?
Can any one confirm this? Was it mentioned here before?
In the media they have spoken about two phones, but I remember reading somewhere (twitter thread of Ancilla?) I don't anymore where I have read it, that it must have been a dual sim phone.

So I think,this is not one of the luggage that was posted by Stizzy on previous post..? Does not look like leather to me...

<a href="Norway - Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018">Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018</a>
I have the very strong impression that the leather case belt with two pockets is the BUM bag, the heuptas in Dutch.

The bum bag contained some money and ID and was scooped up with a net by the fisherman. He showed that on film.
In the media they have spoken about two phones, but I remember reading somewhere (twitter thread of Ancilla?) I don't anymore where I have read it, that it must have been a dual sim phone.

I have the very strong impression that the leather case belt with two pockets is the BUM bag, the heuptas in Dutch.

The bum bag contained some money and ID and was scooped up with a net by the fisherman. He showed that on film.
The luggage that Stizzy made a snapshot and posted,looks more to store his devices as could be seen on the pictures.I wonder if he brought it with him?
Also according to the NY times,A Security Expert Tied to WikiLeaks Vanishes, and the Internet Is Abuzz Quote:"Investigators have ruled out any connection between the military presence and his disappearance."
Also want to add this one: Trump signs order aimed at upgrading government cyber defenses | Reuters
In other words censorship/censuur?
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@Chiatos do you mean dual simcards or 2 phones? I read 2 phones...somewhere
What is a dual phone? Connected with eachother,orso?
A recent tweet by
Novini on Twitter

the tweet refers to:
(the mysterious disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis)

and that refers to an interview done by Novini with Arjen Kamphuis in April 2017:
(every person has something to hide)

Sorry folks, the texts are way too long to translate and to post, even with GT, so you'll have to do it by yourselves .... :)

About Novini (GT):
At Novini we believe in independent thinking. That is why we bring news and backgrounds with the necessary professionalism and distance. This way we can arrive at a well-considered judgment.
Novini is a private initiative and is not tied to any organization. All our editors are volunteers who write for Novini in their free time. The editorial staff is headed by Geert Kraaijeveld and Jonathan van Tongeren (chief editor).
The rights of all articles published on Novini belong to the relevant author as well as to Novini, unless an article states otherwise. No one has the right to republish any Novini article without the express permission of the chief editors.
The luggage that Stizzy made a snapshot and posted,looks more to store his devices as could be seen on the pictures.I wonder if he brought it with him?
Also according to the NY times,A Security Expert Tied to WikiLeaks Vanishes, and the Internet Is Abuzz Quote:"Investigators have ruled out any connection between the military presence and his disappearance."
Also want to add this one: Trump signs order aimed at upgrading government cyber defenses | Reuters
In other words censorship/censuur?

Could that case fit in the net the fisherman showed on film? On what page can I find Stizzi's snapshot?

Why do you think that the "leather case" was meant to store his devices in?
I have the very strong impression that the leather case = the heuptas.
- because that is what the fisherman said on film, he had found money and ID inside
- the tweeter/journalist might have translated a bit in his own way: "case" instead of "bag". He calls it a leather case belt with two pockets. So a leather bag (not a case) on a leather belt, to carry on one's hips..... So kind of a leather money belt..

Or haven't I understood what you mean?

@Chiatos do you mean dual simcards or 2 phones? I read 2 phones...somewhere
What is a dual phone? Connected with eachother,orso?

Both, because both have been mentioned in media.

A dual sim card phone may contain two different sim cards and you can switch from one to the other whenever you like. I don't know how that works, but that's the info that can be found in internet.
On what page can I find Stizzi's snapshot?
I posted the Stizzi's comment in my first post of this day,it works,so if you click on it and scroll a bit,it will lead you to the pictures!

So I think,this is not one of the luggage that was posted by Stizzy on previous post..? Does not look like leather to me...

<a href="Norway - Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018">Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018</a>

I do NOT think the leather bag was for his devices,the suitcase (I think it is,by looking at that picture) is more suitable for his devices.
It seems to me that he never would use or bring a leather bag to store his electronics devices in such a bag.
The airport is known for well..not being careful,with bags etc so he could have taken this as handluggage Norway - Arjen Kamphuis, 47, Dutch citizen, Bodø, 20 Aug 2018 #340
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It is written both SIM cards, one from Holland and one from Germany, is connected to AK. One phone with double sim have 2 IMEI numbers, 1 in each slot. Police can from the numbers find out if its 1 or 2 phones.
Welcome @eeqaz
Sounds like you have a technical knowledge!
Thank you for welcoming :)

Media have written a Dutch SIM card was removed and a German SIM card was placed. The police know this on the basis of the IMEI number. In this link Fant savnede Arjens kajakk - venner stiller spørsmål ved mystisk telefonbruk his friends questions the police-information about the switching of the SIM-cards, as AK had a smart-phone with dual slots. It could mean it was not his phone beeing used (only his SIM cards) or it might be misunderstandings from journalists as some do not know how much the accuracy in such information means.
Good Mid-day everyone.

Today the big news in the Dutch press is that the active search in the area for Arjen Kamphuis has been halted until there are new clues ...

Today is Friday. The news is based on a statement of Bjarte Walla from Wednesday.

Police: 'Continued searching where belongings of Arjen Kamphuis found is now pointless'

The Norwegian police have stopped searching for the missing Arjen Kamphuis in the area where his kayak, paddle and identity papers were found. "Only with new information will we continue our search," assistant police chief Bjarte Walla says.

On Wednesday no more searches were made in the area, because besides the things already found nothing else was found. According to him, searching further in the area in the north of Norway (see map below) equals 'a day of fishing'. "There is a chance that you will come across something somewhere, but a targeted search is no longer possible. We have combed out the area with tracking dogs. There is now no reason to continue searching there.''

The fact that the search has stopped does not mean that the investigation is being scaled down. "We will continue with the same commitment. We will continue to investigate all the tips we have received. There are a few new tips, but they are not of such a nature that we are communicating them in the media.''


Arjen's bum bag with the ID in it WAS found by someone who had gone fishing. Think of that. What are the chances.... you are more likely to catch a fish.

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