GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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Yes, however there are many people with high functioning autism such as Asperger's that have high IQs and a lack of empathy. To get personal, I dated one. He is an engineer and was diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (many serial killers have been diagnosed with it as well) as a child at 8 years old but then that was declared as a misdiagnosis and he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

In fact, my husband is an introvert, lacks empathy, went to an Ivy League college (graduated with a 4.0 in engineering and received a masters in it as well), and he definitely could have Asperger's but has not been diagnosed with it.

However, people on the autism spectrum are not violent people and so it gets dangerous when people arm-chair diagnose and attempt to correlate aspects of autism with murderers. Do you know what I mean?

People diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder usually have a historical pattern of behavioral problems. Additionally, they have a lack of empathy and some are known to also possess a high IQ, which makes it easy to confuse this disorder for Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Asperger Syndrome.

I listened to a criminal defense attorney last week who was discussing this case. He said that some people are just plain EVIL. I believe Chris Watts is one of those...I wonder if he fastened the girls' seatbelts when he put them in the back seat with their feet resting on their Mother's body? I know the carseats were in the Lexus. DISGUSTING human (if he is human).
“Asperger syndrome, or Asperger’s, is a previously used diagnosis on the autism spectrum. In 2013, it became part of one umbrella diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5).“


“Though the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome is no longer used, many previously diagnosed people still identify strongly and positively with being an “Aspie.”“

What Is Asperger Syndrome? | Autism Speaks


Doctor Behind Asperger's Syndrome Subject To Name Change


Asperger's syndrome dropped from American Psychiatric Association manual

“The familiar "Asperger's," along with some similar disorders, will be lumped together under autism spectrum disorder, "to help more accurately and consistently diagnose children with autism," the APA said in a statement.“


Asperger’s links to Nazis causes society to consider name change

“Asperger’s syndrome has long been considered a mild form of autism. In 2013, the name was dropped from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and is now defined as autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.

However, “many in our community have not embraced the change,” the ASO noted in its statement, adding that when the DSM-5 was published, the society made “a strategic decision” not to rebrand, partly because awareness of Asperger’s syndrome had become “much more mainstream” thanks to public education, and also “since it was increasingly becoming part of popular culture.”“

(More discussion here as well from November:

Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #48 )
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It's well known that people with Asperger Syndrome (now classified as an High-Functioning Autism on the Autism Spectrum Disorders) have a lack of empathy.

Read this published medical journal on Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism or symptoms of Autism on Mayo Clinic.
Asperger’s Syndrome in Adulthood

"Difficulties often arise especially in relationships (8). Because of their lack of empathy, persons with Asperger’s syndrome may have difficulties to make contact with potential partners in an appropriate way. In a developing or existing relationship they may appear selfish or cold. The patients often experience the demands that are associated with relationships—a desire for more intense communication or mutual sympathy—as a strain.

The neuroscientific term "theory of mind" presents a model of the capacity for empathy. This is the ability to imagine, on the one hand, that other people have their own ideas, thoughts, and emotions, and on the other hand, the ability to empathize with these. Persons with Asperger’s syndrome have substantial deficits in this respect. Neurophysiologically, the theory of mind apparently correlates with different areas in the brain, such as the medial prefrontal cortex (17). In adult patients with Asperger’s syndrome, functional imaging has shown that the execution of tasks testing theory of mind was accompanied by reduced activity in the left medial prefrontal cortex (18).
Of particular importance for the ability to empathize and thus for the theory of mind is the mirror neuron system. This neural network becomes active during certain activities but is also activated—unconsciously and involuntarily—when this activity is being observed in another person (21). We can assume that the mirror neuron system is impaired in persons with Asperger’s syndrome (22)."

This is interesting and I will take it under advisement. Explanations I have previously read distinguished between theory of mind and empathy rather than defining them as one being a subset of the other.

Ime, high-functioning autism is tricky because it can get interpreted as other things—but I think more information is better than taboos. I don’t think it’s a good idea to think no one is allowed to talk about psychopathy because it might lead to the danger that someone with autism is taken as a psychopath. Rather, let’s understand the differences if we can.
I also agree with something I read either on this thread or I don't know where at this point, but it is a fact, their Affair took place mostly when Shanann was in North Carolina as if he knew he would be alone and free for those 5 weeks and his mistress knew it as well, as I'm sure he told her, and another fact from the evidence that I always questioned was when his mistress texted him " are we bad people?" I never saw a reply to that text but I will answer.. yes you are bad, selfish, opportunistic, Evil people!
I listened to the entire recordings and have so many thoughts on this case, but my mind is overloaded. The biggest disconnect for me is listening to CW so blasé about the whole thing and trying to explain that he just didn't know what he was thinking that day. But then you think about how he was able to interact so normally with coworkers that morning. And those tv porch interviews. And he was clearly anxious and a pathetic liar and smiling inappropriately, but he was just not acting rattled. This does not fit someone who "snapped" and made a terrible mistake and was immediately freaking out over what he had done.

I don't think he had any major plan mapped out on how he was going to cover up these murders. That part I tend to believe. But - he had removed SW's wedding ring that morning and admitted doing so to stage some sort of scenario where maybe she really did want a divorce. So...

Also, his "snapping" explanation makes NO sense. Um - he's the one who told her that he didn't love her anymore. (And what a charming thing to hear right before being killed.) I could probably more believe someone "snapping" if your spouse was the one to say they didn't love you. But huh? What did he have to be "angry" at her about? "You'll never see the kids again" ? Um.... didn't he want a new life without his family? Those just don't seem like fighting words in this context. And he had a mistress. If SW "locked him out" - I mean, so what? Not ideal, but he had a place to sleep. And if he cared so much about seeing his kids, well then isn't killing his wife enough? Why kill them too? Because he was angry at SW? Again, what does he have to be angry about??

I wish our super detectives would have pressed just a little harder on "why" he killed the girls. Was it because Bella had walked into the room and then became a witness? If she hadn't, would he only have killed Shanann?

I think Mama Watts screwed him up way more than even NK did. I cannot believe she wanted his ancient sports team participation trophies back. And not anything related to her grandchildren. Well I can believe it, but oh my.

And what was all that nonsense CW was driveling about, that he didn't want to put anyone through a trial or do anything that would put Shanann in a bad light. What?? Does he have any idea the weeks and months of people actually believing his warped narrative. What his parents said in the media? I actually don't think he expected that to take on a life of its own. It doesn't sound like he stuck with that defense very long. He just said it as a throwaway that night when it was handed to him as an excuse. He also said it before he had been miranda-ized and had counsel. He and his attorneys quietly dropped that very quickly, but unfortunately it stuck. But a bit ironic to hear him claiming he didn't want to taint SW's memory.

A few other random things - they didn't pay taxes on Thrive huh? Hmmm. But, that ship has sailed. He's such an idiot. But even though he said he hated being on facebook videos and making posts, he once again sounded fine with the fact that SW did direct sales - that she was good at it, making good money with it from his perspective. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable may have been a factor, but her line of work or going off to conferences, etc didn't seem to be the the thing that bothered him. JMO from listening to him the night he was interrogated and then in the follow up interviews in Wisconsin.
I don’t think it’s either factually accurate or appropriate in any way to equate introversion with psychopathy. He didn’t murder his wife because he was introverted (not shy: introverted, please). He didn’t cold-heartedly murder his daughter while she begged him not to because he was introverted.
Agreed. And really, a big part of introversion is where you get your energy from - internal sources or being around external things or people. Introverts are usually great at reading other people because they spend a lot of quiet time watching and process. all the dynamics at play. I think some of CW's other personality issues are what made him act somewhat socially awkward and a bit odd, more than factors related to introversion.
I did not like CW dressed up as a doctor, I would prefer he wore his prison garb.

When the detective asked Chris what should happen to someone who committed this crime, I recall CW hedged, stalled, and had to be prodded to answering the question. I wondered if the detectives were using this to determine possible guilt or innocence. On YouTube there is an interview with DR Phil on how to tell if someone is lying and Dr Phil said "If you ask a suspect what should happen to the person who committed this crime and the suspect said, "he should be sentenced to the full extent of the law", that means he is probably innocent". " If he says, well, everybody makes mistakes,", then he is probably guilty."
What's with the story about NK and he being in his house on the 4th of July, and then SW calls 10 times and it turns out that he's in bed with NK at her own house, and he leaves the house because SW doesn't even know where he is (how could she tell), then ends with NK being peeved because she is "second bill".
He never goes back to explain about he being in his house on 4 july, at least so far. Coder says he's confused, but CW doesn't clear it up.
She could tell because they have cameras on the house. At least one that is a Ring camera on the front door. Also they have some sort of monitoring system that tells when the garage door opens and closed. So she could tell he left and didn’t come back.
And he so kindly decided not to end his life in the oil fields because it could have started a fire and hurt other people. Seriously. This guy is a friggin worthless selfish lying .

How very thoughtful of him to think about the welfare of others :mad:. It's truly mind-boggling.

Suicide was never part of his plan, IMO.
I'm listening to Shanann's family on dr. Phil right now and I have to say that this is true love true heartache true loss and there's nothing that can fill their void forever they're not laughing joking making small talk and it just makes me hate and I know that's a strong word but hate the person that caused this pain to them and the one that sits there and talks about what he had for lunch and laughs and jokes I just can't comprehend it and now after seeing her family it makes it even more unsettling and I realize that this is true love his was never true love and probably will never be truth in any way shape or form he doesn't know what love is and never will..imo , Rest in pease and paradise Shanann Bella Celeste and Nico, beautiful beautiful souls forever in our hearts
I did not like CW dressed up as a doctor, I would prefer he wore his prison garb.

When the detective asked Chris what should happen to someone who committed this crime, I recall CW hedged, stalled, and had to be prodded to answering the question. I wondered if the detectives were using this to determine possible guilt or innocence. On YouTube there is an interview with DR Phil on how to tell if someone is lying and Dr Phil said "If you ask a suspect what should happen to the person who committed this crime and the suspect said, "he should be sentenced to the full extent of the law", that means he is probably innocent". " If he says, well, everybody makes mistakes,", then he is probably guilty."

The inmates at Dodge get green prison clothes that look like scrubs.

The inmates where I work get blue, but if they are trustees or hold other jobs, they wear specific colors. The clothing looks like scrubs.
Totally agree if he had remorse he would just want to be dead anf probably would have been able to do it by now and he would just be crying and saying I'm not worth living and I can't even explain what the hell happened.. he also probably wouldn't have been able to make it through 5 hours of interview, this might sound bad but he should have just should've just figured out what I was implying a few comments ago, he could have just taped up the exhaust on his truck and better yet he should just gone out and done it to himself, anf even though he is a narcissist he also has a problem with self-esteem and needs reassurance and that's why he threw his life away for a bipolar which he himself stated she is person that gave him attention and sex and as raunchy as it seems it came down to that and they both need mental help but I don't even care if either one of them gets it because they robbed the world of precious Angels. And by the way he was trying to brag that he had a high IQ if he did he would have realized that he was being played by that booty call sorry no other way to say it not sorry
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