Found Deceased UT-5 -Year-Old Elizabeth Shelley Found Deceased (UNCLE ARRESTED) #3

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Oh, I think much worse:

D. For purposes of this section, “desecration of a human corpse” means any act committed after the death of a human being including, but not limited to, dismemberment, disfigurement, mutilation, burning, or any act committed to cause the dead body to be devoured, scattered or dissipated; except, those procedures ...

Nope, in Utah you can be charged with it just for not reporting a dead body or MOVING a dead body. As shown in what you linked next. I don't believe they have enough to show anything worse, yet.
By the way, ‘abuse of a human body’ doesn’t usually mean what we might think it would mean. It’s a charge used when someone hides a body.
I really think he may have put her body in a garbage can or dumpster, since they haven't found anything yet. It seems like they have looked everywhere, and they have hundreds of people trying to find her. Imo
Maybe faced with the probability that he'll face execution this psycho will spill his guts. My own comment and opinion.

LEO explaining desecration and what it means. Says it's about the 'elements' of the crime. I think he means that they don't believe Lizzy was mutilated in any way but rather that her body was removed and secreted. I'm saying this badly but IMO it's more a legal term than literal.
I wonder if they have allowed his sister, the little girls mom, to speak/plead directly to him? How do you look your sister in the eyes and stonewall her.

Well it's probably easy if you're a spoiled sociopath who thinks she's been given much more than you and doesn't deserve it.

If course I don't know what their relationship is like. The dad seemed to think Alex seemed okay and not the type to harm a child. But I'm not sure he's the best person to judge. In four years it appears he either hasn't bothered to fight to see his child (which would include having to pay support), or he has issues that would prohibit him from seeing his child even if he did fight.

And few thought the killer of beautiful little Alesha Macphail was a monster in the making either.
Utah Code
76-9-704 Abuse or desecration of a dead human body -- Penalties.
(1) For purposes of this section, "dead human body" includes any part of a human body in any stage of decomposition, including ancient human remains as defined in Section 9-8-302.
(2) A person is guilty of abuse or desecration of a dead human body if the person intentionally and unlawfully:
(a) fails to report the finding of a dead human body to a local law enforcement agency;
(b) disturbs, moves, removes, conceals, or destroys a dead human body or any part of it;
(c) disinters a buried or otherwise interred dead human body, without authority of a court order;
(d) dismembers a dead human body to any extent, or damages or detaches any part or portion of
a dead human body; or
(i) commits or attempts to commit upon any dead human body any act of sexual penetration, regardless of the sex of the actor and of the dead human body; and
(ii) as used in Subsection (2)(e)(i), "sexual penetration" means penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening by any object, substance, instrument, or device, including a part of the human body, or penetration involving the genitals of the actor and the mouth of the dead human body.

Similar to what Maleah Davis' monster was charged with.
Some of my fondest memories are spending the night at my brother's house, cuddled up to my 5 year old niece. We'd spread all the blankets and pillows on the floor with cake and candy. She'd proudly display all her My Little Pony dolls to join the party. We'd snuggle and hug, laugh and make funny faces. She'd "boop" me on the nose and I'd tickle her.

This so called uncle is evil. How could he not feel loving and protective of her. Ok, I know how but I can't fathom it in my brain or heart. I came out if years of lurking to add my hopeful energy. I love my niece so much. This really got to me.

Hugs to you. Most people are good. Like you are.

Thank you for that energy.
-Hundreds and thousands of tips have come in. They are trying to sort through them.

-Dive teams have been out, waters are high.

-No stone left unturned, no tip about Lizzy in the landfill.

- They don't understand where the motive might be at this time.

-Line 26 probable cause - knife, brand consistent with the knives in Lizzy's home, knife is broken,PCP pipe had red substance with palm print, skirt buried under dirt and bark matching Lizzy's clothes and the skirt had blood. Beer can found that had touch DNA consistent with the case. Rapid DNA , DNA profile built for Lizzy and the knife and Alex's knife and sweatshirt and they are positive DNA of Lizzy's .
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