Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #14 *ARRESTS*

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Excellent points! The greek connections seem to just keep popping up on this case over and over and I wonder why that is. As you point out the website creator was from Athens (good catch BTW!). Were these people involved with helping FD remove cash from FORE Group and move it outside the US and beyond the reach of JD and the 5 children? Sadly I suspect this is the case but we will have to wait for the forensic work of the State Police and FBI to bear this information out in court.

We've asked the question over and over about possible financial games going on with FORE Group as we have seen court motions in the divorce case where FD was pleading poverty and requesting JD to pay his atty fees etc. We have also seen a good amount of cash floating around with FORE Group in sufficient amount from house sales to have paid atty's fees, child support, health insurance for children etc.

We also saw FD on the road 10 days out of the month on non business travel, expensive training trips to FL, CA and Greece and other far away places and many many pictures on social media of these trips with friends. How were these trips paid for/FORE? Why was there zero contribution made to support his family?

We know JD was being pushed financially as she almost singlehandedly supported the financial burden of the divorce with zero contribution from FD. We saw 2 years of delay and stall tactics from FD on virtually every motion filed by JD and we also saw FD successfully evade providing financial disclosure to the Family Court. Has FD and FORE even prepared US tax returns for the past 2 years and were these provided to the Family Court? There are various sealed documents which make it not possible to answer this question based on the list of documents filed with the court. But, I think its a fair question to ask. Did FD have any intention of ever being a financially responsible parent to his 5 children? Or was his primary goal over the past 2 years to remove any/all cash from FORE to place it beyond the reach of JD and his 5 children? We will have to wait for court to find the answers to these questions.

Were FORE Group funds diverted to companies in Greece possibly and then used to pay for expensive training 'trips' rather than paying for health insurance or school fees for his children. Why was cash used for these purposes and not for child support, childrens health insurance or childrens schooling? Where is the cash from FORE Group to SUPPORT FD's FAMILY? From the divorce court documents it appears from the limited information available that FORE Group had as its SOLE objective the support of FD and his lavish lifestyle and his extended Greek birth family as opposed to JD and his 5 children.

Love this!
From the Hartford Currant article I linked earlier. My thoughts in bold.

“When he introduced himself, that name just flew through my head. I didn’t — I — I didn’t make anything of it,” Dulos said, according to court transcripts.
Yes, I picked up the phone and called the number associated with Blank Rome law firm. I asked to be connected with Norman Heller. I left a message with Norman Heller. When Norman Heller returned my call he introduced himself and I must not have heard the name. ...right.:rolleyes:

Dulos said he told Norman Heller about his frustrations with his divorce case.

“That we’re just starting the discovery. That the case has gone backwards. That I was very disappointed with the pace of the case. I was disappointed by the — the — the behavior of Attorney Midler and his firm,” Dulos said. “That I thought they were basically taking advantage of my soon-to-be ex-wife and charging, charging, charging, and causing a lot of trouble for — for us as a family.”
Why do we keep stalling at the discovery phase. I have evaded turning over my financials over and over and now they are being requested again. I'm disappointed that Midler and his firm are bullying me this way, wanting me to provide records of my business and money matters. Furthermore, with all of these motions they are depriving my soon to be ex of so much money. Money that could be mine if you grant me spousal support. It's not fair.
Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing New Canaan mother Jennifer Farber Dulos, attempted to get judge removed from his contentious divorce case
Interesting how he changes his tune and tries to sound so charming and concerned about money and his family...what a liar.
100% agree with you. And some are more easily treated than others. I just didn't want people left with the impression that a p.d. is a "flaw" in character because it's not. Character & personality are related but not the same. Hope this makes sense.
I guess it depends on education and experience. That is the way it has been explained to me. In this particular case it appears to me quite apparent that at least one of not two personality disorders are at work here. Pd’s are quite difficult to work with and change.
None of us know what his mental health issues are or aren't because we haven't sat down with him & done a psych workup (which includes a physical exam as well as a psych evaluation). We can guess based on what we've read/seen but at the end of the day, we don't really know. He could have legit psych issues or he could just be a rotten human being. That being said, if he does have mental health issues and specifically a p.d., I'm saying that it's not something that he conciously chose (meaning had control over) --- it's something which stemmed from his developmental experiences, genetics etc. (and this is different than having a character flaw). And there's definitely treatment available for personality disorders but some are more successfully managed than others.
I have said before that I have not evaluated him and that based on what we know and mostly what I saw in his interviews, these are my opinions. MOO even if he didn’t choose his personality, he is an adult and needs to be responsible as such and that includes not abusing his wife and children and getting help if he has a problem...and all that I e thread and seen IMO points to he has a big problem.
Can I play devil's advocate here for a minute? I'm not a licensed
anything who has a legit reason to give this opinion, but I have been a wife and mother and daughter and worker bee in many
Let's for a minute take all the 'labels' out of the discussions.
Let's just say I am judging you on simply 'your behavior'
towards me or towards others.
If you act disrespectfully or bullyish or mean, or rotten or impolitely or arrogant or elitist or entitled or whatever towards me or others, I'm gonna hold YOU responsible for your behavior,
not your labels or diagnoses or possible mental health issue.
I'm gonna call you out on your behaviors towards me or others
because I believe YOU do have control over how you act and
treat others. If you need anger management classes so be it,
if you need to be more considerate of others I'm gonna tell you
You do not get a pass for YOUR behavior and how YOU treat others. That is totally in your control. It's called Self-Control.
Your attitude in how you treat others is also your responsibility.
It's a cop out, IMO, to give someone a pass if they act like a
rotten arsehole towards others. Call the spade what it is.
I can't get past this mollycoddling rotten, spoiled, entitled,
bullying, mean, abusive people because of labels.
People like FD should have been knocked upside his head a few
times while growing up as a spoiled rotten kid. Then maybe he'd
stop and think before treating others the way he's gotten away
with for so long. Nobody stepped up and put him in his place.
This Man/Child had been wild and ill-mannered his whole life.
I believe the nanny was brought over from the Farmington house. It’s been disclosed in the divorce filings. She been with them over 6 years something along those lines. She’s not the one who ran over the mom.

Yes, I should have specified which Nanny from before. JD definitely would not be using the Greek nanny that accidentally ran over the grandmother.
Just jumping off your post - every time I see a picture of his kitchen cupboards, I can't help but notice the type of locks he has on his cupboards. We live on a farm and those are the exact same locks that we have on a couple of our small outdoor lawn/utility sheds! The only reasoning I can come up with for him using those is possibly to make the cupboards child proof? But then again, I'm not sure how old the kids would've been when they started living there either?
Responding to my own post because I think I caused some confusion by saying "locks" on the cupboards. I shouldn't have called them "locks" but rather the hardware that he has chosen to put on to keep the cupboard doors closed. It just seems (IMO) an odd type of hardware to use on cupboard doors especially in a multi-million dollar home. Again, JMO. And again, sorry if I caused any confusion by calling them "locks."
Can you put a picture of this on please?
You can see the cupboard closure clasps/“locks” in upper photo. They look like or similar to the sliding bolt lock in bottom photo.


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I’ve seen the footage of Albany Ave in TV ...,it really doesn’t look at all that bad . I guess seeing it compared to skid row in LA and in my town 9th st.. it looks like the promenade in Caans .... not discounting the actuality of it ... but it’s way more appealing looking than this

That area of Hartford is more about the gangs, drugs, and violence than it is about the homeless.

Skid row is definitely about the homeless.
None of us know what his mental health issues are or aren't because we haven't sat down with him & done a psych workup (which includes a physical exam as well as a psych evaluation). We can guess based on what we've read/seen but at the end of the day, we don't really know. He could have legit psych issues or he could just be a rotten human being. That being said, if he does have mental health issues and specifically a p.d., I'm saying that it's not something that he conciously chose (meaning had control over) --- it's something which stemmed from his developmental experiences, genetics etc. (and this is different than having a character flaw). And there's definitely treatment available for personality disorders but some are more successfully managed than others.
Remember there are different personality theories. You’re just speaking about one school of thought. There’s always the nature vs. nurture debate. Psychoanalytic theorists would say that personality is formed by age 5.
Bless Reuben Miller's little cotton socks; an observation of Fotis Dulos behaviour...

"manipulative, coercive and scheming behaviors displayed throughout this case and which is indicative of an underlying and potentially untreatable mental condition or psychopathology that should be thoroughly investigated.”

Fotis Dulos, estranged husband of missing New Canaan mother Jennifer Farber Dulos, attempted to get judge removed from his contentious divorce case
He is so on target
The HC article from the OP is simply a gift that keeps on giving in terms of info about FD IMO. The following quote from the article hit me as another example of 'victim thinking' by FD:

From HC:
“They stopped having contact with me for a — for over a year, Your Honor. Five kids. Who is going to give me that back?” Dulos said. “I feel you’ve been — you haven’t been very good to me, to my children, and to the case [BBM]. And I have lost faith in your judgment. I’m sorry I’m going to say that, but that’s the truth. I’m — I’m speaking the truth," transcripts said.

If this statement weren't tragic enough you then start to think about what FD is actually saying. The JUDGE hasn't been GOOD to HIM! Really FD? Things aren't going his way and BOOM the Judge isn't being GOOD TO HIM!?!

Zero connection to the fact that the Judge is supposed to simply call the motions as she sees them based on the evidence presented and the laws of the State of CT.

Seems like just another example of FD taking ZERO RESPONSIBILITY for much of anything is his life.
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and I.
I’ve seen the footage of Albany Ave in TV ...,it really doesn’t look at all that bad . I guess seeing it compared to skid row in LA and in my town 9th st.. it looks like the promenade in Caans .... not discounting the actuality of it ... but it’s way more appealing looking than this
I am a native Californian stuck in Connecticut (as it says under my name) and I work for GrubHub Delivery driving all over the Central Connecticut area. I am in a bad marriage to someone who has destroyed my life and until recently, wasn't even able to think about leaving with my 4 kids (hence, I am paying close attention to this case). Albany Avenue is horrible! I absolutely hate having to go there and fear for my life when I am forced to. Murders, shootings (many times daily), gangs, name it. On Garden Street (where he hid the license plates as it intersects with Albany Ave) more murders happen than on any other street in the state. I once had someone open a door to get their food with a gun in their hand and I was offered an infinite supply of meth by a dealer if I would turn tricks for him. There is no reason people like FD and MT would be somewhere like Albany Ave for any other reason than being up to no good, it makes me laugh out loud when NP says they have a good explanation for the dumping of the bags. I also am very familiar with where the Renbrook School is, the reservoirs, the water-skiing pond, the Jefferson Crossing address, the MIRA Plant, the towns of Farmington and Avon (very wealthy and exclusive communities) etc., etc. because I make deliveries to these areas many times daily. I live in West Hartford and my drinking water comes from the reservoir directly behind FD's house, which makes me sick to think about. If anyone has questions about these locations, please ask...I will do my best to answer them. I've also thought of taking pictures and posting them for others to see. I am the type of person who needs to see things visually to understand and make sense of them.

On a separate note...NP has a blog and boy, some of the entries are real doozies. He and FD really do deserve each other and belong together.
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Below is the full video of FDs interview. I searched for the video URL on this thread and it came up not found, so I'm assuming it hasn't been posted. However, sometimes the search function can be glitchy, so I apologize in advance if it is a duplicate :)

First time I have seen this. He is very impressive. I don't believe him for a minute. He and the one he was shacking up with driving in the worst part of town, on the very evening JD was murdered, disposing of bags with JD's blood on some items. FD, you are toast.
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