Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #19

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I’m older and have high blood pressure and asthma. I will jump at the chance to work from home instead of my office building where people are coughing and sneezing and touching everything.

I hope you are able to work from home. I just got the green light to work from home yesterday from HR. I have a comprised immune system.

Lots of hand washing for sure.
Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been testifying to the House oversight committee, about the expected timeline on the development of a vaccine:

“In the next four weeks or so, we will go into a phase one clinical trial to determine if one of the candidates - and there are more than one candidate, there are probably at least 10 or so that our various stages of development. The one that we’ve been talking about is one that involves a platform called Messenger RNA, but it really serves as a prototype for other types of vaccines that are simultaneously being developed, getting it into phase one in a matter of months is the quickest that anyone has ever done literally in the history of vaccinology.”

“ However, the process of developing a vaccine is one that is not that quick. So we go into phase one. It will take about three months to determine if it’s safe. That’ll bring us three or four months down the pike and then you go into an important phase, called phase two, to determine if it works. Since this is a vaccine. You don’t want to give it to normal healthy people with the possibility that it will hurt them...So the phase of determining if it works is critical. That will take at least another eight months or so. So when you’ve heard me say, we would not have a vaccine that would even be ready to start to deploy for a year to a year and a half. That is the timeframe. Now, anyone who thinks they’re going to go more quickly than that, I believe, we’ll be cutting corners, that would be detrimental.”

Fauci said therapeutic drugs could become available significantly faster, because the risk calculation is different - they will be tested and eventually used on people who are already ill.

“There are a couple of candidates that are now already in clinical trial. Some of them in China, and some of them right here in the United States, particularly in some of the trials that we’ve done in some of our clinical centers, including the University of Nebraska. It is likely that we will know if they work in the next several months. I’m hoping that we do get a positive signal. If we do that, we may - and I underline may so that it doesn’t get misinterpreted - have therapy that we could use, but that needs to be proven first.”

Coronavirus live updates: Merkel warns 70% of Germans at risk if infection not slowed, as cases rise in UK, US and Iran

Great information and hopeful too.

They are aggressively working on two fronts. The development of a working Vaccine that can prevent the virus altogether, and also a Therapy medicine that can treat those that catch it.

IMO, I suspect the type of therapy medicine they are talking about is something like we already have for the flu, but will be unique to help the symptoms of Coronavirus specifically. For the flu, we have "Tamiflu" and from what I have read about it, it really does work to help flu patients not feel so bad. So I suspect they are talking about developing a similar drug to treat Coronavirus symptoms and that alone should help reduce the suffering and maybe even reduce deaths because it allows one to feel better even though they cought the virus.

The good news they said is the new therapy drugs should be available quicker than the Vaccine, so hopefully we will see a new therapy drug released soon.
I had my husband pick up a couple of pounds of garlic over a week ago. I had a cold and eat masses of garlic then. lol I started with a list of basics too but then moved to bulk spices and things like lots of salsa etc. Yesterday at the store I was picking up extra chips, pretzels and then pudding and jello packets for my kids. I think our next shopping trip is going to be figuring out online shopping more. I might be in my early 40's but I seriously haven't figured out getting groceries delivered yet.

Beatrix, I highly recommend instacart if you have it in your area. It is really awesome in many ways. If you need any help or have any questions, send me a message. Download the app on your phone.
Supermarkets Ration Supplies as Coronavirus Fear Empties Shelves
Supermarkets Ration Supplies as Coronavirus Fear Empties Shelves

As the coronavirus outbreak evolves, we answer some key questions
In this rapidly changing public health emergency, many unknowns remain


"There are many things that are out of our control but there are things that are within our control and if we are fearful it is because we are dwelling on that which we cannot change and ignoring the solutions that are right under our nose.

If you are part of community organizations and freedom cells, you are aware you can do Guerilla gardening and support farmers markets in community markets and Community exchanges use alternative and complementary and decentralized currencies and have part of your savings in the long-term stores of value stock up on supplies and take steps to boost your immune system in natural ways, in short, if you have taken steps to ensure the defense of yourself and your family you will be significantly less vulnerable and less prone to panicking and for those who are fearful

I can only ask what else has to happen before you convert that fear into energy and take the steps that are necessary to move toward self-sufficiency and let me just highlight here that the move toward self-sufficiency is an important way of putting this because of course no one is going to completely unplug themselves and be 100% off the grid overnight that is not how this works and if that is your goal then you were going to fail."
Exactly, because there’s no reason to be there unless sick.
Anyone ever see the waiting room being cleaned, lol. The magazines alone disgust me. I can’t pick up a publication that has been touched by so many germ filled hands.

Hopefully health officials can further explain to people that the US at large will not be tested & that would be useless. Unless someone has the symptoms to the nth degree or proof they traveled or spent time around a person that traveled, my understanding is there is NO reason to be tested, even if one has symptoms. Because the symptoms mimic other illnesses, I think people are more paranoid & flocking to clinics. Also, my understanding, even if positive, unless near death you will be sent home with instructions to rest, drink fluids, take Tylenol/aspirin & isolate. We can all do so without a doctor telling us we need to, imo. If someone is compromised health wise, that is a different story & they should be tested. Moo

I cant afford to go to the Doctor's office- so not going to get anything from a place I won't go to. I do agree that most Doctor's offices are bacteria havens.
I cant afford to go to the Doctor's office- so not going to get anything from a place I won't go to. I do agree that most Doctor's offices are bacteria havens.
Here in Vancouver they have a 811 number to call if you think your showing symptoms to call they will set up a appointment to get swabbed at a place dedicated to just that. Heck I’d just stay home not worth the risk. Apparently as of today if you need to self quarantine and miss work they waived the wait time for unemployment insurance
Experts unsure if 'cured' COVID-19 patients are reinfected or relapsed
Experts unsure if 'cured' COVID-19 patients are reinfected or relapsed

Hopefully some more scientific studies on relapse concerning virus will come forward in future. Still way too early for anyone to confirm

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Sneezing isn't a symptom of corona, so I wouldn't worry about that.
The new coronavirus spreads mostly through person-to-person contact within about a 6-foot (1.8 meters) radius, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). People with COVID-19, which is the disease caused by the coronavirus, spread viral particles through coughing and sneezing. The particles can land in the mouths or noses of those nearby.
I live in a rural county in the boonies. 2 cases last night in our tiny ER; 1 basically confirmed, 1 other waiting on? Glad I just bought TP. This town sells out of essentials every time we have a hurricane watch 1000 miles away.
How did it come to your town ? Did they come back from a cruise . Just curious.
I’m about to make one last run to get more stuff.
Great information and hopeful too.

They are aggressively working on two fronts. The development of a working Vaccine that can prevent the virus altogether, and also a Therapy medicine that can treat those that catch it.

IMO, I suspect the type of therapy medicine they are talking about is something like we already have for the flu, but will be unique to help the symptoms of Coronavirus specifically. For the flu, we have "Tamiflu" and from what I have read about it, it really does work to help flu patients not feel so bad. So I suspect they are talking about developing a similar drug to treat Coronavirus symptoms and that alone should help reduce the suffering and maybe even reduce deaths because it allows one to feel better even though they cought the virus.

The good news they said is the new therapy drugs should be available quicker than the Vaccine, so hopefully we will see a new therapy drug released soon.

I sure hope its more improved than Tamiflu, that did nothing for my friend when he had the flu except add nausea on top of the flu...tho it might have kept him from getting pneumonia it did not make him 'feel better'
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