Grocery shopping tips during Coronavirus quarantine #2

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1) Did you stock up early before the shut down? Yes. So much stuff is still in this house.

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall? Maybe. Will assess at that time

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again? Nothing, really.

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again? I believe that they will be available. But not every thing.

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall? Not sure. I hope that doesn't happen.
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?

1. No
2. No
3. N/A
4. I don't know but I think it will all work out.
5. I need to be a lot more careful regarding my mental health. At least I'm not laughing hysterically nonstop now. :)
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?

1. No.
2. Yes, a little.
3. Have plenty of what we regularly eat and use rather than just buying groceries. So focus on what we need and not on Pop Tarts and different kinds of cheese, etc. Buy those too, but not as part of "stocking up."
4. I think so.
5. Stick to a routine and get some exercise.
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down? Yes (thanks in large part to WS discussions!). I stocked up over a few weeks, not in huge amounts, but enough to see us through should we get too sick to get groceries. I didn't consider purchasing things would be in shortage, but thought about having enough so we could stay home.

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall? Yes, with the same plan, for the most part.

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?
I still have yeast but am on the lookout to stock up on that in particular - haven't seen it re-stocked yet. :( (I know I could do a starter but prefer packaged yeast for convenience.) I bake a lot.

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?
I expect to have enough of what I want, but if not, I'll make substitutions or do without. I'm not particularly worried about supply as I expect any shortages to be short term.

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?
I am angry at hoarders and people who grab more than what they need for a personal pantry. I'm working on not being angry as I hate how that feels (and doesn't do any good anyway....the hoarders don't care they make people angry, I suspect).

I always shop at local farmers' markets and this summer I will do so with an even great amount of gratitude and loyalty.

Not supply related, but I found out through this lockdown what things motivate me personally - especially when it comes to keeping up with exercise. I know better what it takes to get me up off the couch, now that I don't have social activities to spur me on - I know better how to spur myself on. Happy about that personal development. :)

I also will keep up the at-home projects and past times that have served us well - games, crafts, artwork, reading, etc. Absolutely essential for mental health and quality of life!!!

Very much looking forward to reading what others replied. Good idea, @Tillicum.

Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Make sure we have the following necessities
•Tylenol (this is needed daily for my mom and she can only take regular strength)
•Adult urinary items
•rubbing alcohol (clean injection sites)
•Lysol spray

4) I don’t know

5) Several things I’ve encountered:

•Get a new cell phone and have it in good working condition. Having an outdated phone is difficult with some telemedicine calls. Update all apps or programs needed.
Make sure you have a phone charger that the dog has not chewed up. Put it in your home lock box!
(Trying to troubleshoot from miles away is difficult and not always successfull. And the support store up the street from your parents is closed and might not reopen. )

•Go to the bank and make copies of whatever is in there. Get titles of vehicles, anything that might need. Put in home lock box.
(Some branches are closed, some are appointment only,etc)

•Update will or make new one.

•Buy an extra garage door opener and give it to a neighbor or friend that lives nearby.

•Buy blank envelopes and a book of stamps to send to our parents so they can send letters and not go to the post office and stand in line.
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1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Make sure we have the following necessities
•Tylenol (this is needed daily for my mom and she can only take regular strength)
•Adult urinary items
•rubbing alcohol (clean injection sites)
•Lysol spray

4) I don’t know

5) Several things I’ve encountered:

•Get a new cell phone and have it in good working condition. Having an outdated phone is difficult with some telemedicine calls. Update all apps or programs needed.
Make sure you have a phone charger that the dog has not chewed up. Put it in your home lock box!
(Trying to troubleshoot from miles away is difficult and not always successfull. And the support store up the street from your parents is closed and might not reopen. )

•Go to the bank and make copies of whatever is in there. Get titles of vehicles, anything that might need. Put in home lock box.
(Some branches are closed, some are appointment only,etc)

•Update will or make new one.

•Buy an extra garage door opener and give it to a neighbor or friend that lives nearby.

•Buy blank envelopes and a book of stamps to send to our parents so they can send letters and not go to the post office and stand in line.

Lots of helpful information in your reply. Thanks!
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?

1. Yes. Only thing I missed was rearranging 401K. Told my husband next time I’ll take care of supplies but he has to save the money.

2. Most likely. We are using some of the reserves to stretch between grocery trips. I’m restocking what we use.

3. More UHT almond milk and pudding. Honestly not much, I was pretty thorough. Probably more thread and bias tape as well to make masks. My fabric stash is still quite abundant.

4. I make most things from scratch so I haven’t had much for issues. Some inconveniences like no feta or bay leaves or limes. Nothing that’s life and death, I can make other things.

5. I’m continuing to work in the lab so I haven’t really been shut down. We support infrastructure projects. When I’m not at work I walk the dogs 2-3 miles every night and started quilting again because of all the masks I made.
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down? yes

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall? yes

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again? buy more

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again? probably not

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall? to be more cautious when out and order more online
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?
Quoting myself because it's too late to edit. The biggest mistake I made in preparing for the shutdown - I didn't have a plan for if Hubby or I got sick. I stocked up on necessities to last at least 4 weeks with the intention of buying our weekly needs until the shut down so we wouldn't need to dip into our supply. Then I got sick before the shut down. Lasted for 18 days and the shut down began before I recovered. I may never know if it was COVID-19 but I had 99% of the symptoms. I wish I had stocked up on OTC meds, enough for an 18 day illness for each of us.
DH went to the store 05/05. He indicated the meat section looked "pretty good", but didn't stop to check prices. Everything we needed was in stock, except for 1/3 fat cream cheese (which we certainly can live without).

He brought home a 12-pack of Cottonelle; it felt like winning the lotto!

Quoting myself because it's too late to edit. The biggest mistake I made in preparing for the shutdown - I didn't have a plan for if Hubby or I got sick. I stocked up on necessities to last at least 4 weeks with the intention of buying our weekly needs until the shut down so we wouldn't need to dip into our supply. Then I got sick before the shut down. Lasted for 18 days and the shut down began before I recovered. I may never know if it was COVID-19 but I had 99% of the symptoms. I wish I had stocked up on OTC meds, enough for an 18 day illness for each of us.

who knew i wouldnt be able to find a freaking thermometer
in the entire city of Fort Myers-- i had a thermometer but it conked out so i thought ok-- i will go to CVS or Walgreen- or Walmart- none of these stores nor Target, nor any medical supply stores have thermometers--- I ordered one online two weeks ago- still waiting. I just don't understand not having them in stock: I can understand being sold out, but don't them re-order?
who knew i wouldnt be able to find a freaking thermometer
in the entire city of Fort Myers-- i had a thermometer but it conked out so i thought ok-- i will go to CVS or Walgreen- or Walmart- none of these stores nor Target, nor any medical supply stores have thermometers--- I ordered one online two weeks ago- still waiting. I just don't understand not having them in stock: I can understand being sold out, but don't them re-order?

apparently some items like lysol wipes, hand sanitizers, and masks are prioritized for health care workers so maybe thermometers are too? I mean at the base - the supply factory may be keeping them available for hospitals/care homes and retail stores possibly come last so they may be ordering but not receiving
Great questions, @Tillicum

Questions for everyone.
1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?
I was reading regularly on Websleuths, and kept trying to find time to stock up, made lists, etc. but kept putting it off due to work schedule as I was working lots of overtime as I planned to work remotely and was trying to get everything done that I could, if it needed to be done at the office. As soon as the President announced the national emergency on Friday, March 19th, I rushed to the grocery store and have stayed in lockdown mode since. I bought as much as I could that one trip - hoped it would last two weeks, which it did. But not more. I only had enough cat food, litter, and people food for two weeks. But did make sure we had a thermometer, prescription medications, oximeter, gloves, some masks, bleach, lysol wipes and spray. It was too late to get rice and I didn't buy enough paper towels to use for all the disinfecting. Didn't take the toilet paper scare seriously enough, and wish I had.
2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?
Yes, am already stocking up slowly, each time I make an online grocery store order for pickup, or order from other sources. We are trying to buy a 7.0 (or about that size) chest freezer, but so far no luck in the price range of chest freezers we are interested in. We plan to keep stocked up for the fall, and for beyond this pandemic. Don't want to be in this situation again, and in future will be able to stock up when items we want are on sale. This has been a costly time, shopping online and at grocery store that has pick up but is more expensive than other in-person options.

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?
We won't do everything at the last minute, and we hopefully will have a chest freezer by then. Also we will buy rice if it is available, and other staples that we normally keep on hand. Also a better thermometer. And cat food and litter. We weren't able to get three month prescription refills, but we are still working on that. Also will get extra toilet paper for next time, and more paper towels, probably some cloth rags to use for the extraordinary amount of cleaning/disinfecting that is involved. I also would buy more soft soap/pump dispensers for all the hand washing, and more hand sanitizer for the car. And maybe some napkins to keep in the car for using to open the car door, and to keep handy in the house to open the mailbox every two days. Also bring more office supplies home if working remotely, as I have run out of work-related printer paper, toner, and other office supplies. I also would have brought my office plants home, I gave them a good watering, and they could have lasted for 2 weeks. But not this long.
4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?
I think there will be a shortage of lysol products, hand sanitizers, soft soap/pump dispensers, and some other supplies. And depending on how things go with items manufactured in China, some medicines won't be available immediately, as well as masks, and some other items.

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?
Most important lesson is to stay stocked up on food and medicine and good working thermometer, and cat food and litter. Also batteries for smoke alarms. And other staples for home, like toilet paper, paper towels, lysol, bleach, etc. Learned that you can learn to giver your husband a haircut, learned I can color my own hair (with ESalon). Learned how to get cat food and even litter from which I had never heard of. Also learned how to order groceries online and use pick up or delivery.
And more important than all of this, on the first day of lockdown I vowed to get my weight under control so that if I do get this virus, I will have a better chance of beating it. So far have lost 22 pounds, and am working on 2.5 lb weight loss per week. On a keto diet, so need protein.
Plan to keep going. Would like to get off blood pressure medication if possible, those are the goals.
Also learned that working at home has a lot of distractions, and everything takes a little longer.
Learned that routines make a big difference, now they are established, and will make another lockdown easier to cope with (bringing in groceries, wearing masks, getting mail, disinfecting goods, ordering online, etc.).
who knew i wouldnt be able to find a freaking thermometer
in the entire city of Fort Myers-- i had a thermometer but it conked out so i thought ok-- i will go to CVS or Walgreen- or Walmart- none of these stores nor Target, nor any medical supply stores have thermometers--- I ordered one online two weeks ago- still waiting. I just don't understand not having them in stock: I can understand being sold out, but don't them re-order?

I have had bad luck with thermometers. The ones I have at home aren’t too accurate, and a forehead thermometer I ordered from Amazon was not only late but useless... It reads 97.3 F no matter who uses it and at varied times during the day. I am attempting to return it or get credit.

Even before the pandemic, a lot of thermometers out there weren’t too good. I’m fortunate to have an old but intact mercury thermometer. It is very accurate. Mercury is dangerous, but with careful handling a mercury thermometer can last indefinitely.
who knew i wouldnt be able to find a freaking thermometer
in the entire city of Fort Myers-- i had a thermometer but it conked out so i thought ok-- i will go to CVS or Walgreen- or Walmart- none of these stores nor Target, nor any medical supply stores have thermometers--- I ordered one online two weeks ago- still waiting. I just don't understand not having them in stock: I can understand being sold out, but don't them re-order?

Thermometers, toilet paper, and many things that cleaned out quickly do not have a stocked supply chain since demand usually doesn't vary much. So when something gets ordered and the pipeline is empty, the shelves remain bare for a while.
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?
1. No
2. No
3. Nothing much different
4. Have found most things or used alternatives.
5. Not to panic or panic buy and read a lot of different sources and reports as media is often biased.

Region, Wales , UK.
Questions for everyone.

1) Did you stock up early before the shut down?
My parents went thru the war in the Netherlands. No special action was needed on my part when CoV hit, ;) but I did buy some extra flour and lentils.

2) Do you plan to stock up again before fall?
I'll be aware of some availabilities throughout the coming months, and harvest and preserve my garden.

3) What will you do differently if you stock up again?
Tell my children to buy asap things that their children may need this fall and winter, snow suits, footwear, winter clothes, baby food, baby care products. (I had a new grandbaby born today! A safe and happy arrival). Also stock up on business supplies that are imported. Lock down requires technical equipmemt that is newer than an ipad 2. :/ It's not only food that may have distribution problems.

4) Will necessities even be available to stock up again?
Yes, but supplies throughout the coming year may be a bit rocky.

5) What have you learned from this shut down that will help you to navigate another possible shut down in the fall?
It's a good idea to buy directly from the farmer if you can. There is such a thing as a freezer that is too small. I'm in a good situation. My children are less prepared. Can I take in a vulnerable senior?
I believe this to be true about so many products we need right now. I hope when this is over and they look back on what worked and what didn't, that having a Plan B and Plan C for production of necessary items is added. They need equipment that can make mask quickly, more than one supplier of specific cleaning supplies, etc. More than a few makers of ventilators, etc. It just seems like we're so behind with critical shortages and I don't see it getting any better any time soon. One company wants a monopoly on making their product when we should always have an alternate.
Agreed. I want to know how all these businesses that are opening and set to open are going to be able to sanitize without cleaning supplies. Yes I know that there is soap and water which I use at home but who is going to lug around buckets of hot water and soap in stores, offices, etc? Hmmm, I see another industry that may have a boom. Cleaning services! Instead of cleaning places once per week or whatever schedule businesses had they will have to hire cleaners that are there permanently like they are in supermarkets here in NorCal. They clean each and every cart and basket people handle plus the conveyer belts and registers with each customer. I’ve seen a lot of new employee faces at the two supermarkets I frequent locally.
I have had bad luck with thermometers. The ones I have at home aren’t too accurate, and a forehead thermometer I ordered from Amazon was not only late but useless... It reads 97.3 F no matter who uses it and at varied times during the day. I am attempting to return it or get credit.

Even before the pandemic, a lot of thermometers out there weren’t too good. I’m fortunate to have an old but intact mercury thermometer. It is very accurate. Mercury is dangerous, but with careful handling a mercury thermometer can last indefinitely.
DH managed to find one during the lockdown, but agree with you - I don't think it's accurate. Or, maybe it's true that my DH has a consistently LOW temperature - it never registers a temp in the normal range for him....but I can vouch that he is alive and warm, lol.

I would like a better thermometer, but I also know what I personally feel like with a fever so not sure it would do me much good?

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