Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #43

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Not sure why but that term, "Incapacitated" bothers me so much ! :(

Graphic comment follows :

It sounds like someone who has been struck in the head, strangled, or otherwise immobilized.
Made to be helpless, and unable to respond to anyone.
As in a semi-comatose state, near death but not deceased yet; the way someone might have seen Suzanne in her final moments ?
Chilling to the core.

Remember that reward BM offered, which was doubled by the friend's additional offer ?
For her safe return with no questions asked.
For all BM knows-- a kidnapper could have her and she could be unsafe and traumatized but in her right mind and wanting to escape.

So why did BM use that specific word ?
Imo that's b/c the last time he saw her she was incapacitated or dead. :(
In my state it is a legal definition - incapacitated- he hijacked it IMO because she was missing - a finding of incapacity results in Letters of Guardianship - but I can see how he might rationalize this
I do remember that. I wondered if they knew who the plants were, how they knew, did they sign up like the others or just hang around.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around BM asking people to spy on the search. Such a overtly obvious move. If discovered to be true by LE, what would his excuse be? Just makes him look so darn guilty, you'd think he would have more common sense than that.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around BM asking people to spy on the search. Such a overtly obvious move. If discovered to be true by LE, what would his excuse be? Just makes him look so darn guilty, you'd think he would have more common sense than that.
Occurs to me they could be Barry fans. Letting him know they were watching out for him, to keep Andy and company from planting evidence with the intent to incriminate Barry. Yep, just like the people who write love letters to our buddies, Chris Watts or Patrick F.
This is an interesting point. Abandoned mines and mine ventilation shafts have been used to dispose of bodies over the years. PA has tons of abandoned coal mines with their ventilation shafts located deep in woods, scrub etc. Dropping a body down a mine vent shaft comes about as close to the perfect disposal as is possible. State Bureau of mines may have maps that show the locations of some, but not all of the local mines. Hikers and hunters on occasion find these vent shafts and mine openings by accident deep in the woods. They are unmarked and poorly covered for the most part. It might be worth while to see where the local abandoned/closed mines are located in proximity to where the bike was found and other areas of interest,

I wonder if said mine ventilation shafts are used by hunters to dispose of the remains of poached game? Elk, for example? MOO
Not sure why but that term, "Incapacitated" bothers me so much ! :(

Graphic comment follows :

It sounds like someone who has been struck in the head, strangled, or otherwise immobilized.
Made to be helpless, and unable to respond to anyone.
As in a semi-comatose state, near death but not deceased yet; the way someone might have seen Suzanne in her final moments ?
Chilling to the core.

Remember that reward BM offered, which was doubled by the friend's additional offer ?
For her safe return with no questions asked.
For all BM knows-- a kidnapper could have her and she could be unsafe and traumatized but in her right mind and wanting to escape.

So why did BM use that specific word ?
Imo that's b/c the last time he saw her she was incapacitated or dead. :(
It infuriates me that Barry is both the cause of the incapacitation and the beneficiary.
So, let me get this straight- it’s “too soon” to talk to Dr. Phil about possibly helping to find his MISSING wife, but definitely NOT too soon to defend himself on national TV by calling out LE and his employees meth heads?


When exactly will a good time be for BM to speak out for his wife? It’s almost been 5 mos. for crying out loud!!
I thought 'rambling down the road ' meant driving slowly and texting.
Poor driving habits to do that.
But that's the least of this idiot's worries at the moment.
Real men take care of their wives and children if they are blessed to have such.
I picture him coming slowly down some unpaved county road having just disposed of SM’s remains. He takes a deep breath. Did he cover everything? Did he forget anything? He’s almost a little excited. The hard part is over with. Now, he needs to firm up his alibi. “Okay, let me get a hold of MG and get the crew together to start the job. It will get them out of town and off the radar. I’ll get a room for them. I’ll check in early and finish cleaning up. By the time they get there I’ll be long gone.”
He finishes his conversation with MG, pulls onto the main highway and heads north to Broomfield.

I picture him coming slowly down some unpaved county road having just disposed of SM’s remains. He takes a deep breath. Did he cover everything? Did he forget anything? He’s almost a little excited. The hard part is over with. Now, he needs to firm up his alibi. “Okay, let me get a hold of MG and get the crew together to start the job. It will get them out of town and off the radar. I’ll get a room for them. I’ll check in early and finish cleaning up. By the time they get there I’ll be long gone.”
He finishes his conversation with MG, pulls onto the main highway and heads north to Broomfield.

Do you think that he thought it would really work? The crew would find a way to go fix the wall? His alibi would be believed?

It guess if LE had believed the bike ride happened, they could have bought the alibi too. But BM some big mistake and LE saw it.
LE has really only confirmed a few things in this case. I do however think some folks with bits and pieces of maybe factual info talked to AM, because he's SM's brother. I'm sure he got alot closer to the case during his recent time in CO. I think all of this info has been known to LE for months and probably documented in what I'm assuming is a LARGE running case file on SM. IMO[/QUOTE]
I do have a question for the legal people, what guardianship would need GMs approval?
What Did BM Ask SM's Father to Sign? Gdn'ship Dox or ??? When?

IN Gdn'ship statute sec 1. (a)(4)(A)* requires petitioner (BM) to serve notice to ppl in red text, including
spouse, adult children, or if none, the alleged incap persons' parents. Obviously BM did not have to give notice to self. Next to receive notice is adult dau. (older dau, MM#1), who signed & filed a waiver of further notice, per court docket info. BM is required to serve notice of alleged incap'ed person's (only surviving) parent (Gene M) only if there is no spouse or adult children.
Sooo, azz-uming the above interp is accurate (Welcoming clarification, correction, esp'ly from legal pro's)----
Q1. Did the dox BM asked SM's Father to sign actually relate to gdnship? If so, was GM's siggy required?
Q2. If not re gdnship, did dox relate to a new or old (hypo?) trust SM's parents estab'ed to benefit SM Or?
Q3. Was phone convo, described in Dr Phil clip below** before or after BM consulted IN atty re IN guardianship?
If after, then seems BM would already have been advised GM was not required to be served notice. So why ask?

Q4. And does above conflict directly w MSM stating early June that a relative of SM said the damily was not aware of the guardianship filing? Was MSM's contact w Father GM, Brother AM, or other relative?
Q5. If so, regardless of the relative's identity, was there misinterpretation, miscommunication. or flawed memory on anyone's part?

* IC 29-3-6-1 Notice of petition and hearing; persons to whom notice must be given; waiver of notice
Sec. 1. (a) When a petition for appointment of a guardian or for the issuance of a protective order is filed with the court, notice of the petition and the hearing on the petition shall be given by first class postage prepaid mail as follows: [for minors, so n/a]
(4) If it is alleged that the person is an incapacitated person, notice of the petition and the hearing on the petition shall be given to the following persons whose whereabouts can be determined upon reasonable inquiry:
(A) The alleged incapacitated person, the alleged incapacitated person's spouse, and the alleged incapacitated person's adult children, or if none, the alleged incapacitated person's parents.
(B) Any person who is serving as a guardian for, or who has the care and custody of, the alleged incapacitated person.
(C) In case no person other than the incapacitated person is notified under clause (A), at least one (1) of the persons most closely related by blood or marriage to the alleged incapacitated person.
(D) Any person known to the petitioner to be serving as the alleged incapacitated person's attorney-in-fact under a durable power of attorney.

(E) Any other person that the court directs. bbm

** From today's promo vid clip, Dr Phil w P/Evil hosts (at three dots... 'open transcript' starting at 04:03)
"One of the most disturbing things
I think that we uncovered pretty early
was this conversation that her husband had had
with Andy's father, Jean. [sic: should be Gene]
And you know,
this is an 87 year old man who's suffering from cancer
and he gets a phone call from his son-in-law
and he's basically said,
what was told to me
was that, "I loved your daughter
and I need you to sign some papers."
And basically it was the guardianship
and Jean essentially said,
"What do you mean you loved my daughter?
Where is she?
We're gonna find her."
And, "No I'm not signing any paperwork." bbm
Soooo, this would be Moorman family trusts, inheritances, family land or property?
Otherwise there isn’t anything to involve GM inre to needing his signature. IMO
There were a couple of points that AM clarified on Dr. Phil that have been the subject of some considerable speculation:

He stated the daughters were on a church camping trip. That would seem to indicate that it wasn't something that was planned by BM, but just happened to fall on that weekend. I don't think that rules out premeditation, but does at least answer that question, IMO.

He also stated that the neighbor came over and went into the garage and looked for the cars, which were there (almost sounded like the neighbor either had a key or was given the key code to get into the garage?) It was BM that asked about the bike, and she went back over to check on that.

AM also talked about how BM was committed to the mountain lion story - didn't want to hear that AM wasn't buying it. This, IMO, also seems to indicate that the mountain lion story was the original narrative being pushed by BM. I believe once that wasn't received by anyone, he threw out the abduction theory. I still believe it's possible that the additional article (likely the helmet) that was recovered near the road was placed there by BM or an accomplice after the mountain lion narrative died on the vine (to help "sell" the abduction theory, possibly?) While risky, if they threw it out a car window on Monday evening, I think it fits the timeline - and depending on when it was recovered - might have been possible. It just doesn't make sense as part of a mountain lion narrative - though BM should have realized that was weak to begin with.

Possibly due to this action taken hurriedly and in secret ?

Before Suzanne's family could step up and say "No, this was Suzanne's inheritance (or for her daughters only) and not yours to squander. " ?
Sadly, I think that money and the $$ from the crowd funding are long gone.

BM is going to continue to control those closest to him for as long as possible and maybe even behind bars -- possibly through other family members.
He didn't turn out to be the type of person he is today all by himself.
Maybe he was indulged or other past transgressions overlooked ?
It happens.

Pure Speculation and Absolutely My Opinion: I've asked my husband (who was in Colorado with AM's group) if AM said anything about the girls. (No, just that he hadn't talked to them.) I've wondered aloud more than once about why they are still there and what in the world BM has told them about their mother. More than likely he simply doesn't talk to them about her or what happened - at all. My suspicion is that the mind control of domestic abuse absolutely extends to the girls. If, as was speculated, BM was monitoring SM's phone/computer activity then I imagine he's doing the same with the girls. I'll bet he's also told them he can track them anywhere, if they try to leave. Just makes me sick to think about...
Pure Speculation and Absolutely My Opinion: I've asked my husband (who was in Colorado with AM's group) if AM said anything about the girls. (No, just that he hadn't talked to them.) I've wondered aloud more than once about why they are still there and what in the world BM has told them about their mother. More than likely he simply doesn't talk to them about her or what happened - at all. My suspicion is that the mind control of domestic abuse absolutely extends to the girls. If, as was speculated, BM was monitoring SM's phone/computer activity then I imagine he's doing the same with the girls. I'll bet he's also told them he can track them anywhere, if they try to leave. Just makes me sick to think about...
I totally agree with you on this. Those poor girls. I can not imagine the mixed emotions they must have.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around BM asking people to spy on the search. Such a overtly obvious move. If discovered to be true by LE, what would his excuse be? Just makes him look so darn guilty, you'd think he would have more common sense than that.

I think what is equally intriguing is what would compel these “spies” to help BM? Andy’s search was private but the CBI/FBI are involved in this case. It’s hard to fathom interjecting yourself into that situation unless you personally have something to lose if BM is guilty.
So, let me get this straight- it’s “too soon” to talk to Dr. Phil about possibly helping to find his MISSING wife, but definitely NOT too soon to defend himself on national TV by calling out LE and his employees meth heads?


When exactly will a good time be for BM to speak out for his wife? It’s almost been 5 mos. for crying out loud!!
Maybe after a while now he'll have her declared deceased, and once a judge grants that-- BM will come out with some flowery statements about how badly he feels ?
Maybe after a while now he'll have her declared deceased, and once a judge grants that-- BM will come out with some flowery statements about how badly he feels ?
I wouldn’t put it past him at this point! :rolleyes:

I wonder if BM told the girls that GM wouldn’t help him out with signing those papers and gave some sob story about it and that added fuel to why the girls weren’t contacting grandpa? If so, BM is even more despicable than I thought. JMO.
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