Minnesota - Coronavirus COVID-19

Very very concerning, especially the part where the article states the dramatic rise is from family gatherings, etc.

A widowed friend of ours hosted an annual Halloween party which included a haunted house, a hay wagon ride through his 40 acres with scary scenes in the woods and ending with a bonfire, guitar playing and singing. Maybe 30 people or so would attend. Well, he's older now so his daughter took over and she had the party at her house, the haunted house in her garage and food set out inside. My dh has rheumatoid arthritis and is on 5 different meds that lower his immunity. The daughter invited us but we declined due to DH health status. The party was Saturday. We happened to run into our friend and his girlfriend at the store just yesterday. His girlfriend said there were "over 100 kids" at the party. She was afraid for her own health as she's in her 60s and has had a stroke. So she helped put out food and disappeared. People were angry that she didn't go into the haunted house, which had a long line. What the hell is wrong with people? I understand cabin fever but to invite >100 kids to a party? So really no surprise that Covid rates are rising.
Top U of M epidemiologist: Tighter social restrictions needed to stop COVID-19 surge in Minnesota

“After Minnesota hit a record number of new COVID-19 cases Thursday, University of Minnesota infectious disease expert Dr. Michael Osterholm told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the state should consider tighter social restrictions "sooner rather than later."

"It's the old adage, 'You can pay me now, or pay me later,' and right now paying now, in the long run, will pay off," Osterholm said. "The only way to contain this virus is by separating people from each other as much as possible, and that would mean taking a look at more restrictions, if needed."“
Top U of M epidemiologist: Tighter social restrictions needed to stop COVID-19 surge in Minnesota

“After Minnesota hit a record number of new COVID-19 cases Thursday, University of Minnesota infectious disease expert Dr. Michael Osterholm told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the state should consider tighter social restrictions "sooner rather than later."

"It's the old adage, 'You can pay me now, or pay me later,' and right now paying now, in the long run, will pay off," Osterholm said. "The only way to contain this virus is by separating people from each other as much as possible, and that would mean taking a look at more restrictions, if needed."“

I think he's right, but he may be preaching to the choir. My dh has rheumatoid arthritis and takes 5 different prescription meds, all of which affect his immunity. For 4 years we have avoided places where there will be many people especially children. Always kept and used hand sanitizer in the car. Since February we locked it down even more. No going out to eat, buying in bulk, all doctors visits so far have been virtual and can only use drive up banking. We grocery shop, I've been to get 1 haircut, he went twice, and I usually go to my dentist every 3 months now it's every 6. We do go to the pharmacy for meds. His last remaining uncle died Wednesday, the funeral is in WI, we aren't going. I mean, lots of relatives, 31 great grandchildren, it'll be huge. I don't think there is anything else we can do to stay safe. But others, even nurses I used to work with, are going out to restaurants weekly, going to gatherings, what's up with that? This is all so depressing.
Why do people fight against such a little thing such as wearing a mask? Countries such as New Zealand that stopped it show it works.

My favorite is when they wear a mask but leave the nose out. Depending on the situation, I address it. I also have masks that I will give to people not wearing one.

So far the non wearers have thanked me. But with concealed carry possibility , I don’t feel it might be safe to say something.

All of this non compliance makes this go on and on and on
Why do people fight against such a little thing such as wearing a mask? Countries such as New Zealand that stopped it show it works.

My favorite is when they wear a mask but leave the nose out. Depending on the situation, I address it. I also have masks that I will give to people not wearing one.

So far the non wearers have thanked me. But with concealed carry possibility , I don’t feel it might be safe to say something.

All of this non compliance makes this go on and on and on

I agree with you. What's with leaving the nose uncovered? I'd like to maybe help ease your fear about concealed carry. I have a permit. One has to take a class and most of our class focused on how to AVOID getting into a situation where a gun might be used. Because there ARE legal ramifications. Then you need a background check. It's easy to lose the privilege. Driving with a gun in the car, if stopped for DUI, the limit is HALF what is legal...0.04 or higher, you lose the permit. I'd be more concerned with the person who hasn't had a class but carries a gun. Felons, thugs.
Sturgis Motorcyle Rally caused at least 86 COVID-19 cases in neighboring Minnesota, CDC says
‘The motorcycle rally was held in a neighboring state that did not have policies regarding event size and mask use, underscoring the implications of policies within and across jurisdictions,’ CDC says

New CDC Report /
COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with a 10-Day Motorcycle Rally in a Neighboring State — Minnesota, August–September 2020
Weekly / November 27, 2020 / 69(47);1771-1776

COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with a 10-Day Motorcycle Rally ...

“What is added by this report?

Following a 10-day motorcycle rally in South Dakota attended by approximately 460,000 persons, 51 confirmed primary event-associated cases, 21 secondary cases, and five tertiary cases were identified in Minnesota residents. An additional nine likely rally-associated secondary or tertiary cases occurred. Four patients were hospitalized, and one died. Genomic sequencing supported the associations with the motorcycle rally.“
Just saw a situation update from DOH. 1 week of single digit deaths. Praying this trend continues and we can get back to a more normal semblance of life. Because of DH's med-induced immune suppression, we will still be cautious, but it'd be nice to feel comfortable not hurrying through stores. We have received both Moderna vaccinations, the last 3 weeks ago.
Latest on COVID-19 in MN: Vaccinations, hospitalizations rising

“There’s no doubt Minnesota is seeing another COVID-19 wave. The questions that can’t be answered exactly right now are — how long will it last and how bad will it be?

Disease metrics continue to show Minnesota headed down the wrong path with active cases and hospitalization trends at levels not seen since the winter.“
20 of the 100 highest county case rates in the country are in MN

Osterholm's comments line up closely with the latest national report (from Nov. 14) from the New York Times, which has Minnesota leading the nation at 67 cases per 100,000 people. New Mexico is second worst at 64 per 100,000.

Minnesota's case rate per 100,000 has more than doubled in the past two weeks, increasing by 54%. The hottest spots in Minnesota, based on the New York Times' case count per 100,000 people, are Wadena, Dodge, Mille Lacs and Kanabec counties.

I've had 3 Moderna shots, wear a mask, don't eat out or visit with people, although requested by others to do so. Husband is immune-suppressed so we are very cautious. We're in Mille Lacs.

Local hospital is on divert so they don't accept ambulances. No beds for patients, they are all occupied by Covid patients. 23/23 not vaccinated. Former co-worker's spouse had to go to Aitkin hospital for Covid care, as no room in Princeton. Dozens of patients on a waiting list for surgery. This is truly frightening. Casey's convenience store in Milaca was closed last week for at least 1 day because of Covid. Hope this ends soon.

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