Health, Hygiene and Safety Tips for living under Coronavirus quarantine #2

Should fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks? Experts weigh in. (

"Do whatever it takes for Covid to go away," one doctor said. That includes continuing to wear a mask.

More than 156 million people in the U.S. have been fully vaccinated. But even though the Covid-19 vaccines are very effective against all the known coronavirus variants, including the highly transmissible delta variant that is spreading rapidly, some communities and physicians are urging a return to masking.

On Thursday, the St. Louis County and city public health departments issued a warning about the spread of the delta variant and advised a return to masks indoors, even if vaccinated. Earlier in the week, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced it "strongly recommends" that everyone wear a mask indoors after an increase in cases...

We have a bat house that is occupied--evidence is the bat poop on the ground below it! I believe they keep our mosquitoes under control, along with not allowing any standing water in our yard.
Ooooh, I should hang one on the fence between me and the wetland area.... Good idea...... heads Google to see if I can make one with scrap wood...... stay tuned.
Ooooh, I should hang one on the fence between me and the wetland area.... Good idea...... heads Google to see if I can make one with scrap wood...... stay tuned.

A bat house needs to be pretty high up. Ours is mounted about 20 feet above the ground. There are various bat house plans online. We purchased our bat house locally.
A bat house needs to be pretty high up. Ours is mounted about 20 feet above the ground. There are various bat house plans online. We purchased our bat house locally.
The fence is 8’ high, chain link and has barbed wire at the top. I guess that may not be high enough then. I’ve got one of the wicked high pines in the back but I’m not planning on going up that! LOL!
The fence is 8’ high, chain link and has barbed wire at the top. I guess that may not be high enough then. I’ve got one of the wicked high pines in the back but I’m not planning on going up that! LOL!

No, not a good idea! I do think 8 feet is too low.

How to Install a Bat House | Batweek.ORG | Go to Bat For Bats!
  • Bat houses should be mounted in an area that gets 6-8 hours of direct sunlight (facing either East or South).
  • To the extent possible, locate all houses 20 to 30 feet from tree branches or other obstacles and 12 to 20 feet above ground (or above the tallest vegetation beneath the bat house).
  • Locate your bat house near the largest water source in the area. These locations are typically the most successful, as are those in or adjacent to the most diverse or natural vegetation. The best locations are along streams, rivers, lakes or forests because these are natural bat flyways.
Ooooh, I should hang one on the fence between me and the wetland area.... Good idea...... heads Google to see if I can make one with scrap wood...... stay tuned.

Some years ago, one of our original neighbors was den mother for her son's boy scout troop. They made a bat house out of popsicle sticks for the wetland area in our subdivision. I haven't visited the "swamp" lately, but the bat house was there for many years.

PN, I hope you made it through the storm without much damage to your home/yard.
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Some years ago, one of our original neighbors was den mother for her son's boy scout troop. They made a bat house out of popsicle sticks for the wetland area in our subdivision. I haven't visited the "swamp" lately, but the bat house was there for many years.

PN, I hope you made it through the storm without much damage to your home/yard.
I wonder if it was actually ever used by bats. Probably birds tho.

I was up until 2pm but did sleep until 7am. At that point, it was just heavy rain. The wind wasn't whistling anymore. The most severe cells were over the beaches and out east of me. I walked around the back yard this morning and there are some small lightweight branches on the ground from the two big oak trees.
Students don't need masks at school if they are fully vaccinated, CDC says (

The new guidance from the CDC falls in line with its previous advice on masks for vaccinated adults.

Fully vaccinated students do not need to wear masks in classrooms this fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.

The guidance, which goes beyond mask-wearing, is aimed at kindergartners through high school seniors, and is meant "to help keep kids in classrooms, as well as participating in any sports or extracurricular activities," said Erin Sauber-Schatz, who heads the CDC's Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force.

The recommendation for fully vaccinated students mirrors the CDC's previous guidance for fully vaccinated adults: no masks needed when indoors...
I don't know who wrote this as it was sent to me in a text, but hopefully everyone can feel better soon and we all can get back to normal. My heart hurts after reading some of your posts and almost feeling your pain through your words. Just remember that we are a strong country and we will get through this together. Love and hugs to you all.

"When this is over, may we never again take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbors
A crowded theater
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
The school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring

Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.

When this ends
may we find
that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be
we were called to be
we hoped to be
and may we stay
that way — better
for each other
because of the worst."

Thread #1

I am not sure that I really will be "normal" again. I think I feel a little PTSD after all of this. Probably need to see how I feel in 6 mos time.
I wonder if this is worth the money? $159 to have a mosquito free area? Hmmm.. Sounds promising but is it safe?

These Stylish String Lights Are the Secret to a Mosquito-Free Backyard (

TIKI brand recently announced the launch of its BiteFighter™ LED String Lights, aka a sophisticated outdoor lighting option that will illuminate your backyard while also ridding it of mosquitos. As the brand's motto goes, "surround yourself with ambiance, not mosquitos."

they never tell you exactly what the repellent is- and three replacement pods are $72. curious. would think that they would need to tell you about toxicity, etc.
I wouldn't get a bat house. My husband was sitting outside a few years ago, eating fruit, a bat went for the fruit, and bit him. He didn't even notice it. I noticed two puncture wounds on his hand, and it was red, puffy, with streaks...I took him to the ER, he needed a full series of rabies shots!
How eating like an Olympian can benefit your health (

Nutrition lessons people can learn from athletes

It’s no surprise that proper nutrition is essential for athletes, especially those competing at the Olympic level.

But you may not realize the impact that poor nutrition could be having on your everyday performance.

Registered dietician Kate Davis says athletes who are in tune with their nutrition can have an edge over their competitors, but that edge isn’t just limited to Olympians...
Without ability to force recalls, FDA can only warn consumers about benzene in hand sanitizers (

“The toxicity of benzene has been known for over 120 years. It’s directly linked with causing leukemia in humans,” said the CEO of a lab that found the contamination.

When Kayla Ridgely, a nurse in Queen Creek, Arizona, stumbled across bottles of hand sanitizer on sale for 99 cents at her local Walmart, it seemed like a gold mine. It was early in the pandemic, when cleaning products were in short supply, and the sanitizer was marketed as safe and plant-based, with a brand name that emphasized that messaging: Artnaturals, a company best known for its essential oils and hair products.

But earlier this year, Ridgely came across a study showing that the brand of hand sanitizer she had been using throughout the pandemic had sold bottles that tested positive for benzene, a solvent made from petroleum that is not allowed to be used in consumer products because it is carcinogenic.

Valisure, the lab that made findings about benzene in samples of Artnaturals sanitizer and other brands, had submitted a citizen petition in March asking the FDA to take action on Artnaturals and other hand sanitizer products. It also offered on its website to test more samples free of charge to anyone else who would send their sanitizer in.

So Ridgely submitted hers and received results in April that it was contaminated with benzene at levels of 13 parts per million — thousands of times above the EPA’s benzene limits of 5 parts per billion in drinking water, and more than six times above the FDA’s temporary guidance during the pandemic allowing trace amounts of benzene in over-the-counter drugs...

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