SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton *Guilty* #42

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So glad you're still here to tell the story @worm. You're a rock star -- good on you! :)

Thank you Seattle. The stuff is tough to shake but it can be done.
I don’t totally discount the notion that AM maybe took pills but to me, his descriptions of the addiction and detox sounded less like someone who had been there and more like someone who learned something about it. I also think that if his detox had been all that terrible then his defense would have produced the records and people to prove it. I’m in an illegal red state but freely admit to using pot to get off pills.
Thank you Seattle. The stuff is tough to shake but it can be done.
I don’t totally discount the notion that AM maybe took pills but to me, his descriptions of the addiction and detox sounded less like someone who had been there and more like someone who learned something about it. I also think that if his detox had been all that terrible then his defense would have produced the records and people to prove it. I’m in an illegal red state but freely admit to using pot to get off pills.

Yes, I'm of the opinion that AM matched his alleged drug use to the dollars and/or evidence of disbursements but I've never believed AM was buying black-market Rx opioids but was instead washing money. IMO, cousin Eddie was simply cashing checks for AM -- as were others.
Thank you Seattle. The stuff is tough to shake but it can be done.
I don’t totally discount the notion that AM maybe took pills but to me, his descriptions of the addiction and detox sounded less like someone who had been there and more like someone who learned something about it. I also think that if his detox had been all that terrible then his defense would have produced the records and people to prove it. I’m in an illegal red state but freely admit to using pot to get off pills.
Good points, worm, glad you recovered and are here with us providing insight from your experiences.

I always have taken AM's supposed opioid addiction with a huge chunk of salt, way too convenient as an explanation for his misdeeds, IMO, and yes, his Defense never gave a scintilla of proof that he was an addict, and to that extreme degree, and so it's insulting to the common folk and actual addicts struggling to survive for him/them to assume it explains away his bad behaviors. MOOO :rolleyes:
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snipped by me
i have been on and off of pain meds for 5+ years and have been on significant amounts, low amounts, everywhere in between.
i brought this up to my nurse last night and she laughed!!! she can't believe anyone is falling for it. even the judge! people just aren't educated on these drugs.
Thank you for sharing that with us, NeverPersonal, and providing insight from your experiences.

AM/his defense never gave any proof that he was an addict, and to that extreme degree, it was all anecdotal, which is outrageous for him/them to assume it explains away his bad behaviors. MOOO :rolleyes::mad:
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AM would not have been able to keep all his lies straight if he was taking that many way.

Nor would he have been able to hide the thefts from his partners/firm for so long using that many pills. I never believed that he was spending that much money on drugs.....he was laundering money IMHO!
I do wonder about this new protective custody decision and if that was pushed by AM and his lawyers or if it was a security decision. Given that this PC committee is appointed I’m just thinking that the tentacles of good ole boy connections may have played a hand.

Alex Murdaugh's Murder Trial Judge Speaks Publicly For First Time: 'The Person Who Is Killed Will Haunt'​

Fri, March 31, 2023 at 4:10 PM EDT

A person who kills another person, I’m told that the person who is killed will haunt, will come back, and they’ll never be able to get over the moment in time they took that person’s life,” Newman said Tuesday while on a panel at Cleveland State University, according to video posted by Charleston station WCBD-TV.

“Whether that’s a spiritual belief or just my view of the word," he added, "it was also the subject of a barbershop conversation one day when a customer was arguing to the barber, saying that, 'If you kill a man, he will haunt you. He'll come back, and you will never be able to get that person out of your mind.'”

Newman also addressed this week the fact that Murdaugh's defense team did not offer any mitigation evidence, which is typically presented during the sentencing phase of a trial and aims to reduce the punishment.

“So, here we are, and he’s standing before me to be sentenced for having been convicted of a double murder," Newman said. "And basically he told me he had nothing to say, either, other than, ‘It wasn’t me.'”

The judge had made similar comments to Murdaugh in court on March 3.
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IMO, I think it's others that need protection from AM. Keeping AM in solitary admin segregation would be huge punishment for a narc like him. JMO
Agree!! He'll go nuts not having someone listen to his barrage of BS. He's a legend in his own mind who I think thrived on chaos and wheeling and dealing. He just got in over his head and pushed it to the limit that some of his cronies became complicit and either did not get out in time or did and will never be a part of him again. He's used to being around cronies he can control. Keeping him in a small controlled atmosphere where he is observed will trim his feathers. IMHO.
Once Murdaugh is assigned a permanent home, he will have the same freedoms and privileges as other inmates, but will remain in maximum security. After seven years of good behavior and other conditions, he may be eligible to earn a medium security level, added Shain.

I find the footage of John and Buster removing guns after the search warrant, after the cops left, pretty interesting. Considering the 2 murder weapons were never found. It could mean nothing (just guns they had that police didn't want) or it could mean everything. What did Alec do with the murder weapons??
I find the footage of John and Buster removing guns after the search warrant, after the cops left, pretty interesting. Considering the 2 murder weapons were never found. It could mean nothing (just guns they had that police didn't want) or it could mean everything. What did Alec do with the murder weapons??
Seems likely he left them in Almeda, just past the treeline.

The pressing question might be: who moved them for him?

Lotta fixers in his circle.

Not just explosive bowels in the backseat either.

Thank you Seattle. The stuff is tough to shake but it can be done.
I don’t totally discount the notion that AM maybe took pills but to me, his descriptions of the addiction and detox sounded less like someone who had been there and more like someone who learned something about it. I also think that if his detox had been all that terrible then his defense would have produced the records and people to prove it. I’m in an illegal red state but freely admit to using pot to get off pills.
I do think AM had an addiction to pain pills, not to the degree he claimed for sure. That money was being spent on something else, maybe we'll learn the truth one day.

Congrats worm!
**All things below are my opinions**

I KNEW Alec was screwed the minute he got on the stand and started repeating over and over,

I stole from those people. I apologize for doing that. It was incredibly wrong of me.
I admit stealing from my clients. But I did not kill my wife, Maggie, or my son, PauPau.

Did anyone count how many times he said these things?! Because oh my god, I was becoming infuriated.

He went straight into lawyer mode. Not a grieving dad or husband. Just very suspicious. That sealed the deal for me, as well as Paul's snapchat video of Alec with the tree combined with the kennel video. If the scenario is indeed the .000001% chance Alec didn't do it, he knows exactly who did do it. But I'm nearly positive it's him.

It's so insanely difficult to believe someone could do this to their own wife of 25? years, and their son. Looking into the evidence, I can understand killing Paul over the boat case but I don't understand why Maggie had to die, unless there's things about their relationship I am unaware of - leaving him over gambling, cheating, stealing? The pills?

About the drugs:
Said this before & I will say it again... I am a chronic pain patient with experience in hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, dilaudid, et cetera. I have been on each of those meds at one time or another. This man was not taking 60 pills a day. He would've been dead, that's all there is to it. Let's say on the off chance he was taking 5mg of oxy in each pill. 5 x 60 = 300. 300 MILLIGRAMS a day. That's not happening, ladies and gentlemen. It just isn't. At my highest dose post an organ removal surgery, I was taking around 200mg a day (highest recommended dose for oxy), and I was so zonked, even though I have quite the tolerance.

I am currently in the hospital due to my chronic illness and I have now posed this question to 3 nurses and a doctor. All are familiar with opioid/opiate usages. They all basically laughed and scoffed at the idea.

Do I think he was buying and selling drugs? Yes, yes I do. But he exaggerated his own usage greatly to try and, again, lie about where ALL his money was going. Just another lie from Alex to elicit sympathy and this one is really bad to me because being addicted is such a serious thing. It can ruin your life. Alex was running a law firm, settling cases successfully, going to every family event... there's no way he was popping oxys like that. No way in hell. He would've been nodding out, being so weird, not getting any work done, not able to hold sufficient conversations. Whether he was using 10 years or 1 year, it would've been that way.

I believe he is lying to cover up his money trail and try to get people not to look into it further; there is likely money in off-shore accounts to evade taxes as well as crippling gambling debts. Wouldn't be surprised if he did some sugar daddy type things as well. He was embarrassed enough by the fraud and stealing coming to light, I'm sure he didn't want those things to be surfaced either.
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