Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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All the clothes in the background -- it looks like she's way behind with laundry (folding, washing, who knows). Who wouldn't be, with 6 kids, especially if they run wild like has been insinuated? So, how's she going to keep up with the laundry of 8 new babies? I only had one baby at a time, and the amount of laundry we had to do skyrocketed!

She's going to flip. If she is allowed to have those babies and those other 6 at home, she's going to flip.
We all laughed at the kid's behavior toward Octomom, but PattyCake, I hate to say it, but you are probably right. That is so scary. Maybe she needs two homes. One for the original 6 and a place for the new 8.
The entire story is just too much to take in.

It's scary on more than one level.
What was mentioned, about the babies being terrorized is one thing.
Another is that, more than likely, the first 6 will sort of fall by the wayside and not be parented at all...I can't imagine my 3y/o DD biting and hitting me...SHE KNOWS BETTER. It's crazy for one person to parent 14 kids *BY CHOICE* ...especially with this "fly by the seat of your pants" attitude she seems to have. Disturbing and so sad, on so many levels...
I just listened to her 911 call... I can sympathize with her because I just went through a scary "my child is missing, please help me" situation. (daughter went for a job interview and the people locked her in the huge storage facility by accident, and she had no way to get out, or call out). The hysteria you feel in having to call 911 is horrible... so I get her hysteria on the call... it's a nightmare to go through. BUT, I will say, her talking about killing herself, in front of her kids, jolted me back to Nadya's reality... mentally she is fragile and is in need of help.
On a different wave: her exposing the behavioral issues she is dealing with in regards of her other 6 made them ponder if she is trying to set up a reason to walk away from them and just be mom to the octuplets.

I am starting to think the "she had this planned" theories are spot on: she is shopping around a video of the delivery, for a 7 figure dollar amount.
She said today that she will have 12 nannies when they move to their new house. Three 12 hour shifts with 3 on each shift. :waitasec: Well, that's what she said. I guess Radaronline and ET and whomever have paid well for her story. I'm glad she will have help.

I think I heard her say in an undertone that she has 2 nannies and will need 10 more. Wonder when she is going to get that arranged?

She is shown jumping on the trampoline while holding 2 kids, and another 1 jumping around her. With the minimal supervision those children get, I would think a trampoline would be the last thing you would want in the back yard. They do have the netting around the perimeter, but those kids are wild! I'm surprised there haven't been any broken bones or stitches.
can they really tell about CP this soon though? the parents of the septuplets didn't know for several months that 2 of them had it.

Uh-oh. Here comes another potential means of money-can anyone envision OMom suing the team of 40 doctors and the hospital? Maybe this is why Allred is on the scene....
On a different wave: her exposing the behavioral issues she is dealing with in regards of her other 6 made them ponder if she is trying to set up a reason to walk away from them and just be mom to the octuplets.

I am starting to think the "she had this planned" theories are spot on: she is shopping around a video of the delivery, for a 7 figure dollar amount.

I think I heard her say in an undertone that she has 2 nannies and will need 10 more. Wonder when she is going to get that arranged?

She is shown jumping on the trampoline while holding 2 kids, and another 1 jumping around her. With the minimal supervision those children get, I would think a trampoline would be the last thing you would want in the back yard. They do have the netting around the perimeter, but those kids are wild! I'm surprised there haven't been any broken bones or stitches.

Me thinks she is doing this to get people to a fever pitch-either they will feel so bad for the kids there will an influx of money, or people will be so concerned they will be taken away....who knows what her real motive is. Toddlers and young children are a world away from compliant docile babies...maybe she is tired of parenting the older ones and is starting over again?
I know Nadya was terrified when she couldn't find her child, but to threaten to kill yourself on a 911 call, and in front of the other kids shows that she had big problems. Why the heck would her mother take the child on a walk and not tell Nadya. That's weird in itself. Then, there's the two year old that was biting, hitting, and pinching Nadya. That child does not look right out of his eyes. He may go on to have huge problems that could endanger the babies. I can see why the two year old is already getting a SSI check, and this type thing can run in families. Eight more babies that could have the same autism, ADD, and other problems. I'm so glad I'm not Nadya even though dealing with 3 ADD'ers is driving me up the wall.
Two things:
On Inside Edition tonight they played her 911 (with I'm going to kill myself) and compared it to Angelina Jolie's famous scene in the Changeling "I want MY son back" or something like that. Did anyone see that? It was very interesting how similar tone and wording. They said the 911 call was the same month The Changeling came out. No, I haven't verified that. I loved how the 911 dispatcher seemed speechless as to what to say to Nadya, and then said something to the effect that you shouldn't say that around your kids. DRAMA QUEEN! Forget about physical care; she is not even in touch with her kids emotional needs. You can hear one of them in the background say in a sweet voice "what is wrong mommy" and she says she's going to kill herself over and over. What an inappropriate thing to say if your child is missing!!

Also, as someone who has to give up things like jumping on a trampoline with my kids due to my herniated disk, that makes me fume! Yeah, she has a bad back.
Yes, this woman does not have a mothering bone in her body. Hugging and kissing a kid and PLAYING with them on the floor does not make a mother. To have that amount of children, she should be an exceptionally strict mother with a HUGE list of rules, charts going, you name it. The older kids should be cleaning up behind themselves (the ones that are not disabled), etc. She is so completely incompetent. The day those babies go home I know I'll be in tears and fear for them.:mad:

My Bold.

Two things:
On Inside Edition tonight they played her 911 (with I'm going to kill myself) and compared it to Angelina Jolie's famous scene in the Changeling "I want MY son back" or something like that. Did anyone see that? It was very interesting how similar tone and wording. They said the 911 call was the same month The Changeling came out.

I was listening to the 911 call and my son said that reminded him of something and immediately played the trailer for The Changeling!

She said she'd let the kids play in the mud and then hose them down while they jumped on the trampoline. Jumping on a wet trampoline?
It also bothered me that she discussed the neighbor's autistic son who, in her opinion, was too quiet.
Two things:
On Inside Edition tonight they played her 911 (with I'm going to kill myself) and compared it to Angelina Jolie's famous scene in the Changeling "I want MY son back" or something like that. Did anyone see that? It was very interesting how similar tone and wording. They said the 911 call was the same month The Changeling came out. No, I haven't verified that. I loved how the 911 dispatcher seemed speechless as to what to say to Nadya, and then said something to the effect that you shouldn't say that around your kids. DRAMA QUEEN! Forget about physical care; she is not even in touch with her kids emotional needs. You can hear one of them in the background say in a sweet voice "what is wrong mommy" and she says she's going to kill herself over and over. What an inappropriate thing to say if your child is missing!!

Also, as someone who has to give up things like jumping on a trampoline with my kids due to my herniated disk, that makes me fume! Yeah, she has a bad back.

Oh you make such good points!!!!!!!

I would like to know the date of that call. Wouldn't it be a kick in the butt if it WAS the same week as that movie came out! Her body language when she attempts to deny ANY plastic surgery especially when it comes to Angelina - speaks VOLUMES. She is I think - a stalker on top of everything else. :shocked2:
Oh don't get me wrong, I saw the clip last night on ? Inside Edition or something. It was funny, I was cheering for him to keep smacking her (I know I'm terrible)... but then it occured to me that there's 4lb babies supposed to be there shortly (heaven help them) and it's darn easy for some toddler that size to pick up 4lbs and hurl it across the room.

You're not wrong. You brought up a perfectly clear point about the children at home possibly being a danger to the tiny infants. It was something I had not even thought about until I read your post.
I didn't see the clip of the hitting session but from the descriptions posted here, it seems maybe some of those kids don't like or respect her. Or are they brats from having so little attention?
Uh-oh. Here comes another potential means of money-can anyone envision OMom suing the team of 40 doctors and the hospital? Maybe this is why Allred is on the scene....
I don't know if she could,I think CP in the case of preemies is just a result of being born early,a risk she knew she would choose to undertake when she continued the pregnancy,at her own will.It would be no fault of the dr's at all.
One good thing, if there really will be 12 nannies and if they are trained professionals, maybe they can get the kids calmed down and on a schedule. Do you think that the Super Nanny would make a house call there? That's a show I would pay to watch.

Also, I didn't listen to the 911 call, but at least she called police in hysterics when her child went missing unlike some mothers who don't bother to do so but prefer to "investigate on their own". I'm sorry, I really was not going to go there but I did anyway.

When she was talking about her weight on the blog I thought "yep, she will be the next Jenny Craig spokesperson".
I have been following this story all along and this woman quite literally makes me ill. She is just soooo annoying too!
Why is this newsworthy? Her kid was missing and she panicked. I'd do the same thing. It's suggested that, because she panicked, she may not be able to take care of 16 kids. Well, that may be true, but it has NOTHING to do with her flipping out over her missing child!
Didn't she threaten to kill herself in front of her other children? IMO, that's alarming...
Her panic isn't the issue. It's the things she says, like OMG I am going to kill myself over and over. ONe of her kids is in the background saying in a sweet voice "what's wrong mommy?". Even the 911 dispatcher is speechless then says "you need to stop saying that around your kids". I'm going to kill myself??? What an inappropriate thing to say when your child is missing. The whole 911 call screams drama queen to me. It's all about her.

I bet that whole household (when she's there) revolves around her.
I have been following this story all along and this woman quite literally makes me ill. She is just soooo annoying too!

She makes me ill also, Ciara!

I do hope that CPS takes a listen to that 911 call and decides that this woman is just too crazy and mentally unstable to have children living with her.

IMO, to let her take those babies home would be such an injustice to them.
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