WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #1

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I just think the chances of this being a stranger abduction of a mother and child in a crime of opportunity is really really slim.

The chances of this being an accident or a planned incident is higher. She would have had to run into a predator who was up for the fight of attacking amother and child and disposal of her car.

If stranger abductions of children are rare then those of both mother and child have to be less than likely.

I don't know what happened but someone is not telling us everything. Maybe she hurt herself and her son. I hope not.
I mean where are there any news reports of the couple saying she was disoriented? Not the blogger.

Chamberlain said Smiley fell in the restaurant parking lot. When she stopped by a house to ask directions, those in the house said she appeared disoriented and indicated she'd hurt her knee, apparently in the fall. "She looked a little out of sorts," Chamberlain said.


The Seattle Times is reporting it.
And the "blogger" that is on the Seattle Weekly site is a legitimate reporter versus the any yahoo with a computer can blog about things they know nothing about variety.
According to the fiance's website I am gathering that Shantina has been estranged from her stepfather for some time. Maybe she agreed to meet with her SF and then as she got closer to his home she rethought it and decided not to go. Got cold feet, decided it wasn't the best for her, etc... Hence the reason she was driving from place to place without really seeming to want to get to where she was supposed to be headed. She knew that her fiance would probably be at the SF's house so she wasn't too worried about showing up "late" if she did decide to change her mind again and show up.

I think the above theory posted about maybe someone getting in the van when she was at the last house making the phone call is a very good one. It would explain the wrong turn taken against the directions she just received.

Anyone know WHERE this neighborhood was where she used the phone? Any RSO's living "next door" ?

There is a map earlier in the thread that has the location marked; IIRC, it's on 46th Ave. NE, near Boston Harbor. Not a hugely populated area, but not totally rural either. If I were a predator, this would not be an area I would think to look for a victim -- very low chance of a victim coming by.

She was obviously having trouble with directions earlier in the evening, so I wouldn't be surprised if she made more wrong turns when leaving the house where she used the phone.

I do like your theory about her equivocating about completing her journey to Castle Rock!
If something just happened to his mom accidentally (like if she fell and hit her head), I think AC might feel comfortable going up to a house and asking for help since he saw his mother do it at the last house where they used the phone.
Mother and Son missing timeline (update)

A mother and her 8-year-old son vanished over the weekend, creating a mystery that is leaving investigators stumped. Shantina Smiley and her son Azriel went missing on Saturday evening in Olympia, Washington. They left their home in Silverdale, Washington around 5 p.m. and were heading to her step-father’s home in Castle Rock. Shantina’s van was found early the next morning, abandoned near the North Gull Harbor. Police say the doors were open, cash, license and a credit card were left inside, but Shantina’s purse was gone. The search continues today to find this family as investigators put divers in the water, helicopters in the air, and are sending police patrols door-to-door. Robb Simmon’s, Shantina’s fiancé, has created a website with his timeline of events.

I spoke with Lt. Chris Mealey from the Thurston Sheriff’s office, and the following is based off the timeline he has constructed on this case:

5 p.m. – Shantina and her son leave their home in Silverdale, Washington. Their destination was Castle Rock, Washington (about 50 miles away).

6:45 p.m. – Shantina stops off at an unknown location and calls her fiancé Robb Simmons. She tells him her cell phone was left at home, and she was hoping he could bring it with him on his way to Castle Rock later.

7:55 p.m. – Lt. Mealey says there is video of Shantina stopping off at the Handy Pantry, where she made a purchase and left.

9:08 p.m. – Shantina stops off at the Martin Way Diner and orders one corndog to go. This is odd because this is a sit down diner, not an establishment you order carry out from. Although she placed the corndog order, she did not pick it up. Instead, police say Shantina walked outside, tripped before getting into her van, and drove off with her son.

9:55 p.m. – Lt. Mealey says there is more surveillance video of Shantina stopping off at a local store on a rural county road. The store was closed, so she left.

10:00 p.m. – Shantina and her son stop off at a residence occupied by an elderly couple. She used the phone in the residence and called her grandfather to say she was lost, and there was an accident of sorts, but she did not elaborate. The elderly couple fed her son a slice of pizza and gave her directions to get back on the main road.

Shantina left the residence, and made a wrong turn. Somehow, she ended up about five miles away on an abandoned beach. When found, her mini-van doors were open, and it was stuck in the sand. It appears she drove far out, and tried to come back to the road. The van got stuck, and she left it there.

Shantina’s family and friends have been searching the area ever since. Lt. Mealey told me Shantina has no mental health issues, no substance abuse problems, and she is a responsible mom. I confirmed Shantina is employed with the Kitsap Medical Group in the billing department, and everyone is distraught that she is missing. Investigators are currently diving into her bank account and cell phone records. I spoke with another investigator who is in charge of the tips and he says right now the tip flow is moving very slowly. Investigators need your leads on this case.

If you have any information, please contact the Thurston Sheriff’s Office: 360-786-5500

I mean where are there any news reports of the couple saying she was disoriented? Not the blogger.

About 10 minutes later, Dennis Williams said the two knocked on the front door of his home about a mile from the store.
"She seemed upset because she was lost," said Williams.
Williams said Smiley used the phone to tell a relative they were lost and going to be late. He said the mother and son did not seem to be in trouble. If anything, said Williams, the boy seemed hungry.
"We gave him a piece of pizza," said Williams.
She was not injured but spoke of an accident, which investigators believe may have been a reference to falling down at the diner.
"I wish there was something more I could've done. I wish I knew more, or asked the right questions to be able to say this is a person who's in trouble," said Williams.

I can see having a drinking problem and using the excuse, I am late had an accident, be there shortly. Especially if she was ashamed of drinking. But, if she were that drunk it should have been obvious. She would have been stumbling, slurring her words and had a strong alcohol order. Non of this makes any sense!
I don't think she was drunk, I think that would have been more obvious to some of the people she encountered. I think she had some kind of mental episode.
Someone identifying himself or herself as an employee of a diner where Smiley stopped that night posted the following message on a website. It makes reference to Smiley tripping and possibly injuring herself:

“Wantmy, I work at the Martin way diner..your stepmom and Azriel were in about 9 pm Saturday. They ordered a corn dog and tater tots to go, and payed for them, but while I was cooking their dinner, I watched them get up and leave. I didn't think too much about it, but they never came back. My waitress asked me what should we do with their order, and I told her to just wait..they might come back…the kid told my waitress. "Mommy hit her head". We wondered if she might have a concussion. We reviewed our security tapes, and she fell down outside the restaurant. She might have had a concussion…”

Before I even got far enough in the thread to see that she's a recovering alcoholic, I came across the video link.

You can see her kind of rocking unsteady-like while she's looking in her wallet at the quick stop. It looked like she was drunk to me. :(
Once Shantina left the house she called her grandparents from (DW), she was never seen or heard from again? DW was just on TV and he's NOT an elderly person. He looks like a young guy. I am going to look into him a little, no reason not to.
About 10 minutes later, Dennis Williams said the two knocked on the front door of his home about a mile from the store.
"She seemed upset because she was lost," said Williams.
Williams said Smiley used the phone to tell a relative they were lost and going to be late. He said the mother and son did not seem to be in trouble. If anything, said Williams, the boy seemed hungry.
"We gave him a piece of pizza," said Williams.
She was not injured but spoke of an accident, which investigators believe may have been a reference to falling down at the diner.
"I wish there was something more I could've done. I wish I knew more, or asked the right questions to be able to say this is a person who's in trouble," said Williams.


Maybe she just made up the "accident" story as a reason for being late?
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that she did a lot of things to make people notice her? Stopping all of these places, acting oddly at a small diner, stopping at a stranger's house. Seems like she might have been creating an "alibi" for herself? When was the last time that the hours before a person was missing was so choke full of confirmed sightings? And specific ones?
If she were drunk she would have crashed that car into something earlier - not driven down a dirt path that was hard to find at night and then back up her van into the water only to jump out.

Doesn't make sense.
On MSNBC and Fox news RS is a studio. Why would he be in Seattle if she is missing in Olympia. Just a bit odd that he seems all about the Media and not about the search. If they were such a scouting family wouldn't he be heading up a search in the woods? Could this be a publicity stunt?
I'm a local who has seen the BF on the news, and that was a man in panic and despair over his girlfriend and her son missing. In no way would I say he has been calm on our local news but that IMO.

Another local agreeing with you on this! I listened to a radio interview with the BF today and he was really, really broken up and genuinely (IMO) upset and confused.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that she did a lot of things to make people notice her? Stopping all of these places, acting oddly at a small diner, stopping at a stranger's house. Seems like she might have been creating an "alibi" for herself? When was the last time that the hours before a person was missing was so choke full of confirmed sightings? And specific ones?

Friends and family speak up about her mental state.
Forgive me as I am coming in late to this story, when was the last time the fiancee actually physically saw Shantina ? TIA....
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that she did a lot of things to make people notice her? Stopping all of these places, acting oddly at a small diner, stopping at a stranger's house. Seems like she might have been creating an "alibi" for herself? When was the last time that the hours before a person was missing was so choke full of confirmed sightings? And specific ones?

I thought this too! I thought maybe she hit someone with her car, panicked, and all downhill from there. Evenmoreso if she was drunk at the time.
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