What Information Does Casey Receive Now?

Here are the potential things/information she could be missing:

-Tony might have a beautiful, loving girlfriend
-Maybe Amy got a great job and bought a house
-Ryan could be getting married and/or expecting his first child
-JP could be moving on to major film productions
-Sean could be ready to buy his own tattoo shop
-Brandon could be risking his life in Afghanistan

KC stated in one of her letters that she was somewhat relieved that Caylee would not experience the hurts that come in life....yet she never acknowledged the beautiful road that we all travel, what is to come, how we can all succeed and have varying and gratifying stories. Her short-sighted idiocy....I hope she is way out of the loop on some very good things that are happening to the people she surrounded herself with.

This is a pretty powerful post. When all her friends appear in front of her at trial, these things might cross her mind for the first time, she'll see them all in nicely pressed clothes with sun-kissed tans. I know she imagines herself in happy situations (as is evidenced by the epic road trip she's planning to take) but I don't know if her mind goes to all the good things everybody else has been up to since she's been incarcerated.

Does anybody in Florida know if there is a particular radio personality who devotes a certain amount of time/day to Casey? I mean not a talking head, as somebody here said she probably only listens to music channels, so I'm wondering if there's a station that plays Top 40 and maybe interjects a bit of the truth between tunes. If not, somebody should petition somebody to do so.
Patty, I have often wondered about this also. Wish I could give you two thumbs up!
This is something I've been wondering about for quite awhile. I know a number of posters here and on other sites think ICA is directing every move of her defense, but I don't see how that is possible.

According to her visitor lists, Baez and her other lawyers seldom visit - it doesn't even seem to be once a month, so how can she possibly know what goes on. She gets - what - an hour each day out of her cell, so I doubt she would be able to watch much television, she doesn't have any computer access or cell phone, she has no other visitors, but does have a radio.

I wonder how much this case is being discussed on the airwaves. Does anyone in Florida know? Probably not much. I think she is pretty much shut away in her own little world and spends the day dreaming the time away and planning for when she is free again.

Also, I suspect she is on some kind of anti-anxiety medication to keep her calm.

I would imagine that on days when there's news in the Anthony case, local Orlando radio stations include that news in their news hour. Almost every major city has talk shows where listeners call in. For example, in Los Angeles there's a very popular radio talk show that's on in the afternoons and the two hosts of the program talk about local Los Angeles news stories and local politics, have special guests on, and take listener calls. Does Orlando have this type of radio program? I wonder if there's discussion of the case on days when there's news in the case? Do listeners call in and express their opinion?
Agree with all you have posted. I especially agree with the fact that you don't believe KC is directing her defense. I don't think she has any authority or moral imperative. I think she is kinda, now a pawn in the hands of Jose. I simply do not see an innocent woman vehemently fighting for her defense but sort of a simpleton who really has no choice but to go along....

I don't think she's a simpleton. I think she's lazy and narcisstic, and totally okay with letting Baez and Mason and her defense handle things. I think she doesn't care that they don't visit her as long as the end result is getting her freed from jail. She is someone used to having someone else do everything for her while she sits there, considers her nails, and waits. And of course, if she think she knows better even though she doesn't, she's going to criticize and correct them, but still, and like always, defending Casey is not and never has been Casey's job.

So no, I see her as the type who likes her little cell away from mom and dad, and while she's living la bella vida in a jail, she's just letting her attorneys having the run of things. Why should she be involved or have any say? Getting her out of prison is THEIR job, not hers. It's just like she expected her family to totally cover for her so she wouldn't be in jail in the first place. She always expects someone to clean up her messes, and it's no different here with her defense. Even if she's anxious and on medication, she still thinks they're going to win because that is the defense's job, that is what a defense, more specifically HER defense, is supposed to do.

She only seems to care when it's right in her face in the courtroom, but seconds later it passes, and she's giggling or chatting with someone like her upset never happened. I bet by the time they're walking her out, she's already been in her own fantasy dream world for awhile, and those pesky court issues have been drowned out. After all, it's not her job to fix things. It's not her job to make things go her way, it's Baez and Mason's (or she wouldn't ask them to make anything stop). It's only her job to wait until the defense cleans this up and frees her.

When she asked multiple times if her she liked and was happy with her defense, of course she said yes. She can't fathom not winning because that never happens to her. She's just so special, just unlike anyone else that she can't possibly lose. I just don't think she understands that defense's can and do lose. I don't think she understands that it doesn't matter how special you are, you can still get convicted for doing criminal activities, especially for murdering your own child. I think she's got in her mind that no matter what, she's going to win because that's what she always does, because that's what her defense is supposed to do for her, because the Anthonys DO NOT lose (I'm sure her mother has driven that into her skull. I still will never forget Cindy saying that you just don't cross the Anthonys. It's like she thinks they're a mini mafia or something).

So having to go to court in the first place is a huge inconvenience for her. Why should she be there? It's not her job to fight for herself, it's her defense's job, it's someone else's job. That's why she can't stand having any of this case in her face at those hearings. She doesn't care what the SA has, she doesn't care about the process and what's going to happen, she just wants her defense to care about that and free her. I'm so glad HHJP is making her go to all hearings except the status ones (and I believe she should totally be going to those too) because that negates her little plan of sitting back, fantasizing, not being involved with her own case, and just waiting for that jail cell to finally open and let her be free.

IMO, she's going to hate the trial. She's going to go nuts with this case in her face for two solid months. She is going to hate the defense and wonder why they have failed her, how it could possible that her defense has failed. And she is going to be sorely disappointed when she is convicted at the very least for life, never to be set free again.

And IMO, it doesn't matter how she gets information. It just goes out of her mind two seconds after she hears it. She could be getting all the information in the world about her case, and that wouldn't change anything because she just doesn't care and it's not her job to defend herself.
Hello WS :)

I just listened to Casey grill the officer that was driving her back after one of her arrests. She wants to know why an Amber Alert wasn't issued for Caylee. She goes on and on, and on about what she knows and what her mother was told...

She is so condescending, she acts so superior...there is no hint of shame or guilt over Caylee, she knows what she did to Caylee and yet she can act as though she caught the authorities not doing "what is right" or what they were "supposed" to do. Uggg. I need to find the thread where everyone talks about that...it was just gross.

And, when I start to feel "sorry" for Casey(I DO sometimes), I read or hear something she said and I am right back to thinking she is just the grossest, sickest...agggggg, barf...ewwww, YUCK! Non human being.

This woman is all in control of what is happening to her. Yes, JB and her whole team are taking advantage of her, just as she believes she is doing with them. Casey likes what is wrong, and selfish and evil. It is who she is. I only say these things after entering her energy...ewwww.

Ya'll realize that with ICA, she can get all the accurate information given to her to assist her in her trial. She can nod yes and no to reply. She can verbally answer questions asked by HHJP.

BUT, ICA only allows what she wants to process in her mind to enter into it. All the other information she hears is fluff to her. In one ear, out the other mentality.

So it really doesn't matter what information from the media or JB or any other member of the defense team relays to ICA. She will only hear what she wants to hear. Yet she will acknowledge she heard it all.
Isn't it remarkable that KC doesn't have any friends from the outside visiting her? I know that it can be argued that her friends are too disgusted by her to visit---but even Eileen Wormus had a friend who would visit her. It is often noted that Caylee seemed to have no friends her own age..and really it seems clear that KC didn't have any real friends. If my good friend went nutty and did something like this I would like to think that I would write to her and/or visit her. KC has no one like that--does she? Does she have anyone at all aside from lawyers? I guess not! It speaks volumes about her relationships prior to all this--they were superficial at best.
Hello WS :cool2:

I know these letters are not recent but they give some idea of "what ICA knows" while in jail. As far as her getting the ruling of "ineffective counsel" I wonder if her descriptions of her faith in "her boys" would come into play if she were to try and claim ineffective counsel? In these letters it does not seem as though she has any issue with her defense team. In fact, she is recommending people to Robyn. Who is Mike and Michelle? TIA. Robyn must write to complain to ICA regarding her defense, a opportunity for ICA to write back any of her doubts but it seems she has none and gives no complaints about being left out of information. ICA writes that JB asks her to "teach" him. :eek: :waitasec: :crazy: :loser: :sick: :snooty:

Page 258

Jan. 25 2009

I’m so thankful that José came through for you and that Mike and Michelle agreed to take your case. They’re very good friends of mine and they’re working on my case as well. José and Mike go way back – they both practiced in Miami before José moved up here. That’s where we’re hoping to have my trial, for numerous reasons – very little media exposure, lots of additional resources, including the Walsh’s, [sic] and of course, sun and sand.

Page 250-251

The motions we filed are routine and nothing to get my insides all silly, but the idea of seeing my Mom in person, for the first time in over 3 ½ months, I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight. I’m glad that I’ll get to see my boys later on, most likely with a message from my Mom, including an update on my Dad.

Page 248-249
(Who is this lawyer?)

I haven’t heard anything about my family today via la radio, thankfully, except talk of a Caylee Tribute doll and some hick from Louisiana selling 3 voodoo dolls on Ebay. Guess who it’s supposed to be? José told me last night that he already hired me another attorney to deal with those lings (sigh). Another day, another series of rumors and ridiculousness. The life of a celebrity, huh? Right. If only I were old and ugly, they wouldn’t care. Sad that those words have come from people in the media, not just me. And I guess stupid (bleep bleep) Nancy Grace was on The View talking about me. Really? What a joke! Crazy ***** will have the lawsuits of a lifetime, really, only in hopes of getting her kicked off tv.

Page 201-202

Oh! And let me just say, I’m extremely unshocked about my lack of privacy here! I’ll tell you more about that later. It’s so bad, that I have a certain “resource” doing [End page 201] some digging for me. At least our secret is still safe! I can’t trust the day-time staff for anything! : (

Page 203-206

We’re working on my bond motion, so I should hopefully and unfortunately be in court within the next two weeks. Hopefully, we’ll get to talk soon, so I can get more details from you, and maybe have some useful advice. I’m looking into the appeals process, and I’ll make sure I update you with every minor detail as I go along. I really can picture myself pursuing law after all of this.

Gnatcatcher found this and was the first to post this in the thread titled: Reference: Typed Letters http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100781&highlight=letters


Pages 13760 to 13765

I don't know if you've heard the news but there have been big breaks in my case, falling heavily on my side.

Pages 13760 to 13765

Oh! And I'm no longer on Psych Obs. With the change in the media, and my constant composure, they couldn't see any reason to keep watching me like a 5-year old with paste. I've been able to keep my break-downs private, or at least, mostly private.

13748 to 13755

And yeah, my mom's stupid spokesperson. Everyone and their mother is trying to profit from this. It's not a joke, or a publicity stunt. This is our lives for goodness sake! My attorney is keeping tabs on my family for me, and exchanges letters between us.


(Credit to butwhatif?)

I hope your visits and calls home are going well! I know you miss your family, especially the munchkins . Believe me, I'm right there with ya!! And yes, he wants me to “teach him”. Haha! We're taking turns giving each other the run-down of the new finds in books and with evidence. The job is never done. This has become my job, as it was was when I was home. Case stuff at the...........office, and charity work at home.


So I got called to court. Yippee :-( It's nothing important and we usually wave my appearance. Whoops. Not this time.

P 13738

The joke with my attorneys, “ I hate clowns and there are too many F*ing clowns at this circus!” - referencing the media , other lawyers , and a lot of those idiots that want to be part of this Freak Show.


I miss that kind of honesty. I do however get that from my attorneys. One of the many reasons why I <3 my boys. They each have their own unique personalities , but they all mesh so well together. I never expected to make friends with my attorney, let alone the numerous ones I've acquired. True friendship , such as ours. We're both in our worst of worst places , but neither of us cares what the other has or hasn't done. I'm good with that. If only more people in our society and throughout the world, for that matter , shared too. Same belief , if nothing else. Alright I'll quit torturing you with my ramblings, and I'll find some way of entertaining myself until they come.


The scoop, in case you are still unaware....the day I was indicted, definitely not one of my better days, the “jury” or better stated- Grand Jury , pushed for the death penalty .

Well....a couple of days ago, the prosecutor decides that they “don't have enough evidence to proceed”. Although the entire absis for the case in un warranted , and saying that I am “falsely accused” is beyond an understatement, but at least they're starting to back off, and maybe realize that innocence is a big factor here. One of my attorneys said it best, “the case isn't circumstantial. It's completely speculative. Look at other missing person cases. Name one that hasn't had something that seems “odd”. Find one , and I'll resign from the bar!” (He's from Miami , and just moments before, was telling me about how the court system is run there , and I was hysterical! Gotta laugh, right?


The attorney visits are always unpredictable, but good, nonetheless. My main attorney has been giving me a hard time, wanting me to “teach him” some of the things he's sent back with me to read. It's draining. Now I remember why I don't miss school! My visit last night was good though. Two hours of chit chat, with our newest guy.


I'm not even using the phone, or taking visits right now. I'll fight, to keep whatever privacy I can get!!


The positive side is that soon enough I'll be getting my full work-up via a good doctor.

P 13669

I saw the infomercial again last night....crap! I forget the name of it. Watch for it on the WB. It's a pink pad and it's 100% pain free hair removal. I want it! Part of me is tempted to have the boys order it for me.

P 13658

#1 – their attorney is a power-hungry jerk, who is only looking to make himself relevant in my case, and my Mom is aiding him in that (bar complaints against Jose & wanting to raise $ for my defense, but they don't want my defense team knowing....) ; that's just the tip of the iceberg.
#2 – both of my parents are not working, still, and yet have the means to travel all over the country and don't feel that they have to explain where or why. Odd, right?
#3 – They are further from God than I have ever seen and it's evident by their daily actions- avoiding Jose, bad-mouthing my defense team, trying to manipulate me into saying and/or doing.....

P 13659
….any number of things.


P 13652
4 (?)/2/09

Just wait until you see the cards. I'm not trying to make fun, but who else can I share this with than my bestie? I haven't told the boys yet, but Jose B will be over-protective and will probably want to......

P13653 ….. tell them to back off (but wouldn't because of the media).



My Mom has been battling us on the service details, religiously (and without any consideration of my ideas or feelings on the matter). Her idiot attorney has been bashing Baez and my defense team for a couple weeks now, without reason, and my Mom has done nothing to stop it. We're the ones being made out to be careless, heartless and selfish, but we're the only ones playing by the rules and trying to avoid stepping on anyone's toes. Sadly, we're the true Shmucks in this for playing nicely. There are so many details I want to convey, but it almost seems tedius to keep on *****ing. I'll stick to the main details, even though the ones temporarily withheld are some of the most important. :-(
I miss you sis!!!!

Anyway, we try to formulate a plan to cover out butts from any more slander and to at least keep on with our pattern of nice-playing. I find out that my brother was acting according to scripts, via law enforcement, when he came to visit m,e back in July and August, and he was reporting back to them with whatever I told them. I told you about everything my Dad said during his interviews with LE. So two down, one to go.

Sunday morning – Baez and Linda come back to reupdate me on the Super Fun weekend, and have even more Fun details to share. My “sick” Mommy hitches.....

…..out to Tampa on Saturday, ____ _____ Baez still couldn't get ahold of her. Turns out, she met with Meredith Veiera, formerly of the view, now associated with the Today Show, I believe, or Good Morning America. She's not well enough to take advantage of seeing me in person on Friday , but can shmooze with the dirtbags the next day?! Seriously?!
But wait, there's more! (I'm sweating while writing this. My emotions are obviously getting a workout). Come to find out that she put a trademark on Caylees name months back, never told me, and even talked about doing the same with mine. This is the same time she publicly states that she plans on writing a book about this!
B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L!!! I'm so sick to my stomach even thinking about this.
I'm the only person who has tried to protect Caylee throughout all of this, and it kills me!
All my Mom talks about now is doing a public service for herself, because she needs to. I can't believe my own mother is capitalizing, or trying to, off of everything that has happened.
I had written her expressing my disgust, grief and hurt after what happened on Friday, this is before finding out all of this. And what happens when she meets up with Baez yesterday to read my letter?
She laughs at the idea of getting caught with lunch on Saturday. Laughs!

(ICA says here that she wrote a letter to Cindy)


I can't take it Robyn. I can't. I've done everything possible to hold my family together and I continue to get stomped on, thrown under the bus, and it doesn't surprise me anymore when it happens. I have too many other things to worry about and now all of this!

I've officially lost my entire blood-related family in the blink of an eye, in the midst of mourning my daughters death, trying to exhonorate myself , and figure out what steps to take in achieving these things, and I get ******** over by my entire family. I talked to Chaplain Gonzalez about it briefly, cliff notes version, and she wanted to cry. She told me my feelings are completely valid, and that I have to start looking out for myself. Not that I have a choice in the matter. They chose for me.


Baez told me last night that he's sorry that I never met a man deserving of me, who would have taken care of Caylee and I, as we should have been. I cried. I told him “someday”, and he quickly corrected.
Actually, “maybe someday” was my answer, and he guaranteed me that it would happen some day soon. He's a great friend. And in many ways, looks out for me like a father.

P 13634

People like my Mom who is still milking her leave-of-absense, at least she still was last month, should be grateful to have a job. Neither of my parents are working – my Dad quit or got fired back in November, never mentioned it to my Mom, but kept disappearing day and night, never telling her where he was going, what he was doing, or who with. Too many questions unanswered.


So this happens early in the day, and she promises to come back to the office later that afternoon/evening, to prep for Friday. After numerous phone calls, Baez can't get a hold of her, or better stated, she avoids all contact, including texts. Baez contacts her attorney , Brad Conway, and gets the run-around from him. More useless details, but what it boils down to is my Mom is going to be escorted to court on Friday, via a friend of hers directly connected to the Today show.


I talked to 3 of my attorneys just before coming back and they're so upset that my my Mom bailed on me and that fact that her attorney shows up, waving all (underlined) conflict with my Moms former attorney, who started working for the enemy the day he “resigned” from working with my folks, back on November 20, my brothers birthday.
Still follow? I hope so! 'Tis just the beginning :-( ….
I was pretty upset on Friday, but I didn't want anyone to worry, especially not my cookie, so I put on my happy face and let it go.

Saturday, around noon- Baez and my attorney who was down from New York for the weekend, came to fill me in on all of the drama. They still couldn't get in contact with my Mom , and are both still extremely frustrated about what went down the days previous. I'm right there with them. This is when I get all the details from Thursday – Saturday.


I'm extremely grateful to Mike and Michelle for taking your case. And Gabe speaks nothing but the truth. He's my adopted brother. Mike and Michelle wrote a couple of appeals in my case, that were nothing short of phenominal. I put all of my faith and trust in their abilities, and I know they will pull a great victory for you! I demand it.

(I posted this because ICA gives us two impressions regarding Caylee. One is that her daughter is alive and the other is that Caylee is in heaven waiting for her.)
Page 230-231

I miss my Caylee [End page 230] so much, : ( but knowing that she’s waiting for me in Heaven, :sigh: honestly, is a great relief.

I'm going to find my daughter, and move out of here asap!

Wow, Chiquita. I had totally forgotten about that those lovey dovey gag me references to her attorneys in her letters! She tries to appeal on ineffective counsel and it'll get shot down just because of those love letters! She has no chance in hell of getting that appeal to work for her.
It's probably already been said, but I noticed that the "cute attorney" she was slobbering about (can't think of the name), hasn't been to see her since these letters became public. The one she had a crush on?

And I don't think there is all the "fatherly love" from JB anymore either.
It's probably already been said, but I noticed that the "cute attorney" she was slobbering about (can't think of the name), hasn't been to see her since these letters became public. The one she had a crush on?

And I don't think there is all the "fatherly love" from JB anymore either.

No, that attorney left the Baez firm in early spring. You can search the forum for atty Garcia, I would do it for you but I am exhausted :bedtime:
Thanks Chiquita for the great excerpts. I've snipped your amazing post for brevity and added my opinion. I highlighted in red.

Hello WS :cool2:

Page 258
Jan. 25 2009
I&#8217;m so thankful that José came through for you and that Mike and Michelle agreed to take your case. They&#8217;re very good friends of mine and they&#8217;re working on my case as well. José and Mike go way back &#8211; they both practiced in Miami before José moved up here. That&#8217;s where we&#8217;re hoping to have my trial, for numerous reasons &#8211; very little media exposure, lots of additional resources, including the Walsh&#8217;s, [sic] and of course, sun and sand.

Page 248-249
(Who is this lawyer?)
I haven&#8217;t heard anything about my family today via la radio, thankfully, except talk of a Caylee Tribute doll and some hick from Louisiana selling 3 voodoo dolls on Ebay. Guess who it&#8217;s supposed to be? José told me last night that he already hired me another attorney to deal with those lings (sigh). Another day, another series of rumors and ridiculousness. The life of a celebrity, huh? Right. If only I were old and ugly, they wouldn&#8217;t care. Sad that those words have come from people in the media, not just me. And I guess stupid (bleep bleep) Nancy Grace was on The View talking about me. Really? What a joke! Crazy ***** will have the lawsuits of a lifetime, really, only in hopes of getting her kicked off tv.
Page 201-202
Oh! And let me just say, I&#8217;m extremely unshocked about my lack of privacy here! I&#8217;ll tell you more about that later. It&#8217;s so bad, that I have a certain &#8220;resource&#8221; doing [End page 201] some digging for me. At least our secret is still safe! I can&#8217;t trust the day-time staff for anything! : (

Gnatcatcher found this and was the first to post this in the thread titled: Reference: Typed Letters http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100781&highlight=letters[/B]

P 13738
The joke with my attorneys, &#8220; I hate clowns and there are too many F*ing clowns at this circus!&#8221; - referencing the media , other lawyers , and a lot of those idiots that want to be part of this Freak Show.
I miss that kind of honesty. I do however get that from my attorneys. One of the many reasons why I <3 my boys. They each have their own unique personalities , but they all mesh so well together. I never expected to make friends with my attorney, let alone the numerous ones I've acquired. True friendship , such as ours. We're both in our worst of worst places , but neither of us cares what the other has or hasn't done. I'm good with that. If only more people in our society and throughout the world, for that matter , shared too. Same belief , if nothing else. Alright I'll quit torturing you with my ramblings, and I'll find some way of entertaining myself until they come.
The scoop, in case you are still unaware....the day I was indicted, definitely not one of my better days, the &#8220;jury&#8221; or better stated- Grand Jury , pushed for the death penalty .
Well....a couple of days ago, the prosecutor decides that they &#8220;don't have enough evidence to proceed&#8221;. Although the entire absis for the case in un warranted , and saying that I am &#8220;falsely accused&#8221; is beyond an understatement, but at least they're starting to back off, and maybe realize that innocence is a big factor here. One of my attorneys said it best, &#8220;the case isn't circumstantial. It's completely speculative. Look at other missing person cases. Name one that hasn't had something that seems &#8220;odd&#8221;. Find one , and I'll resign from the bar!&#8221; (He's from Miami , and just moments before, was telling me about how the court system is run there , and I was hysterical! Gotta laugh, right?(skip)
The attorney visits are always unpredictable, but good, nonetheless. My main attorney has been giving me a hard time, wanting me to &#8220;teach him&#8221; some of the things he's sent back with me to read. It's draining. Now I remember why I don't miss school! My visit last night was good though. Two hours of chit chat, with our newest guy.
I'm not even using the phone, or taking visits right now. I'll fight, to keep whatever privacy I can get!!
The positive side is that soon enough I'll be getting my full work-up via a good doctor. (skip)
P 13669
I saw the infomercial again last night....crap! I forget the name of it. Watch for it on the WB. It's a pink pad and it's 100% pain free hair removal. I want it! Part of me is tempted to have the boys order it for me.
P 13658
#1 &#8211; their attorney is a power-hungry jerk, who is only looking to make himself relevant in my case, and my Mom is aiding him in that (bar complaints against Jose & wanting to raise $ for my defense, but they don't want my defense team knowing....) ; that's just the tip of the iceberg.
#2 &#8211; both of my parents are not working, still, and yet have the means to travel all over the country and don't feel that they have to explain where or why. Odd, right?
#3 &#8211; They are further from God than I have ever seen and it's evident by their daily actions- avoiding Jose, bad-mouthing my defense team, trying to manipulate me into saying and/or doing.....
P 13659
&#8230;.any number of things.

P 13652
4 (?)/2/09
Just wait until you see the cards. I'm not trying to make fun, but who else can I share this with than my bestie? I haven't told the boys yet, but Jose B will be over-protective and will probably want to......
P13653 &#8230;.. tell them to back off (but wouldn't because of the media).

My Mom has been battling us on the service details, religiously (and without any consideration of my ideas or feelings on the matter). Her idiot attorney has been bashing Baez and my defense team for a couple weeks now, without reason, and my Mom has done nothing to stop it. We're the ones being made out to be careless, heartless and selfish, but we're the only ones playing by the rules and trying to avoid stepping on anyone's toes. Sadly, we're the true Shmucks in this for playing nicely. There are so many details I want to convey, but it almost seems tedius to keep on *****ing. I'll stick to the main details, even though the ones temporarily withheld are some of the most important. :-(
I miss you sis!!!!
Anyway, we try to formulate a plan to cover out butts from any more slander and to at least keep on with our pattern of nice-playing. I find out that my brother was acting according to scripts, via law enforcement, when he came to visit m,e back in July and August, and he was reporting back to them with whatever I told them. I told you about everything my Dad said during his interviews with LE. So two down, one to go.
Sunday morning &#8211; Baez and Linda come back to reupdate me on the Super Fun weekend, and have even more Fun details to share. My &#8220;sick&#8221; Mommy hitches.....
&#8230;..out to Tampa on Saturday, ____ _____ Baez still couldn't get ahold of her. Turns out, she met with Meredith Veiera, formerly of the view, now associated with the Today Show, I believe, or Good Morning America. She's not well enough to take advantage of seeing me in person on Friday , but can shmooze with the dirtbags the next day?! Seriously?!
But wait, there's more! (I'm sweating while writing this. My emotions are obviously getting a workout). Come to find out that she put a trademark on Caylees name months back, never told me, and even talked about doing the same with mine. This is the same time she publicly states that she plans on writing a book about this!
B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L!!! I'm so sick to my stomach even thinking about this.
I'm the only person who has tried to protect Caylee throughout all of this, and it kills me!
All my Mom talks about now is doing a public service for herself, because she needs to. I can't believe my own mother is capitalizing, or trying to, off of everything that has happened.
I had written her expressing my disgust, grief and hurt after what happened on Friday, this is before finding out all of this. And what happens when she meets up with Baez yesterday to read my letter?
She laughs at the idea of getting caught with lunch on Saturday. Laughs!

(ICA says here that she wrote a letter to Cindy)
I can't take it Robyn. I can't. I've done everything possible to hold my family together and I continue to get stomped on, thrown under the bus, and it doesn't surprise me anymore when it happens. I have too many other things to worry about and now all of this!
I've officially lost my entire blood-related family in the blink of an eye, in the midst of mourning my daughters death, trying to exhonorate myself , and figure out what steps to take in achieving these things, and I get ******** over by my entire family. I talked to Chaplain Gonzalez about it briefly, cliff notes version, and she wanted to cry. She told me my feelings are completely valid, and that I have to start looking out for myself. Not that I have a choice in the matter. They chose for me.
Baez told me last night that he's sorry that I never met a man deserving of me, who would have taken care of Caylee and I, as we should have been. I cried. I told him &#8220;someday&#8221;, and he quickly corrected.
Actually, &#8220;maybe someday&#8221; was my answer, and he guaranteed me that it would happen some day soon. He's a great friend. And in many ways, looks out for me like a father.

P 13634
People like my Mom who is still milking her leave-of-absense, at least she still was last month, should be grateful to have a job. Neither of my parents are working &#8211; my Dad quit or got fired back in November, never mentioned it to my Mom, but kept disappearing day and night, never telling her where he was going, what he was doing, or who with. Too many questions unanswered.
So this happens early in the day, and she promises to come back to the office later that afternoon/evening, to prep for Friday. After numerous phone calls, Baez can't get a hold of her, or better stated, she avoids all contact, including texts. Baez contacts her attorney , Brad Conway, and gets the run-around from him. More useless details, but what it boils down to is my Mom is going to be escorted to court on Friday, via a friend of hers directly connected to the Today show.
I talked to 3 of my attorneys just before coming back and they're so upset that my my Mom bailed on me and that fact that her attorney shows up, waving all (underlined) conflict with my Moms former attorney, who started working for the enemy the day he &#8220;resigned&#8221; from working with my folks, back on November 20, my brothers birthday.
Still follow? I hope so! 'Tis just the beginning :-(
I was pretty upset on Friday, but I didn't want anyone to worry, especially not my cookie, so I put on my happy face and let it go.


1. Very little media exposure in South FL. was by design IMO. Additionally, the "lot's of additional resources" comment indicates to me that she is under the impression that JB's "friends" are at her disposal. What "additional" resources would Broward / Dade counties have to offer that Orlando does not????

2. Lawsuits in hopes of "only" getting NG kicked off TV???? First of all, her comment about JB hiring another attorney FOR her.......does HE have POA to retain counsel? I bet not. Additionally, referring to her celebrity status... seems the ONLY one telling KC she is a celebrity is JB. Guess what...David Hasselhoff is a celebrity....and he's neither young nor pretty. He's been referred to by media as a trainwreck. So.....IMO...recognizable is NOT synonymous with celebrity...only familiarity.

3. "I can't trust the day staff for anything." Sounds like a "set up" for "funky" to me.

4. "this freak show"...so KC herself refers to this as a freak show??????

5. "numerous ones I've aquired". So KC has aquired attorneys, not retained them??? Numerous ones... "Friends" with an attorney??? Sadly, it seems that this girl would consider ANYONE that speaks to her as a friend. IMO, her attorney has exploited that personality trait to his advantage and not hers.

6. So KC's attorney from Miami is filling her head with the idea that there is something odd in every missing persons case. Given that EVERY case is certain to have facts that make no sense...doesn't it seem a bit premature for an attorney to be categorizing any of the facts of KC's case as odd when compared to other missing persons cases. To ME that seems as if there are "odd facts" that her counsel plans to counter by saying "name another case". He'll resign from the bar???? Or is "be disbarred" more accurate??

7. Her attorney wants her to "teach him" some of the things he has sent for her to read??? Is that really code for "show me you have memorized your new mantra and role"? What does he need to verify that she has "learned and committed to memory and put into practice"????

8. "soon enough" KC will be getting a full work up by a good MD???? How does that "work up" differ from those she has already had???

9. "and to at least keep on with our pattern of nice-playing". Pattern?? hmmmmmmmmmm

10. "Come to find out that she put a trademark on Caylees name months back, never told me, and even talked about doing the same with mine." ummmmmmmmmmm smoke is rather thick here. No TM on Caylee or KC was registered at this point. IMO this was obscufication at it's best.

11. "I can't believe my own mother is capitalizing, or trying to, off of everything that has happened" Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm KC...what exactly HAS happened?????

12. "he's sorry I never met a man deserving of me".................. I have NO WORDS.

13. "to prep for Friday".......hmmmmmmmm

14. "a friend of hers directly connected to the TODAY show"......... Is that the bald guy???? Thought so.

15. "resigned" "still follow?"...."Tis just the beginning." Tis????????????? KC uses TIS??????
Hello WS :)

Well, whatever is being talked about between Casey and her lawyers, my guess is there is no truth or honesty involved. Casey is busy lying and deceiving them as they do the same to her. I would bet the farm on that simply because it has been shown none of them can tell the truth or follow the rules.

After reading in Today's news, with the latest press conference and addition of members of Casey's team...and(sigh)a thread I have not gone to yet that said something about "deadlines extended." I swear, if this judge lets the defense team hold up this trial any longer...I will do nothing...because there is NOTHING I can do about it. I have no power. There are people with power...but they do not seem as upset as I am about how justice is being carried out. Ah, growing up and realizing it is not the good people who run the world: priceless.

In Casey's letters to Robyn, it seemed like she had access to television, internet and we know her family was able to pass her letters through JB. She gets to sit in court and hear what non-sense is coming out of her attys mouths and we hear her tell the judge she is fine with her defense. I wouldn't think a person can be in jail(they have not been found guilty yet)and be "cut off" from understanding the process they are involved in-from what I have learned from this case: the perp has ALL THE RIGHTS. When it comes to the innocent, I am certainly glad and support our system of Republic where the rights of the individual outweigh the rights of the majority. But, IMHO Casey is guilty and so we watch a system that, I feel has let her "team" get away with murder. (Pun intended). I said in a post on another thread, earlier: JB has made a mockery of our system. Has been ALLOWED to make a mockery of justice. IMHO.

I have come to the conclusion that JB/the whole team except those who have left and Casey all think this is the OJ trial. Casey is not OJ and JB is not Johnny C! The whole world was waiting with bated breath during that ordeal. It was on TV all the time! There were shows on tv about what was going on, news programs, etc.

This is NOT what is going on here. I think JB/the team, Casey and all who are looking for the money to come rolling in because of this case-are in for a rude awakening. They thought stretching this out was what would bring in the most money, but they will find time has passed them by...


I think time has passed them by. I live in FL and rarely hear anymore about this case. Also, I heard on the news yrsterday that the judge will NOT allow them to have the DNA tested out of the country:)

We have alot of murders here and the latest that has been in the news is a 94 yr old woman killed in her home the other day. Caylee's is just one of quite a few. As far as making money, I kind of look for CA to write a book but doubt if it would be of big interest. We have already heard/seen most of it on the news. Theyve already sold most of the pics. blah
Poor Caylee, sell her pics to help defend who most likely murdered her:(
Hello WS :)


Well....a couple of days ago, the prosecutor decides that they &#8220;don't have enough evidence to proceed&#8221;. Although the entire absis for the case in un warranted, and saying that I am &#8220;falsely accused&#8221; is beyond an understatement, but at least they're starting to back off, and maybe realize that innocence is a big factor here.

"innocence is a big factor?" If ICA was innocent, she would say innocence is the only factor. That is what a innocent person would say. IMHO.

"I talked to 3 of my attorneys just before coming back and they're so upset that my my Mom bailed on me and that fact that her attorney shows up, waving all (underlined) conflict with my Moms former attorney, who started working for the enemy the day he 'resigned' from working with my folks, back on November 20, my brothers birthday."

Now why would this be stated by KC in her letters of late 2008/early 2009 to her friend in jail. TM of TES who tried to find her daughter. What possible reason could she have to regard him as an enemy when he was out there with the volunteers searching for her child? Two separate searching establishments LE and TES trying to find your child and KC considers them both her enemy. Surely if someone were trying to find your child they would be a hero to anyone who is innocent of any wrong doing. jmo
This is a pretty powerful post. When all her friends appear in front of her at trial, these things might cross her mind for the first time, she'll see them all in nicely pressed clothes with sun-kissed tans. I know she imagines herself in happy situations (as is evidenced by the epic road trip she's planning to take) but I don't know if her mind goes to all the good things everybody else has been up to since she's been incarcerated.

Does anybody in Florida know if there is a particular radio personality who devotes a certain amount of time/day to Casey? I mean not a talking head, as somebody here said she probably only listens to music channels, so I'm wondering if there's a station that plays Top 40 and maybe interjects a bit of the truth between tunes. If not, somebody should petition somebody to do so.

Bubba the Love Sponge show keeps tabs on her, not daily, but they do provide updates as they happen...they are the show that have done several spoof songs off her - controversial of course.

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