Analyzing the area where Hailey was found

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With many thanks to Frostess for the photo and information - "Per KRBC....Kristin Anderson: Here's a look of the area where Hailey Dunn was found. As you can see, her loved ones have stopped by to leave flowers in her honor."

What a lovely thing to do. I hope it's okay to re-post the photo on this thread (after the other one was locked) to show what the countryside looks like where Hailey's scattered remains were found. It's mostly mesquite with a little bit of dry broom grass. The mesquite is green now, but during the winter, it is brown. It's difficult to see in this photo, but mesquite branches have thorns.

Cherokee, does the warning on the sign mean that the shoreline is really muddy and your feet will sink deeper than "normal" and a person walking in it could possibility get stuck in the mud?
For those who might not be familiar with mesquite, a view of their thorns ... I guess you know what I'm hoping for.

I can't figure out what you are hoping for?????
Just to add to your post about mesquite thorns.
Those mesquite thorns are treacherous. Our ranch vehicles tires are always flat due to the mesquite thorns, yes those thorns go right through tires. DH has some kind of green slime he keeps in the tires in an attempt to keep the air in. Tennis shoes and flip flops are no match for mesquite thorns, step on one, you'll wish you didn't...ouch!
For those who might not be familiar with mesquite, a view of their thorns ... I guess you know what I'm hoping for.

Wow those are big thorns...Are they as sharp as they look?

I would not want to fall into one of those at night much less during the day..
I can't figure out what you are hoping for?????
Just to add to your post about mesquite thorns.
Those mesquite thorns are treacherous. Our ranch vehicles tires are always flat due to the mesquite thorns, yes those thorns go right through tires. DH has some kind of green slime he keeps in the tires in an attempt to keep the air in. Tennis shoes and flip flops are no match for mesquite thorns, step on one, you'll wish you didn't...ouch!

I think Cherokee was hoping that whomever dropped off Hailey, got lots of those sharp thorns in unmentionable places. JMO
I think Cherokee was hoping that whomever dropped off Hailey, got lots of those sharp thorns in unmentionable places. JMO too and I hope they got big ol', festered up abcesses to go with it!

I thought Cherokee was thinking along the lines of mesquite thorns and brush in the undercarriage of the car or in tires and when the car was searched they put these into evidence for later....maybe overthinking it...LOL.
I would think those thorns would rip traces of clothes.
Ok I know what Im hoping for... a piece of coverall or clothing left behind due to impact with a very sharp Mesquite bush.

It's been a long time since Dec 2010 but still hoping.

Long story but many years ago...My niece's girlfriend( 14 - 15 year old) was murdered (By a BF-15-16 about same age..). I think she was not allowed to "officially" date yet but they were in a gifted class together at school plus she would meet up with him at mall and places with other friends. Her grandfather was a judge and his family was also very stable. She had left without permission one night out a window when she was "overnighting"with her grandparents. Later to be found out she had done this before...

I'm adding this part to show that children don't always obey the house rules... but asking the parents and grandparents....they didn't have a clue she was doing this.

The FBI and Local police found her very quickly , she was murdered at a state park.

The police combed the area for evidence around the crime scene and it was a closed area. Once it hit the local news and the area opened again... a Little older lady who thought her "SIL" might have been the one that murdered this child ( tells you what she thought of her SIL) went to the park to look and found a little piece of mickey mouse xmas wrapping paper and turned it in to LE.

When FBI questioned my niece...she was with her friend when she purchased a troll doll and wrapped it in mickey mouse xmas paper to give to this boyfriend for xmas.

LE found the troll doll.. he had kept it... and along with a lot of other evidence at trial the little piece of wrapping paper tied things together.... This was 25 years ago and he is still in prison.

So Im hoping LE has found their "little piece of evidence" that could tie Hailey's murderer to the scene with enough evidence for a trial and jury to connect the dot and get a conviction.
Ok I know what Im hoping for... a piece of coverall or clothing left behind due to impact with a very sharp Mesquite bush.

It's been a long time since Dec 2010 but still hoping.

Long story but many years ago...My niece's girlfriend( 14 - 15 year old) was murdered (By a BF-15-16 about same age..). I think she was not allowed to "officially" date yet but they were in a gifted class together at school plus she would meet up with him at mall and places with other friends. Her grandfather was a judge and his family was also very stable. She had left without permission one night out a window when she was "overnighting"with her grandparents. Later to be found out she had done this before...

I'm adding this part to show that children don't always obey the house rules... but asking the parents and grandparents....they didn't have a clue she was doing this.

The FBI and Local police found her very quickly , she was murdered at a state park.

The police combed the area for evidence around the crime scene and it was a closed area. Once it hit the local news and the area opened again... a Little older lady who thought her "SIL" might have been the one that murdered this child ( tells you what she thought of her SIL) went to the park to look and found a little piece of mickey mouse xmas wrapping paper and turned it in to LE.

When FBI questioned my niece...she was with her friend when she purchased a troll doll and wrapped it in mickey mouse xmas paper to give to this boyfriend for xmas.

LE found the troll doll.. he had kept it... and along with a lot of other evidence at trial the little piece of wrapping paper tied things together.... This was 25 years ago and he is still in prison.

So Im hoping LE has found their "little piece of evidence" that could tie Hailey's murderer to the scene with enough evidence for a trial and jury to connect the dot and get a conviction.

Great post and another reason I would not leave my house or get rid of her things just in case they found her and could trace plant or soil samples back to our home anything can happen. My fingers are crossed that they find something in the area she was found.
Cherokee, does the warning on the sign mean that the shoreline is really muddy and your feet will sink deeper than "normal" and a person walking in it could possibility get stuck in the mud?

Hi Ruby. A soft shoreline means it is undefined and can have places of instability, which could include mud, but I don't think it means to the degree you are thinking of, especially when there has been a lack of rain.
With many thanks to Frostess for the photo and information - "Per KRBC....Kristin Anderson: Here's a look of the area where Hailey Dunn was found. As you can see, her loved ones have stopped by to leave flowers in her honor."

What a lovely thing to do. I hope it's okay to re-post the photo on this thread (after the other one was locked) to show what the countryside looks like where Hailey's scattered remains were found. It's mostly mesquite with a little bit of dry broom grass. The mesquite is green now, but during the winter, it is brown. It's difficult to see in this photo, but mesquite branches have thorns.

Thanks for sharing! Do you know whereabouts this sign is? The photo really does show more clearly what the landscape is like. How close do the mesquite bushes grow together? Is there room to walk off road without having to move branches out of the way?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so mysterious! I was mostly thinking about leaving trace evidence on the mesquite thorns, such as threads from a clothing tear, etc., but I agree it would be good if Hailey's killer felt some pain (especially in a certain area). As Truthwillsetufree said, the thorns can be tough on cars and trucks, but they are h*ll on clothes and skin if you get too close.
Thanks for sharing! Do you know whereabouts this sign is? The photo really does show more clearly what the landscape is like. How close do the mesquite bushes grow together? Is there room to walk off road without having to move branches out of the way?

You're welcome. I do not know exactly where this sign is in regards to where Hailey's remains were found. I don't live in Snyder or C City but in another town farther away from the lake, so and haven't been to the area recently. Maybe someone who lives closer could give you a better idea of where the sign is located exactly.

As for your other questions:

How close do the mesquite bushes grow together?

That varies a lot. In some places, they can be dense, but in other areas, a person could walk between them. I'm sorry I cannot be more exact than that, but mesquite is an opportunist (and a pest). It grows where it can.

Is there room to walk off road without having to move branches out of the way?

Yes, especially in winter. It's is easier at that time of year to avoid touching the mesquite branches and thorns because you can see them more clearly. When they are covered with the green fronds during warm weather, the pliable stem branches that grow out of the main stalks reach farther than the dead mesquite "sticks" of winter. One sign that we know Spring is really here is when the mesquite turns green.

However, that doesn't mean when walking in an area of mesquite in wintertime that you could avoid their all branches and thorns; especially if it were close to dark, and especially if you were carrying a body.

Walking through mesquite is like a maze. There is no pattern to where it grows, so that makes it difficult to walk in a straight line. You are constantly having to walk around it.
Cherokee (and everyone who has posted pics), thanks so much for all the information about the area...soil, plants, everything! It is so different from where I live!
Hi Ruby. A soft shoreline means it is undefined and can have places of instability, which could include mud, but I don't think it means to the degree you are thinking of, especially when there has been a lack of rain.

I've seen places with deep mud such as shoreline become dry, crusty and cracked on top but you sink when you step or try to drive on it. Things get so dry and very windy in this area of Texas!

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I've seen places with deep mud such as shoreline become dry, crusty and cracked on top but you sink when you step or try to drive on it. Things get so dry and very windy in this area of Texas!

I agree with you. That's why the warning sign is there. It might look safe to walk or drive on a certain area, but it's not. Before the drought when we had somewhat regular rains through the years, the shoreline was more defined, but now that the lake is drying up, it's just an ugly mess.
For those who might not be familiar with mesquite, a view of their thorns ... I guess you know what I'm hoping for.

Thank you Chero for everything!:seeya:
You're welcome. It's nice "seeing" you again, Tezi. :)

It's nice "seeing" you too!:seeya: Thank you for explaining about the lake, the shoreline, and the bushes. I don't think we have mesquite here, but we have briar bushes that grab a hold of you and I can testify to the fact, that I have left pieces of clothing as well as skin behind! Not fun...
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