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  1. S

    For BDIs: What made Burke strike JonBenet on the head?

    Because he's not deaf. it's BDI's latest "theory" now that their "sources" are talking about it. Yes it's in bad taste....but that's not tea's fault. Fair point but its interesting that when running down the list of males, they exclude by name only one of the males in the house. That's...
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    Anosmia & Hyposmia

    interesting theory....certainly possible....but I think they probably just got used to the smell. Also take into account both children had dysfunctional issues with feces. Something was going on in that house...and both children were acting out. What's interesting is that his issues were on the...
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    Questions you'd like answers to...

    I know...Dr. Phil conveniently says it for him years later....which potentially creates an alternate timeline of the fateful night's events. Having said that, they were like politicians in those initial interviews. They didn't reveal anything that they didn't have to. He has no incentive...
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    Questions you'd like answers to...

    Oh how cute.....BDI making up evidence out of thin air again. Create an imaginary number of bikes and then pretend you cant place them in the garage. Why stop at seven or eight? Just make it an even ten.
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    In Memory of JonBenet Ramsey

    Two nights prior? Ya don't say!
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    Nedra & Patsy's sisters

    Its funny how bluecrab's own fan club misinterprets his theory. It's a myth that he was BDI.
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    Questions you'd like answers to...

    :facepalm: It runs in such small circles now you can set your watch to it. You can say that again. Its just a long running advertisement for BDI books. It also drowns in confirmation bias and ignores vast areas of the case. When the site first started I would've recommended it for the pics...
  8. S

    Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

    How many teen girls do you know who go out to have steak barefoot and wearing panties? It's not significant. It's a red herring. Porch lady is a red herring too. I lived in Missouri when this happened. Every single person knew of this case the day after it happened and was bombarded with it...
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    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #2

    Yep.....and this is fairly common. In our culture it's 'cool' for young women to be gay/bi. Guys(and girls) take advantage of this. Within a couple dates(if not the first) there's a guy waiting in the wings. What may have initially looked like a standard date or hookup becomes a potential...
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    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #2

    That's just you seeing what you want to see in that post. A young woman? Check Leaning gay or bi? Check "Didn't have a whole lot going on"? Check That's like announcing water is wet. Nowhere in that post did he/she insinuate that she deserved to die or that she was a bum with nothing to...
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    Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

    They let it dominate the case from jump street and it never recovered. That baloney is also what helped fuel all the serial killer stuff. Instead of focusing on psychics and tarot cards, they should've listened to the FBI who told them they were likely murdered by someone they knew. They didn't...
  12. S

    Questions you'd like answers to...

    Yeah its a huge slip up. John does something similar in the 'interrogation' when the ransom note is brought up. He screws up the time for the call. Instead of 8-10, John says 10-12. 10 to 12 had never been mentioned before by anybody, not LE, experts, sleuths, etc. What's happening when these...
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    TX TX - Deborah Sue Agnew Williamson, 18, Lubbock, Aug 1975

    Taking a wedding album during a murder is a significant clue. To anyone not in the photographs, that's a pretty random item for a killer to flee the scene with.
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    Sexual Abuse of JonBenet

    :thinking: Really? You really think a six year old would masturbate to such an extent? She wasn't a teen nympho locked up in her room....and even they wouldn't go that far. Doctor games with knowledge of enemas? The things some people will say to keep it away from the Ramseys will never cease...
  15. S

    Sexual Abuse of JonBenet

    Like Officer French, they saw him crying as he was leaving the house. Thomas got closer than anyone and its why the Ramseys considered him such a threat. They were willing to go on national TV, risk it all, and roll the dice just so they could confront him and try to make him appear...
  16. S

    TX - 26 dead, 20 injured in church shooting, Sutherland Springs, 5 Nov 2017 #1

    A lot of people care. Both sides need talking points in their mindless partisan arguments. Social media is becoming a cesspool. These massacres are being treated like they're sporting events. A form of entertainment for some people. It's disgusting but its not going to change until society as...
  17. S

    By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

    I'm aware of that. They didn't think he did that...and neither do I. Which is why any contact between the two(such as the LHP incident) can be chalked up as kids playing doctor. Anything her pediatrician might have noticed would've been during her last physical exam(if he checked), not at autopsy.
  18. S

    By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

    Burke was ruled out fairly quickly(of murder anyways) by LE. The experts were more concerned with the murder/assault that night and with Burke ruled out, little to no attention was going to be aimed in his direction by anyone. They didn't focus on JAR either and statistically speaking he...
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    By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

    I notice you failed to list the examples I asked for. Now you're accusing RDI in general of doing the same thing. You wont list examples of that either. We both know why. I'm not twisting your words or putting words in your mouth. I quote your words...and not out of context either. I don't...
  20. S

    By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

    If pineapple and poop have been talked about incessantly before BDI shoved it down our throats, you should have no problem backing that up with examples of case discussion being hijacked. Your search will be fruitless though as it never happened. Oh I agree its far easier to accuse John and...

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