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  1. I

    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    It is a shame that people like yourself are spreading lies, this was never proven, this 'two' fibers were found was "consistent with" and that is a huge leap for you now to proclaim that it was EXACT. When you keep in mind that they attempted to say that these knives were not dusted then they...
  2. I

    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    What she got was trial by ambush. This is no more than Greg Davis taking a page from the Cullin Davis trial playbook. He was fully aware that he had nothing to honestly pin this crime on Darlie so he attacked her character. This would never fly in today's court.
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    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    When you understand the Texas system and how it operates and have been in law over 35 years, it is very easily understood. I can understand how those on the outside that have no idea of what truly happens have your same opinion. If she were truly guilty, the Innocence Project would never attach...
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    What one thing made you sure of her guilt or innocence?

    Do you mean the blood spatter evidence that was provided by Charles Linch? Maybe you should consider the following facts: FACT: The forensic "expert" Charles Linch questioned his abilities in areas that he testified on. Two years after providing the scientific evidence that helped send...
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    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    It is absolutely no secret that Vanessa Potikin took the time to assist Viola Davis to determine the cases she believed should be covered in her new series "The Last Defense", this is widely known and accepted. It is my personal opinion that (THIS IS NOT A FACT AND MY OPINION ONLY) while Vanessa...
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    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    Thank you for the very warm welcome, I have read a whole lot in this forum but have never posted until today. R
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    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    Since I am on the "inside track" with this case and only have the verbal from a very very reliable source, this has not been publicly announced, but I do have permission to post the information and as soon as it goes to print I will be happy to post all information here. This was just signed on...
  8. I

    Did Darlie Routier murder her precious sons? Part 2

    Please point out this overwhelming evidence as you see it, but please take the time to consider these facts: FACT: The judge, in this case, had Alzheimers. This is clearly evidenced by the obituary of this judge at the time of his death as well as his mention of it during the...
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    Ok so now it is 2019...anyone have an update on Darlie?

    The main reason is that the state of Texas first denied Darlie of the DNA testing that she requested and then her case went up to the federal level for a moment. That court then remanded her case back down to the state level due to their error in denying that testing along with a scathing...
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    Ok so now it is 2019...anyone have an update on Darlie?

    According to the state of Texas, their labs were that "backed up" and if you think about it if nothing else this should give anyone watching this case pause. All of the non-supporters will point at Darlie and tell you that this delay is at the hands of her attorneys when the truth is the state...
  11. I

    Vanessa Potkin Has Taken Darlie Routier's Case

    It is official, Vanessa Potkin has taken the Darlie Routier murder case. For those of you who do not know who she is, Vanessa is with the Innocence Project and has been onboard there for over 17 years. This is the same Innocence Project of the famous Barry C. Scheck as well as Peter Neufeld, the...

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