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  1. A

    Jose Baez threatens legal action over DC's claims he swapped sex for represention

    I watched it! Seems like ole Dominick struck a nerve. Oh please, please take this to court Jose. They can replay that little tape of Dominick poking around suburban and other areas with a stick before Caylee was found. This should be fun. Get Casey on the stand. Lol, it will give her another...
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    Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #7

    I get ya. But sometimes I think there is just evil. As important psychology and its research is, I think in this case all the labels put on this takes a back seat to the fact that she's just plain evil. This chick wants to torment, torture, rip the heart out of people. She's never satisfied...
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    Book released by Defense Attorney, Nov 2015 #2

    Right? But beyond nurmi's nonsense, that crazy woman tried to cut Travis's head off. That alone should be DP criteria. Who cuts off someone's head in a self defense situation, or even a crime of passion? Only an evil monster that should be "eradicated".( one of Jodi's favorite words) Seems...
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    Book released by Defense Attorney, Nov 2015 #2

    Nurmi needs to stop complaining about the criticism he recieved in the social media. Did he forget he started a Twitter account as well as that joke of a mitigation specialist? I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. This is a bitter man that got his feelings hurt and this book of...
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    Book released by Defense Attorney, Nov 2015 #2

    Wow! What an ego ole nurms has. I'm almost embarrassed for him showing his rear end where his big head is firmly planted. Did ya all see the yellow beret he was sporting, not to mention the big statement chain around that neck. It really has been entertaining watching him desperately seek...
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    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    I have to add, I had a hard time mustering up any sympathy for Cindy. She would purposefully go outside and instigate the people in front of her house. Most of us would have either left for a while of stayed inside hoping to defuse the situation. Not Cindy and George. They marched outside and...
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    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    I'm sorry, I'm just not clear on this. Could you give me more details? After witnessing a few if her temper tantrums and many other signs I had become suspicious early on that cindy was on Vicodin or opiats. I have seen that personality before. Add opiat abuse to a narcissist/liar and you get...
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    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    I'm I agree. I feel that if it makes it to air all we'll hear is how Casey was a victim. Nancy grace s mean. The people only have the medias view of her and if we really knew her we would love her.. It's all George's fault, and because cindy won't kick george out Casey can't live there...
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    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    Oh she wants to be filmed. She's been waiting years for this. Remember her comments about the helicopters and her little MEDIA notebook? Oh right, lol and as our other poster said, her strut. She's gonna be a stah darling a stah! She always knew she was a special snowflake now is her time...
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    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    I'm with the other poster. Jail or death, that's the only news I want to hear about this waste of human flesh.
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    SIDEBAR #27- Arias/Alexander forum

    Agreed. Pure evil. I feel, if released, she would kill again. She even told us. If she feels like it, she most certainly will. She's a danger in prison as well. She needs to be in solitary or eliminated as far as I'm concerned. Someone mentioned that there needs to be another sentencing choice...
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    SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

    Personal experience aside...... I can't decide if alyce should shut her pie hole or keep talking so people can see what a danger she is to men in legal situations. Just sayin.
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    SIDEBAR #23- Arias/Alexander forum

    Wow is right! Read the transcript, cannot believe this chick. Seems she has been taking Cindy lessons. How many times did she use the word "again"? This drop out really believes she's brilliant. That acquittal only fed her personality disorder and narcissism. Watch out world, this chick is...
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    GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #5

    Awwww poor poor andrea. Slink on back to your little cell liar. Heh heh:jail:
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    Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix #2

    Someone needs to follow the $$$$$ and nail that entire family and those who have helped. This whole bankruptcy scam stinks from these judges on down. Is there a reporter out there with guts enough to expose this group? Are there any reporters left that actually investigate, get their hands...
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    Jose Baez Both Homes in Foreclosure

    And they laughed at him! You know how Jose gets when people can't learn to respect him.:snooty:
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    Sidebar Discussion #9

    Sorry, I'm late to the party but just have to say... A point isn't all Jose gained. Mercy me, saw him on tv over the weekend. Looks like Casey isn't the only one that gained a bunch of weight. That boy has doubled in size since we were first introduced to him. The neck alone tripled. Must be...
  18. A

    Tammi Smith - the Sentencing Phase

    Hi ChickenPants, do you know if those mental health evaluations include allowing the prisoner to talk and talk and talk... Maybe they're just not finished yet.

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