Heidi Montag’s mom tells her to get psychological help

So so sad. Here is a beautiful girl who most young ladies would kill to look like and she is so filled with self doubt and lacks confidence so badly that she went out and butchered herself.

I just don't get it. I think Heidi's biggest problem - Spencer. That young lady would be living a very different/better life were it not for the fact she is in the thrall of that phsychological vampire.

She took the god-given gift of beauty and turned herself into a caricature

so so sad. Here is a beautiful girl who most young ladies would kill to look like and she is so filled with self doubt and lacks confidence so badly that she went out and butchered herself.

I just don't get it. i think heidi's biggest problem - spencer. that young lady would be living a very different/better life were it not for the fact she is in the thrall of that phsychological vampire.

She took the god-given gift of beauty and turned herself into a caricature



I totally agree.
I know almost nothing of Speidi, except what I saw of them on "I'm a celeb, get me outta here..."
And they drove me insane!!!!!! Yea especially Spencer....what an a$$.
Im also just this week got a copy of "People" magazine and it listed 3 people (all girls) he had recently "tweeted" about....and the things he said about them...man he is SUCH a pathetic person (IMO.)
I think her mother is right. The girl needs serious mental help. IMO
She reminds me of a shaking chihuahua...and I can't even think about laughing...I'm sad for her.
I know I'm in the minority but I think she looks good after the surgery. That said, 10 surgeries in one day is too many AND I think she looked just as good before she had anything done. I also think the boob job is waaay too big. But her face, I think it still looks good. Although, if ya can't eat your food, you made a mistake!
I agree with her mom and family. I mean, she totally changed her looks and personality, and she's only in her twenties. So sad. She was naturally pretty before imo. Now, she looks like any other blonde, enhanced, trying to make it big for all the wrong reasons girl in Hollywood. I can't stand Spencer. He is gross and manipulating. I cringed when they were on "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here." Heidi's sister on the other hand is sweet and not impressed with all the fakeness.
I know I'm in the minority but I think she looks good after the surgery. That said, 10 surgeries in one day is too many AND I think she looked just as good before she had anything done. I also think the boob job is waaay too big. But her face, I think it still looks good. Although, if ya can't eat your food, you made a mistake!

What makes her special now? She looks, well plastic. Not what I consider pretty, and it's sad that she seems even more insecure now. She is so young, and I think she will definitely have more plastic surgery, so she's going to end up looking like Angelyne or something in the future.
So sad. I can't imagine being that insecure with my outer appearance. I think she looks sort of like a freak show now to be honest. Her face looks beyond her 20's, and those *advertiser censored* are just outrageous and kinda gross actually. They remind me of over inflated water balloons that are ready to pop any moment. I have never really understood women who got boob jobs that were obnoxiously big. It usually makes them look fat in their later years. Why mutilate yourself like that? Small or no *advertiser censored* can be a beautiful thing too. Just look at Kate Hudson or Kelly Ripa! Heidi was so naturally cute and pretty before she went and had all that plastic surgery. I have absolutely nothing against plastic surgery at all. Heck, I've even been thinking about Botox myself. However, women don't need to look like Barbie to be beautiful! It just makes them look bimbo-ish IMO. Beauty comes also comes within. Our flaws and our personality help make us unique and beautiful. Heidi is trying to "fix" the outside, but it's the inside that needs some work. I mean...she can't even enjoy a good hamburger now because she can't chew it! Please! And a guy like Spencer prolly feeds her insecurity if you ask me. He is as creepy as they get.
I've honestly never been a fan of either Heidi, or Spencer. However, I truly feel bad for Heidi that her self-esteem was that low that she felt she had to go to such extremes. I pray this is the end of the plastic surgery route for her, although I really feel it's only the beginning.
What makes her special now? She looks, well plastic. Not what I consider pretty, and it's sad that she seems even more insecure now. She is so young, and I think she will definitely have more plastic surgery, so she's going to end up looking like Angelyne or something in the future.

I think it's because I never really paid any attention to her before and I saw her after surgery before I ever saw her face before. If her face is still now, I think it looks good. Her smile isn't natural like it was before, but I like the face shape.
I think it's because I never really paid any attention to her before and I saw her after surgery before I ever saw her face before. If her face is still now, I think it looks good. Her smile isn't natural like it was before, but I like the face shape.

What exactly was wrong with her face shape before the surgery?
She is a young woman in her twenties, what in the world did she need any of this surgery for?
If Heidi has been bothered since her teen years from boys saying she had a flat chest-what will her future be like in Hollywood where you're never perfect enough and there is always a new young star nipping at your heels? The poor girl is in such denial that she says in this clip that she only had plastic surgery twice-when the reporter calls her on all the procedures done she admits yes- but she was only under the knife 2 times! Dear Lord Hollywood and Spencer Pratt will never let her be at peace with herself!!:banghead:

So sad when a young lady is so insecure about her man that she will completely alter an already beautiful face and body to try to keep his eye from wandering (impossible).

I hope one day she learns to love herself and stop trying to find validation from him because men like Spencer don't ever love anyone but themselves. I doubt her mom is going to get anywhere with her. the leading horse to water anology comes to mind. Here's hoping she figures it out one day for herself.
"My main message is that beauty is really within."

WHAT? How in the world does she think she's sending that message? Too bad she didn't get her brain enhanced.

Also, have to love the commentary from her plastic surgeon, who looks like he's been overserved at the plastic surgery bar himself.

A man does not love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because he loves her.

I love my wife. She is beautiful. I still look at other women, I don't think I'm a bad person. I just like looking at women.

This is my favorite poem about love and your post reminded me of it.

I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can’t help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.

I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple;
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.

I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.
You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it
By being yourself.
Perhaps that is what
Being a friend means,
After all.”

Your wife is a lucky woman and obviously a strong confident one. Only one who lacks in confidence expects her mate to never appreciate beauty in another or is threatened by a spouse who looks at another.

We are married, not dead or blind. LOL. I often pick out attractive women to point out to my husband. What's the harm?
A man does not love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because he loves her.

I love my wife. She is beautiful. I still look at other women, I don't think I'm a bad person. I just like looking at women.

That's very sweet:blushing: If Heidi were married to a man such as yourself I'm sure she wouldn't have felt the need to go under the knife so drastically. Unfortunately, she's married to Spencer Pratt -
The Douchiness of Spencer Pratt Continues
<snipped> (warning language may be offnsive to some)

Last week he attacked Kate Hudson for tastefully getting a small boob job instead of huge nasty knockers like his wife Heidi did, and this week his new target is Lauren Conrad.


I would bet that he is as abusive at home as he is tweeting!!:furious:
What exactly was wrong with her face shape before the surgery?
She is a young woman in her twenties, what in the world did she need any of this surgery for?

I didn't say anything was wrong before. I simply like the new shape as well.
no, definitely not a laughing matter. A desperate yearning for attention and self-love :(
She looked so good before, like an all-american girl next door from California.

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