Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 5 *D. Stewart guilty*

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2002: Venus Rose McComb and Douglas Harrie Stewart marry.

2007 through 2009: Venus Stewart and Douglas Harrie Stewart's marriage is marred by mutual allegations of violence and multiple divorce filings as detailed below.

Orders of Protection, Domestic Violence, and Divorce Filings:

  • September 2007 - Doug Stewart files for divorce from Venus Stewart but does not follow through.
  • June 2008 - An incident at the Schoolcraft house results in Venus being arrested for domestic violence. According to divorce papers filed by Doug a month later, Venus gave him a bloody nose and hit him five times in the face. However, records from that incident are no longer public, and St. Joseph County prosecutor says Venus likely completed a diversion course for the first domestic violence offense, thus having her record cleared.
  • July 2008 - Venus Stewartfiles for an order of protection against Douglas Stewart. Venus wrote that Douglas Stewart abused her, made threats to take the couple’s two children and constantly badgered her for sex. “I am scared to death and every day I live in constant fear and I am constantly looking over my shoulder wondering when he will appear again,” she wrote. Douglas Stewart filed an objection to Venus's request for the order of protection. His objection was dismissed and Venus' protective order was granted.
  • July 2008 - Douglas Stewart files for divorce, but does not follow through. Case dismissed in 2009.
  • August 2008 - Douglas Stewart answers Venus' protection order with a request for one of his own. He stated that in June 2008 she attacked him “with approximately nine blows to the face and also caused harm to my 3 1/2 year old’s head.” (Versus his earlier statement that she had hit him five times in the head.) “She has informed me on a daily basis that she will kill me for taking the kids away from her...I cannot live my life in constant fear that my kids and I are under attack ... I live my life in fear now and I fear the outcome of my children. Please help me. Please help her.” Granted.
  • October 2008 - Both protective orders by the Stewarts are dismissed.
  • November 2008 - Venus is charged with domestic violence, but several months later pleads no contest to disturbing the peace.
  • March 2009 - Venus Stewart files a second petition for a personal-protection order against her husband in March 2009, alleging that he threatened her and made a false criminal accusation against her father. “Once Doug loses all control over me he is going to hunt me down and kill me.... Now that I don’t have my parents to protect me and if he finds out where I am at he is going to kill me. It’s only a matter of time.” Welty denies the request for the protection order in 2009, saying the type of protection order requested by Stewart is "only for emergency situations, where there is clearly a danger of harm happening within the next few days. Your case does not seem to fit the urgent emergency criteria,” the denial said.
  • February 2010 - Venus again files for an order of protection--again stating that she feared that he would kill her--which is granted; and for temporary custody of the Stewarts' daughters, which is granted. Friends of Venus' recall her telling them, "If I come up missing, Doug’s killed me."
  • March 2010 - Douglas Stewart again files for divorce from Venus, this time in Newport News Circuit Court. Divorce is currently pending.

Summer 2009: Venus and Douglas Stewart move from 300 Walnut street, Schoolcraft, Michigan, to an apartment in Newport News, Virginia. The Schoolcraft house is in foreclosure.

February 2010: Venus Stewart and her two daughters, age 3 and 5, move back to Michigan, where they live with her parents, Therese and Larry McComb, in Colon Township. Back in Michigan, Venus Stewart files for a protective order in St. Joseph County. Court documents reveal that this latest move was sparked by an investigation into the alleged sexual abuse of their 5-year-old daughter, which concluded that at the time there was insufficient evidence to charge Douglas Stewart with sexual molestation of the couple's daughter.

February - April 2010: Venus Stewart writes notes detailing the alleged sexual abuse of her daughter by her husband. Also, according to her father, Venus wrote out a will days before she disappeared, because she was concerned that her husband would harm her.

Monday - April 19, 2010: Venus Stewart is granted temporary custody of the couple’s two daughters by Judge William Welty in St. Joseph County District Court.

Monday - 7:10 AM - 8:30 AM- 26 April 2010: Venus Stewart is abducted between 7:10 and 8:30 a.m. Monday outside her parent’s home in the 55000 block of Driftwood Drive in Colon Township while walking to her parents' mailbox to post a letter. Police immediately name her estranged husband, Douglas Harrie Stewart, as the person of interest in the abduction and begin a multi-state manhunt to find him. According to Lt. Mike Risko of the MSP, "There is evidence that there was a struggle. We do not believe she left of her own free will."

Monday - "late night" - 26 April 2010: Douglas Harrie Stewart, Venus's estranged husband, is located at his residence in Newport News, Virginia. Police continue to attempt to locate two vehicles associated with Doug Stewart: a 1998 silver Mercury sedan and a 2005 silver Dodge Ram extended-cab pick-up. Despite locating Douglas Stewart, police have yet to find the car or pickup truck.

Wednesday - 28 April 2010: Douglas Stewart refuses to answer questions by investigators or the media and refers all contact to his attorney, Jeffrey M. Schroder of Portage, Michigan. Lt. Mike Risko says all investigators' contact with Doug Stewart is through his lawyer. Newport News police locate the Dodge Ram truck at Doug Stewart's apartment building's parking lot.

Friday - 30 April 2010: Michigan State Police troopers and sheriff’s deputies began searching near Adams Lake and Oak Leaf Trail, approximately a mile from the McCombs' residence from which Venus Stewart was abducted, after receiving a tip, State Police Lt. Mike Risko said. Risko said the tip that police acted on Friday was information that a person saw a man near the shoreline of Adams Lake within the time frame that Venus Stewart is believed to have been taken. “It’s one of the few tips we’ve got so we’re going to act on it,” Risko said. “At this stage of the game, I don’t think we can let anything slide." The Michigan State Police and the Sheriff's Department canvassed the area on foot but didn't find anything.

Monday - 3 May 2010: Media report that the two vehicles associated with Douglas Stewart for which police have been searching have been located in Virginia.

Tuesday - 4 May 2010: A neighbor of the McCombs says that she spotted a pick-up truck in the area at the time of her disappearance, about 7AM. She said that five minutes later, the truck was gone. The Michigan State Police crime lab compared photos of the tread on her husband’s trucks’ tires to the tire marks left at the scene in Michigan, and advised that the “general tread pattern” was in agreement, but they needed the actual tires from Stewart’s truck for “more thorough, further analysis.”

Wednesday - 5 May 2010: Using side-scan sonar and divers, investigators search Adams Lake but find no clues to Venus Stewart's disappearance. Investigators continue to state that Doug Stewart is the sole person of interest in Venus Stewart's disappearance, despite having what investigators say is a solid alibi. While the dive team conducted its search Wednesday, Lt. Mike Risko said that MSP crime lab personnel were flying to Virginia to conduct searches of a Mercury sedan and Dodge Ram pickup truck that are both registered to Douglas Stewart. Police obtained search warrants for the vehicles, which were seized today by Newport News police.

Contacted by the media on Wednesday, Doug Stewart makes the following statement: "I still care about her very much, and to be told that you could be involved of something of this nature, it's repulsive. It makes me feel horrible, and now, that the timeline has gone so far ... I'm getting very worried and very concerned."

Thursday - 6 May 2010: 24 Hour News 8 obtained a copy of the handwritten notes by Venus detailing her daughter's story. According to the documents, her daughter told Venus about the incident in February 2010 in which Doug Stewart allegedly had his eldest daughter touch him inappropriately. The notes were provided by Larry McComb, Venus' father, who said he stumbled across the papers in a drawer. February is when Venus left her husband, Douglas Stewart, and moved in with the McCombs in Colon Township, Larry McComb added.

Also on Thursday, police released a sketch of a person with whom they would like to speak. Police state that the man is not a suspect. The sketch is based on several reports of a man near Adam's lake who approached people. Two people say they encountered the man the night before Stewart disappeared. The witnesses said it was unusual, and the man was disheveled and wet, as if he had been swimming. He asked the witnesses for a cigarette. “Some guy came out of the woods, out of nowhere,” said Leana Powell, “came up behind me and asked, 'do you know where I am?'”

On Thursday, State Police Forensics Teams from Michigan continue to inspect the two vehicles in the possession of Douglas Stewart. A copy of the search warrant says they want to test the Dodge Ram, which is owned by Venus Stewart but has been in the possession of Doug Stewart, for dirt, plant material, or any other evidence that shows the truck was driven to Michigan recently. They are also looking for blood, hair, a tarp, or other signs it may have been used for an abduction. They also want to compare tire treads on the Dodge Ram with plaster casts of tracks left in a field near the Colon Township home where Venus Stewart was staying with her parents. A woman who lives in the neighborhood says she saw a pickup, roughly matching the description of Stewart’s crew cab, parked in that field that morning, with a man crouching down behind it.

MSP Lt. Mike Risko says that Doug Stewart continues to be uncooperative with investigators as of Thursday.

Friday - 8 May 2010: Police continue to state that they believe that Venus Stewart's husband Douglas Stewart abducted her from her parents Colon Township home.

On Nancy Grace Friday night, Larry McComb, Venus' father, states that investigators took into their possession a plastic tarp wrapper that was found in the driveway on the morning of Venus' disappearance. McComb is certain that the wrapper is not his and states that he believes that it fell out of the vehicle of the person who abducted his daughter. McComb and his wife Therese also claim that Doug Stewart will not tell them whether or not he was at work on the day that Venus disappeared, instead claiming that he has told police all details of his whereabouts on Monday, April 26. Police continue to assert that Doug Stewart is not cooperating with the investigation.

Dana Jones, who lives at River Park Apartments, tells Newport News media that, earlier in the investigation of Venus Stewart's disappearance, Michigan State Police had visited the high-rise apartment building where Doug Stewart lives, causing a commotion unusual for the apartment residents. Kiara Roundtree, whose boyfriend lives in the apartment building, said, "I saw, like, cops lined up, and people were just staring, like, wondering what's going on. People that live on the ninth floor were saying they saw the cops on the ninth floor, like, kind of knocking on someone's door."

Monday - 10 May 2010: An apparent blood stain was found in Douglas Stewart's truck, the Michigan State Police reported Monday afternoon. Police executed search warrants at Stewart's Newport News, Va. home, where he once lived with Venus Stewart, who has been missing since April 26. The chemical the Michigan State Police Department uses to detect blood read positive on a portion of the truck's interior. The material is now at a lab, being tested. Police also found a Wal-Mart receipt for a shovel, tarp, cap and gloves, they confirm. The receipt was from April 25 -- the day before Venus disappeared -- from a Wal-Mart in Ohio. Douglas Stewart's truck was parked on the street a few blocks from his complex, the Newport News police reported -- despite Stewart having two reserved parking spots in the structure at his apartment complex.

Tuesday - May 11, 2010: Doug Stewart may have left Virginia and may be headed to Michigan. He has relatives in Michigan who live near Venus Stewart's parents. Fulton, MI, is Doug's home town where he was raised. Police continue to stay that Doug Stewart is the only person of interest in the disappearance of his wife.

Wednesday - May 12, 2010: MSP renews its search effort for Venus Stewart. Lt. Mike Risko refuses to say where in St. Joseph County the search is being conducted--later reported that nothing found during the search. Risko says that Doug Stewart may be back in Michigan, perhaps to transfer to the Detroit area for a job with US Food Services, with whom he is currently employed. Lt. Risko states that he does not expect blood test results from the stains in the vehicles to be back today. Risko also states that MSP is still working on tire tread comparisons and MSP is bringing the Dodge Ram back to Michigan for further testing. Risko says they are planning to review surveillance video to see if Stewart shows up. Stewart claims that he was in Virginia at the time of the abduction.

Thursday - May 13, 2010: MSP continues to wait for blood analysis results. Denny Olson, a former leader in Michigan for the Guardian Angels, is organizing a search for Venus that will begin at 9 a.m. Friday at a park on West Colon Road near Sturgeon Lake. Volunteers will search from Colon north to Leonidas and Fulton and as far east as Interstate 69. Contact Denny at for more information.

Friday - May 14, 2010 - More people come forward to say that they saw Doug's silver Mercury Sable "cruising" around their former home in Schoolcraft, MI, on April 25. MSP awaits all test results on evidence from the car and truck. The tire imprint specialist is waiting on the arrival of the Dodge Ram from NNPD, in whose possession it has been since it was seized.

Also, 130 people turn out for a search for Venus organized by Denny Olson. Many of the searchers are friends, neighbors, or acquaintances of Venus and her family. “She was a very nice lady, she loved her girls, they were her top priority,” said Stephanie Thomas of Portage, who had worked with Venus in 2007 at National City Bank. Another former co-worker, Alicia Wallbridge, added, “She used to tell us, ‘If I come up missing, Doug’s killed me.’”


Search warrant for Douglas Stewart (pdf)
Search warrant for Douglas Stewart's apartment (pdf)
Search warrant for Douglas Stewart's Dodge (pdf)
Search warrant for Douglas Stewart's Mercury (pdf)
Transcription of Search Warrants


VS - Venus Rose McComb Stewart, 32, who disappeared from her parents home in Colon, MI, on 4-16-10.
DS - Douglas Harrie Stewart, 29, estranged husband of Venus Stewart; former Marine, currently a delivery truck driver.
LM - father of Venus Stewart, in whose home Venus and her children have lived since Feb. 2010.
TM - mother of Venus Stewart, in whose home Venus and children have lived since Feb. 2010.
BS - daughter, 5, of Venus and Doug Stewart.
RS - daughter, 3, of Venus and Doug Stewart.
DJ - Venus's older brother.
DES - Douglas Stewart's father, who lives seven miles from the McCombs' Driftwood Drive residence.
JS - Douglas Stewart's attorney.
MR - Lieutenant Mike Risko, MSP spokesman throughout the Venus Stewart case.


DD - Driftwood Drive, where Venus was abducted.
NN - Newport News, where Doug Stewart currently lives.
SJC - St. Joseph's County, from which Venus was abducted.
Colon Township - Driftwood Drive is located on the very northern edge of Colon Twp.
Leonidas - community in which Doug's father's farm is located.


MLIVE - Kalamazoo (MI) Gazette newspaper and local media site.
WTVB Radio - AM radio in Branch County, MI.
WOODTV - NBC TV station in Grand Rapids, MI.
WZZM13 - CBS TV station in Western Michigan.
WWMT - CBS station for Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, and Grand Rapids, MI.
WNDU - NBC TV in South Bend, MI.
Daily Reporter - Coldwater, MI, newspaper.
Battle Creek Enquirer - newspaper in Battle Creek, MI.
Sturgis Jornal - Sturgis, MI, newspaper.
WAVY - Newport News, VA, NBC TV station.
WVEC - Hampton Roads, VA, ABC TV station.
DailyPress - Newport News, VA, daily newspaper's website.


MSP Twitter - official twitter account for Michigan State Police, frequently updated.
MSP News Releases - official press releases by Michigan State Police.


Douglas Stewart's Myspace - see family videos.
Case Archive Album - a must-see link of case-related photos compiled by WSer AmandaReckonwith (thanks!)
Map of case-related locations - under construction - check back soon.
Sierra1947 Youtube - archive of all Nancy Grace shows.


Thread 1 - 4/27/2010 to 5/07/2010
Thread 2 - 5/07/2010 to 5/10/2010
Thread 3 - 5/10/10 to 5/13/10
Thread 4 - 5/13/10 - 5/16/10


Venus Stewart is described as a white female, 5-feet, 4-inches tall and weighing 130 pounds. She has brown eyes and dark hair.

Click the image below to go to a slideshow of photos of Venus Stewart.


Police ask anyone with information about Venus Stewart’s whereabouts to call the State Police post in White Pigeon at 269-483-7611, or the MSP Rockford Regional Dispatch Center at (616) 866-6666 or 911.[/QUOTE]
pufnstuf, you are a gem!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your all your hard work on your excellent timeline and case notes!


Here's a :beagle: for you! :)

Search continues for Venus Stewart
May 17, 2010 by WLKM

A search party that exceeded more than 100 volunteers came up empty Friday in search of clues related to the disappearance of 32-year-old Venus Stewart.


Organized by Vicksburg resident Denny Olson, the foot search covered vast portions of Colon and Leonidas townships. Searchers ventured into heavily wooded areas, swamp banks and isolated pockets of land.


In another matter related to Venus Stewart, Holy Angels Church in Sturgis is hosting a pancake breakfast Saturday, with proceeds to benefit the care of her two children, ages 3 and 5 years.
Area searched by volunteers on Friday, 14 May 2010:


  • Venus Search Area.JPG
    Venus Search Area.JPG
    292.2 KB · Views: 16
pufnstuf, you are a gem!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your all your hard work on your excellent timeline and case notes!


Here's a :beagle: for you! :)


I love beagles! :D

:blush: Thanks for the kind words, Bean.
puffy, you rock! That has to be one of the best timelines I have ever seen put together! Bless you!
Hmmmm... Doug said Venus filed for divorce 3 times, but I just can't find anything on them. Was he mistruthificating?

Venus filed for divorce three times in two different counties and Douglas filed in Virginia, he said, but the couple stayed married.

He seems to be given to hyperbole.

An example:

In the second of three divorces he filed, he claimed that she hit him in the face five times, bloodying his nose.

In the subsequent application for PPO that he filed, he said of that incident that she hit him nine times and hit the child, too.
Orders of Protection, Domestic Violence, and Divorce Filings:

  • September 2007 - Doug Stewart files for divorce from Venus Stewart but does not follow through.
  • June 2008 - An incident at the Schoolcraft house results in Venus being arrested for domestic violence. According to divorce papers filed by Doug a month later, Venus gave him a bloody nose and hit him five times in the face. However, records from that incident are no longer public, and St. Joseph County prosecutor says Venus likely completed a diversion course for the first domestic violence offense, thus having her record cleared.
  • July 2008 - Venus Stewartfiles for an order of protection against Douglas Stewart. Venus wrote that Douglas Stewart abused her, made threats to take the couple’s two children and constantly badgered her for sex. “I am scared to death and every day I live in constant fear and I am constantly looking over my shoulder wondering when he will appear again,” she wrote. Douglas Stewart filed an objection to Venus's request for the order of protection. His objection was dismissed and Venus' protective order was granted.
  • July 2008 - Douglas Stewart files for divorce, but does not follow through. Case dismissed in 2009.
  • August 2008 - Douglas Stewart answers Venus' protection order with a request for one of his own. He stated that in June 2008 she attacked him “with approximately nine blows to the face and also caused harm to my 3 1/2 year old’s head.” (Versus his earlier statement that she had hit him five times in the head.) “She has informed me on a daily basis that she will kill me for taking the kids away from her...I cannot live my life in constant fear that my kids and I are under attack ... I live my life in fear now and I fear the outcome of my children. Please help me. Please help her.” Granted.
  • October 2008 - Both protective orders by the Stewarts are dismissed.
  • November 2008 - Venus is charged with domestic violence, but several months later pleads no contest to disturbing the peace.
  • March 2009 - Venus Stewart files a second petition for a personal-protection order against her husband in March 2009, alleging that he threatened her and made a false criminal accusation against her father. “Once Doug loses all control over me he is going to hunt me down and kill me.... Now that I don’t have my parents to protect me and if he finds out where I am at he is going to kill me. It’s only a matter of time.” Welty denies the request for the protection order in 2009, saying the type of protection order requested by Stewart is "only for emergency situations, where there is clearly a danger of harm happening within the next few days. Your case does not seem to fit the urgent emergency criteria,” the denial said.
  • February 2010 - Venus again files for an order of protection--again stating that she feared that he would kill her--which is granted; and for temporary custody of the Stewarts' daughters, which is granted. Friends of Venus' recall her telling them, "If I come up missing, Doug’s killed me."
  • March 2010 - Douglas Stewart again files for divorce from Venus, this time in Newport News Circuit Court. Divorce is currently pending.

So Venus' two acts of violence were years ago. Huh. That's interesting. And the latest two protection orders are requested by Venus against Doug. Not a peep of complaint out of Doug against Venus. Good. He hasn't been feeling threatened for years. Great to know.

The most recent protection order, which was granted and looks like still in effect was filed by Venus against Doug. So she was definitely the one under threat at the time of her disappearance and for months prior.

Great! This makes it much simpler. Venus was the one under threat, and she's the one who LE believe was abducted, and she's the one who's missing.

Doug is, and has been, perfectly fine and dandy. Well, except for that little sole person of interest in his wife's disappearance thing.
So Venus' two acts of violence were years ago. Huh. That's interesting. And the latest two protection orders are requested by Venus against Doug. Not a peep of complaint out of Doug against Venus. Good. He hasn't been feeling threatened for years. Great to know.

The most recent protection order, which was granted and looks like still in effect was filed by Venus against Doug. So she was definitely the one under threat at the time of her disappearance and for months prior.

Great! This makes it much simpler. Venus was the one under threat, and she's the one who LE believe was abducted, and she's the one who's missing.

Doug is, and has been, perfectly fine and dandy. Well, except for that little sole person of interest in his wife's disappearance thing.

Yes, that's the case, apparently. I recall reading that the PPO was in effect when she went missing. 1+1 usually = 2.
Yes, that's the case, apparently. I recall reading that the PPO was in effect when she went missing. 1+1 usually = 2.

I wish someone would go to the courthouse to have the clerk pull the case file and have copies made to scan then make available online.

Is there anyone reading this thread who is willing to do that? The case file is a matter of public record and the copying fee would not be that much.
Hmmmm... Doug said Venus filed for divorce 3 times, but I just can't find anything on them. Was he mistruthificating?

Venus filed for divorce three times in two different counties and Douglas filed in Virginia, he said, but the couple stayed married.

The article isnt clear about who said that. It was after a citation from the father, so it was probably the father who said that. Likely he either misunderstood what Venus told him, or she was telling him things that weren't true.
The article isnt clear about who said that. It was after a citation from the father, so it was probably the father who said that. Likely he either misunderstood what Venus told him, or she was telling him things that weren't true.

Hmmm... I think you may well be right, that it was actually Venus' father. It's not clear the way it's written, but I do see what you mean.
Venus filed for divorce three times in two different counties and Douglas filed in Virginia, he said, but the couple stayed married.

I think she's saying that Doug said this, because she says "he said" right after mentioning Doug. Otherwise, she'd have said "Venus' father said."


(I do agree that writing these days in news items is awful, though.)
The article isnt clear about who said that. It was after a citation from the father, so it was probably the father who said that. Likely he either misunderstood what Venus told him, or she was telling him things that weren't true.

If Venus filed for divorce in St. Joseph County, Michigan, I don't know how someone would determine whether or not she filed by searching online as it doesn't appear they make any of their cases available.

If I'm wrong, please let us all know. Here's a link to St. Joseph's County Online Services:
Response from a Michigan State Police Officer - Why Venus's photo isn't featured on their Missing Persons Page

from John H. Slenk <>
date Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:26 AM
subject Ref Venus Rose Stewart

You asked a good and appropriate question about the State Police not featuring Venus Stewart on our Missing Person's page.

Criminal investigators constantly evaluate the progress of an investigation and the direction it is taking. There are times when we use certain investigative tools and not others dependant on the information available to us.

During this investigation we felt it would not benefit the investigation to post Venus on the Missing Person page, due to the amount of information investigators already have regarding the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

I trust this will help answer your question. Thank you for your interest.

Sincerely D/F/Lt. John Slenk
Michigan State Police

Note: I replaced my e-mail prefix with XXXXXXXXX
If Venus filed for divorce in St. Joseph County, Michigan, I don't know how someone would determine whether or not she filed by searching online as it doesn't appear they make any of their cases available.

If I'm wrong, please let us all know. Here's a link to St. Joseph's County Online Services:

from the above link:No on line links to family Court

To obtain more information please contact the Court Division at (269) 467-5531

Some of the kinds of cases heard in the Family Division are:
Paternity and support
Abuse and neglect
Juvenile delinquency matters
Waiver or parental consent
Name change and emancipation
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