Forensic Astrology - JORAN Van der SLOOT

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The location of the Sun and Mars, in the midpoint of the “Worse degree of the zodiac” tells the tale along with Pluto and all the squares it makes both to the Sun and Venus, that Joran is a person who should never again see the sunshine outside of a prison for life.

Pluto is all about control and manipulation when the Sun and Mars is debilitated to this extent as we see in his chart
I know a woman with a similar chart, who lies, steals and does just about anything to get her own way, and I think Joran is of the same caliber as she, but at least she isn't a male with a date rape drug on the loose with her Venus tied to this midpoint.

She simply gets what she wants in other sinister ways.

But Joran is a person not unlike the woman I am aware of in my extended family who will do anything at all to get what he wants on demand (Leo) and not have to respectfully or patiently wait an extra minute longer either.
Controlling and contriving to do whatever it takes is the signature here with Sun/Mars in affliction along with all those Pluto squares. The fact that unlike the woman, Joran has Venus conjunct this afflicted Sun makes women the object of his need and desire to control them. Obviously he has no respect for womenhood and I wish I could see his time of birth to see why perhaps even moreso.

Often the position of the Sun/Mars with the other afflictions here, will reflect one who has no conscience, so I suppose we’d call him a sociopathic personality.

His recently deceased father was a lawyer/trying to become a judge, a person who demanded respect (Leo) Sun and the mother, a bit on the ditzy side, most probably a Sagittarius signature or a mutable chart.

We’d need his time of birth of course, to see the mother more fully, or at all to tell the truth of the matter.

Transiting Uranus/Jupiter (the law comes to bear on him) conjuncts his Natal
North Node (the purpose of the life) in Aries, (to lord it over others was not the purpose, but he took the path of least resistance) in order to overcome his more acquiesant past (the South Node in Libra) he then went “overboard with control and self assertion (Aries) & Jupiter’s abililty for generosity and compassion turns ugly
With self-importance (Leo / Aries) in the worse possible way!

His Jupiter did him no favors at the Anaretic 29th degree Aries, very militant
And ruthlessly angry.
As for the payment on demand (the Extortion money?) Well the women I mentioned with a similar chart, did not extort that I’m aware of, but she did steal about $200,000.00 from her mother & father’s estate.
I’d say it’s about being “nervy” because in Leo, well…….there is no one
else when the degree and the rest of the chart (NN Aries for instance) concurs. Nerve doesn’t even touch it, “chutzpah?”


Not everyone of course with a 13-17 Leo as their Sun would fit this specialized chart. This is a midpoint along with many factors that this soul is vibrating to, and of course, there is always our Free Will to change it.

Joran's however, is what I'd call a pile-up of harsh vibes.
I thought his crimes to be remarkably like Andrew Luster, the Max Factor heir, so in checking Lusters natal (no time of birth given) I find the following for comparison sake:

For Luster, he has a Stellium that pretty much runs into two signs tropically
For his personal planets. Like Joran, he must be in control as Pluto squares both his Sun and Moon and date rapes as Pluto conjoins his Uranus (erratic nature)
Uranus also quincunx to Jupiter (overboard erraticness) and squares Moon, with his less then self-disciplined Saturn , while exalted in Aquarius, is also mitigated negatively by it’s square to Neptune. (colors his visions into Dreams of date rapes with the Neptune holding Saturn hostage)

With Uranus 10 Virgo conj. Pluto, I’d say the people of California were lucky they got him before he too killed someone with his fun and games.

I don't think he's getting out of prison in our lifetime:

Full Moon for May, 2010. May 27, 23:07
iF STEPHANIE DIED in the early morning of May 30.................
the full moon was still in effect.

Natalee died or disappeared on May 30, 2005
May: 23: 20:20: Mon: 2005 was the full moon
a week earlier
does this effect JVS mind???
Full Moon for May, 2010. May 27, 23:07
iF STEPHANIE DIED in the early morning of May 30.................
the full moon was still in effect.

Natalee died or disappeared on May 30, 2005
May: 23: 20:20: Mon: 2005 was the full moon
a week earlier
does this effect JVS mind???

This may be a coincidence, but I found some interesting corralation between the Tertiary Progressions in 2005 and 2010 :

[in 2010:

His Tertiary Progressed Moon 27°Sag conj. (N) Moon (Sunrise cht.)
His Tertiary Progressed Uranus 5Capricorn conjunct (N) Neptune at 5Cap.

I thought the Uranus & Neptune exact degree was interesting actually.
This appears to be Joran's exact birth time, if this has been posted, please delete.

Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (born August 6, 1987 at 10:38 PM in Arnhem, Netherlands

ETA....I posted it at the beginning and at the end both...don't know how that happened
Ref: This appears to be Joran's exact birth time, if this has been posted, please delete.

Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (born August 6, 1987 at 10:38 PM in Arnhem, Netherlands

ETA....I posted it at the beginning and at the end both...don't know how that happened
The devil is in the details

Sooner Fan:

Thanks for these important details. The chart will be updated with the correct houses now.
Probably to appear later in the day.

Natal with his True TOB, reveals quite a bit here:


We can see with Stephanie’s murder, the Vertex would have been triggered for him
At about this age of 23 …..using the Tad Mann approach.
The Vertex is always about a fated person or event coming into the life, and in this
Case it was Stephanie as we now know.

Therefore, I would suggest that Saturn in this case, triggered the event as it approached his natal Vertex and the Vertex is both opposite his Aries Ruled ASC, (Mars rules Aries)
And Square to his MC at 0 Capricorn. (he stole her money or winnings of $15,000. is missing) they have reported.
Remember too, the Capricorn MC here, is explaining perhaps, because of the critical 0 degree and the materially involved sign of Capricorn when afflicted in such as way, the
Extortion money in Alabama wired to his account in the Netherlands may be explained here as well in his natal.
Greed and materialty, to the “max” would be the inclinations

With his Black Moon, Mercury (both near the Anaretic degree of Cancer) his “own self” being the mirror of importance, the meglomania of the Sun conjunct “Dubhe”and all this is in the 5th house of Gambling and sexual encounters, what else might we have expected really?

In Joanne Wickenburg’s Serial Killer study,
and gathering statistics a few years back , she found that
Capricorn is one of the higher counted Moon positions, for Killers and Neptune Rx is almost always prevelant.
These are two things I recall from this study:

Serial Killers Statistics

Joanne Wickenburg:’
59% of the serial murderers had Neptune retrograde.

Sun conjunct “Dubhe” known for notorious actions, greed, self-love above all, great selfishness, as well murder in some more rare instances of self-gratification .

This timed birthchart is extremely critical, and even if was a complete unknown, there is no way that a Cardinal 0 degree Ascendent and Mc in this case, Aries Rising 0 degrees
Is not beyond critical for true disaster in one’s life if the other planets are in line this aids
This disaster then that looms.
Having the Sun so critical, the Angles equally so in the Cardinal signs, all 0 degree
The Vertex conjunct the D/C cusp exactly at the 0 degree as well; the Nodes where they are located, The Moon critical at 7 Capricorn, sort of shark like,
The only true water planet that could be suggestive of empathy and compassion, in this case, Cancer is in the critical 29th or last degree of the sign. Anaretic is not capable of supplying this to this man.

And so with overwhelmingly, and predominately Fire planets and only one chance of empathy, he blows it big time in this life.

Within only minutes of each other, Pluto conjunct his Part of Fortune, both in the same degree of Scorpio, and in the house of the other – suggests he was one who was enamoured of the macabre or one who thought often of life and death. This connnection here spelled death for a few beautiful young women.

All those Pluto squares to the personal planets and the oppositon to Jupiter, he was
The power in the storm of self-righteousness and control or so thought he might be.

What more can we say, it’s a really strenously afflicted chart with all the potential for shark like inclinations and he took that path.

You are welcome. Also, if you are interested, here is my source of the info:

I went to the link provided and searched for the source for the data but could not find it. I went to the astrologer's site and searched also but again he does not provide his source for the data.

Using the Rodden Rating System this would have to be classified as DD (Dirty Data) unless a certified birth document can be provided. If this was a rectified time, that information should be provided by the astrologer.

I went to the link provided and searched for the source for the data but could not find it. I went to the astrologer's site and searched also but again he does not provide his source for the data.

Using the Rodden Rating System this would have to be classified as DD (Dirty Data) unless a certified birth document can be provided. If this was a rectified time, that information should be provided by the astrologer.


Thanks Bob for pointing that out. I will go back and adjust the post headings to read "UNCONFIRMED/hearsay Time of Birth Chart".

He looks like a selfish, disrespectful perp-particularly to females, an insensitive creature any way you slice it -see Sunrise chart.
I went to the link provided and searched for the source for the data but could not find it. I went to the astrologer's site and searched also but again he does not provide his source for the data.

Using the Rodden Rating System this would have to be classified as DD (Dirty Data) unless a certified birth document can be provided. If this was a rectified time, that information should be provided by the astrologer.


Good point you raise.

I looked too of course, but saw only that he was a Vedic Astrologer with a Vedic (Sidereal take) on the chart too.
It's a great read actually, as I'm trying to learn more Vedic myself over the years.
And "per chance" it makes a great synastry with a Tropical variation of the natal chart for using this time of birth with what we've seen, learned and over time, find out about Joran and his shennanigans.

I do think it fits quite well, as Rectifications go, if indeed it was a Rectified chart only as this astrologer being Vedic would not have checked the location of the Tropical positions or angles to know how very critical they are as we use in Tropical Astrology.

Very good for what we know about him and would make a lot of sense too and therefore gave an air of respectablity to the birthtime even though it isn't verified yet to see the 0 degree Cardinal Angles on the AC DC IC MC

However, I do agree, that we need verification.
I went to the link provided and searched for the source for the data but could not find it. I went to the astrologer's site and searched also but again he does not provide his source for the data.

Using the Rodden Rating System this would have to be classified as DD (Dirty Data) unless a certified birth document can be provided. If this was a rectified time, that information should be provided by the astrologer.


Oh goodness! have I given misinformation? The date of birth was the same as we had posted here and I assumed it was correct. I will go back and check again, but the thread I got it from was the main W/S Van der Sloot thread.

ETA I came back on here to see if there was any indication that there may be other unfortunate women, possibly, that we don't know about yet. *sigh*
Joran van der Sloot confesses to murdering Peruvian Stephany Flores over Holloway information

Dutchman Joran van der Sloot, who remains the prime suspect in the disappearance of missing teenager Natalee Holloway, on Monday confessed to murdering a Peruvian woman, police confirmed.

According to police, Van der Sloot killed 21-year-old Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez between 8.10 a.m. local time and 8.56 a.m., because she saw 'something' about Natalee Holloway on his laptop.
"I did not want to do it," Van der Sloot, 22, said in his confession to police. He said that, at 8.10 a.m., he went for a coffee at a gas station near the hotel. When he returned to the room, he saw Flores using his laptop. "The girl saw private things. She had no right. I approached her and she was scared," he continued. "We discussed it and she tried to escape, and I took her neck and hit her."

The body of Flores was found at the Tac Hotel in Lima, the capital of Peru, last Wednesday. She had gone missing after she left a local casino with Van der Sloot. Video footage released by police showed the pair entering the hotel at around 5.30 a.m.

Anyway to tell if he is telling the truth based on the time references given above?
JVS tell the truth... YEA RIGHT!!! He will retract his confession just like he did with Natalie.
Entering the Room at 5:16AM with Stephanie amd caught on video:

The Ascendent is quite critical with a wide connection to Algol at 23 Taurus., that notorious star.
It’s Ruler Venus is opposed by Pluto (death) and the North Node

Sun conjunct “Aldebaren” quincunx to the Moon conjunct “Facies” The Moon then is conjunct a Fixed star known for “ruthlessness and danger”
Aldebaren is more neutral, can go for good or harm. Often referred to as “Honored intelligence”, it is a Persian Royal Star and as such, can also depict and supports the ruthlessness of Facies in this connection of aspect.

Mars is in the notorious degree of Murder (25Leo) and in this case, it’s 25Leo59min.33seconds……

Mars is also semi-square to Venus found in Cancer in the 2nd house.

Mars is also in the 4th, (the hotel room) just entered with a conjunction to the Vertex
(fated encounter) which happens to conjunct Fixed star “Regulus” another Persian Royal star.
They are adding up now…..

This event chart (the entering of this room) is marred by evil intent (my understanding is the LE found some date rape drug, but this is not mentioned in the article), anyway,
The MC at 22 AQU is also conjunct Neptune and the Black Moon suggesting this was the case the intent was deceptive to Stephanie.
Deception is part of this chart.

The 5th House of uncommmitted sex Ruler Virgo, is in no mood for such things
As Saturn clearly depicts here, (restricts) and Virgo although not a prude by any means, is the sign of the Virgin.

Note that Vesta the sign of the Vestial Virgin is also at 1 degree Virgo and conj. to Regulus. Regulus depicts a “Fall” in time and it’s Fall is in this time, because it’s connected to the Vertex (the murderous event to come) is presaged here.

This clearly isn’t what Joran had in mind that morning…..a Virgin or someone
Who would deny him anything.

South Node conjuncts Venus opposing the 8th house planets of sex or rape, the "Axis of Desire" with Pluto and the Moon here.
The Nodes the same degree as Venus.

The stage was set at this time.

It appears to me that he killed her already In this chart.
Not “out for a coffee run”…..Pluto on the D/C cusp, Ceres critical 1 Cap.
3rd house Saturn….restricting communications here. Perhaps it’s the laptop incident, not sure but it may be found in this house the 3rd of communications.

5th House of unmarried sex co-Ruler Mars now in the 2nd with Vesta and opposed to the Vertex in the 8th of Death . Take note that Vesta the Vestial Virgin at 1Virgo is also opposed to Chiron in the 8th of death and sex.

The location of the Part of (mis)Fortune in the 8th in this case,quincunx the ASC suggests she is dead and he is lying.

According to the latest news, there was one cup that had coffee residue in the room that was found, and two bottles of soda (Pepsi, I think)
So this means he lied....or told a half truth, if he was saying he ran out for coffee for "them", she was already dead and not drinking coffee., imo.

They also found 5 cigarette butts in the ashtray near the bed where the coffee cup was.

Wierd, if he sat there with a corpse asking himself, "What the hell do I do now", yet walks out with a smirk on his face near the hotel desk giving back the key saying, "don't bother my girl"

I can't quite get over the girl Stephanie herself, walking behind him at 5:16AM
in what has been described as demurely. Head bowed, very robotical appearance in the camera twice seen this way and never picking her head up
I think it was the aftereffect of this date rape drug.

She doesn't seen engaged at all in what she is doing....

poor thing. I have read that her sexual affiliations were lesbian, and that concurs with the Virgo signature for Vesta.

This blogger brings up another angle, that money and table Poker winnings may have been involved
too, as a reason why she followed him to his room. There may be something to this I think, as I heard too, that Stephanie won that night in Poker quite a bit.

I believe too, I heard last night on the NG show that a purse, (white purse) was found in the room, yet on the 5:16AM Video, Stephanie was not carrying one. I think he (stole) her purse, made up some wild-*advertiser censored* story about safeguarding it for her in his to entice her into the room, and this is why they do not appear at all familiar as they walk to her death in that room.

Modified with Link and list:

CASAREZ: They drink different things it says, quote, "coffee cup with coffee residue." Singular.

GRACE: And also what can you tell me, Jean, about the cigarettes, five cigarettes smoked, butts -- five of them in an ashtray on a night stand beside the bed?

CASAREZ: That`s right. Five cigarette butts in an ashtray near the bed. I think we can understand that we heard he was smoking as he was driving in that taxi, but here`s what I can`t figure out.


There is, in the report, a white leather purse that says "Flower Power, Peace and Love." A woman`s white leather purse. I think it`s small, is how it describes it. But when you watch that video where she`s walking into that room, I don`t see her carrying a purse.
Oh goodness! have I given misinformation? The date of birth was the same as we had posted here and I assumed it was correct. I will go back and check again, but the thread I got it from was the main W/S Van der Sloot thread.

ETA I came back on here to see if there was any indication that there may be other unfortunate women, possibly, that we don't know about yet. *sigh*

It's not that you have given misinformation, it's the site does not provide back-up, proof or confirmation as to where the birth time info was obtained. We usually use a Sunrise-time when the true birth time is not available as it gives us an overall prospective into that which the person/party was born into and born with on that date.

As for your question, did he commit similar crimes in the have to keep in mind the Natal chart, particularly when we are fortunate in obtaining true birth time, provides many details into the nature, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses of the person including health issues both mental and physical. What one must be most aware of is, 'we have the ability to make choices-free will' and those choices reflect on the quality of our life as time goes by. You can take your positive aspects and use them to help you further develop and improve upon your weaknesses.

Looking at his sunrise Natal chart, it is quite likely he has abused other people, especially females whom he does not respect and sees as a 'means' of obtaining what HE wants, so sure, he could have. He's selfish & greedy. Evidently, neither of his parents were successful in teaching him the value of considering other peoples sensitivities & how his attitude/prospective/actions or words would effect them. Joran felt privileged.

If we were to progress his natal planets into different periods in his 23 yrs on planet Earth, those charts would give us a better idea as to the time frames in which he would have been more obsessive and 'serial' like.

I think THIS TIME, Joran is going to finally learn, 'what goes around, comes around.' He abused the 'Universal Laws' that govern our existence. It's a pay now or pay later guarantee. Held in Peru, his debt to mankind will be learned the hard way.
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