MO - Twins Allannah & Alliya Larry, 2, die in hot car, Portageville, 16 June 2010

Vegas Bride

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
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This might not belong in the Crime Section but this just screams out to me that there was indeed a crime!
2 twin 2 yo girls were found inside a locked car, that just 2 weeks after they were found in the same car and had to be resqued by the police! The first time they were able to be saved, the second time they both died. Now explain to me how this happened without it being a crime?

Many interesting comments after the story.

it doesn't make sense that she would put them down for a nap and then later on decided to take someone to work without waking the girls to take them with her

at the very least, she had intent to leave those babies alone in the house if her story is to be believed
And the girls went down at 1:30 p.m. right? She went to the car at 4:00 p.m. That's a 3 1/2 hour nap. I would have checked on them after an hour/hour and a half. Most two year olds don't take 3 hour naps unless they are really worn out, kwim?


This is a heart breaking story.

ETA: Oh wait! The grandmother laid down to take a nap at 1:00 p.m. Who was watching the girls? You go to sleep when you have 2 year olds running around? WHAT!?
I was just wondering the same thing. Why would grandma sleep with 2 active toddlers running around? I have a 2 yr old and NOBODY sleeps when he is awake. Watching twin toddlers is alot of work. Sad that the children already got into the car one time. That was not enough for mom to rethink the childcare arrangements?
it doesn't make sense that she would put them down for a nap and then later on decided to take someone to work without waking the girls to take them with her

at the very least, she had intent to leave those babies alone in the house if her story is to be believed

and without car keys
Plain and simple nobody was watching the kids.

They have five kids. From what I read that's not collectively. How many other kids were there as in cousins etc.?

You get one sleeping grandma and have a bunch of toddlers running around someone is going to get into something. Nope, it doesn't make sense to any of us because you wouldn't sit the he*l down let alone have two missing twin toddlers. PLUS you already knew these kids were locked in a car.

A car is not a da*n playground. I see it alllllllllllllllllllllll the time while some backward *advertiser censored*s parent stands there yapping while the kids jump over seats, and lay on the horn. Little toddlers slamming heavy car doors shut. Running in front and back of the car. Hello, people what do ya think will happen when you are not around? I swear I feel like screaming that. The kid will think it's just fine and dandy to do what they've done countless times while you're paying no attention.

Sorry, I'm on one of those rants about people not watching their kids. I hold somewhat of I guess a grudge. I had to/wanted to keep my child safe, teach her proper manners, make sure she was kept busy and out of trouble and now I have to deal with all these lazy *advertiser censored*s people let these little kids do whatever they want?

Such a tradgedy for these two little girls, but to be honest it does not surprise me. I see way too much for anything to shock me when it comes down to little toddlers just left to fend for themselves.
This should have never happened a second time. Why the heck do people even leave their car doors unlocked so young children can get into the car? I see that often.

RIP little ones.
How sad!!! And it sounds to me like the grandmother should be held responsible. Like others have said, at the very least she took a nap and wasn't watching the girls!!! And then she was going to take someone to work and what? Leave the twins alone??? This story is crazy.
There is NO excuse and I believe this was a crime. These toddlers were neglected.
So sad. This never should have happened. My daughter has fallen asleep in the car more times than I can count, but no way I have ever left her in there to sleep. I always carry her sleeping inside to finish her nap.
I don't see how her saying the girls would climb into the car is any excuse. If she knew that, then she had the duty to keep the car locked -- and watch the children! :banghead:
how was it that this was allowed to happen a second time? just seems she (or they) were trying there best to eliminate the kids and finally got it done.
my thoughts dont lead me to "tragic accident", that's all I'll say. tragic, definitely, but NOT an accident.
this happens twice there is no way its an accident.

if the missouri police actually think it is, i think they need to retire.
how was it that this was allowed to happen a second time? just seems she (or they) were trying there best to eliminate the kids and finally got it done.

In the comments section of the first link there is mention of an 18 yo boyfriend of the mother.
There's just to much wrong with this story to think this was all a tragic accident.
If toddlers had already gotten into my car and I had to get the police come get them out, I'd sure as heck change things around so they would not be able to do this again! Car would be locked and keys would be very secure!!!
This was at an apartment building, how many people are there roaming around? Now who would let little 2 yo's be outside by themselves?
I can see a little one possibly being able to get a car door open, but not both of them getting in and shutting the door, plus if they were inside with the doors locked, my question is Was the child lock up front activated?

I would like to know where the keys were! Two times locked in, and no keys either time?

How was gm going to take cousin to work if she didn't have keys? What am I missing?

Such a pity about these poor little children.
There are many things that don't add up here. I certainly hope the police are taking a closer look than they seem. Something is wrong with this whole picture.

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