GUILTY NY - Jessica Vega faked cancer for wedding donations, Montgomery, 2010

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Jun 28, 2008
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Michael O'Connell claims his wife, Jessica Vega, pretended to have terminal leukemia in order to cash in on donations from strangers and family members who helped pay for everything from the bridal gown to the couple's honeymoon, reports.

The couple, both 23, were featured in an April 26 Times Herald-Record article about strangers who had come together to pay for their dream wedding while Vega was still well enough to walk down the aisle.

The couple's entire wedding was paid for by well-wishers, the newspaper reported, and O'Connell and Vega used donations for a honeymoon in Aruba, where they stayed in a donated time share.

O'Connell, who believed that his wife was terminally ill, is now claiming that a letter from her doctor explaining her condition is a fake, the newspaper reports.

O'Connell said he called the office of Dr. Dan Costin -- the doctor named in the letter -- and was told that no person with his wife’s name was ever a patient of Costin's, according to the newspaper.

Vega, meanwhile, reportedly denies lying about her diagnosis.
I don't get how this happens.

I mean, I see how total strangers or new friends might be duped, but how does the woman you had a CHILD with, your bride, your life partner fool you like this?

He never ever, not even once, went to the doctor or chemo or radiation or anything with her? Really? He never wanted to speak with her doctor about her realistic chances? The possibility of having children? How much time they might have together?

Her parents never ever, not even once, demanded to speak with the doctor who proclaimed a death sentence on their 23 year old daughter? Didn't insist on a second opinion or rush to her side while she had treatment?

How does that happen? The people I know who are battling cancer are surrounded by friends and family. In the infusion center there are times we've had to be hushed because there are so many friends coming and going with favorite foods and stopping by to chat and help pass the time.

This woman must be a real piece of work. I feel bad for all of the people she fooled - she must have seemed very genuine and sweet for them to buy such a story. Unbelievable!
She's just your garden variety, psychopath next door doing what she does best--scam people, and without conscience.

Hey, I know--Fema Camps. Let's get all off the streets.:angel:
Another pyscho with a good scam going. Happens too many times these days...

What makes me cringe is the husband playing the part of "Stupid" so well. What the heck was he thinking?? I wonder why he waited till the wedding was over to call the Drs. office? Did he want to go on the honeymoon? I just don't like the whole story all. Why didn't he go on the Drs. visits, take part in her illness all along and question it?

I think he knew all along...and now that he's bitter and angry, he's tattling.
This was being covered a little last night, either Nancy Grace or one of the other shows before or after her (sorry can't remember)
the husband was being interviewed and he talked about how every night she wanted to go out and party because she needed to do it while she still could, he wanted to stay home, they had a baby and he was working. He also said how for quite a while they did not have the baby living with them because her Dr told her she could catch something from the baby's shots (total BS)
a neighbor also said how healthy she looked and she had doubt but didn't say anything.

I'm wondering if some of this started because she really wasn't wanting to take care of the baby?

If the husband was working, that could be why he wasn't going to Dr appts etc. she could be telling him to save all his time off from work for later wen she'd be needing more help, plus I know some men who would gladly stay away from anything to do with Dr's & hospitals. I hope she has to pay back every penny that was donated!

This just bothers me to no end, both my parents had terminal cancer. Anyone who plays this part better hope that karma does not come back to bite them in a serioulsy awful way. Makes me sick... just sick.
Another pyscho with a good scam going. Happens too many times these days...

What makes me cringe is the husband playing the part of "Stupid" so well. What the heck was he thinking?? I wonder why he waited till the wedding was over to call the Drs. office? Did he want to go on the honeymoon? I just don't like the whole story all. Why didn't he go on the Drs. visits, take part in her illness all along and question it?


I agree Goz. My DH was at my side through all my visits, hospitalizations, etc-- even when my family wasn't (can you hear the resentment there). No one (hubby) can be that stoopid. Did he even care? Was he in on it? Perhaps.

But let me tell ya, with all the time I spent in either a Dr. Office, Lab, or Hospital, there's no way the husband could stay away the entire time. Unless I hear he was in Afghanastan.

It makes me sick -- for all the real victims out there!


This was being covered a little last night, either Nancy Grace or one of the other shows before or after her (sorry can't remember)
the husband was being interviewed and he talked about how every night she wanted to go out and party because she needed to do it while she still could, he wanted to stay home, they had a baby and he was working. He also said how for quite a while they did not have the baby living with them because her Dr told her she could catch something from the baby's shots (total BS)
a neighbor also said how healthy she looked and she had doubt but didn't say anything.

I'm wondering if some of this started because she really wasn't wanting to take care of the baby?

If the husband was working, that could be why he wasn't going to Dr appts etc. she could be telling him to save all his time off from work for later wen she'd be needing more help, plus I know some men who would gladly stay away from anything to do with Dr's & hospitals. I hope she has to pay back every penny that was donated!



Sorry, excuse my behaviour. When I was sick, and I thank the good Lord every day it wasn't terminal, there was NO way I could go out and party. When you have any kind of devestating illness, you're in bed, watching a bit of tele, taking care of your child. My surgery was in 2008, and my body has never been the same. Since she didn't have surgery, she may have been able to get away with it. But she would still have the illness.

And my DH worked too -- very hard. But that never stopped him going with me. He'd just work later, or go in earlier.

Oh I just want to :banghead:


Just read the article. After a bit of research, she happened upon the illness that causes the least symptoms. And what kind of doctor says it in a letter -- you have terminal lukemia. Normally (or in my experience) you call the family in, discuss the options - go from there. Not to get too personal, but when I was practically bleeding to death, the doc said it could or could not be cancer. My blood test for tumor marking came back quite high -- still didn't mean anything until they cut me open. Again, thank god, benign. The journey was long and hard, but I have recovered (maybe physically but not mentally).

It's what makes stories and hoaxes like these so horrific for me. I hope she goes to jail for duping innocent people. I never would have thought to ask for money - that's just ridiculous. And living on 1 salary, with a child, and a mountain of medical bills is no picnic. I was just blessed to be here, and away from the scalpel ;)

I'd sure love to have a long sit down chat with this woman!


I think he knew all along...and now that he's bitter and angry, he's tattling.

Just read the article. After a bit of research, she happened upon the illness that causes the least symptoms. And what kind of doctor says it in a letter -- you have terminal lukemia. Normally (or in my experience) you call the family in, discuss the options - go from there. Not to get too personal, but when I was practically bleeding to death, the doc said it could or could not be cancer. My blood test for tumor marking came back quite high -- still didn't mean anything until they cut me open. Again, thank god, benign. The journey was long and hard, but I have recovered (maybe physically but not mentally).

It's what makes stories and hoaxes like these so horrific for me. I hope she goes to jail for duping innocent people. I never would have thought to ask for money - that's just ridiculous. And living on 1 salary, with a child, and a mountain of medical bills is no picnic. I was just blessed to be here, and away from the scalpel ;)

I'd sure love to have a long sit down chat with this woman!



I'm glad you are OK!!!

I agree she should go to jail. People like this do much damage to society. IMO they are the same people who file false rape claims and tell the courts their baby daddy's are molesting the kids when they aren't...She's sick. Who does that?!?! Who could think something like that up?!?!
It's mental illness... my mother lied about having leukemia, but thankfully she didn't scam anyone for money, just used it for attention in our family. My dad believed her when she claimed she was put on pills for it, and when confronted by others, he just brushed it away by saying that she is just crazy and harmless. I had been estranged from her for years because of her lies and how she treated me, when I stepped up and tried to work on our relationship, but when she pulled the leukemia card and some other stuff, I called her out and have since stopped speaking to her, again (it has been 3+ years since my last words to her)... I can't stand her... she's not crazy and harmless: she is mentally ill and needs psychological treatment. Same goes for this woman... she needs mental help, IMO.
It's mental illness... my mother lied about having leukemia, but thankfully she didn't scam anyone for money, just used it for attention in our family. My dad believed her when she claimed she was put on pills for it, and when confronted by others, he just brushed it away by saying that she is just crazy and harmless. I had been estranged from her for years because of her lies and how she treated me, when I stepped up and tried to work on our relationship, but when she pulled the leukemia card and some other stuff, I called her out and have since stopped speaking to her, again (it has been 3+ years since my last words to her)... I can't stand her... she's not crazy and harmless: she is mentally ill and needs psychological treatment. Same goes for this woman... she needs mental help, IMO.

My mom was the same. She tricked a doctor into taking her gallbladder out! She makes herself vomit for a week or more at a time, gets herself admitted to the hospital. When I was a kid she used to get "migraines" and the vomiting would make her "stop breathing", she could "die at anytime." Dude broke up with her one time.. before she was done with him so she went to the police and said he raped her. They cause lotsa damage to everyone that comes into contact with them. This lady needs to know society is not gonna accept this behavior!
My ex-mother in law used to do this stuff (for attention, not money). She faked cancer, diabetes, possibly fibermyalgia, etc...etc...

So when she told my ex the cancer had metastasized into her brain, I rolled my eyes and went about my business. Imagine my surprise when she dropped dead a week later. From congestive heart failure, though.
My ex-mother in law used to do this stuff (for attention, not money). She faked cancer, diabetes, possibly fibermyalgia, etc...etc...

So when she told my ex the cancer had metastasized into her brain, I rolled my eyes and went about my business. Imagine my surprise when she dropped dead a week later. From congestive heart failure, though.

:eek: oh my. I'll bet she wasn't betting on that to happen.

I'll never understand those that fake having cancer. It's not a joke and it's not funny and it's very offensive to those of us who have either had cancer or watched a loved one die from cancer. Or both.
This woman needs some time in lock-up to figure out her stupidity.
My ex-mother in law used to do this stuff (for attention, not money). She faked cancer, diabetes, possibly fibermyalgia, etc...etc...

So when she told my ex the cancer had metastasized into her brain, I rolled my eyes and went about my business. Imagine my surprise when she dropped dead a week later. From congestive heart failure, though.

Oh boy- that's my biggest fear! That my mom will become ill and I'll assume she's faking and she'll die because I didn't get her treatment. About a month ago she had gone out with my FIL and left in perfect health, came back and she was passed out in the mini-van. He couldn't wake her so my husband had to go out and pretty much carry her into the house. It looked like she was f^cked up, not quite an over-dose but screwed up on something, which until the last few years it would not be a stretch to assume. I was so angry- I tried asking her if she'd took anything and she kept saying no but it looked so much like it did when she was abusing (she takes Methadone and klonopin- which is nothing compared to what she used to take) that I just didn't believe her. So for about 1/2 hour I ignored her.. I was so mad I wanted to slap her... I told her she made me sick. I was pretty brutal. Then the guilt came and I said to myself "what if she's not faking or didn't take anything?" So I called an ambulance... ended up it was her potassium, it was wicked low.. they said if she hadn't gotten treatment she could have died. Scary stuff.
What this woman did is unforgivable!

Today, I opened a thread in "news that makes you smile" about a bride who awakened feeling bad on the day of her wedding, had to cut the wedding short & miss the reception to go to ER where she was diagnosed with a brain tumor.... never got to make the honeymoon cruise or even go home with her new husband.

So often, it seems, circumstances are backwards, the good, deserving person pulls the short straw.
What this woman did is unforgivable!

Today, I opened a thread in "news that makes you smile" about a bride who awakened feeling bad on the day of her wedding, had to cut the wedding short & miss the reception to go to ER where she was diagnosed with a brain tumor.... never got to make the honeymoon cruise or even go home with her new husband.

So often, it seems, circumstances are backwards, the good, deserving person pulls the short straw.

OMG how could that make anyone smile?!

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